CHG: 'hf iclass decrypt' - adjusted the loops, to only decrypt Application 1. However I've noticed not all blocks in Application 1 is encrypted. :/ Still needs to be adjusted.

CHG: 'hf iclass reader'  - added some output accessrights from the CopyReader source code.

And ofcourse,  moved around stuff,  like the usages in cmdhficlass.c
This commit is contained in:
iceman1001 2017-01-10 18:23:05 +01:00
parent a0a61c91cc
commit 76c74bf9ad
4 changed files with 270 additions and 228 deletions

View file

@ -10,32 +10,11 @@
// High frequency iClass commands
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "iso14443crc.h" // Can also be used for iClass, using 0xE012 as CRC-type
#include "data.h"
#include "proxmark3.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "cmdparser.h"
#include "cmdhficlass.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cmdmain.h"
#include "loclass/des.h"
#include "loclass/cipherutils.h"
#include "loclass/cipher.h"
#include "loclass/ikeys.h"
#include "loclass/elite_crack.h"
#include "loclass/fileutils.h"
#include "protocols.h"
#include "usb_cmd.h"
#include "cmdhfmfu.h"
#include "cmdhf.h"
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
#define NUM_CSNS 15
static uint8_t iClass_Key_Table[ICLASS_KEYS_MAX][8] = {
{ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 },
@ -52,6 +31,148 @@ typedef struct iclass_block {
uint8_t d[8];
} iclass_block_t;
int usage_hf_iclass_sim(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass sim <option> [CSN]");
PrintAndLog(" options");
PrintAndLog(" 0 <CSN> simulate the given CSN");
PrintAndLog(" 1 simulate default CSN");
PrintAndLog(" 2 Reader-attack, gather reader responses to extract elite key");
PrintAndLog(" 3 Full simulation using emulator memory (see 'hf iclass eload')");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 0 031FEC8AF7FF12E0");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 2");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass eload 'tagdump.bin'");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass sim 3");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_eload(void) {
PrintAndLog("Loads iclass tag-dump into emulator memory on device");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass eload f <filename>");
PrintAndLog("Example: hf iclass eload f iclass_tagdump-aa162d30f8ff12f1.bin");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_decrypt(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass decrypt f <tagdump>");
PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass decrypt f tagdump_12312342343.bin");
PrintAndLog("OBS! This is pretty stupid implementation, it tries to decrypt every block after block 6. ");
PrintAndLog("Correct behaviour would be to decrypt only the application areas where the key is valid,");
PrintAndLog("which is defined by the configuration block.");
return 1;
int usage_hf_iclass_encrypt(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass encrypt <BlockData>");
PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass encrypt 0102030405060708");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_dump(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass dump f <fileName> k <Key> c <CreditKey> e|r\n");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename> : specify a filename to save dump to");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : *Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c <CreditKey>: Credit Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, the key is interpreted as the 16 byte");
PrintAndLog(" Custom Key (KCus), which can be obtained via reader-attack");
PrintAndLog(" See 'hf iclass sim 2'. This key should be on iclass-format");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, the key is interpreted as raw block 3/4");
PrintAndLog(" NOTE: * = required");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA c 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA e");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_clone(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass clone f <tagfile.bin> b <first block> l <last block> k <KEY> c e|r");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to clone from");
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The first block to clone as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" l <Last Blk>: Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 1A k 1122334455667788 e");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 05 l 19 k 0");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 19 k 0 e");
return -1;
int usage_hf_iclass_writeblock(void) {
