waveshare: add dithering

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Teuwen 2020-09-15 00:59:08 +02:00
parent 0d58488bec
commit 903d1a1d36

View file

@ -158,7 +158,198 @@ static int read_bmp_bitmap(const uint8_t *bmp, const size_t bmpsize, uint8_t **b
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int read_bmp_rgb(const uint8_t *bmp, const size_t bmpsize, uint8_t **black, uint8_t **red) {
static void rgb_to_gray(int16_t *chanR, int16_t *chanG, int16_t *chanB, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, int16_t *chanGrey) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
// greyscale conversion
float Clinear = 0.2126 * chanR[X + Y * width] + 0.7152 * chanG[X + Y * width] + 0.0722 * chanB[X + Y * width];
// Csrgb = 12.92 Clinear when Clinear <= 0.0031308
// Csrgb = 1.055 Clinear1/2.4 - 0.055 when Clinear > 0.0031308
chanGrey[X + Y * width] = Clinear;
// Floyd-Steinberg dithering
static void dither_chan_inplace(int16_t *chan, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
int16_t oldp = chan[X + Y * width];
int16_t newp = oldp > 127 ? 255 : 0;
chan[X + Y * width] = newp;
int16_t err = oldp - newp;
float m[] = {7,3,5,1};
if (X < width - 1){
chan[X + 1 + Y * width] = chan[X + 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * err;
if (Y < height - 1) {
chan[X - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = chan[X - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * err;
if (Y < height - 1){
chan[X + (Y + 1) * width] = chan[X + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * err;
if ((X < width - 1) && (Y < height - 1)){
chan[X + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = chan[X + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * err;
static uint32_t color_compare(int16_t r1, int16_t g1, int16_t b1, int16_t r2, int16_t g2, int16_t b2) {
// Compute (square of) distance from oldR/G/B to this color
int16_t inR = r1 - r2;
int16_t inG = g1 - g2;
int16_t inB = b1 - b2;
// use RGB-to-grey weighting
float dist = 0.2126 *inR*inR + 0.7152 *inG*inG + 0.0722 *inB*inB;
return dist;
static void nearest_color(int16_t oldR, int16_t oldG, int16_t oldB, uint8_t *palette, uint16_t palettelen, uint8_t *newR, uint8_t *newG, uint8_t *newB) {
uint32_t bestdist=0x7FFFFFFF;
for (uint16_t i=0; i < palettelen; i++) {
uint8_t R = palette[i*3+0];
uint8_t G = palette[i*3+1];
uint8_t B = palette[i*3+2];
uint32_t dist = color_compare(oldR, oldG, oldB, R, G, B);
if (dist < bestdist) {
bestdist = dist;
*newR = R;
*newG = G;
*newB = B;
static void dither_rgb_inplace(int16_t *chanR, int16_t *chanG, int16_t *chanB, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t *palette, uint16_t palettelen) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
// scan odd lines in the opposite direction
uint16_t XX = X;
if (Y % 2) {
XX = width - X - 1;
int16_t oldR = chanR[XX + Y * width];
int16_t oldG = chanG[XX + Y * width];
int16_t oldB = chanB[XX + Y * width];
uint8_t newR, newG, newB;
nearest_color(oldR, oldG, oldB, palette, palettelen, &newR, &newG, &newB);
chanR[XX + Y * width] = newR;
chanG[XX + Y * width] = newG;
chanB[XX + Y * width] = newB;
int16_t errR = oldR - newR;
int16_t errG = oldG - newG;
int16_t errB = oldB - newB;
float m[]={7,3,5,1};
if (Y % 2) {
if (XX > 0) {
chanR[XX - 1 + Y * width] = (chanR[XX - 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX - 1 + Y * width] = (chanG[XX - 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX - 1 + Y * width] = (chanB[XX - 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errB);
if (Y < height - 1) {
chanR[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errB);
if (Y < height - 1) {
chanR[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errB);
if ((XX < width - 1) && (Y < height - 1)) {
chanR[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errB);
} else {
if (XX < width - 1) {
chanR[XX + 1 + Y * width] = (chanR[XX + 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX + 1 + Y * width] = (chanG[XX + 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX + 1 + Y * width] = (chanB[XX + 1 + Y * width] + m[0]/16 * errB);
if (Y < height - 1) {
chanR[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX - 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[1]/16 * errB);
if (Y < height - 1) {
chanR[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX + (Y + 1) * width] + m[2]/16 * errB);
if ((XX < width - 1) && (Y < height - 1)) {
chanR[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanR[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errR);
chanG[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanG[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errG);
