add lf tests and traces

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Teuwen 2020-09-28 17:13:59 +02:00
parent 8ee30b785e
commit a82c3bdc1f
31 changed files with 314205 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -353,6 +353,94 @@ while true; do
if ! CheckExecute "lf GPROXII test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_gprox_36_30_14489.pm3; lf search 1'" "Guardall G-Prox II ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute "lf IDTECK test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_idteck_4944544BAC40E069.pm3; lf search 1'" "Idteck ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 awid 26 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_awid_26.pm3; lf search 1'" "AWID ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 awid 26 test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_awid_26.pm3; lf awid demod'" \
"AWID - len: 26 FC: 224 Card: 1337 - Wiegand: 3c00a73"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 awid 50 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_awid_50.pm3; lf search 1'" "AWID ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 awid 50 test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_awid_50.pm3; lf awid demod'" \
"AWID - len: 50 FC: 2001 Card: 13371337 - Wiegand: 20fa201980f92, Raw: 0128b12eb1811d7117e22111"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 em410x test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_em410x.pm3; lf search 1'" "EM410x ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 em410x test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_em410x.pm3; lf em 410x_demod demod'" \
"EM TAG ID : 0F0368568B"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 fdx_animal test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_fdx_animal.pm3; lf search 1'" "FDX-B ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 fdx_animal test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_fdx_animal.pm3; lf fdx demod'" \
"Animal ID 0999-000000112233"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 fdx_extended test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_fdx_extended.pm3; lf search 1'" "FDX-B ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 fdx_extended test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_fdx_extended.pm3; lf fdx demod'" \
"temperature 95.2 F / 35.1 C"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 gallagher test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_gallagher.pm3; lf search 1'" "GALLAGHER ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 gallagher test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_gallagher.pm3; lf gallagher demod'" \
"GALLAGHER - Region: 0 FC: 27865 CN: 682758 Issue Level: 13"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 hid test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_hid.pm3; lf search 1'" "HID Prox ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 hid test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_hid.pm3; lf hid demod'" \
"HID Prox - 2006ec0c86 (1603) - len: 26 bit - OEM: 000 FC: 118 Card: 1603"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 hid_84 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_hid_84.pm3; lf search 1'" "HID Prox ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 hid_84 test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_hid_84.pm3; lf hid demod'" \
"HID Prox - 9e000000000022006ec0c86 (1603)"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala_hedem test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala_hedem.pm3; lf search 1'" "Indala ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala_hedem test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala_hedem.pm3; lf indala demod'" \
"Heden-2L \| 888"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala.pm3; lf search 1'" "Indala ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala.pm3; lf indala demod'" \
"Fmt 26 FC: 123 Card: 1337 checksum: 10"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala_224 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala_224.pm3; lf search 1'" "Indala ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 indala_224 test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_indala_224.pm3; lf indala demod'" \
"Indala - len 224, Raw: 80000001b23523a6c2e31eba3cbee4afb3c6ad1fcf649393928c14e5"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 io test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_io.pm3; lf search 1'" "IO Prox ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 io test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_io.pm3; lf io demod'" \
"IO Prox - XSF(01)01:01337, Raw: 007840603059cf3f (ok)"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 jablotron test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_jablotron.pm3; lf search 1'" "Jablotron ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 jablotron test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_jablotron.pm3; lf jablotron demod'" \
"Printed: 1410-00-0011-2233"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri.pm3; lf search 1'" "KERI ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri.pm3; lf keri demod'" \
"KERI - Internal ID: 112233, Raw: E00000008001B669"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri_internalid test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri_internalid.pm3; lf search 1'" "KERI ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri_internalid test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri_internalid.pm3; lf keri demod'" \
"KERI - Internal ID: 12345, Raw: E000000080003039"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri_msid test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri_msid.pm3; lf search 1'" "KERI ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 keri_msid test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_keri_msid.pm3; lf keri demod'" \
"Descrambled MS - FC: 6 Card: 12345"; then break; fi
# if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 motorola test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_motorola.pm3; lf search 1'" "Indala ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 motorola test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_motorola.pm3; lf motorola demod'" \
"Motorola - fmt: 26 FC: 258 Card: 2, Raw: A0000000A0002021"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nedap test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nedap.pm3; lf search 1'" "NEDAP ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nedap test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nedap.pm3; lf nedap demod'" \
"NEDAP - Card: 12345 subtype: 1 customer code: 123, Raw: FF 82 24 65 08 20 99 53"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch.pm3; lf search 1'" "NexWatch ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch.pm3; lf nexwatch demod'" \
"Raw : 56000000213C9F8F150C00"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch_nexkey test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch_nexkey.pm3; lf search 1'" "NexWatch ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch_nexkey test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch_nexkey.pm3; lf nexwatch demod'" \
"88bit id : 521512301 (0x1f15a56d)"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch_quadrakey test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch_quadrakey.pm3; lf search 1'" "NexWatch ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 nexwatch_quadrakey test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch_quadrakey.pm3; lf nexwatch demod'" \
"88bit id : 521512301 (0x1f15a56d)"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 noralsy test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_noralsy.pm3; lf search 1'" "Noralsy ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 noralsy test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_noralsy.pm3; lf noralsy demod'" \
"Noralsy - Card: 112233, Year: 2000, Raw: BB0214FF0110002233070000"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 pac test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_pac.pm3; lf search 1'" "PAC/Stanley ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 pac test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_pac.pm3; lf pac demod'" \
"PAC/Stanley - Card: CD4F5552, Raw: FF2049906D8511C593155B56D5B2649F"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 paradox test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_paradox.pm3; lf search 1'" "Paradox ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 paradox test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_paradox.pm3; lf paradox demod'" \
"Paradox - ID: 004209dea FC: 96 Card: 40426, Checksum: b2, Raw: 0f55555695596a6a9999a59a"; then break; fi
# if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 presco test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_presco.pm3; lf search 1'" "Presco ID found"; then break; fi
# if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 presco test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_presco.pm3; lf presco demod'" \
# "Presco - Card: 1E8021D9, Raw: 10D0000000000000000000001E8021D9"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 pyramid test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_pyramid.pm3; lf search 1'" "Pyramid ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 pyramid test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_pyramid.pm3; lf pyramid demod'" \
"Pyramid - len: 26, FC: 123 Card: 11223 - Wiegand: 2f657ae, Raw: 00010101010101010101016eb35e5da4"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 securakey test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_securakey.pm3; lf search 1'" "Securakey ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 securakey test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_securakey.pm3; lf securakey demod'" \
"Securakey - len: 26 FC: 0x35 Card: 64169, Raw: 7FCB400001ADEA5344300000"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 viking test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_viking.pm3; lf search 1'" "Viking ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 viking test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_viking.pm3; lf viking demod'" \
"Viking - Card 0001A337, Raw: F200000001A337CF"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 visa2000 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_visa2000.pm3; lf search 1'" "Visa2000 ID found"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow "lf T55 visa2000 test2" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_t5577_visa2000.pm3; lf visa2000 demod'" \
"Visa2000 - Card 112233, Raw: 564953320001B66900000183"; then break; fi
echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing HF:${C_NC}"
if ! CheckExecute "hf mf offline text" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf mf'" "at_enc"; then break; fi
if ! CheckExecute slow retry ignore "hf mf hardnested long test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'" "found:"; then break; fi