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" d <data> : Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 1B d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B c");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA n 0");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_readblock(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readblk b <Block> k <Key> c e|r\n");
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 06 k 0011223344556677");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 1B k 0011223344556677 c");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 0A k 0");
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_readtagfile() {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readtagfile <filename> [startblock] [endblock]");
return 1;
int usage_hf_iclass_calc_newkey(void) {
PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass calc_newkey o <Old key> n <New key> s [csn] e");
PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" o <oldkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
PrintAndLog(" n <newkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
PrintAndLog(" s <csn> : specify a card Serial number to diversify the key (if omitted will attempt to read a csn)");
PrintAndLog(" e : specify new key as elite calc");
PrintAndLog(" ee : specify old and new key as elite calc");
PrintAndLog(" e key to e key given csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 s deadbeafdeadbeaf ee");
PrintAndLog(" std key to e key read csn: hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 e");
PrintAndLog(" std to std read csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899");
PrintAndLog("NOTE: * = required\n");
return 1;
int usage_hf_iclass_managekeys(void) {
PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass managekeys n [keynbr] k [key] f [filename] s l p\n");
PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" n <keynbr> : specify the keyNbr to set in memory");
PrintAndLog(" k <key> : set a key in memory");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to use with load or save operations");
PrintAndLog(" s : save keys in memory to file specified by filename");
PrintAndLog(" l : load keys to memory from file specified by filename");
PrintAndLog(" p : print keys loaded into memory\n");
PrintAndLog(" set key : hf iclass managekeys n 0 k 1122334455667788");
PrintAndLog(" save key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin s");
PrintAndLog(" load key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin l");
PrintAndLog(" print keys : hf iclass managekeys p\n");
return 0;
int xorbits_8(uint8_t val) {
uint8_t res = val ^ (val >> 1); //1st pass
res = res ^ (res >> 1); // 2nd pass
@ -72,21 +193,6 @@ int CmdHFiClassSnoop(const char *Cmd) {
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_sim(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass sim <option> [CSN]");
PrintAndLog(" options");
PrintAndLog(" 0 <CSN> simulate the given CSN");
PrintAndLog(" 1 simulate default CSN");
PrintAndLog(" 2 Reader-attack, gather reader responses to extract elite key");
PrintAndLog(" 3 Full simulation using emulator memory (see 'hf iclass eload')");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 0 031FEC8AF7FF12E0");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass sim 2");
PrintAndLog(" example: hf iclass eload 'tagdump.bin'");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass sim 3");
return 0;
#define NUM_CSNS 15
int CmdHFiClassSim(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t simType = 0;
uint8_t CSN[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
@ -246,18 +352,10 @@ int iclassEmlSetMem(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount) {
return 0;
int hf_iclass_eload_usage(void) {
PrintAndLog("Loads iclass tag-dump into emulator memory on device");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass eload f <filename>");
PrintAndLog("Example: hf iclass eload f iclass_tagdump-aa162d30f8ff12f1.bin");
return 0;
int CmdHFiClassELoad(const char *Cmd) {
char opt = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
if (strlen(Cmd)<1 || opt == 'h' || opt == 'H') return hf_iclass_eload_usage();
if (strlen(Cmd)<1 || opt == 'h' || opt == 'H') return usage_hf_iclass_eload();
//File handling and reading
FILE *f;
@ -265,7 +363,7 @@ int CmdHFiClassELoad(const char *Cmd) {
if(opt == 'f' && param_getstr(Cmd, 1, filename) > 0) {
f = fopen(filename, "rb");
} else {
return hf_iclass_eload_usage();
return usage_hf_iclass_eload();
if(!f) {
@ -338,26 +436,10 @@ static int readKeyfile(const char *filename, size_t len, uint8_t* buffer) {
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_decrypt(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass decrypt f <tagdump>");
PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass decrypt f tagdump_12312342343.bin");
PrintAndLog("OBS! This is pretty stupid implementation, it tries to decrypt every block after block 6. ");
