I have kept whatever copyright notices exist. Please add your own
copyright notice if you have made any nontrivial changes or additions to
the code. There are several files without any attribution, currently.
+ Add common area at end of RAM to communicate between main os and bootrom
+ Lower stack end to make room for common area
+ Implement CMD_DEVICE_INFO in both OS and bootrom to give information about the current state and supported features
+ Allow hands-free firmware update: When CMD_START_FLASH is received over USB in OS mode, the device will reset and enter the bootrom
Pressing the button in hands-free update mode takes precedence: releasing the button will immediately abort firmware update and
perform a reset. Do not press the button.
+ Require each flash sequence to be preceded by a CMD_START_FLASH to set up the boundaries for the following flash sequence
Not compatible with linux flasher before SVN revision 200
Currently no compatible flasher for Windows. WINDOWS USERS: DO NOT UPDATE YOUR BOOTROM YET
+ Protect bootrom flash area unless magic unlock sequence is given in CMD_START_FLASH
It is identical to the popular 20081211, with the doob addition (20090301), a
linux client, and two additional commands for LF analysis. Let me know if
you find issues here!