Merge pull request #1395 from merlokk/desf_write

Desfire write
This commit is contained in:
Oleg Moiseenko 2021-07-28 20:56:45 +03:00 committed by GitHub
commit 78a16f4e27
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 254 additions and 96 deletions

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@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ static int handler_desfire_getkeysettings(uint8_t *key_settings, uint8_t *num_ke
return res;
static int handler_desfire_commit_transaction(void) {
/*static int handler_desfire_commit_transaction(void) {
sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_COMMIT_TRANSACTION, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; //0xC7
uint32_t recv_len = 0;
uint16_t sw = 0;
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ static int handler_desfire_commit_transaction(void) {
return PM3_ESOFT;
return res;
static int handler_desfire_appids(uint8_t *dest, uint32_t *app_ids_len) {
@ -1747,12 +1747,12 @@ static int handler_desfire_getvalue(mfdes_value_t *value, uint32_t *resplen, uin
return res;
static int handler_desfire_writedata(mfdes_data_t *data, MFDES_FILE_TYPE_T type, uint8_t cs) {
//static int handler_desfire_writedata(mfdes_data_t *data, MFDES_FILE_TYPE_T type, uint8_t cs) {
90 3d 00 00 16 01 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00 0f 20 00 3b 00 34 04 06 e1 04 0f fe 00 00 00
90 3d 00 00 09 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
if (data->fileno > 0x1F) {
return PM3_EINVARG;
@ -1802,14 +1802,14 @@ static int handler_desfire_writedata(mfdes_data_t *data, MFDES_FILE_TYPE_T type,
apdu.Lc = plen - 1;
// we dont want to change the value of datasize, so delt with above without change
// Doing so can create wrong offsets and endless loop.
if (plen != -1) datasize = (uint8_t)plen;
memcpy(&tmp[7], p, datasize);
apdu.Lc = datasize + 1 + 3 + 3;
res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, NULL, &recvlen, &sw, 0, true);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ static int handler_desfire_writedata(mfdes_data_t *data, MFDES_FILE_TYPE_T type,
return res;
static int getKeySettings(uint8_t *aid) {
if (aid == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG;
@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesSelectApp(const char *Cmd) {
return res;
static int selectfile(uint8_t *aid, uint8_t fileno, uint8_t *cs) {
/*static int selectfile(uint8_t *aid, uint8_t fileno, uint8_t *cs) {
if (handler_desfire_select_application(aid) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, _RED_(" Couldn't select aid."));
return PM3_ESOFT;
@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ static int selectfile(uint8_t *aid, uint8_t fileno, uint8_t *cs) {
*cs = filesettings[1];
return res;
static int CmdHF14ADesInfo(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
@ -6252,7 +6252,7 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesReadData(const char *Cmd) {
arg_str0("c", "ccset", "<native/niso/iso>", "Communicaton command set: native/niso/iso"),
arg_str0("s", "schann", "<d40/ev1/ev2>", "Secure channel: d40/ev1/ev2"),
arg_str0(NULL, "aid", "<app id hex>", "Application ID (3 hex bytes, big endian)"),
arg_str0(NULL, "fid", "<file id hex>", "File ID for clearing (1 hex byte)"),
arg_str0(NULL, "fid", "<file id hex>", "File ID (1 hex byte)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "no-auth", "execute without authentication"),
arg_str0(NULL, "type", "<auto/data/value/record/mac>", "File Type auto/data(Standard/Backup)/value/record(linear/cyclic)/mac). Auto - check file settings and then read. Default: auto"),
arg_str0("o", "offset", "<hex>", "File Offset (3 hex bytes, big endian). For records - record number (0 - lastest record). Default 0"),
@ -6444,7 +6444,7 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesReadData(const char *Cmd) {
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Lastest record at the bottom.");
for (int i = 0; i < reccount; i++) {
if (i != 0)
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Record %d", i + offset);
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Record %d", reccount - (i + offset + 1));
print_buffer_with_offset(&resp[i * reclen], reclen, offset, (i == 0));
} else {
@ -6479,101 +6479,251 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesReadData(const char *Cmd) {