traces/lf_t5577.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
These traces have been generated with a T5577:
lf awid clone 26 224 1337
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_awid_26
lf awid clone 50 2001 13371337
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_awid_50
lf em 410x_write 0F0368568B 1
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_em410x
lf fdx clone c 999 n 112233 s
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_fdx_animal
lf fdx clone c 999 n 112233 e 16a
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_fdx_extended
lf gallagher clone b 0FFD5461A9DA1346B2D1AC32
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_gallagher
lf hid clone 2006ec0c86
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_hid
lf hid clone l 2006ec0c86
lf read s 20000
data save f lf_t5577_hid_84
lf indala clone --heden 888
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_indala_hedem
lf indala clone --fc 123 --cn 1337
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_indala
lf indala clone -l -r 80000001b23523a6c2e31eba3cbee4afb3c6ad1fcf649393928c14e5
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_indala_224
lf io clone 01 101 1337
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_io
lf jablotron clone 112233
lf read s 16000
data save f lf_t5577_jablotron
lf keri clone 112233
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_keri
lf keri clone t i fc 6 cn 12345
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_keri_internalid
lf keri clone t m f 6 c 12345
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_keri_msid
lf motorola clone a0000000a0002021
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_motorola
lf nedap clone s 1 c 123 i 12345
lf read s 16000
data save f lf_t5577_nedap
lf nexwatch clone r 5600000000213C9F8F150C
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_nexwatch
lf nexwatch clone c 521512301 m 1 n
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_nexwatch_nexkey
lf nexwatch clone c 521512301 m 1 q
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_nexwatch_quadrakey
lf noralsy clone 112233
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_noralsy
lf pac clone c CD4F5552
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_pac
lf paradox clone b 0f55555695596a6a9999a59a
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_paradox
lf presco clone d 123456789
lf read s 12000
data save f lf_t5577_presco
lf pyramid clone 123 11223
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_pyramid
lf securakey clone b 7FCB400001ADEA5344300000
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_securakey
lf viking clone 1A337
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_viking
lf visa2000 clone 112233
lf read s 10000
data save f lf_t5577_visa2000

traces/lf_t5577_awid_26.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_awid_50.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_em410x.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_fdx_animal.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_gallagher.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_hid.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_hid_84.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_indala.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_indala_224.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_io.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_jablotron.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_keri.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_keri_msid.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_motorola.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_nedap.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_nexwatch.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_noralsy.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_pac.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_paradox.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_presco.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_pyramid.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_securakey.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_viking.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

traces/lf_t5577_visa2000.pm3 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff