I've added a precise timer in the new files ticks.c and moved some older stuff from util.c to have a solid base for this.
UNTESTED, and the timings measured for t55x7 in lfops.c and other parts has not been adjusted to this "correct" timer.
ADD: @marshmellows "diphase" definition for T55x7.
MOV: extracted the aquisition from the t55x7 methods and put them inside lfsampling.c
FIX: pcf7931 write, there is 16bytes in a block.. not 4 as I thought before.
FIX: t55x7 lowered the WRITE_0 to 16. Even bigger gap.
MERGED: @piwi changes
MERGED: @marshmellows changes.
I'm not even gonna try write up all that stuff..
ADD: changed some commands inside the "Hf 14a sim" on deviceside.
ADD: @mobeius "two nonce" version for mfkey32. It is also inside the "hf 14a sim" with the "x" parameter.
applies icemans full ata55x7 read/write settings
adds checksum to ioprox (thanks to iceman)
adds silent mode for lf read and getSamples
fix lf em em410xwatch and lf em410xspoof
improve data rawdemod ar - for biphase demods
improve detectclock a for strong antennas