Add hf mf gsave

This commit is contained in:
DidierA 2022-11-21 19:18:14 +01:00
parent b36eaac3bf
commit b857205504
2 changed files with 193 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This project uses the changelog in accordance with [keepchangelog](http://keepac
- Fixed `pm3` shell script now automatically detects WSL2 with USBIPD serial ports (@iceman1001)
- Fixed `trace list -c` - annotation of CRC bytes now is colored or squared if no ansi colors is supported (@iceman1001)
- Fixed `trace list -t mf` - now also finds UID if anticollision is partial captured, to be used for mfkey (@iceman1001)
- Added `hf mf gload, ggetblk, gsetblk` for Gen4 GTU in mifare classic mode (@DidierA)
- Added `hf mf gload, gsave, ggetblk, gsetblk` for Gen4 GTU in mifare classic mode (@DidierA)
## [Radium.4.15864][2022-10-29]
- Changed `lf indala sim` - now accepts fc / cn (@iceman1001)

View file

@ -4889,7 +4889,7 @@ static int CmdHF14AMfCSave(const char *Cmd) {
arg_lit0(NULL, "1k", "MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (def)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "2k", "MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "4k", "MIFARE Classic 4k / S70"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "emu", "from emulator memory"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "emu", "to emulator memory"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true);
@ -7217,6 +7217,196 @@ static int CmdHF14AGen4View(const char *Cmd) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
// save contents of Gent4 GTU card to file / emulator
static int CmdHF14AGen4Save(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf mf gsave",
"Save `magic gen4 gtu` card memory into three files (BIN/EML/JSON)"
"or into emulator memory",
"hf mf gsave\n"
"hf mf gsave --4k\n"
"hf mf gsave -p DEADBEEF -f hf-mf-01020304.json"
void *argtable[] = {
arg_lit0(NULL, "mini", "MIFARE Classic Mini / S20"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "1k", "MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (def)"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "2k", "MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "4k", "MIFARE Classic 4k / S70"),
arg_str0("p", "pwd", "<hex>", "password 4bytes"),
arg_str0("f", "file", "<fn>", "filename of dump"),
arg_lit0(NULL, "emu", "to emulator memory"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true);
bool m0 = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
bool m1 = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2);
bool m2 = arg_get_lit(ctx, 3);
bool m4 = arg_get_lit(ctx, 4);
int pwd_len = 0;
uint8_t pwd[4] = {0};
CLIGetHexWithReturn(ctx, 5, pwd, &pwd_len);
int fnlen = 0;
char filename[FILE_PATH_SIZE];
CLIParamStrToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 6), (uint8_t *)filename, FILE_PATH_SIZE, &fnlen);
bool fill_emulator = arg_get_lit(ctx,7);
// validations
if (pwd_len != 4 && pwd_len != 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Must specify 4 bytes, got " _YELLOW_("%u"), pwd_len);
return PM3_EINVARG;
if ((m0 + m1 + m2 + m4) > 1) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Only specify one MIFARE Type");
return PM3_EINVARG;
} else if ((m0 + m1 + m2 + m4) == 0) {
m1 = true;
char s[6];
memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
uint16_t block_cnt = MIFARE_1K_MAXBLOCK;
if (m0) {
strncpy(s, "Mini", 5);
} else if (m1) {
block_cnt = MIFARE_1K_MAXBLOCK;
strncpy(s, "1K", 3);
} else if (m2) {
block_cnt = MIFARE_2K_MAXBLOCK;
strncpy(s, "2K", 3);
} else if (m4) {
block_cnt = MIFARE_4K_MAXBLOCK;
strncpy(s, "4K", 3);
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Please specify a MIFARE Type");
return PM3_EINVARG;
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Dumping magic gen4 GTU MIFARE Classic " _GREEN_("%s") " card memory", s);
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "." NOLF);
// Select card to get UID/UIDLEN information
SendCommandMIX(CMD_HF_ISO14443A_READER, ISO14A_CONNECT, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
PacketResponseNG resp;
if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500) == false) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "iso14443a card select timeout");
return PM3_ETIMEOUT;
0: couldn't read
1: OK, with ATS
2: OK, no ATS
3: proprietary Anticollision
uint64_t select_status = resp.oldarg[0];
if (select_status == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "iso14443a card select failed");
return PM3_SUCCESS;
// store card info
iso14a_card_select_t card;
memcpy(&card, (iso14a_card_select_t *), sizeof(iso14a_card_select_t));
// reserve memory
uint16_t bytes = block_cnt * MFBLOCK_SIZE;
uint8_t *dump = calloc(bytes, sizeof(uint8_t));
if (dump == NULL) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Fail, cannot allocate memory");
return PM3_EMALLOC;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < block_cnt; i++) {
// 4k READs can be long, so we split status each 64 blocks.
if (i % 64 == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "" NOLF) ;
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "." NOLF);
uint8_t flags = 0 ;
if (i == 0) flags |= MAGIC_INIT ;
if (i + 1 == block_cnt) flags |= MAGIC_OFF ;
int res = mfG4GetBlock(pwd, i, dump + (i * MFBLOCK_SIZE), flags);
if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Can't get magic card block: %u. error=%d", i, res);
PrintAndLogEx(HINT, "Verify your card size, and try again or try another tag position");
return PM3_ESOFT;
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
if (fill_emulator) {
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "uploading to emulator memory" NOLF);
// fast push mode
g_conn.block_after_ACK = true;
size_t offset = 0;
int cnt = 0;
uint16_t bytes_left = bytes ;
while (bytes_left > 0 && cnt < block_cnt) {
// 4k writes can be long, so we split status each 64 blocks.
if (cnt % 64 == 0) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "" NOLF) ;
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "." NOLF);
if (bytes_left == MFBLOCK_SIZE) {
// Disable fast mode on last packet
g_conn.block_after_ACK = false;
if (mfEmlSetMem_xt(dump + offset, cnt, 1, MFBLOCK_SIZE) != PM3_SUCCESS) {
PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "Can't set emulator mem at block: %3d", cnt);
return PM3_ESOFT;
offset += MFBLOCK_SIZE;
bytes_left -= MFBLOCK_SIZE;
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "");
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "uploaded " _YELLOW_("%d") " bytes to emulator memory", bytes);
// user supplied filename?
if (fnlen < 1) {
char *fptr = filename;
fptr += snprintf(fptr, sizeof(filename), "hf-mf-");
FillFileNameByUID(fptr, card.uid, "-dump", card.uidlen);
saveFile(filename, ".bin", dump, bytes);
saveFileEML(filename, dump, bytes, MFBLOCK_SIZE);
iso14a_mf_extdump_t xdump;
xdump.card_info = card;
xdump.dump = dump;
xdump.dumplen = bytes;
saveFileJSON(filename, jsfCardMemory, (uint8_t *)&xdump, sizeof(xdump), NULL);
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int CmdHF14AMfValue(const char *Cmd) {
CLIParserContext *ctx;
@ -7479,6 +7669,7 @@ static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"-----------", CmdHelp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "-------------------- " _CYAN_("magic gen4 GTU") " --------------------------"},
{"ggetblk", CmdHF14AGen4GetBlk, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Read block from card"},
{"gload", CmdHF14AGen4Load, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Load dump to card"},
{"gsave", CmdHF14AGen4Save, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Save dump from card into file or emulator"},
{"gsetblk", CmdHF14AGen4SetBlk, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Write block to card"},
{"gview", CmdHF14AGen4View, IfPm3Iso14443a, "View card"},
{"-----------", CmdHelp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "----------------------- " _CYAN_("ndef") " -----------------------"},