/armsrc/des.c overflow 7 instead of 6
/client/cmdlfhitag.c overflows traclen
/client/util.c sprint_bin_break overflows.
/client/cmdhficlass.c need to free memory after malloc.
ADD: RotateRight macro in util.h
- provided a BigBuf_malloc() function to dynamically allocate parts of BigBuf
e.g. for DMA-Buffers, Frame-Buffers, Emulator-Memory
- the whole rest of BigBuf is now available for traces (instead of a small fixed amount)
- send actual traceLen together with trace data
- changed client side to cope with varying traceLen
- changed small buffers to automatic variables instead of parts of BigBuf
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf eload, esave, cload, save - filepath variable too short"
CHG: minor code clean up.
ADD: AES / CRC16 for lua. (and tnp3xx scripts.)
ADD: tnp3dump.lua script to dump tnp3xx tags.
ADD: tnp3sim.lua script to let PM3 imitate an tnp3xx tag. Needs to be tested live
CHG: USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE is now used as maxsize for transfer of data between client and pm3device
CHG: suggested a fix for the underscore problem in ioclass\fileutils.c
ADD: tnp3xx support
ADD: nxp tag idents.
ADD: identifiction of chinese backdoor commands to hf 14a reader.