static int CmdHF14ADesWriteData(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mfdes write",
"Write data to file\n"
"Make sure to select aid or authenticate aid before running this command.",
"hf mfdes write -n 01 -t 0 -o 000000 -d 3132333435363738"
"Write data from file. Key needs to be provided or flag --no-auth set (depend on file settings).",
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 -d 01020304 -> write file: app=123456, file=01, offset=0, get file type from card. use default channel settings from `default` command\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type data -d 01020304 --0ffset 000100 -> write data to std file with offset 0x100\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type data -d 01020304 --commit -> write data to backup file with commit\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type value -d 00000001 -> increment value file\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type value -d 00000001 --debit -> decrement value file\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 -d 01020304 -> write data to record file with `auto` type\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type record -d 01020304 -> write data to record file\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type record -d 01020304 --updaterec 0 -> update record in the record file. record 0 - lastest record.\n"
"hf mfdes write --aid 123456 --fid 01 --type record --offset 000000 -d 11223344 -> write record to record file. use default channel settings from `default` command");
void *argtable[] = {
arg_int0("n", "fileno", "<dec>", "File Number (0 - 31)"),
arg_strx0("o", "offset", "<hex>", "File Offset (3 hex bytes, big endian), optional"),
arg_strx0("d", "data", "<hex>", "Data to write (hex bytes, 256 bytes max)"),
arg_int0("t", "type", "<dec>", "File Type (0 = Standard / Backup, 1 = Record)"),
arg_strx0("a", "aid", "<hex>", "App ID to select as hex bytes (3 bytes, big endian)"),
arg_lit0("a", "apdu", "show APDU requests and responses"),
arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "show technical data"),
arg_int0("n", "keyno", "<keyno>", "Key number"),
arg_str0("t", "algo", "<DES/2TDEA/3TDEA/AES>", "Crypt algo: DES, 2TDEA, 3TDEA, AES"),
arg_str0("k", "key", "<Key>", "Key for authenticate (HEX 8(DES), 16(2TDEA or AES) or 24(3TDEA) bytes)"),
arg_str0("f", "kdf", "<none/AN10922/gallagher>", "Key Derivation Function (KDF): None, AN10922, Gallagher"),
arg_str0("i", "kdfi", "<kdfi>", "KDF input (HEX 1-31 bytes)"),
arg_str0("m", "cmode", "<plain/mac/encrypt>", "Communicaton mode: plain/mac/encrypt"),
arg_str0("c", "ccset", "<native/niso/iso>", "Communicaton command set: native/niso/iso"),
arg_str0("s", "schann", "<d40/ev1/ev2>", "Secure channel: d40/ev1/ev2"),
arg_str0(NULL, "aid", "<app id hex>", "Application ID (3 hex bytes, big endian)"),
arg_str0(NULL, "fid", "<file id hex>", "File ID (1 hex byte)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "no-auth", "execute without authentication"),
arg_str0(NULL, "type", "<auto/data/value/record/mac>", "File Type auto/data(Standard/Backup)/value/record(linear/cyclic)/mac). Auto - check file settings and then write. Default: auto"),
arg_str0("o", "offset", "<hex>", "File Offset (3 hex bytes, big endian). For records - record number (0 - lastest record). Default 0"),
arg_str0("d", "data", "<hex>", "data for write (data/record file), credit/debit(value file)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "debit", "use for value file debit operation instead of credit"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "commit", "commit needs for backup file only. For the other file types and in the `auto` mode - command set it automatically."),
arg_int0(NULL, "updaterec", "<record number dec>", "Record number for update record command. Updates record instead of write. Lastest record - 0"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
int fno = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 1, 0);
int offsetlength = 0;
uint8_t offset[3] = {0};
int res_offset = CLIParamHexToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 2), offset, 3, &offsetlength);
bool APDULogging = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
bool verbose = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2);
bool noauth = arg_get_lit(ctx, 13);
// iceman: we only have a 1024 byte commandline input array. So this is pointlessly large.
