ADD: script remagic.lua -- a script to make a "dead" Mifare s50 generation 1 alive again.
ADD: tracetest.lua - This script will load several traces files in ../traces/ folder and do
"data load"
"lf search"
ADD: test_t55x7_psk.lua - iterates thru a lot of calls to check the new psk demods.
all new scripts implements the "-h" for help text.
ADD: added a HF MFU INFO commmand, where you can see some tag info. Used to be in the readcard command.
FIX: minor code clean up for ultralight & desfire commands in armsrc/mifarecmd.c, armsrc/mifaredesfire.c, armsrc/mifareutil.c
CHG: Lowered the default MF_DBGLEVEL, it set to MF_DBG_ERROR.
CHG: lowered a testing value for timeout in cmdhf14a.c