mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 19:43:09 +08:00
pref savedefaultpaths uses cliparser, enabled but is not used in the fileutils yet.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 209 additions and 231 deletions
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ static int CmdHF14BCmdRaw(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf 14b raw",
"Sends raw bytes to card ",
"Sends raw bytes to card",
"hf 14b raw -cks --data 0200a40400 -> standard select\n"
"hf 14b raw -ck --sr --data 0200a40400 -> SRx select\n"
"hf 14b raw -ck --cts --data 0200a40400 -> C-ticket select\n"
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ bool create_path(const char *dirname) {
return true;
bool setDefaultPath (savePaths_t pathIndex,const char *Path) {
bool setDefaultPath (savePaths_t pathIndex, const char *Path) {
if (pathIndex < spItemCount) {
if ((Path == NULL) && (session.defaultPaths[pathIndex] != NULL)) {
@ -208,13 +208,11 @@ bool setDefaultPath (savePaths_t pathIndex,const char *Path) {
session.defaultPaths[pathIndex] = (char *)realloc(session.defaultPaths[pathIndex], strlen(Path) + 1);
strcpy(session.defaultPaths[pathIndex], Path);
} else {
return false;
return true;
return true;
return false;
static char *filenamemcopy(const char *preferredName, const char *suffix) {
if (preferredName == NULL) return NULL;
if (suffix == NULL) return NULL;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ typedef enum {
int fileExists(const char *filename);
//bool create_path(const char *dirname);
//bool setDefaultPath (savePaths_t pathIndex,const char *Path); // set a path in the path list session.defaultPaths
bool setDefaultPath (savePaths_t pathIndex,const char *Path); // set a path in the path list session.defaultPaths
char *newfilenamemcopy(const char *preferredName, const char *suffix);
@ -55,29 +55,27 @@ int preferences_load(void) {
session.show_hints = true;
session.bar_mode = STYLE_VALUE;
// setDefaultPath (spDefault, "");
// setDefaultPath (spDump, "");
// setDefaultPath (spTrace, "");
setDefaultPath (spDefault, "");
setDefaultPath (spDump, "");
setDefaultPath (spTrace, "");
// default save path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spDefault, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spDefault, ".");
// default save path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spDefault, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spDefault, ".");
// default dump path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spDump, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spDump, ".");
// default dump path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spDump, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spDump, ".");
// default dump path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spTrace, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spTrace, ".");
// default dump path
if (get_my_user_directory() != NULL) // should return path to .proxmark3 folder
setDefaultPath (spTrace, get_my_user_directory());
setDefaultPath (spTrace, ".");
if (session.incognito) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "No preferences file will be loaded");
@ -179,9 +177,9 @@ void preferences_save_callback(json_t *root) {
JsonSaveBoolean(root, "os.supports.colors", session.supports_colors);
// JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.savepath", session.defaultPaths[spDefault]);
// JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.dumppath", session.defaultPaths[spDump]);
// JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.tracepath", session.defaultPaths[spTrace]);
JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.savepath", session.defaultPaths[spDefault]);
JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.dumppath", session.defaultPaths[spDump]);
JsonSaveStr(root, "file.default.tracepath", session.defaultPaths[spTrace]);
// Plot window
JsonSaveInt(root, "window.plot.xpos", session.plot.x);
@ -246,7 +244,6 @@ void preferences_save_callback(json_t *root) {
void preferences_load_callback(json_t *root) {
json_error_t up_error = {0};
int b1;
@ -262,19 +259,19 @@ void preferences_load_callback(json_t *root) {
if (strncmp(tempStr, "simple", 6) == 0) session.client_debug_level = cdbSIMPLE;
if (strncmp(tempStr, "full", 4) == 0) session.client_debug_level = cdbFULL;
// default save path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.savepath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spDefault,s1);
// default dump path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.dumppath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spDump,s1);
// default save path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.savepath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spDefault, s1);
// default dump path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.dumppath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spDump, s1);
// default trace path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.tracepath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spTrace, s1);
// default trace path
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:s}", "file.default.tracepath", &s1) == 0)
setDefaultPath (spTrace,s1);
// window plot
if (json_unpack_ex(root, &up_error, 0, "{s:i}", "window.plot.xpos", &i1) == 0)
session.plot.x = i1;
