Rubbish file leftover from FPGA compile. Not source code.

This commit is contained in:
d18c7db 2009-07-19 03:52:18 +00:00
parent 72acba7884
commit 4a2d037658

View file

@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
; Copyright Model Technology, a Mentor Graphics
; Corporation company 2003, - All rights reserved.
std = $MODEL_TECH/../std
ieee = $MODEL_TECH/../ieee
verilog = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog
vital2000 = $MODEL_TECH/../vital2000
std_developerskit = $MODEL_TECH/../std_developerskit
synopsys = $MODEL_TECH/../synopsys
modelsim_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim_lib
; VHDL Section
unisim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/unisim
simprim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/simprim
xilinxcorelib = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/xilinxcorelib
aim = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/aim
pls = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/pls
cpld = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/vhdl/cpld
; Verilog Section
unisims_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/unisims_ver
uni9000_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/uni9000_ver
simprims_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/simprims_ver
xilinxcorelib_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/xilinxcorelib_ver
aim_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/aim_ver
cpld_ver = $MODEL_TECH/../xilinx/verilog/cpld_ver
work = work
; Turn on VHDL-1993 as the default. Normally is off.
VHDL93 = 1
; Show source line containing error. Default is off.
; Show_source = 1
; Turn off unbound-component warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning1 = 0
; Turn off process-without-a-wait-statement warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning2 = 0
; Turn off null-range warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning3 = 0
; Turn off no-space-in-time-literal warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning4 = 0
; Turn off multiple-drivers-on-unresolved-signal warnings. Default is on.
; Show_Warning5 = 0
; Turn off optimization for IEEE std_logic_1164 package. Default is on.
; Optimize_1164 = 0
; Turn on resolving of ambiguous function overloading in favor of the
; "explicit" function declaration (not the one automatically created by
; the compiler for each type declaration). Default is off.
Explicit = 1
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking. Default is checking on.
; NoVitalCheck = 1
; Ignore VITAL compliance checking errors. Default is to not ignore.
; IgnoreVitalErrors = 1
; Turn off VITAL compliance checking warnings. Default is to show warnings.
; Show_VitalChecksWarnings = false
; Turn off "loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
; Quiet = 1
; Turn on some limited synthesis rule compliance checking. Checks only:
; -- signals used (read) by a process must be in the sensitivity list
; CheckSynthesis = 1
; Turn off "loading..." messages. Default is messages on.
; Quiet = 1
; Turn on Verilog hazard checking (order-dependent accessing of global vars).
; Default is off.
; Hazard = 1
; Turn on converting regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase. Allows case
; insensitivity for module names. Default is no conversion.
; UpCase = 1
; Turns on incremental compilation of modules
; Incremental = 1
; Simulator resolution
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100.
Resolution = ps
; User time unit for run commands
; Set to default, fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec. The default is to use the
; unit specified for Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps,
; then UserTimeUnit defaults to ps.
UserTimeUnit = default
; Default run length
RunLength = 100
; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time
IterationLimit = 5000
; Directive to license manager:
; vhdl Immediately reserve a VHDL license
; vlog Immediately reserve a Verilog license
; plus Immediately reserve a VHDL and Verilog license
; nomgc Do not look for Mentor Graphics Licenses
; nomti Do not look for Model Technology Licenses
; noqueue Do not wait in the license queue when a license isn't available
; License = plus
; Stop the simulator after an assertion message
; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal
BreakOnAssertion = 3
; Assertion Message Format
; %S - Severity Level
; %R - Report Message
; %T - Time of assertion
; %D - Delta
; %I - Instance or Region pathname (if available)
; %% - print '%' character
; AssertionFormat = "** %S: %R\n Timf: %T Iteration: %D%I\n"
; Assertion File - alternate file for storing assertion messages
; AssertFile = assert.log
; Default radix for all windows and commands...
; Set to symbolic, ascii, binary, octal, decimal, hex, unsigned
DefaultRadix = symbolic
; VSIM Startup command
; Startup = do
; File for saving command transcript
TranscriptFile = transcript
; File for saving command history
;CommandHistory = cmdhist.log
; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described
; in VHDL or Verilog format. For VHDL, PathSeparator = /
; for Verilog, PathSeparator = .
PathSeparator = /
; Specify the dataset separator for fully rooted contexts.
; The default is ':'. For example, sim:/top
; Must not be the same character as PathSeparator.
DatasetSeparator = :
; Disable assertion messages
; IgnoreNote = 1
; IgnoreWarning = 1
; IgnoreError = 1
; IgnoreFailure = 1
; Default force kind. May be freeze, drive, or deposit
; or in other terms, fixed, wired or charged.
; DefaultForceKind = freeze
; If zero, open files when elaborated
; else open files on first read or write
; DelayFileOpen = 0
; Control VHDL files opened for write
; 0 = Buffered, 1 = Unbuffered
UnbufferedOutput = 0
; Control number of VHDL files open concurrently
; This number should always be less then the
; current ulimit setting for max file descriptors
; 0 = unlimited
ConcurrentFileLimit = 40
; This controls the number of hierarchical regions displayed as
; part of a signal name shown in the waveform window. The default
; value or a value of zero tells VSIM to display the full name.
; WaveSignalNameWidth = 0
; Turn off warnings from the std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned
; and std_logic_signed packages.
; StdArithNoWarnings = 1
; Turn off warnings from the IEEE numeric_std and numeric_bit
; packages.
; NumericStdNoWarnings = 1
; Control the format of a generate statement label. Don't quote it.
; GenerateFormat = %s__%d
; Specify whether checkpoint files should be compressed.
; The default is to be compressed.
; CheckpointCompressMode = 0
; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications
; Veriuser =
Project_Version = 5
Project_DefaultLib = work
Project_SortMethod = unused
Project_Files_Count = 13
Project_File_0 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/fpga_tb.v
Project_File_P_0 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1179836462 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 2 dont_compile 0
Project_File_1 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/hi_simulate.v
Project_File_P_1 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225963633 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 6 dont_compile 0
Project_File_2 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/testbed_hi_simulate.v
Project_File_P_2 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225964050 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 12 dont_compile 0
Project_File_3 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/fpga.v
Project_File_P_3 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1207888760 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 1 dont_compile 0
Project_File_4 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/hi_read_tx.v
Project_File_P_4 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225960972 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 5 dont_compile 0
Project_File_5 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/testbed_hi_read_tx.v
Project_File_P_5 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225962515 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 11 dont_compile 0
Project_File_6 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/hi_iso14443a.v
Project_File_P_6 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1207889732 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 3 dont_compile 0
Project_File_7 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/lo_simulate.v
Project_File_P_7 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1179836462 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 8 dont_compile 0
Project_File_8 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/lo_read.v
Project_File_P_8 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225797126 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 7 dont_compile 0
Project_File_9 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/util.v
Project_File_P_9 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1179836462 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 0 dont_compile 0
Project_File_10 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/testbed_lo_read.v
Project_File_P_10 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225960239 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 9 dont_compile 0
Project_File_11 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/testbed_lo_simulate.v
Project_File_P_11 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1225960231 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 10 dont_compile 0
Project_File_12 = G:/RFID/Hardware/Proxmark3/Sources/prox_work/fpga/hi_read_rx_xcorr.v
Project_File_P_12 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1179836462 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 4 dont_compile 0
Project_Sim_Count = 0
Project_Folder_Count = 0