mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 04:55:42 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 232 additions and 40 deletions
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ typedef struct aidhdr {
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
static const char *getEncryptionAlgoStr(uint8_t algo) {
/*static const char *getEncryptionAlgoStr(uint8_t algo) {
switch (algo) {
return "AES";
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ static const char *getEncryptionAlgoStr(uint8_t algo) {
default :
return "";
The 7 MSBits (= n) code the storage size itself based on 2^n,
the LSBit is set to '0' if the size is exactly 2^n
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ static int handler_desfire_freemem(uint32_t *free_mem) {
return res;
static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t new_algo, uint8_t *old_key, uint8_t old_algo, uint8_t aes_version) {
/*static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t new_algo, uint8_t *old_key, uint8_t old_algo, uint8_t aes_version) {
if (new_key == NULL || old_key == NULL) {
return PM3_EINVARG;
@ -1060,10 +1060,10 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
// AID == 000000 6bits LSB needs to be 0
key_no &= 0x0F;
Desfire treats Des keys as TDes but with the first half = 2nd half
As such, we should be able to convert the Des to TDes then run the code as TDes
if (new_algo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) {
memcpy(&new_key[8], new_key, 8);
new_algo = MFDES_ALGO_3DES;
@ -1074,10 +1074,10 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
old_algo = MFDES_ALGO_3DES;
* Because new crypto methods can be setup only at application creation,
* changing the card master key to one of them require a key_no tweak.
if (0x000000 == tag->selected_application) {
// PICC master key, 6bits LSB needs to be 0
@ -1096,13 +1096,13 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
keyno 1b
key 8b
cpy 8b
crc 2b
// Variable length ciphered key data 24-42 bytes plus padding..
uint8_t data[64] = {key_no};
@ -1113,13 +1113,13 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
uint8_t new_key_length = 16;
switch (new_algo) {
// We have converted the DES to 3DES above,so this will never hit
memcpy(data + cmdcnt + 1, new_key, new_key_length);
memcpy(data + cmdcnt + 1 + new_key_length, new_key, new_key_length);
new_key_length = 16;
@ -1251,12 +1251,12 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
if (!p) {
Note in my testing on an EV1, the AES password did change, with the number of returned bytes was 8, expected 9 <status><8 byte cmac>
As such !p is true and the code reports "Error on changing key"; so comment back to user until its fixed.
Note: as at 19 May 2021, with the sn = 1 patch above, this should no longer be reachable!
if (new_algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "AES Key may have been changed, please check new password with the auth command.");
@ -1264,17 +1264,17 @@ static int mifare_desfire_change_key(uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *new_key, uint8_t n
return PM3_ESOFT;
* If we changed the current authenticated key, we are not authenticated
* anymore.
if (key_no == tag->authenticated_key_no) {
tag->session_key = NULL;
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int desfire_print_signature(uint8_t *uid, uint8_t uidlen, uint8_t *signature, size_t signature_len, nxp_cardtype_t card_type) {
@ -3805,7 +3805,7 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesBruteApps(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int CmdHF14ADesChangeKey(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mfdes changekey",
@ -3900,7 +3900,7 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesChangeKey(const char *Cmd) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Change key ( " _RED_("fail") " )");
return res;
// MIAFRE DESFire Authentication
@ -4885,6 +4885,197 @@ static int CmdHF14ADesDefault(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int CmdHF14ADesChangeKey(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mfdes changekey",
"Change PICC/Application key. Needs to provide keynum/key for a valid authentication (may get from default parameters).",
"hf mfdes changekey --aid 123456 -> execute with default factory setup");
void *argtable[] = {
arg_lit0("a", "apdu", "show APDU requests and responses"),
arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "show technical data"),
arg_int0("n", "keyno", "<keyno>", "Key number"),
arg_str0("t", "algo", "<DES/2TDEA/3TDEA/AES>", "Crypt algo: DES, 2TDEA, 3TDEA, AES"),
arg_str0("k", "key", "<Key>", "Key for authenticate (HEX 8(DES), 16(2TDEA or AES) or 24(3TDEA) bytes)"),
arg_str0("f", "kdf", "<none/AN10922/gallagher>", "Key Derivation Function (KDF): None, AN10922, Gallagher"),
arg_str0("i", "kdfi", "<kdfi>", "KDF input (HEX 1-31 bytes)"),
arg_str0("m", "cmode", "<plain/mac/encrypt>", "Communicaton mode: plain/mac/encrypt"),
arg_str0("c", "ccset", "<native/niso/iso>", "Communicaton command set: native/niso/iso"),
arg_str0("s", "schann", "<d40/ev1/ev2>", "Secure channel: d40/ev1/ev2"),
arg_str0(NULL, "aid", "<app id hex>", "Application ID of application (3 hex bytes, big endian)"),
arg_str0(NULL, "oldalgo", "<DES/2TDEA/3TDEA/AES>", "Old key crypto algorithm: DES, 2TDEA, 3TDEA, AES"),
arg_str0(NULL, "oldkey", "<old key>", "Old key (HEX 8(DES), 16(2TDEA or AES) or 24(3TDEA) bytes)"),
arg_int0(NULL, "newkeyno","<keyno>", "Key number for change"),
arg_str0(NULL, "newalgo", "<DES/2TDEA/3TDEA/AES>", "New key crypto algorithm: DES, 2TDEA, 3TDEA, AES"),
arg_str0(NULL, "newkey", "<new key>", "New key (HEX 8(DES), 16(2TDEA or AES) or 24(3TDEA) bytes)"),
arg_str0(NULL, "newver", "<version hex>", "New key's version (1 hex byte)"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
bool APDULogging = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
bool verbose = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2);
DesfireContext dctx;
int securechann = defaultSecureChannel;
uint32_t appid = 0x000000;
int res = CmdDesGetSessionParameters(ctx, &dctx, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, &securechann, DCMEncrypted, &appid);
if (res) {
return res;
int oldkeytype = T_DES;
if (CLIGetOptionList(arg_get_str(ctx, 12), DesfireAlgoOpts, &oldkeytype))
return PM3_ESOFT;
uint8_t oldkey[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t newkeynum = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 14, 0);
int newkeytype = T_DES;
if (CLIGetOptionList(arg_get_str(ctx, 15), DesfireAlgoOpts, &newkeytype))
return PM3_ESOFT;
uint8_t newkey[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t newkeyver = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 17, 0x100);
if (appid == 0x000000) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Changing the root aid (0x000000)");
return PM3_ESOFT; // TODO!!!!