@ -338,37 +335,6 @@ void preferences_load_callback(json_t *root) {
// Help Functions
static int usage_set_devicedebug(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set devicedebug <off | error | info | debug | extended>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("off")" - no debug messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("error")" - error messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("info")" - info messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("debug")" - debug messages");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("extended")" - extended debug messages");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int usage_set_savePaths(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: pref set savepaths [help] [create] [default <path>] [dump <path>] [trace <path>]");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("help")" - This help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("create")" - Create directory if it does not exist");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("default")" - Deafult path");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("dump")" - Dump path");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " "_GREEN_("trace")" - Trace help");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
// Preference Processing Functions
// typedef enum preferenceId {prefNONE,prefHELP,prefEMOJI,prefCOLOR,prefPLOT,prefOVERLAY,prefHINTS,prefCLIENTDEBUG} preferenceId_t;
typedef enum prefShowOpt {prefShowNone, prefShowOLD, prefShowNEW} prefShowOpt_t;
@ -452,40 +418,56 @@ static void showDeviceDebugState(prefShowOpt_t opt) {
static void showSavePathState(savePaths_t pathIndex, prefShowOpt_t opt) {
char tempStr[50];
static void showSavePathState(savePaths_t path_index, prefShowOpt_t opt) {
switch (pathIndex) {
char s[50];
switch (path_index) {
case spDefault:
strcpy (tempStr,"default save path......");
strcpy (s, "default save path......");
case spDump:
strcpy (tempStr,"dump save path.........");
strcpy (s, "dump save path.........");
case spTrace:
strcpy (tempStr,"trace save path........");
strcpy (s, "trace save path........");
case spItemCount:
strcpy (tempStr,_RED_("unknown")" save path......");
strcpy (s, _RED_("unknown")" save path......");
if ((session.defaultPaths[path_index] == NULL) || (strcmp(session.defaultPaths[path_index], "") == 0)) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " %s %s "_WHITE_("not set"),
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " %s %s "_GREEN_("%s"),
if ((session.defaultPaths[pathIndex] == NULL) || (strcmp(session.defaultPaths[pathIndex],"") == 0))
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " %s %s "_WHITE_("not set"), prefShowMsg(opt),tempStr);
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " %s %s "_GREEN_("%s"), prefShowMsg(opt), tempStr, session.defaultPaths[pathIndex]);
static void showPlotPosState(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Plot window............ X "_GREEN_("%4d")" Y "_GREEN_("%4d")" H "_GREEN_("%4d")" W "_GREEN_("%4d"),
session.plot.x, session.plot.y, session.plot.h, session.plot.w);
static void showOverlayPosState(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Slider/Overlay window.. X "_GREEN_("%4d")" Y "_GREEN_("%4d")" H "_GREEN_("%4d")" W "_GREEN_("%4d"),
session.overlay.x, session.overlay.y, session.overlay.h, session.overlay.w);
static void showHintsState(prefShowOpt_t opt) {
if (session.show_hints)
@ -668,70 +650,72 @@ static int setCmdDebug(const char *Cmd) {
static int setCmdDeviceDebug (const char *Cmd)
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
bool validValue = false;
char strOpt[50];
devicedebugLevel_t newValue = session.device_debug_level;
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "pref set devicedebug ",
"Set presistent preference of device side debug level",
"pref set devicedebug --on"
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
return usage_set_devicedebug ();
void *argtable[] = {
arg_lit0(NULL, "off", "no debug messages"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "error", "error messages"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "info", "info messages"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "dbg", "debug messages"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "ext", "extended debug messages"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true);
bool use_off = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
bool use_err = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2);
bool use_info = arg_get_lit(ctx, 3);
bool use_dbg = arg_get_lit(ctx, 4);
bool use_ext = arg_get_lit(ctx, 5);
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, sizeof(strOpt)) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
if (strncmp (strOpt,"help",4) == 0)
return usage_set_devicedebug();
if (strncmp (strOpt,"off",3) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ddbOFF;
if (strncmp (strOpt,"error",5) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ddbERROR;
if (strncmp (strOpt,"info",4) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ddbINFO;
if (strncmp (strOpt,"debug",5) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ddbDEBUG;
if (strncmp (strOpt,"extended",8) == 0) {
validValue = true;
newValue = ddbEXTENDED;
if (validValue) {