// with 2char hex, 512bytes could be input.
// Instead large binary inputs should be BINARY files and written to card.
int dlength = 512;
uint8_t data[512] = {0};
int res_data = CLIParamHexToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 3), data, 512, &dlength);
DesfireContext dctx;
int securechann = defaultSecureChannel;
uint32_t appid = 0x000000;
int res = CmdDesGetSessionParameters(ctx, &dctx, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, &securechann, DCMPlain, &appid);
if (res) {
return res;
int type = arg_get_int(ctx, 4);
int aidlength = 3;
uint8_t aid[3] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 5, aid, &aidlength);
uint32_t fnum = 1;
res = arg_get_u32_hexstr_def_nlen(ctx, 12, 1, &fnum, 1, true);
if (res == 2) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "File ID must have 1 byte length");
return PM3_EINVARG;
int op = RFTAuto;
if (CLIGetOptionList(arg_get_str(ctx, 14), DesfireReadFileTypeOpts, &op)) {
return PM3_ESOFT;
uint32_t offset = 0;
res = arg_get_u32_hexstr_def_nlen(ctx, 15, 0, &offset, 3, true);
if (res == 2) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Offset must have 3 byte length");
return PM3_EINVARG;
uint8_t data[1024] = {0};
int datalen = sizeof(data);
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 16, data, &datalen);
if (datalen == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Data for write must be present.");
return PM3_EINVARG;
bool debit = arg_get_lit(ctx, 17);
bool commit = arg_get_lit(ctx, 18);
int updaterecno = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 19, -1);
if (type < 0 || type > 1) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Unknown type (0=Standard/Backup, 1=Record)");
if (fnum > 0x1F) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "File number range is invalid (exp 0 - 31), got %d", fnum);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (res_data || dlength == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Data needs some hex bytes to write");
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (noauth) {
res = DesfireSelectAIDHex(&dctx, appid, false, 0);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire select " _RED_("error") ".");
return res;
} else {
res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticate(&dctx, securechann, appid, verbose);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return res;
if (res_offset || (offsetlength != 3 && offsetlength != 0)) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Offset needs 3 hex bytes");
return PM3_EINVARG;
// get file settings
if (op == RFTAuto) {
FileSettingsS fsettings;
DesfireCommunicationMode commMode = dctx.commMode;
DesfireSetCommMode(&dctx, DCMPlain);
res = DesfireGetFileSettingsStruct(&dctx, fnum, &fsettings);
DesfireSetCommMode(&dctx, commMode);
if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) {
switch(fsettings.fileType) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01: {
op = RFTData;
commit = (fsettings.fileType == 0x01);
case 0x02: {
op = RFTValue;
commit = true;
case 0x03:
case 0x04: {
op = RFTRecord;
commit = true;
if (datalen > fsettings.recordSize)
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Record size (%d) " _RED_("is less") " than data length (%d)", fsettings.recordSize, datalen);
case 0x05: {
op = RFTMAC;
commit = false;
default: {
DesfireSetCommMode(&dctx, fsettings.commMode);
if (fsettings.fileCommMode != 0 && noauth)
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "File needs communication mode `%s` but there is no authentication", CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireCommunicationModeOpts, fsettings.commMode));
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Got file type: %s. Option: %s. comm mode: %s",
CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireReadFileTypeOpts, op),
CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireCommunicationModeOpts, fsettings.commMode));
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "GetFileSettings error. Can't get file type.");
if (fno > 0x1F) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "File number range is invalid (exp 0 - 31), got %d", fno);
return PM3_EINVARG;
mfdes_data_t ft;
memcpy(ft.offset, offset, 3);
htole24(dlength, ft.length);
ft.fileno = fno;
if (aidlength != 3 && aidlength != 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, _RED_(" The given aid must have 3 bytes (big endian)."));
return PM3_ESOFT;
} else if (aidlength == 0) {
if (memcmp(&tag->selected_application, aid, 3) == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, _RED_(" You need to select an aid first."));
if (op == RFTData) {
res = DesfireWriteFile(&dctx, fnum, offset, datalen, data);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire WriteFile command " _RED_("error") ". Result: %d", res);
return PM3_ESOFT;
memcpy(aid, (uint8_t *)&tag->selected_application, 3);
uint8_t cs = 0;
if (selectfile(aid, fno, &cs) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, _RED_(" Error on selecting file."));
return PM3_ESOFT;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Write data file %02x " _GREEN_("success"), fnum);
int res = PM3_ESOFT; = data;
res = handler_desfire_writedata(&ft, type, cs);
if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Successfully wrote data");
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Couldn't read data. Error %d", res);
if (op == RFTValue) {
if (datalen != 4) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Value " _RED_("should be") " 4 byte length instead of %d", datalen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
uint32_t value = MemBeToUint4byte(data);
uint8_t vop = (debit) ? MFDES_DEBIT : MFDES_CREDIT;
res = DesfireValueFileOperations(&dctx, fnum, vop, &value);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire %s operation " _RED_("error") ". Result: %d", CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireValueFileOperOpts, vop), res);
return PM3_ESOFT;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "%s value file %02x (%s) " _GREEN_("success"), (debit) ? "Debit" : "Credit", fnum, CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireValueFileOperOpts, vop));
commit = true;
return res;
if (op == RFTRecord) {
if (updaterecno < 0) {
res = DesfireWriteRecord(&dctx, fnum, offset, datalen, data);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire WriteRecord command " _RED_("error") ". Result: %d", res);
return PM3_ESOFT;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Write record file %02x " _GREEN_("success"), fnum);
} else {
res = DesfireUpdateRecord(&dctx, fnum, updaterecno, offset, datalen, data);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire UpdateRecord command " _RED_("error") ". Result: %d", res);
return PM3_ESOFT;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Update record %06x in the file %02x " _GREEN_("success"), updaterecno, fnum);
commit = true;
if (op == RFTMAC) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Can't " _RED_("write") " to transaction MAC file");
return PM3_EINVARG;
// commit phase
if (commit) {
res = DesfireCommitTransaction(&dctx, false, 0);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Desfire CommitTransaction command " _RED_("error") ". Result: %d", res);
return PM3_ESOFT;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Commit " _GREEN_("OK"));
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Write %s file %02x " _GREEN_("success"), CLIGetOptionListStr(DesfireReadFileTypeOpts, op), fnum);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int CmdHF14ADesTest(const char *Cmd) {
@ -6620,7 +6770,7 @@ static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"chfilesettings", CmdHF14ADesChFileSettings, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Change file settings"},
{"dump", CmdHF14ADesDump, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Dump all files"},
{"read", CmdHF14ADesReadData, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Read data from standard/backup/record/value/mac file"},