res = DesfireSelectAndAuthenticate(&dctx, securechann, appid, verbose);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
return res;
res = DesfireChangeKey(&dctx, newkeynum, newkeytype, newkeyver, newkey, oldkeytype, oldkey);
if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Change key " _GREEN_("ok") " ");
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Change key " _RED_("failed") " ");
return res;
return PM3_SUCCESS;
/* CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mfdes changekey",
"Change MIFARE DESFire Key.\n"
"Make sure to select aid or authenticate aid before running this command.",
"hf mfdes changekey -n 0 -t 1 -k 0000000000000000 -u 1 -j 0102030405060708 -> DES, keynumber 0"
void *argtable[] = {
arg_int0("n", "keyno", "<dec>", "Key number used for authentification"),
arg_int0("t", "algo", "<dec>", "Current key algo (1 = DES, 2 = 3DES(2K2DES), 3 = 3K3DES, 4 = AES)"),
arg_str0("k", "key", "<hex>", "Current Key (HEX 8-24 bytes)"),
arg_int0("u", "newalgo", "<dec>", "New key algo (1 = DES, 2 = 3DES(2K2DES), 3 = 3K3DES, 4 = AES)"),
arg_str0("j", "newkey", "<hex>", "New Key (HEX 8-24 bytes)"),
arg_int0("v", "aesver", "<dec>", "AES version (if AES is used)"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
uint8_t cmdKeyNo = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 1, 0);
uint8_t cmdAuthAlgo = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 2, 0);
uint8_t key[24] = {0};
int keylen = 0;
int res_klen = CLIParamHexToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 3), key, 24, &keylen);
uint8_t newcmdAuthAlgo = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 4, 0);
uint8_t newkey[24] = {0};
int newkeylen = 0;
int res_newklen = CLIParamHexToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 5), newkey, 24, &newkeylen);
uint8_t aesversion = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 6, 0);
// ------------------------
// 1 = DES 8
// 2 = 3DES 16
// 3 = 3K 3DES 24
// 4 = AES 16
uint8_t keylength = 8;
if (cmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) {
keylength = 16;
} else if (cmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) {
keylength = 16;
} else if (cmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) {
keylength = 8;
} else if (cmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) {
keylength = 24;
uint8_t newkeylength = 8;
if (newcmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) {
newkeylength = 16;
} else if (newcmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) {
newkeylength = 16;
} else if (newcmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) {
newkeylength = 8;
} else if (newcmdAuthAlgo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) {
newkeylength = 24;
if (res_klen || (keylen < 8) || (keylen > 24)) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Specified key must have %d bytes length", keylen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (res_newklen || (newkeylen < 8) || (newkeylen > 24)) {
PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Specified new key must have %d bytes length", newkeylen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (keylen != keylength) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Key must include %d hex symbols, got %d", keylength, keylen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (newkeylen != newkeylength) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "New key must include %d hex symbols, got %d", keylength, newkeylen);
return PM3_EINVARG;
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "changing key number " _YELLOW_("0x%02x"), cmdKeyNo);
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "old key: %s ( %s )", sprint_hex_inrow(key, keylen), getEncryptionAlgoStr(cmdAuthAlgo));
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "new key: %s ( %s )", sprint_hex_inrow(newkey, newkeylen), getEncryptionAlgoStr(newcmdAuthAlgo));
int res = mifare_desfire_change_key(cmdKeyNo, newkey, newcmdAuthAlgo, key, cmdAuthAlgo, aesversion);
if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Change key ( " _GREEN_("ok") " )");
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Change key ( " _RED_("fail") " )");
return res;*/
static int CmdHF14ADesCreateApp(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mfdes createapp",