if (session.device_debug_level != newValue) {// changed
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowOLD);
session.device_debug_level = newValue;
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowNEW);
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"nothing changed");
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowNone);
if (session.pm3_present) {
PrintAndLogEx (INFO,"setting device debug loglevel");
SendCommandNG(CMD_SET_DBGMODE, &session.device_debug_level, 1);
PacketResponseNG resp;
if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_SET_DBGMODE, &resp, 2000) == false)
PrintAndLogEx (INFO,"failed to set device debug loglevel");
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"invalid option");
return usage_set_devicedebug();
if ( (use_off + use_err + use_info + use_dbg + use_ext) > 1) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Can only set one option");
return PM3_EINVARG;
devicedebugLevel_t new_value = session.device_debug_level;
if (use_off) {
new_value = ddbOFF;
if (use_err) {
new_value = ddbERROR;
if (use_info) {
new_value = ddbINFO;
if (use_dbg) {
new_value = ddbDEBUG;
if (use_ext) {
new_value = ddbEXTENDED;
if (session.device_debug_level != new_value) {// changed
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowOLD);
session.device_debug_level = new_value;
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowNEW);
} else {
showDeviceDebugState (prefShowNone);
if (session.pm3_present) {
PrintAndLogEx (INFO,"setting device debug loglevel");
SendCommandNG(CMD_SET_DBGMODE, &session.device_debug_level, 1);
PacketResponseNG resp;
if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_SET_DBGMODE, &resp, 2000) == false)
PrintAndLogEx (WARNING,"failed to set device debug loglevel");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int setCmdHint(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "pref set hints ",
@ -774,6 +758,7 @@ static int setCmdHint(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int setCmdPlotSliders(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "pref set plotsliders ",
@ -816,97 +801,87 @@ static int setCmdPlotSliders(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int setCmdSavePaths (const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t cmdp = 0;
bool errors = false;
// bool validValue = false;
char *strOpt = NULL;
int optLen = 0;
char *newValue = NULL;
bool createDir = false;
savePaths_t pathItem = spItemCount;
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "pref set savepath",
"Set presistent preference of file paths in the client",
"pref set savepaths --dump /home/mydumpfolder -> all dump files will be saved into this folder\n"
"pref set savepaths --def /home/myfolder -c -> create if needed, all files will be saved into this folder"
void *argtable[] = {
arg_lit0("c", "create", "create directory if it does not exist"),
arg_str0(NULL, "def", "<path>", "default path"),
arg_str0(NULL, "dump", "<path>", "dump file path"),
arg_str0(NULL, "trace", "<path>", "trace path"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true);
bool create_dir = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
if (param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) == 0x00)
return usage_set_savePaths();
int deflen = 0;
char def_path[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0};
CLIParamStrToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 2), (uint8_t *)def_path, FILE_PATH_SIZE, &deflen);
while ((param_getchar(Cmd, cmdp) != 0x00) && !errors) {
int dulen = 0;
char dump_path[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0};
CLIParamStrToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 3), (uint8_t *)dump_path, FILE_PATH_SIZE, &dulen);
optLen = param_getlength(Cmd, cmdp)+1;
strOpt = (char *)realloc(strOpt,optLen+1);//, sizeof(uint8_t));
int tlen = 0;
char trace_path[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0};
CLIParamStrToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 4), (uint8_t *)trace_path, FILE_PATH_SIZE, &tlen);
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, strOpt, optLen) != 0) {
str_lower(strOpt); // convert to lowercase
if (deflen == 0 && dulen == 0 && tlen == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Must give atleast one path");
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (strncmp(strOpt, "help", 4) == 0)
return usage_set_savePaths();
savePaths_t path_item = spItemCount;
char *path = NULL;
if (deflen) {
path_item = spDefault;
path = def_path;
if (dulen) {
path_item = spDump;
path = dump_path;
if (tlen) {
path_item = spTrace;
path = trace_path;
if (strncmp(strOpt, "create", 6) == 0) {
// check if 2 more options.
if (param_getlength(Cmd, cmdp+1) == 0) // should have min 2 more options
return usage_set_savePaths();
createDir = true;
} else {
if ((strncmp(strOpt, "default", 7) == 0) ||
(strncmp(strOpt, "dump", 4) == 0) ||
(strncmp(strOpt, "trace", 5) == 0)) {
// remove trailing slash.
size_t nplen = strlen(path);
if ((path[nplen - 1] == '/') || (path[nplen - 1] == '\\')) {
path[nplen - 1] = 0x00;
// Get Path
optLen = param_getlength(Cmd, cmdp) + 1;
newValue = (char *)realloc(newValue, optLen+1);
if (param_getstr(Cmd, cmdp++, newValue, optLen) == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "missing %s path",strOpt);
return usage_set_savePaths();
// remove trailing slash.