{"write", CmdHF14ADesWriteData, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Write data to standard/backup/record/value file"},
{"write", CmdHF14ADesWriteData, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Write data to standard/backup/record/value file"},
{"value", CmdHF14ADesValueOperations, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Operations with value file (get/credit/limited credit/debit/clear)"},
{"clearrecfile", CmdHF14ADesClearRecordFile, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Clear record File"},
{"-----------", CmdHelp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "----------------------- " _CYAN_("System") " -----------------------"},

View file

@ -142,11 +142,12 @@ static uint8_t DesfireGetCmdHeaderLen(uint8_t cmd) {
static void DesfireSecureChannelEncodeD40(DesfireContext *ctx, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *srcdata, size_t srcdatalen, uint8_t *dstdata, size_t *dstdatalen) {
uint8_t data[1024] = {0};
size_t rlen = 0;
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, srcdatalen);
*dstdatalen = srcdatalen;
uint8_t data[1024] = {0};
size_t rlen = 0;
uint8_t hdrlen = DesfireGetCmdHeaderLen(cmd);
if (ctx->commMode == DCMMACed || (ctx->commMode == DCMEncrypted && srcdatalen <= hdrlen)) {
@ -154,21 +155,30 @@ static void DesfireSecureChannelEncodeD40(DesfireContext *ctx, uint8_t cmd, uint
rlen = srcdatalen + DesfireGetMACLength(ctx);
memcpy(data, srcdata, srcdatalen);
DesfireCryptoEncDec(ctx, true, data, srcdatalen, NULL, true);
memcpy(data, &srcdata[hdrlen], srcdatalen - hdrlen);
size_t srcmaclen = padded_data_length(srcdatalen - hdrlen, desfire_get_key_block_length(ctx->keyType));
uint8_t mac[32] = {0};
DesfireCryptoEncDecEx(ctx, true, data, srcmaclen, NULL, true, true, mac);
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, srcdatalen);
memcpy(&dstdata[srcdatalen], ctx->IV, 4);
memcpy(&dstdata[srcdatalen], mac, DesfireGetMACLength(ctx));
*dstdatalen = rlen;
} else if (ctx->commMode == DCMEncrypted) {
if (srcdatalen == 0 || srcdatalen <= hdrlen)
if (srcdatalen <= hdrlen)
rlen = padded_data_length(srcdatalen + 2, desfire_get_key_block_length(ctx->keyType)); // 2 - crc16
memcpy(data, srcdata, srcdatalen);
compute_crc(CRC_14443_A, data, srcdatalen, &data[srcdatalen], &data[srcdatalen + 1]);
DesfireCryptoEncDec(ctx, true, data, rlen, dstdata, true);
rlen = padded_data_length(srcdatalen + 2 - hdrlen, desfire_get_key_block_length(ctx->keyType)) + hdrlen; // 2 - crc16
memcpy(data, &srcdata[hdrlen], srcdatalen - hdrlen);
iso14443a_crc_append(data, srcdatalen - hdrlen);
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, hdrlen);
//PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "src[%d]: %s", srcdatalen - hdrlen + 2, sprint_hex(data, srcdatalen - hdrlen + 2));
DesfireCryptoEncDec(ctx, true, data, rlen - hdrlen, &dstdata[hdrlen], true);
*dstdatalen = rlen;
} if (ctx->commMode == DCMEncryptedPlain) {
} else if (ctx->commMode == DCMEncryptedPlain) {
if (srcdatalen == 0 || srcdatalen <= hdrlen)
@ -178,9 +188,6 @@ static void DesfireSecureChannelEncodeD40(DesfireContext *ctx, uint8_t cmd, uint
DesfireCryptoEncDec(ctx, true, &data[hdrlen], rlen - hdrlen, &dstdata[hdrlen], true);
*dstdatalen = rlen;
ctx->commMode = DCMEncrypted;
} else {
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, srcdatalen);
*dstdatalen = srcdatalen;
@ -190,6 +197,7 @@ static void DesfireSecureChannelEncodeEV1(DesfireContext *ctx, uint8_t cmd, uint
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, srcdatalen);
*dstdatalen = srcdatalen;
uint8_t hdrlen = DesfireGetCmdHeaderLen(cmd);
// we calc MAC anyway
@ -217,7 +225,7 @@ static void DesfireSecureChannelEncodeEV1(DesfireContext *ctx, uint8_t cmd, uint
*dstdatalen = hdrlen + rlen;
} else if (ctx->commMode == DCMEncryptedPlain) {
if (srcdatalen == 0 || srcdatalen <= hdrlen)
if (srcdatalen <= hdrlen)
memcpy(dstdata, srcdata, hdrlen);