PrintAndLog("Correct behaviour would be to decrypt only the application areas where the key is valid,");
PrintAndLog("which is defined by the configuration block.");
return 1;
int CmdHFiClassDecrypt(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t key[16] = { 0 };
if(readKeyfile("iclass_decryptionkey.bin", 16, key)) {
return 1;
if(readKeyfile("iclass_decryptionkey.bin", 16, key)) return usage_hf_iclass_decrypt();
PrintAndLog("Decryption file found... ");
char opt = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
if (strlen(Cmd)<1 || opt == 'h' || opt == 'H') return usage_hf_iclass_decrypt();
@ -377,44 +459,61 @@ int CmdHFiClassDecrypt(const char *Cmd) {
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
long fsize = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t enc_dump[8] = {0};
if ( fsize < 0 ) {
PrintAndLog("Error, when getting filesize");
return 2;
uint8_t *decrypted = malloc(fsize);
size_t bytes_read = fread(decrypted, 1, fsize, f);
if ( bytes_read == 0) {
PrintAndLog("File reading error");
return 3;
picopass_hdr *hdr = (picopass_hdr *)decrypted;
uint8_t mem = hdr->conf.mem_config;
uint8_t chip = hdr->conf.chip_config;
uint8_t applimit = hdr->conf.app_limit;
uint8_t kb = 2;
uint8_t app_areas = 2;
uint8_t max_blk = 31;
getMemConfig(mem, chip, &max_blk, &app_areas, &kb);
//Use the first block (CSN) for filename
char outfilename[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0};
snprintf(outfilename, FILE_PATH_SIZE, "iclass_tagdump-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x-decrypted",
// tripledes
des3_context ctx = { DES_DECRYPT ,{ 0 } };
des3_set2key_dec( &ctx, key);
size_t bytes_read = fread(enc_dump, 1, 8, f);
//Use the first block (CSN) for filename
char outfilename[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = { 0 };
size_t blocknum =0;
while(bytes_read == 8)
if(blocknum < 7) {
memcpy(decrypted+(blocknum*8), enc_dump, 8);
} else {
des3_crypt_ecb(&ctx, enc_dump,decrypted +(blocknum*8) );
uint8_t enc_dump[8] = {0};
uint8_t empty[8] = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};
for(uint16_t blocknum=0; blocknum < applimit; ++blocknum) {
uint8_t idx = blocknum*8;
memcpy(enc_dump, decrypted + idx, 8);
// block 7 or higher, and not empty 0xFF
if(blocknum > 6 && memcmp(enc_dump, empty, 8) != 0 ) {
des3_crypt_ecb(&ctx, enc_dump, decrypted + idx );
printvar("decrypted block", decrypted +(blocknum*8), 8);
bytes_read = fread(enc_dump, 1, 8, f);
//printvar("decrypted block", decrypted + idx, 8);
saveFile(outfilename,"bin", decrypted, blocknum*8);
saveFile(outfilename, "bin", decrypted, fsize);
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_encrypt(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass encrypt <BlockData>");
PrintAndLog("OBS! In order to use this function, the file 'iclass_decryptionkey.bin' must reside");
PrintAndLog("in the working directory. The file should be 16 bytes binary data");
PrintAndLog("example: hf iclass encrypt 0102030405060708");
printIclassDumpContents(decrypted, 1, (fsize/8), fsize);
return 0;
@ -425,7 +524,6 @@ static int iClassEncryptBlkData(uint8_t *blkData) {
return 1;
PrintAndLog("Decryption file found... ");
uint8_t encryptedData[16];
uint8_t *encrypted = encryptedData;
des3_context ctx = { DES_DECRYPT ,{ 0 } };
@ -529,24 +627,6 @@ static bool select_and_auth(uint8_t *KEY, uint8_t *MAC, uint8_t *div_key, bool u
return true;
int usage_hf_iclass_dump(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass dump f <fileName> k <Key> c <CreditKey> e|r\n");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename> : specify a filename to save dump to");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : *Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c <CreditKey>: Credit Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, the key is interpreted as the 16 byte");
PrintAndLog(" Custom Key (KCus), which can be obtained via reader-attack");
PrintAndLog(" See 'hf iclass sim 2'. This key should be on iclass-format");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, the key is interpreted as raw block 3/4");
PrintAndLog(" NOTE: * = required");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA c 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass dump k AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA e");
return 0;
int CmdHFiClassReader_Dump(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t MAC[4] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
@ -817,21 +897,6 @@ static int WriteBlock(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t *bldata, uint8_t *KEY, bool use_c
return 1;
int usage_hf_iclass_writeblock(void) {
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" d <data> : Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 1B d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k 001122334455667B c");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass writeblk b 0A d AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA n 0");