@ -5767,7 +5958,7 @@ static command_t CommandTable[] = {
// {"ndefread", CmdHF14aDesNDEFRead, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Prints NDEF records from card"},
// {"mad", CmdHF14aDesMAD, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Prints MAD records from card"},
{"-----------", CmdHelp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "------------------------ " _CYAN_("Keys") " -----------------------"},
{"changekey", CmdHF14ADesChangeKey, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Change Key"},
{"changekey", CmdHF14ADesChangeKey, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Change Key"},
{"chkeysettings", CmdHF14ADesChKeySettings, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Change Key Settings"},
{"getkeysettings", CmdHF14ADesGetKeySettings, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Get Key Settings"},
{"getkeyversions", CmdHF14ADesGetKeyVersions, IfPm3Iso14443a, "[new]Get Key Versions"},
@ -1081,26 +1081,26 @@ void PrintKeySettings(uint8_t keysettings, uint8_t numkeys, bool applevel, bool
int DesfireChangeKey(DesfireContext *dctx, uint8_t newkeynum, DesfireCryptoAlgorythm newkeytype, uint32_t newkeyver, uint8_t *newkey, DesfireCryptoAlgorythm oldkeytype, uint8_t *oldkey) {
uint_8t okeybuf[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint_8t nkeybuf[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint_8t cdata[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE + 10] = {0};
uint8_t okeybuf[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t nkeybuf[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t cdata[DESFIRE_MAX_KEY_SIZE + 10] = {0};
// DES -> 2TDEA
memcpy(okeybuf, oldkey, desfire_get_key_length(oldkeytype));
if (oldkeytype == MFDES_ALGO_DES) {
if (oldkeytype == T_DES) {
memcpy(&okeybuf[8], oldkey, 8);
oldkeytype = MFDES_ALGO_3DES;
oldkeytype = T_3DES;
memcpy(nkeybuf, newkey, desfire_get_key_length(newkeytype));
if (newkeytype == MFDES_ALGO_DES) {
if (newkeytype == T_DES) {
memcpy(&nkeybuf[8], newkey, 8);
newkeytype = MFDES_ALGO_3DES;
newkeytype = T_3DES;
size_t nkeylen = desfire_get_key_length(newkeytype);
// set key version for DES. if newkeyver > 0xff - setting key version is disabled
if (newkeytype != MFDES_ALGO_AES && newkeyver < 0x100)
if (newkeytype != T_AES && newkeyver < 0x100)
DesfireDESKeySetVersion(nkeybuf, newkeytype, newkeyver);
// xor if we change current auth key
@ -1108,13 +1108,13 @@ int DesfireChangeKey(DesfireContext *dctx, uint8_t newkeynum, DesfireCryptoAlgor
memcpy(cdata, nkeybuf, nkeylen);
} else {
memcpy(cdata, nkeybuf, nkeylen);
binxor(cdata, okeybuf, nkeylen)
bin_xor(cdata, okeybuf, nkeylen);
// add key version for AES
size_t cdatalen = nkeylen;
if (newkeytype == MFDES_ALGO_AES) {
cdata[cdatalen] = newkeyversion;
if (newkeytype == T_AES) {
cdata[cdatalen] = newkeyver;
@ -1136,12 +1136,12 @@ int DesfireChangeKey(DesfireContext *dctx, uint8_t newkeynum, DesfireCryptoAlgor
// get padded data length
size_t rlen = padded_data_length(cdatalen, desfire_get_key_block_length(ctx->keyType));
size_t rlen = padded_data_length(cdatalen, desfire_get_key_block_length(newkeytype));
// send command
uint8_t resp[257] = {0};
size_t resplen = 0;
int res = DesfireChangeKeyCmd(dctx, cdata, rlen, resp, resplen);
int res = DesfireChangeKeyCmd(dctx, cdata, rlen, resp, &resplen);
// check response
@ -1149,6 +1149,6 @@ int DesfireChangeKey(DesfireContext *dctx, uint8_t newkeynum, DesfireCryptoAlgor
if (newkeynum == dctx->keyNum)
return PM3_SUCCESS;
return res;
@ -327,22 +327,23 @@ void DesfireDESKeySetVersion(uint8_t *key, DesfireCryptoAlgorythm keytype, uint8
key[n] |= version_bit;
if (keytype == T_DES) {
key[n + 8] = key->data[n];
key[n + 8] = key[n];
} else {
// Write ~version to avoid turning a 3DES key into a DES key
key->data[n + 8] &= 0xFE;
key->data[n + 8] |= ~version_bit;
key[n + 8] &= 0xFE;
key[n + 8] |= ~version_bit;
uint8_t DesfireDESKeyGetVersion(uint8_t *key) {
uint8_t version = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
version = version << 1;
version |= (key[n] & 0xFE);
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
version |= ((key[n] & 1) << (7 - n));
return version;
void desfire_crc32(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, uint8_t *crc) {
crc32_ex(data, len, crc);
Reference in a new issue