hf 14b raw -> now using cliparser. -s now has number to denote which select to use. 0,1,2

This commit is contained in:
iceman1001 2020-10-02 15:26:10 +02:00
parent 235cca276d
commit c3872e626b

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@ -52,20 +52,6 @@ static int usage_hf_14b_reader(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, _YELLOW_(" hf 14b reader"));
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int usage_hf_14b_raw(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Usage: hf 14b raw [-h] [-r] [-c] [-k] [-s / -ss] [-t] <0A 0B 0C ... hex>");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Options:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -h this help");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -r do not read response");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -c calculate and append CRC");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -k keep signal field ON after receive");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -s active signal field ON with select");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -ss active signal field ON with select for SRx ST Microelectronics tags");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, " -t timeout in ms");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Example:");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, _YELLOW_(" hf 14b raw -s -c -k 0200a40400"));
return PM3_SUCCESS;
static int usage_hf_14b_sniff(void) {
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "It get data from the field and saves it into command buffer.");
PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Buffer accessible from command 'hf list 14b'");
@ -162,6 +148,8 @@ static bool waitCmd14b(bool verbose) {
(crc) ? _GREEN_("ok") : _RED_("fail")
} else if (len == 0) {
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "no response from tag");
} else {
PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "len %u | %s", len, sprint_hex(data, len));
@ -204,76 +192,67 @@ static int CmdHF14BSniff(const char *Cmd) {
static int CmdHF14BCmdRaw(const char *Cmd) {
bool reply = true, keep_field_on = false, select = false, hasTimeout = false;
char buf[5] = "";
int i = 0;
uint8_t data[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0x00};
uint16_t datalen = 0;
CLIParserContext *ctx;
CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hf 14b raw",
"Sends raw bytes to card ",
"hf 14b raw -s 0 -c -k 0200a40400"
void *argtable[] = {
arg_lit0("k", "keep", "leave the signal field ON after receive response"),
arg_int0("s", "select", "decimal", "activate field and select card (0 = std, 1 = SRx ST, 2 = ASK C-ticket"),
arg_lit0("c", "crc", "calculate and append CRC"),
arg_lit0("r", "noresponse", "do not read response"),
arg_int0("t", "timeout", "decimal", "timeout in ms"),
arg_lit0("v", "verbose", "verbose"),
arg_strx0(NULL, NULL, "<data (hex)>", "bytes to send"),
CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false);
bool select = false;
bool keep_field_on = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1);
int select_type = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 2, -1);
bool add_crc = arg_get_lit(ctx, 3);
bool read_reply = arg_get_lit(ctx, 4);
int user_timeout = arg_get_int_def(ctx, 5, -1);
bool verbose = arg_get_lit(ctx, 6);
uint32_t flags = ISO14B_CONNECT;
uint32_t temp = 0, user_timeout = 0, time_wait = 0;
if (strlen(Cmd) < 2) return usage_hf_14b_raw();
// strip
while (*Cmd == ' ' || *Cmd == '\t') ++Cmd;
while (Cmd[i] != '\0') {
if (Cmd[i] == ' ' || Cmd[i] == '\t') { ++i; continue; }
if (Cmd[i] == '-') {
switch (tolower(Cmd[i + 1])) {
case 'h':
return usage_hf_14b_raw();
case 'r':
reply = false;
case 'c':
flags |= ISO14B_APPEND_CRC;
case 'k':
keep_field_on = true;
case 's':
select = true;
if (tolower(Cmd[i + 2]) == 's') {
flags |= ISO14B_SELECT_SR;
} else {
flags |= ISO14B_SELECT_STD;
case 't':
hasTimeout = true;
sscanf(Cmd + i + 2, "%d", &user_timeout);
i += 3;
while (Cmd[i] != ' ' && Cmd[i] != '\0') { i++; }
i -= 2;
return usage_hf_14b_raw();
i += 2;
if ((Cmd[i] >= '0' && Cmd[i] <= '9') ||
(Cmd[i] >= 'a' && Cmd[i] <= 'f') ||
(Cmd[i] >= 'A' && Cmd[i] <= 'F')) {
buf[strlen(buf) + 1] = 0;
buf[strlen(buf)] = Cmd[i];
if (strlen(buf) >= 2) {
sscanf(buf, "%x", &temp);
data[datalen++] = (uint8_t)(temp & 0xff);
*buf = 0;
memset(buf, 0x00, sizeof(buf));
PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "unknown parameter '%c'\n", param_getchar(Cmd, i));
return PM3_EINVARG;
if (add_crc) {
flags |= ISO14B_APPEND_CRC;
if (hasTimeout) {
switch(select_type) {
case 0:
select = true;
flags |= ISO14B_SELECT_STD;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "using standard select");
case 1:
select = true;
flags |= ISO14B_SELECT_SR;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "using SRx ST select");
case 2:
select = true;
flags |= ISO14B_SELECT_CTS;
if (verbose)
PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "using ASK C-ticket select");
uint8_t data[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0x00};
int datalen = 0;
CLIParamHexToBuf(arg_get_str(ctx, 7), data, sizeof(data), &datalen);
uint32_t time_wait = 0;
if (user_timeout > 0) {
#define MAX_14B_TIMEOUT 40542464 // = (2^32-1) * (8*16) / 13560000Hz * 1000ms/s
flags |= ISO14B_SET_TIMEOUT;
@ -296,14 +275,14 @@ static int CmdHF14BCmdRaw(const char *Cmd) {
SendCommandMIX(CMD_HF_ISO14443B_COMMAND, flags, datalen, time_wait, data, datalen);
if (reply == false) {
if (read_reply == false) {
return PM3_SUCCESS;
bool success = true;
// get back iso14b_card_select_t, don't print it.
if (select) {
success = waitCmd14b(false);
success = waitCmd14b(verbose);
// get back response from the raw bytes you sent.