return 0;
int CmdHFiClass_WriteBlock(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t blockno=0;
uint8_t bldata[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
@ -916,23 +981,6 @@ int CmdHFiClass_WriteBlock(const char *Cmd) {
return ans;
int usage_hf_iclass_clone(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass clone f <tagfile.bin> b <first block> l <last block> k <KEY> c e|r");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to clone from");
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The first block to clone as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" l <Last Blk>: Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 1A k 1122334455667788 e");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 05 l 19 k 0");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass clone f iclass_tagdump-121345.bin b 06 l 19 k 0 e");
return -1;
int CmdHFiClassCloneTag(const char *Cmd) {
char filename[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = { 0x00 };
char tempStr[50]={0};
@ -1117,21 +1165,6 @@ static int ReadBlock(uint8_t *KEY, uint8_t blockno, uint8_t keyType, bool elite,
return 1;
int usage_hf_iclass_readblock(void) {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readblk b <Block> k <Key> c e|r\n");
PrintAndLog(" b <Block> : The block number as 2 hex symbols");
PrintAndLog(" k <Key> : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory");
PrintAndLog(" c : If 'c' is specified, the key set is assumed to be the credit key\n");
PrintAndLog(" e : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" r : If 'r' is specified, no computations applied to key");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 06 k 0011223344556677");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 1B k 0011223344556677 c");
PrintAndLog(" hf iclass readblk b 0A k 0");
return 0;
int CmdHFiClass_ReadBlock(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t blockno=0;
uint8_t keyType = 0x88; //debit key
@ -1277,11 +1310,6 @@ void printIclassDumpContents(uint8_t *iclass_dump, uint8_t startblock, uint8_t e
int usage_hf_iclass_readtagfile() {
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass readtagfile <filename> [startblock] [endblock]");
return 1;
int CmdHFiClassReadTagFile(const char *Cmd) {
int startblock = 0;
int endblock = 0;
@ -1388,23 +1416,6 @@ static void HFiClassCalcNewKey(uint8_t *CSN, uint8_t *OLDKEY, uint8_t *NEWKEY, u
int usage_hf_iclass_calc_newkey(void) {
PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass calc_newkey o <Old key> n <New key> s [csn] e");
PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" o <oldkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
PrintAndLog(" n <newkey> : *specify a key as 16 hex symbols or a key number as 1 symbol");
PrintAndLog(" s <csn> : specify a card Serial number to diversify the key (if omitted will attempt to read a csn)");
PrintAndLog(" e : specify new key as elite calc");
PrintAndLog(" ee : specify old and new key as elite calc");
PrintAndLog(" e key to e key given csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 s deadbeafdeadbeaf ee");
PrintAndLog(" std key to e key read csn: hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899 e");
PrintAndLog(" std to std read csn : hf iclass calcnewkey o 1122334455667788 n 2233445566778899");
PrintAndLog("NOTE: * = required\n");
return 1;
int CmdHFiClassCalcNewKey(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t OLDKEY[8] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
uint8_t NEWKEY[8] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
@ -1557,24 +1568,6 @@ static int printKeys(void) {
return 0;
int usage_hf_iclass_managekeys(void) {
PrintAndLog("HELP : Manage iClass Keys in client memory:\n");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf iclass managekeys n [keynbr] k [key] f [filename] s l p\n");
PrintAndLog(" Options:");
PrintAndLog(" n <keynbr> : specify the keyNbr to set in memory");
PrintAndLog(" k <key> : set a key in memory");
PrintAndLog(" f <filename>: specify a filename to use with load or save operations");
PrintAndLog(" s : save keys in memory to file specified by filename");
PrintAndLog(" l : load keys to memory from file specified by filename");
PrintAndLog(" p : print keys loaded into memory\n");
PrintAndLog(" set key : hf iclass managekeys n 0 k 1122334455667788");
PrintAndLog(" save key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin s");
PrintAndLog(" load key file: hf iclass managekeys f mykeys.bin l");
PrintAndLog(" print keys : hf iclass managekeys p\n");
return 0;
int CmdHFiClassManageKeys(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t keyNbr = 0;
uint8_t dataLen = 0;

View file

@ -12,6 +12,30 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "iso14443crc.h" // Can also be used for iClass, using 0xE012 as CRC-type
#include "data.h"
#include "proxmark3.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "cmdparser.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cmdmain.h"
#include "loclass/des.h"
#include "loclass/cipherutils.h"
#include "loclass/cipher.h"
#include "loclass/ikeys.h"
#include "loclass/elite_crack.h"
#include "loclass/fileutils.h"
#include "protocols.h"
#include "usb_cmd.h"
#include "cmdhfmfu.h"
#include "cmdhf.h"
#include "protocols.h" // picopass structs,
int CmdHFiClass(const char *Cmd);
int CmdHFiClassCalcNewKey(const char *Cmd);

View file

@ -22,27 +22,6 @@ uint32_t GetT55xxClockBit(uint32_t clock) {
#include "ui.h"
#define prnt PrintAndLog
// iclass / picopass chip config structures and shared routines
typedef struct {
uint8_t app_limit; //[8]
uint8_t otp[2]; //[9-10]
uint8_t block_writelock;//[11]
uint8_t chip_config; //[12]
uint8_t mem_config; //[13]
uint8_t eas; //[14]
uint8_t fuses; //[15]
} picopass_conf_block;
typedef struct {
uint8_t csn[8];
picopass_conf_block conf;
uint8_t epurse[8];
uint8_t key_d[8];
uint8_t key_c[8];
uint8_t app_issuer_area[8];
} picopass_hdr;
uint8_t isset(uint8_t val, uint8_t mask) {
return (val & mask);
@ -80,23 +59,27 @@ void fuse_config(const picopass_hdr *hdr) {
void getMemConfig(uint8_t mem_cfg, uint8_t chip_cfg, uint8_t *max_blk, uint8_t *app_areas, uint8_t *kb) {
// mem-bit 5, mem-bit 7, chip-bit 4: defines chip type
if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x80) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x20)) {
uint8_t k16 = isset(mem_cfg, 0x80);
uint8_t k2 = isset(mem_cfg, 0x08);
uint8_t book = isset(mem_cfg, 0x20);
if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && !k16 && !book) {
*kb = 2;
*app_areas = 2;
*max_blk = 31;
} else if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && isset(mem_cfg, 0x80) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x20)) {
} else if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && k16 && !book) {
*kb = 16;
*app_areas = 2;
*max_blk = 255; //16kb
} else if(notset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x80) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x20)) {
} else if(notset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && !k16 && !book) {
*kb = 16;
*app_areas = 16;
*max_blk = 255; //16kb
} else if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && isset(mem_cfg, 0x80) && isset(mem_cfg, 0x20)) {
} else if(isset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && k16 && book) {
*kb = 32;
*app_areas = 3;
*max_blk = 255; //16kb
} else if(notset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && notset(mem_cfg, 0x80) && isset(mem_cfg, 0x20)) {
} else if(notset(chip_cfg, 0x10) && !k16 && book) {
*kb = 32;
*app_areas = 17;
*max_blk = 255; //16kb
@ -119,6 +102,26 @@ void mem_app_config(const picopass_hdr *hdr) {
prnt(" Mem: %u KBits/%u App Areas (%u * 8 bytes) [%02X]", kb, app_areas, max_blk, mem);
prnt(" AA1: blocks 06-%02X", applimit);
prnt(" AA2: blocks %02X-%02X", applimit+1, max_blk);
uint8_t book = isset(mem, 0x20);
if (book) {
prnt("\tRead A - Kd");
prnt("\tRead B - Kc");
prnt("\tWrite A - Kd");
prnt("\tWrite B - Kc");
prnt("\tDebit - Kd or Kc");
prnt("\tCredit - Kc");
} else{
prnt("\tRead A - Kd or Kc");
prnt("\tRead B - Kd or Kc");
prnt("\tWrite A - Kc");
prnt("\tWrite B - Kc");
prnt("\tDebit - Kd or Kc");
prnt("\tCredit - Kc");
void print_picopass_info(const picopass_hdr *hdr) {

View file

@ -389,5 +389,27 @@ void getMemConfig(uint8_t mem_cfg, uint8_t chip_cfg, uint8_t *max_blk, uint8_t *
uint32_t GetT55xxClockBit(uint32_t clock);
// iclass / picopass chip config structures and shared routines
typedef struct {
uint8_t app_limit; //[8]
uint8_t otp[2]; //[9-10]
uint8_t block_writelock;//[11]
uint8_t chip_config; //[12]
uint8_t mem_config; //[13]
uint8_t eas; //[14]
uint8_t fuses; //[15]
} picopass_conf_block;
typedef struct {
uint8_t csn[8];
picopass_conf_block conf;
uint8_t epurse[8];
uint8_t key_d[8];
uint8_t key_c[8];
uint8_t app_issuer_area[8];
} picopass_hdr;