chanB[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] = (chanB[XX + 1 + (Y + 1) * width] + m[3]/16 * errB);
static void rgb_to_gray_red_inplace(int16_t *chanR, int16_t *chanG, int16_t *chanB, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
float Clinear = 0.2126 * chanR[X + Y * width] + 0.7152 * chanG[X + Y * width] + 0.0722 * chanB[X + Y * width];
if ((chanR[X + Y * width] < chanG[X + Y * width] && chanR[X + Y * width] < chanB[X + Y * width])) {
chanR[X + Y * width] = Clinear;
chanG[X + Y * width] = Clinear;
chanB[X + Y * width] = Clinear;
static void threshold_chan(int16_t *colorchan, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t threshold, uint8_t *colormap) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
colormap[X + Y * width] = colorchan[X + Y * width] < threshold;
static void threshold_rgb_black_red(int16_t *chanR, int16_t *chanG, int16_t *chanB, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t threshold_black, uint8_t threshold_red, uint8_t *blackmap, uint8_t *redmap) {
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
if ((chanR[X + Y * width] < threshold_black) && (chanG[X + Y * width] < threshold_black) && (chanB[X + Y * width] < threshold_black)) {
blackmap[X + Y * width] = 1;
redmap[X + Y * width] = 0;
} else if ((chanR[X + Y * width] > threshold_red) && (chanG[X + Y * width] < threshold_black) && (chanB[X + Y * width] < threshold_black)) {
blackmap[X + Y * width] = 0;
redmap[X + Y * width] = 1;
} else {
blackmap[X + Y * width] = 0;
redmap[X + Y * width] = 0;
static void map8to1(uint8_t *colormap, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t *colormap8) {
uint16_t width8;
if (width % 8 == 0) {
width8 = width / 8;
} else {
width8 = width / 8 + 1;
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t count = 0;
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
data = data | colormap[X + Y * width];
if ((count >= 8) || (X == width - 1)) {
colormap8[X / 8 + Y * width8] = (~data)&0xFF;
count = 0;
data = 0;
data = (data << 1)&0xFF;
static int read_bmp_rgb(const uint8_t *bmp, const size_t bmpsize, uint8_t **black, uint8_t **black_minus_red, uint8_t **red) {
BMP_HEADER *pbmpheader = (BMP_HEADER *)bmp;
// check file is full color
if (pbmpheader->bpp != 24) {
@ -176,49 +367,118 @@ static int read_bmp_rgb(const uint8_t *bmp, const size_t bmpsize, uint8_t **blac
// Get BMP file data pointer
uint32_t offset = pbmpheader->offset;
uint16_t width = pbmpheader->BMP_Width;
uint16_t height = pbmpheader->BMP_Height;
uint16_t X, Y;
uint16_t Image_Width_Byte = (pbmpheader->BMP_Width % 8 == 0) ? (pbmpheader->BMP_Width / 8) : (pbmpheader->BMP_Width / 8 + 1);
int16_t *chanR = calloc(width*height, sizeof(int16_t));
if (chanR == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
int16_t *chanG = calloc(width*height, sizeof(int16_t));
if (chanG == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
int16_t *chanB = calloc(width*height, sizeof(int16_t));
if (chanB == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
// Extracting BMP chans
for (uint16_t Y=0; Y<height; Y++) {
for (uint16_t X=0; X<width; X++) {
chanB[X + (height - Y - 1) * width] = bmp[offset++];
chanG[X + (height - Y - 1) * width] = bmp[offset++];
chanR[X + (height - Y - 1) * width] = bmp[offset++];
// Skip line padding
// for BW-only screens:
int16_t *chanGrey = calloc(width*height, sizeof(int16_t));
if (chanGrey == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
rgb_to_gray(chanR, chanG, chanB, width, height, chanGrey);
dither_chan_inplace(chanGrey, width, height);
uint8_t *mapBlack = calloc(width*height, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (mapBlack == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
threshold_chan(chanGrey, width, height, 128, mapBlack);
// for BW+Red screens:
uint8_t *mapBlackMinusRed = calloc(width*height, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (mapBlackMinusRed == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
uint8_t *mapRed = calloc(width*height, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (mapRed == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
rgb_to_gray_red_inplace(chanR, chanG, chanB, width, height);
uint8_t palette[] ={0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}; // black, white, red
dither_rgb_inplace(chanR, chanG, chanB, width, height, palette, sizeof(palette)/3);
threshold_rgb_black_red(chanR, chanG, chanB, width, height, 128, 128, mapBlackMinusRed, mapRed);
*black = calloc(WSMAPSIZE, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (*black == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