if ((newValue[strlen(newValue)-1] == '/') || (newValue[strlen(newValue)-1] == '\\'))
newValue[strlen(newValue)-1] = 0x00;
// Check path
if (fileExists(path) == false && create_dir == false) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"path does not exist... "_RED_("%s"), path);
// Check path
if (!fileExists(newValue) && !createDir) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"path does not exist... "_RED_("%s"),newValue);
} else {
// do we need to create it
// if (!fileExists(newValue))
// create_path (newValue); //mkdir (newValue,0x777);
// do we need to create it
// if (!fileExists(newValue))
// create_path (newValue); //mkdir (newValue,0x777);
pathItem = spItemCount;
if (strncmp(strOpt, "default", 7) == 0) pathItem = spDefault;
if (strncmp(strOpt, "dump", 4) == 0) pathItem = spDump;
if (strncmp(strOpt, "trace", 5) == 0) pathItem = spTrace;
if (pathItem < spItemCount) {
if (strcmp(newValue, session.defaultPaths[pathItem]) != 0) {
showSavePathState(pathItem, prefShowOLD);
setDefaultPath (pathItem, newValue);
showSavePathState(pathItem, prefShowNEW);
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "nothing changed");
showSavePathState(pathItem, prefShowNone);
} else {
return usage_set_savePaths();
if (path_item < spItemCount) {
if (strcmp(path, session.defaultPaths[path_item]) != 0) {
showSavePathState(path_item, prefShowOLD);
setDefaultPath (path_item, path);
showSavePathState(path_item, prefShowNEW);
} else {
showSavePathState(path_item, prefShowNone);
// clean up
if (strOpt != NULL) free (strOpt);
if (newValue != NULL) free (newValue);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int getCmdHelp(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int setCmdBarMode(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "pref set barmode",
@ -984,13 +959,18 @@ static int getCmdBarMode(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int getCmdSavePaths(const char *Cmd) {
showSavePathState(spDefault, prefShowNone);
showSavePathState(spDump, prefShowNone);
showSavePathState(spTrace, prefShowNone);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static command_t CommandTableGet[] = {
// {"help", getCmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help"},
{"barmode", getCmdBarMode, AlwaysAvailable, "Get bar mode preference"},
{"clientdebug", getCmdDebug, AlwaysAvailable, "Get client debug level preference"},
{"color", getCmdColor, AlwaysAvailable, "Get color support preference"},
// {"defaultsavepaths", getCmdSavePaths, AlwaysAvailable, "... to be adjusted next ... "},
{"savepaths", getCmdSavePaths, AlwaysAvailable, "Get file folder "},
// {"devicedebug", getCmdDeviceDebug, AlwaysAvailable, "Get device debug level"},
{"emoji", getCmdEmoji, AlwaysAvailable, "Get emoji display preference"},
{"hints", getCmdHint, AlwaysAvailable, "Get hint display preference"},
@ -1005,7 +985,7 @@ static command_t CommandTableSet[] = {
{"color", setCmdColor, AlwaysAvailable, "Set color support"},
{"emoji", setCmdEmoji, AlwaysAvailable, "Set emoji display"},
{"hints", setCmdHint, AlwaysAvailable, "Set hint display"},
// {"defaultsavepaths", setCmdSavePaths, AlwaysAvailable, "... to be adjusted next ... "},
{"savepaths", setCmdSavePaths, AlwaysAvailable, "... to be adjusted next ... "},
// {"devicedebug", setCmdDeviceDebug, AlwaysAvailable, "Set device debug level"},
{"plotsliders", setCmdPlotSliders, AlwaysAvailable, "Set plot slider display"},
@ -1042,11 +1022,11 @@ static int CmdPrefShow(const char *Cmd) {
// showPlotPosState ();
// showOverlayPosState ();
// showSavePathState(spDefault, prefShowNone);
// showSavePathState(spDump, prefShowNone);
// showSavePathState(spTrace, prefShowNone);
showSavePathState(spDefault, prefShowNone);
showSavePathState(spDump, prefShowNone);
showSavePathState(spTrace, prefShowNone);
// showDeviceDebugState(prefShowNone);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ typedef enum logLevel {NORMAL, SUCCESS, INFO, FAILED, WARNING, ERR, DEBUG, INPLA
typedef enum emojiMode {EMO_ALIAS, EMO_EMOJI, EMO_ALTTEXT, EMO_NONE} emojiMode_t;
typedef enum clientdebugLevel {cdbOFF, cdbSIMPLE, cdbFULL} clientdebugLevel_t;
// typedef enum devicedebugLevel {ddbOFF, ddbERROR, ddbINFO, ddbDEBUG, ddbEXTENDED} devicedebugLevel_t;
//typedef enum savePaths {spDefault, spDump, spTrace, spItemCount} savePaths_t; // last item spItemCount used to auto map to number of files
typedef enum savePaths {spDefault, spDump, spTrace, spItemCount} savePaths_t; // last item spItemCount used to auto map to number of files
typedef struct {int x; int y; int h; int w;} qtWindow_t;
typedef struct {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ typedef struct {
qtWindow_t overlay;
bool overlay_sliders;
bool incognito;
// char *defaultPaths[spItemCount]; // Array should allow loop searching for files
char *defaultPaths[spItemCount]; // Array should allow loop searching for files
clientdebugLevel_t client_debug_level;
barMode_t bar_mode;
// uint8_t device_debug_level;
Reference in a new issue