REM: removed old comments in bootrom.c
CHG: mifare ultralight & desfire commands inside arm has been cleaned up. Next step is to refactor it into armsrc/mifaredesfire.c
ADD: added a HF MFU INFO commmand, where you can see some tag info. Used to be in the readcard command.
FIX: minor code clean up for ultralight & desfire commands in armsrc/mifarecmd.c, armsrc/mifaredesfire.c, armsrc/mifareutil.c
CHG: Lowered the default MF_DBGLEVEL, it set to MF_DBG_ERROR.
CHG: lowered a testing value for timeout in cmdhf14a.c
FIX: a suggested patch for "hf mf csetuid" (
FIX: fixed a bug in iso14443a_select_card where the len variable wasnt set, this made desfire/magic cards not work.
Applied PwPiwi's new parity fix.
Applied Marshmellw's fixes for FSKdemod (HID, IO)
FIX: a potential bigbuffer fault given pwpiwi's change inside lfops.c CmdIOdemodFSK & CmdHIDdemodFSK
FIX: change some "int" parameters to uint's.
FIX: changed the lfops.c - DoAcquisition125k_internal to respect pwpiwi's definitions of FREE_BUFFER_OFFSET
HEADS up: The ultralight functions hasn't been verified since pwpiwi's changes.