*black_minus_red = calloc(WSMAPSIZE, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (*black_minus_red == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
*red = calloc(WSMAPSIZE, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (*red == NULL) {
return PM3_EMALLOC;
uint8_t R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
uint8_t Black_data = 0;
uint8_t Red_data = 0;
uint8_t count = 0;
// Write data into RAM
for (Y = 0; Y < pbmpheader->BMP_Height; Y++) { // columns
for (X = 0; X < pbmpheader->BMP_Width; X++) { // lines
B = bmp[offset++];
G = bmp[offset++];
R = bmp[offset++];
if (R < 128 && G < 128 && B < 128) {
Black_data = Black_data | (1);
} else if (R > 190 && G < 90 && B < 90) {
Red_data = Red_data | (1);
if ((count >= 8) || (X == pbmpheader->BMP_Width - 1)) {
(*black)[X / 8 + (pbmpheader->BMP_Height - Y - 1) * Image_Width_Byte] = ~Black_data;
(*red)[X / 8 + (pbmpheader->BMP_Height - Y - 1) * Image_Width_Byte] = ~Red_data;
count = 0;
Black_data = 0;
Red_data = 0;
Black_data = Black_data << 1;
Red_data = Red_data << 1;
// Skip BMP line padding: we accumulate 3* %4 per line and need one more %4 as padding
offset += pbmpheader->BMP_Width % 4;
map8to1(mapBlack, width, height, *black);
map8to1(mapBlackMinusRed, width, height, *black_minus_red);
map8to1(mapRed, width, height, *red);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
@ -286,7 +546,7 @@ static int start_drawing_1in54B(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red)
if (model_nr == M1in54B) {
step_5[2] = 100;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "1.54_Step9: e-paper config2 (black)");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "1.54_Step9: e-paper config2 (black)");
if (model_nr == M1in54B) { //1.54inch B Keychain
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
read_black(i, step_5, model_nr, black);
@ -299,12 +559,12 @@ static int start_drawing_1in54B(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "1.54_Step6: e-paper power on");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "1.54_Step6: e-paper power on");
ret = transceive_blocking(step_4, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 04
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "1.54_Step7: e-paper config2 (red)");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "1.54_Step7: e-paper config2 (red)");
if (model_nr == M1in54B) { //1.54inch B Keychain
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
read_red(i, step_5, model_nr, red);
@ -318,16 +578,16 @@ static int start_drawing_1in54B(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red)
// Send update instructions
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "1.54_Step8: EDP load to main");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "1.54_Step8: EDP load to main");
ret = transceive_blocking(step_6, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 06
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "1.54_Step9");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "1.54_Step9");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *black_minus_red, uint8_t *red) {
uint8_t progress = 0;
uint8_t step0[2] = {0xcd, 0x0d};
uint8_t step1[3] = {0xcd, 0x00, 10}; //select e-paper type and reset e-paper 4:2.13inch e-Paper 7:2.9inch e-Paper 10:4.2inch e-Paper 14:7.5inch e-Paper
@ -381,12 +641,12 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "model_nr = %d", model_nr);
int ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step0");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step0");
ret = transceive_blocking(step0, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 0d
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step1: e-paper config");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step1: e-paper config");
//step1[2] screen model
//step8[2] nr of bytes sent at once
//step13[2] nr of bytes sent for the second time
@ -432,19 +692,19 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step2: e-paper normal mode type");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step2: e-paper normal mode type");
ret = transceive_blocking(step2, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 01
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step3: e-paper config1");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step3: e-paper config1");
ret = transceive_blocking(step3, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 02
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step4: e-paper power on");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step4: e-paper power on");
ret = transceive_blocking(step4, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 03
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
@ -452,30 +712,30 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
if (model_nr == M1in54B) {
// 1.54B Keychain handler
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Start_Drawing_1in54B");
ret = start_drawing_1in54B(model_nr, black, red);
ret = start_drawing_1in54B(model_nr, black_minus_red, red);
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
//1.54B Data transfer is complete and wait for refresh
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step5: e-paper config2");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step5: e-paper config2");
ret = transceive_blocking(step5, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 05
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step6: EDP load to main") ;
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step6: EDP load to main") ;
ret = transceive_blocking(step6, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 06
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step7: Data preparation");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step7: Data preparation");
ret = transceive_blocking(step7, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 07
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step8: Start data transfer");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step8: Start data transfer");
if (model_nr == M2in13) { //2.13inch
for (i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
read_black(i, step8, model_nr, black);
@ -519,7 +779,7 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
} else if (model_nr == M2in13B) { //2.13inch B
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
read_black(i, step8, model_nr, black);
read_black(i, step8, model_nr, black_minus_red);
ret = transceive_blocking(step8, 109, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); // cd 08
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
@ -557,7 +817,7 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step9: e-paper power on");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step9: e-paper power on");
if (model_nr == M2in13 || model_nr == M2in9 || model_nr == M4in2 || model_nr == M7in5 || model_nr == M7in5HD) {
ret = transceive_blocking(step9, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 18
// The black-and-white screen sending backplane is also shielded, with no effect. Except 2.7
@ -569,7 +829,7 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step9b");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step9b");
if (model_nr == M2in7) {
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
read_black(i, step13, model_nr, black);
@ -594,14 +854,14 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step10: Refresh e-paper");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step10: Refresh e-paper");
ret = transceive_blocking(step10, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 09 refresh command
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step11: Wait tag to be ready");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step11: Wait tag to be ready");
if (model_nr == M2in13B || model_nr == M1in54B) { // Black, white and red screen refresh time is longer, wait first
} else if (model_nr == M7in5HD) {
@ -635,7 +895,7 @@ static int start_drawing(uint8_t model_nr, uint8_t *black, uint8_t *red) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Step12: e-paper power off command");
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "Step12: e-paper power off command");
ret = transceive_blocking(step12, 2, rx, 20, actrxlen, true); //cd 04
if (ret != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
@ -693,6 +953,7 @@ static int CmdHF14AWSLoadBmp(const char *Cmd) {
uint8_t *bmp = NULL;
uint8_t *black = NULL;
uint8_t *black_minus_red = NULL;
uint8_t *red = NULL;
size_t bytes_read = 0;
if (loadFile_safe(filename, ".bmp", (void **)&bmp, &bytes_read) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
@ -713,7 +974,7 @@ static int CmdHF14AWSLoadBmp(const char *Cmd) {
} else if (depth == 24) {
PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "BMP file is a RGB");
if (read_bmp_rgb(bmp, bytes_read, &black, &red) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
if (read_bmp_rgb(bmp, bytes_read, &black, &black_minus_red, &red) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return PM3_ESOFT;
@ -728,8 +989,11 @@ static int CmdHF14AWSLoadBmp(const char *Cmd) {
start_drawing(model_nr, black, red);
start_drawing(model_nr, black, black_minus_red, red);
if (black_minus_red != NULL) {
if (red != NULL) {