// Merlok, 2011, 2012, 2019 // people from mifare@nethemba.com, 2010 // // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // mifare commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mifarehost.h" #include #include #include #include #include "comms.h" #include "commonutil.h" #include "mifare4.h" #include "ui.h" // PrintAndLog... #include "crapto1/crapto1.h" #include "crc16.h" #include "protocols.h" #include "mfkey.h" #include "util_posix.h" // msclock int mfDarkside(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t key_type, uint64_t *key) { uint32_t uid = 0; uint32_t nt = 0, nr = 0, ar = 0; uint64_t par_list = 0, ks_list = 0; uint64_t *keylist = NULL, *last_keylist = NULL; bool first_run = true; // message PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "executing Darkside attack. Expected execution time: 25sec on average"); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "press pm3-button on the Proxmark3 device to abort both Proxmark3 and client."); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); while (true) { clearCommandBuffer(); struct { uint8_t first_run; uint8_t blockno; uint8_t key_type; } PACKED payload; payload.first_run = first_run; payload.blockno = blockno; payload.key_type = key_type; SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_READER, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); //flush queue while (kbd_enter_pressed()) { return PM3_EOPABORTED; } // wait cycle while (true) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); if (kbd_enter_pressed()) { return PM3_EOPABORTED; } PacketResponseNG resp; if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_READER, &resp, 2000)) { if (resp.status == PM3_EOPABORTED) { return -1; } struct p { int32_t isOK; uint8_t cuid[4]; uint8_t nt[4]; uint8_t par_list[8]; uint8_t ks_list[8]; uint8_t nr[4]; uint8_t ar[4]; } PACKED; struct p *package = (struct p *) resp.data.asBytes; if (package->isOK == -6) { *key = 0101; return 1; } if (package->isOK < 0) return package->isOK; uid = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(package->cuid, sizeof(package->cuid)); nt = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(package->nt, sizeof(package->nr)); par_list = bytes_to_num(package->par_list, sizeof(package->par_list)); ks_list = bytes_to_num(package->ks_list, sizeof(package->ks_list)); nr = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(package->nr, 4); ar = (uint32_t)bytes_to_num(package->ar, 4); break; } } PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "\n"); if (par_list == 0 && first_run == true) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Parity is all zero. Most likely this card sends NACK on every authentication."); } first_run = false; uint32_t keycount = nonce2key(uid, nt, nr, ar, par_list, ks_list, &keylist); if (keycount == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "key not found (lfsr_common_prefix list is null). Nt=%08x", nt); PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "this is expected to happen in 25%% of all cases. Trying again with a different reader nonce..."); continue; } // only parity zero attack if (par_list == 0) { qsort(keylist, keycount, sizeof(*keylist), compare_uint64); keycount = intersection(last_keylist, keylist); if (keycount == 0) { free(last_keylist); last_keylist = keylist; PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "no candidates found, trying again"); continue; } } PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "found %u candidate key%s\n", keycount, (keycount > 1) ? "s." : "."); *key = UINT64_C(-1); uint8_t keyBlock[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE]; uint32_t max_keys = KEYS_IN_BLOCK; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < keycount; i += max_keys) { uint32_t size = keycount - i > max_keys ? max_keys : keycount - i; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (par_list == 0) { num_to_bytes(last_keylist[i * max_keys + j], 6, keyBlock + (j * 6)); } else { num_to_bytes(keylist[i * max_keys + j], 6, keyBlock + (j * 6)); } } if (mfCheckKeys(blockno, key_type - 0x60, false, size, keyBlock, key) == PM3_SUCCESS) { break; } } if (*key != UINT64_C(-1)) { break; } else { PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "all candidate keys failed. Restarting darkside attack"); free(last_keylist); last_keylist = keylist; first_run = true; } } free(last_keylist); free(keylist); return PM3_SUCCESS; } int mfCheckKeys(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, bool clear_trace, uint8_t keycnt, uint8_t *keyBlock, uint64_t *key) { *key = -1; clearCommandBuffer(); uint8_t data[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0}; data[0] = keyType; data[1] = blockNo; data[2] = clear_trace; data[3] = keycnt; memcpy(data + 4, keyBlock, 6 * keycnt); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CHKKEYS, data, (4 + 6 * keycnt)); PacketResponseNG resp; if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CHKKEYS, &resp, 2500)) return PM3_ETIMEOUT; if (resp.status != PM3_SUCCESS) return resp.status; struct kr { uint8_t key[6]; bool found; } PACKED; struct kr *keyresult = (struct kr *)&resp.data.asBytes; if (!keyresult->found) return PM3_ESOFT; *key = bytes_to_num(keyresult->key, sizeof(keyresult->key)); return PM3_SUCCESS; } // Sends chunks of keys to device. // 0 == ok all keys found // 1 == // 2 == Time-out, aborting int mfCheckKeys_fast(uint8_t sectorsCnt, uint8_t firstChunk, uint8_t lastChunk, uint8_t strategy, uint32_t size, uint8_t *keyBlock, sector_t *e_sector, bool use_flashmemory) { uint64_t t2 = msclock(); uint32_t timeout = 0; // send keychunk clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandOLD(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CHKKEYS_FAST, (sectorsCnt | (firstChunk << 8) | (lastChunk << 12)), ((use_flashmemory << 8) | strategy), size, keyBlock, 6 * size); PacketResponseNG resp; while (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 2000)) { timeout++; printf("."); fflush(stdout); // max timeout for one chunk of 85keys, 60*3sec = 180seconds // s70 with 40*2 keys to check, 80*85 = 6800 auth. // takes about 97s, still some margin before abort if (timeout > 180) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "\nNo response from Proxmark3. Aborting..."); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } } t2 = msclock() - t2; // time to convert the returned data. uint8_t curr_keys = resp.oldarg[0]; PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "\nChunk: %.1fs | found %u/%u keys (%u)", (float)(t2 / 1000.0), curr_keys, (sectorsCnt << 1), size); // all keys? if (curr_keys == sectorsCnt * 2 || lastChunk) { // success array. each byte is status of key uint8_t arr[80]; uint64_t foo = 0; uint16_t bar = 0; foo = bytes_to_num(resp.data.asBytes + 480, 8); bar = (resp.data.asBytes[489] << 8 | resp.data.asBytes[488]); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) arr[i] = (foo >> i) & 0x1; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) arr[i + 64] = (bar >> i) & 0x1; // initialize storage for found keys icesector_t *tmp = calloc(sectorsCnt, sizeof(icesector_t)); if (tmp == NULL) return PM3_EMALLOC; memcpy(tmp, resp.data.asBytes, sectorsCnt * sizeof(icesector_t)); for (int i = 0; i < sectorsCnt; i++) { // key A if (!e_sector[i].foundKey[0]) { e_sector[i].Key[0] = bytes_to_num(tmp[i].keyA, 6); e_sector[i].foundKey[0] = arr[(i * 2) ]; } // key B if (!e_sector[i].foundKey[1]) { e_sector[i].Key[1] = bytes_to_num(tmp[i].keyB, 6); e_sector[i].foundKey[1] = arr[(i * 2) + 1 ]; } } free(tmp); if (curr_keys == sectorsCnt * 2) return PM3_SUCCESS; if (lastChunk) return PM3_ESOFT; } return PM3_ESOFT; } // PM3 imp of J-Run mf_key_brute (part 2) // ref: https://github.com/J-Run/mf_key_brute int mfKeyBrute(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint64_t *resultkey) { uint64_t key64; uint8_t found = false; uint8_t candidates[CANDIDATE_SIZE] = {0x00}; uint8_t keyBlock[KEYBLOCK_SIZE] = {0x00}; memset(candidates, 0, sizeof(candidates)); memset(keyBlock, 0, sizeof(keyBlock)); // Generate all possible keys for the first two unknown bytes. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) { uint32_t j = i * 6; candidates[0 + j] = i >> 8; candidates[1 + j] = i; candidates[2 + j] = key[2]; candidates[3 + j] = key[3]; candidates[4 + j] = key[4]; candidates[5 + j] = key[5]; } uint32_t counter, i; for (i = 0, counter = 1; i < CANDIDATE_SIZE; i += KEYBLOCK_SIZE, ++counter) { key64 = 0; // copy candidatekeys to test key block memcpy(keyBlock, candidates + i, KEYBLOCK_SIZE); // check a block of generated candidate keys. if (mfCheckKeys(blockNo, keyType, true, KEYS_IN_BLOCK, keyBlock, &key64) == PM3_SUCCESS) { *resultkey = key64; found = true; break; } // progress if (counter % 20 == 0) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "tried : %s.. \t %u keys", sprint_hex(candidates + i, 6), counter * KEYS_IN_BLOCK); } return found; } // Compare 16 Bits out of cryptostate static int Compare16Bits(const void *a, const void *b) { if ((*(uint64_t *)b & 0x00ff000000ff0000) == (*(uint64_t *)a & 0x00ff000000ff0000)) return 0; if ((*(uint64_t *)b & 0x00ff000000ff0000) > (*(uint64_t *)a & 0x00ff000000ff0000)) return 1; return -1; } // wrapper function for multi-threaded lfsr_recovery32 static void #ifdef __has_attribute #if __has_attribute(force_align_arg_pointer) __attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer)) #endif #endif *nested_worker_thread(void *arg) { struct Crypto1State *p1; StateList_t *statelist = arg; statelist->head.slhead = lfsr_recovery32(statelist->ks1, statelist->nt ^ statelist->uid); for (p1 = statelist->head.slhead; * (uint64_t *)p1 != 0; p1++) {}; statelist->len = p1 - statelist->head.slhead; statelist->tail.sltail = --p1; qsort(statelist->head.slhead, statelist->len, sizeof(uint64_t), Compare16Bits); return statelist->head.slhead; } int mfnested(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t trgBlockNo, uint8_t trgKeyType, uint8_t *resultKey, bool calibrate) { uint16_t i; uint32_t uid; StateList_t statelists[2]; struct Crypto1State *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4; struct { uint8_t block; uint8_t keytype; uint8_t target_block; uint8_t target_keytype; bool calibrate; uint8_t key[6]; } PACKED payload; payload.block = blockNo; payload.keytype = keyType; payload.target_block = trgBlockNo; payload.target_keytype = trgKeyType; payload.calibrate = calibrate; memcpy(payload.key, key, sizeof(payload.key)); PacketResponseNG resp; clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_NESTED, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_NESTED, &resp, 1500)) return PM3_ETIMEOUT; if (resp.status != PM3_SUCCESS) return PM3_ESOFT; struct p { int16_t isOK; uint8_t block; uint8_t keytype; uint8_t cuid[4]; uint8_t nt_a[4]; uint8_t ks_a[4]; uint8_t nt_b[4]; uint8_t ks_b[4]; } PACKED; struct p *package = (struct p *)resp.data.asBytes; // error during nested if (package->isOK) return package->isOK; memcpy(&uid, package->cuid, sizeof(package->cuid)); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { statelists[i].blockNo = package->block; statelists[i].keyType = package->keytype; statelists[i].uid = uid; } memcpy(&statelists[0].nt, package->nt_a, sizeof(package->nt_a)); memcpy(&statelists[0].ks1, package->ks_a, sizeof(package->ks_a)); memcpy(&statelists[1].nt, package->nt_b, sizeof(package->nt_b)); memcpy(&statelists[1].ks1, package->ks_b, sizeof(package->ks_b)); // calc keys pthread_t thread_id[2]; // create and run worker threads for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) pthread_create(thread_id + i, NULL, nested_worker_thread, &statelists[i]); // wait for threads to terminate: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) pthread_join(thread_id[i], (void *)&statelists[i].head.slhead); // the first 16 Bits of the cryptostate already contain part of our key. // Create the intersection of the two lists based on these 16 Bits and // roll back the cryptostate p1 = p3 = statelists[0].head.slhead; p2 = p4 = statelists[1].head.slhead; while (p1 <= statelists[0].tail.sltail && p2 <= statelists[1].tail.sltail) { if (Compare16Bits(p1, p2) == 0) { struct Crypto1State savestate; savestate = *p1; while (Compare16Bits(p1, &savestate) == 0 && p1 <= statelists[0].tail.sltail) { *p3 = *p1; lfsr_rollback_word(p3, statelists[0].nt ^ statelists[0].uid, 0); p3++; p1++; } savestate = *p2; while (Compare16Bits(p2, &savestate) == 0 && p2 <= statelists[1].tail.sltail) { *p4 = *p2; lfsr_rollback_word(p4, statelists[1].nt ^ statelists[1].uid, 0); p4++; p2++; } } else { while (Compare16Bits(p1, p2) == -1) p1++; while (Compare16Bits(p1, p2) == 1) p2++; } } *(uint64_t *)p3 = -1; *(uint64_t *)p4 = -1; statelists[0].len = p3 - statelists[0].head.slhead; statelists[1].len = p4 - statelists[1].head.slhead; statelists[0].tail.sltail = --p3; statelists[1].tail.sltail = --p4; // the statelists now contain possible keys. The key we are searching for must be in the // intersection of both lists qsort(statelists[0].head.keyhead, statelists[0].len, sizeof(uint64_t), compare_uint64); qsort(statelists[1].head.keyhead, statelists[1].len, sizeof(uint64_t), compare_uint64); // Create the intersection statelists[0].len = intersection(statelists[0].head.keyhead, statelists[1].head.keyhead); //statelists[0].tail.keytail = --p7; uint32_t keycnt = statelists[0].len; if (keycnt == 0) goto out; memset(resultKey, 0, 6); uint64_t key64 = -1; // The list may still contain several key candidates. Test each of them with mfCheckKeys uint32_t max_keys = keycnt > KEYS_IN_BLOCK ? KEYS_IN_BLOCK : keycnt; uint8_t keyBlock[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0x00}; for (i = 0; i < keycnt; i += max_keys) { int size = keycnt - i > max_keys ? max_keys : keycnt - i; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { crypto1_get_lfsr(statelists[0].head.slhead + i, &key64); num_to_bytes(key64, 6, keyBlock + i * 6); } if (mfCheckKeys(statelists[0].blockNo, statelists[0].keyType, false, size, keyBlock, &key64) == PM3_SUCCESS) { free(statelists[0].head.slhead); free(statelists[1].head.slhead); num_to_bytes(key64, 6, resultKey); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "target block:%3u key type: %c -- found valid key [%012" PRIx64 "]", (uint16_t)resp.oldarg[2] & 0xff, (resp.oldarg[2] >> 8) ? 'B' : 'A', key64 ); return -5; } } out: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "target block:%3u key type: %c", (uint16_t)resp.oldarg[2] & 0xff, (resp.oldarg[2] >> 8) ? 'B' : 'A' ); free(statelists[0].head.slhead); free(statelists[1].head.slhead); return -4; } // MIFARE int mfReadSector(uint8_t sectorNo, uint8_t keyType, uint8_t *key, uint8_t *data) { clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandOLD(CMD_HF_MIFARE_READSC, sectorNo, keyType, 0, key, 6); PacketResponseNG resp; if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500)) { uint8_t isOK = resp.oldarg[0] & 0xff; if (isOK) { memcpy(data, resp.data.asBytes, mfNumBlocksPerSector(sectorNo) * 16); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { return PM3_EUNDEF; } } else { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Command execute timeout"); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } // EMULATOR int mfEmlGetMem(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount) { size_t size = blocksCount * 16; if (size > PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE) { return PM3_ESOFT; } struct { uint8_t blockno; uint8_t blockcnt; } PACKED payload; payload.blockno = blockNum; payload.blockcnt = blocksCount; clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_EML_MEMGET, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); PacketResponseNG resp; if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_EML_MEMGET, &resp, 1500) == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Command execute timeout"); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } if (resp.status == PM3_SUCCESS) memcpy(data, resp.data.asBytes, size); return resp.status; } int mfEmlSetMem(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount) { return mfEmlSetMem_xt(data, blockNum, blocksCount, 16); } int mfEmlSetMem_xt(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount, int blockBtWidth) { struct p { uint8_t blockno; uint8_t blockcnt; uint8_t blockwidth; uint8_t data[]; } PACKED; size_t size = blocksCount * blockBtWidth; if (size > (PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(struct p))) { return PM3_ESOFT; } struct p *payload = calloc(1, sizeof(struct p) + size); payload->blockno = blockNum; payload->blockcnt = blocksCount; payload->blockwidth = blockBtWidth; memcpy(payload->data, data, size); clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_EML_MEMSET, (uint8_t *)payload, sizeof(payload) + size); free(payload); return PM3_SUCCESS; } // "MAGIC" CARD int mfCSetUID(uint8_t *uid, uint8_t *atqa, uint8_t *sak, uint8_t *oldUID, uint8_t wipecard) { uint8_t params = MAGIC_SINGLE; uint8_t block0[16]; memset(block0, 0x00, sizeof(block0)); int old = mfCGetBlock(0, block0, params); if (old == 0) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "old block 0: %s", sprint_hex(block0, sizeof(block0))); else PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "couldn't get old data. Will write over the last bytes of Block 0."); // fill in the new values // UID memcpy(block0, uid, 4); // Mifare UID BCC block0[4] = block0[0] ^ block0[1] ^ block0[2] ^ block0[3]; // mifare classic SAK(byte 5) and ATQA(byte 6 and 7, reversed) if (sak != NULL) block0[5] = sak[0]; if (atqa != NULL) { block0[6] = atqa[1]; block0[7] = atqa[0]; } PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "new block 0: %s", sprint_hex(block0, 16)); if (wipecard) params |= MAGIC_WIPE; if (oldUID == NULL) params |= MAGIC_UID; return mfCSetBlock(0, block0, oldUID, params); } int mfCSetBlock(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *uid, uint8_t params) { clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandOLD(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CSETBL, params, blockNo, 0, data, 16); PacketResponseNG resp; if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500)) { uint8_t isOK = resp.oldarg[0] & 0xff; if (uid != NULL) memcpy(uid, resp.data.asBytes, 4); if (!isOK) return PM3_EUNDEF; } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "command execute timeout"); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } int mfCGetBlock(uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *data, uint8_t params) { clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandMIX(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CGETBL, params, blockNo, 0, NULL, 0); PacketResponseNG resp; if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1500)) { uint8_t isOK = resp.oldarg[0] & 0xff; if (!isOK) return PM3_EUNDEF; memcpy(data, resp.data.asBytes, 16); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "command execute timeout"); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } // SNIFFER // [iceman] so many global variables.... // constants static uint8_t trailerAccessBytes[4] = {0x08, 0x77, 0x8F, 0x00}; // variables char logHexFileName[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0x00}; static uint8_t traceCard[4096] = {0x00}; static char traceFileName[FILE_PATH_SIZE] = {0x00}; static int traceState = TRACE_IDLE; static uint8_t traceCurBlock = 0; static uint8_t traceCurKey = 0; struct Crypto1State *traceCrypto1 = NULL; struct Crypto1State *revstate = NULL; uint32_t cuid = 0; // uid part used for crypto1. int isTraceCardEmpty(void) { return ((traceCard[0] == 0) && (traceCard[1] == 0) && (traceCard[2] == 0) && (traceCard[3] == 0)); } int isBlockEmpty(int blockN) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (traceCard[blockN * 16 + i] != 0) return 0; return 1; } int isBlockTrailer(int blockN) { return ((blockN & 0x03) == 0x03); } int loadTraceCard(uint8_t *tuid, uint8_t uidlen) { FILE *f; char buf[64] = {0x00}; uint8_t buf8[64] = {0x00}; int i, blockNum; uint32_t tmp; if (!isTraceCardEmpty()) saveTraceCard(); memset(traceCard, 0x00, 4096); memcpy(traceCard, tuid, uidlen); FillFileNameByUID(traceFileName, tuid, ".eml", uidlen); f = fopen(traceFileName, "r"); if (!f) return PM3_EFILE; blockNum = 0; while (!feof(f)) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "No trace file found or reading error."); fclose(f); return PM3_EFILE; } if (strlen(buf) < 32) { if (feof(f)) break; PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "File content error. Block data must include 32 HEX symbols"); fclose(f); return PM3_EFILE; } for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) { sscanf(&buf[i], "%02X", &tmp); buf8[i / 2] = tmp & 0xFF; } memcpy(traceCard + blockNum * 16, buf8, 16); blockNum++; } fclose(f); return PM3_SUCCESS; } int saveTraceCard(void) { if ((!strlen(traceFileName)) || (isTraceCardEmpty())) return PM3_ESOFT; FILE *f; f = fopen(traceFileName, "w+"); if (!f) return PM3_EFILE; // given 4096 tracecard size, these loop will only match a 1024, 1kb card memory // 4086/16 == 256blocks. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) { // blocks for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) // bytes fprintf(f, "%02X", *(traceCard + i * 16 + j)); // no extra line in the end if (i < 255) fprintf(f, "\n"); } fflush(f); fclose(f); return PM3_SUCCESS; } // int mfTraceInit(uint8_t *tuid, uint8_t uidlen, uint8_t *atqa, uint8_t sak, bool wantSaveToEmlFile) { if (traceCrypto1) crypto1_destroy(traceCrypto1); traceCrypto1 = NULL; if (wantSaveToEmlFile) loadTraceCard(tuid, uidlen); traceCard[4] = traceCard[0] ^ traceCard[1] ^ traceCard[2] ^ traceCard[3]; traceCard[5] = sak; memcpy(&traceCard[6], atqa, 2); traceCurBlock = 0; cuid = bytes_to_num(tuid + (uidlen - 4), 4); traceState = TRACE_IDLE; return PM3_SUCCESS; } void mf_crypto1_decrypt(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t *data, int len, bool isEncrypted) { if (len != 1) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) data[i] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, isEncrypted) ^ data[i]; } else { uint8_t bt = 0; bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, isEncrypted) ^ BIT(data[0], 0)) << 0; bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, isEncrypted) ^ BIT(data[0], 1)) << 1; bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, isEncrypted) ^ BIT(data[0], 2)) << 2; bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, isEncrypted) ^ BIT(data[0], 3)) << 3; data[0] = bt; } } int mfTraceDecode(uint8_t *data_src, int len, bool wantSaveToEmlFile) { if (traceState == TRACE_ERROR) return PM3_ESOFT; if (len > 255) { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } uint8_t data[255]; memset(data, 0x00, sizeof(data)); memcpy(data, data_src, len); if ((traceCrypto1) && ((traceState == TRACE_IDLE) || (traceState > TRACE_AUTH_OK))) { mf_crypto1_decrypt(traceCrypto1, data, len, 0); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "DEC| %s", sprint_hex(data, len)); AddLogHex(logHexFileName, "DEC| ", data, len); } switch (traceState) { case TRACE_IDLE: // check packet crc16! if ((len >= 4) && (!check_crc(CRC_14443_A, data, len))) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "DEC| CRC ERROR!!!"); AddLogLine(logHexFileName, "DEC| ", "CRC ERROR!!!"); traceState = TRACE_ERROR; // do not decrypt the next commands return PM3_ESOFT; } // AUTHENTICATION if ((len == 4) && ((data[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA) || (data[0] == MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB))) { traceState = TRACE_AUTH1; traceCurBlock = data[1]; traceCurKey = data[0] == 60 ? 1 : 0; return PM3_SUCCESS; } // READ if ((len == 4) && ((data[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK))) { traceState = TRACE_READ_DATA; traceCurBlock = data[1]; return PM3_SUCCESS; } // WRITE if ((len == 4) && ((data[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_WRITEBLOCK))) { traceState = TRACE_WRITE_OK; traceCurBlock = data[1]; return PM3_SUCCESS; } // HALT if ((len == 4) && ((data[0] == ISO14443A_CMD_HALT) && (data[1] == 0x00))) { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; // do not decrypt the next commands return PM3_SUCCESS; } return PM3_SUCCESS; case TRACE_READ_DATA: if (len == 18) { traceState = TRACE_IDLE; if (isBlockTrailer(traceCurBlock)) { memcpy(traceCard + traceCurBlock * 16 + 6, data + 6, 4); } else { memcpy(traceCard + traceCurBlock * 16, data, 16); } if (wantSaveToEmlFile) saveTraceCard(); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } break; case TRACE_WRITE_OK: if ((len == 1) && (data[0] == 0x0a)) { traceState = TRACE_WRITE_DATA; return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } break; case TRACE_WRITE_DATA: if (len == 18) { traceState = TRACE_IDLE; memcpy(traceCard + traceCurBlock * 16, data, 16); if (wantSaveToEmlFile) saveTraceCard(); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } break; case TRACE_AUTH1: if (len == 4) { traceState = TRACE_AUTH2; //nt = bytes_to_num(data, 4); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } break; case TRACE_AUTH2: if (len == 8) { traceState = TRACE_AUTH_OK; //nr_enc = bytes_to_num(data, 4); //ar_enc = bytes_to_num(data + 4, 4); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else { traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } break; case TRACE_AUTH_OK: if (len == 4) { uint32_t nt = 0; // tag challenge uint32_t nr_enc = 0; // encrypted reader challenge uint32_t ar_enc = 0; // encrypted reader response uint32_t at_enc = 0; // encrypted tag response traceState = TRACE_IDLE; // encrypted tag response at_enc = bytes_to_num(data, 4); // mfkey64 recover key. uint64_t key = 0; uint32_t ks2 = ar_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 64); uint32_t ks3 = at_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 96); revstate = lfsr_recovery64(ks2, ks3); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, nr_enc, 1); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, cuid ^ nt, 0); crypto1_get_lfsr(revstate, &key); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "found Key: [%012" PRIx64 "]", key); //if ( tryMfk64(cuid, nt, nr_enc, ar_enc, at_enc, &key) ) AddLogUint64(logHexFileName, "Found Key: ", key); int blockShift = ((traceCurBlock & 0xFC) + 3) * 16; if (isBlockEmpty((traceCurBlock & 0xFC) + 3)) memcpy(traceCard + blockShift + 6, trailerAccessBytes, 4); // keytype A/B if (traceCurKey) num_to_bytes(key, 6, traceCard + blockShift + 10); else num_to_bytes(key, 6, traceCard + blockShift); if (wantSaveToEmlFile) saveTraceCard(); if (traceCrypto1) crypto1_destroy(traceCrypto1); // set cryptosystem state traceCrypto1 = lfsr_recovery64(ks2, ks3); } else { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "[!] nested key recovery not implemented!\n"); //at_enc = bytes_to_num(data, 4); crypto1_destroy(traceCrypto1); traceState = TRACE_ERROR; } break; default: traceState = TRACE_ERROR; return PM3_ESOFT; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } int tryDecryptWord(uint32_t nt, uint32_t ar_enc, uint32_t at_enc, uint8_t *data, int len) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "\nencrypted data: [%s]", sprint_hex(data, len)); struct Crypto1State *s; uint32_t ks2 = ar_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 64); uint32_t ks3 = at_enc ^ prng_successor(nt, 96); s = lfsr_recovery64(ks2, ks3); mf_crypto1_decrypt(s, data, len, false); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "decrypted data: [%s]", sprint_hex(data, len)); crypto1_destroy(s); return PM3_SUCCESS; } /* Detect Tag Prng, * function performs a partial AUTH, where it tries to authenticate against block0, key A, but only collects tag nonce. * the tag nonce is check to see if it has a predictable PRNG. * @returns * TRUE if tag uses WEAK prng (ie Now the NACK bug also needs to be present for Darkside attack) * FALSE is tag uses HARDEND prng (ie hardnested attack possible, with known key) */ int detect_classic_prng(void) { PacketResponseNG resp, respA; uint8_t cmd[] = {MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA, 0x00}; uint32_t flags = ISO14A_CONNECT | ISO14A_RAW | ISO14A_APPEND_CRC | ISO14A_NO_RATS; clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandMIX(CMD_HF_ISO14443A_READER, flags, sizeof(cmd), 0, cmd, sizeof(cmd)); if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 2000)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "PRNG UID: Reply timeout."); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } // if select tag failed. if (resp.oldarg[0] == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "error: selecting tag failed, can't detect prng\n"); return PM3_ERFTRANS; } if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &respA, 2500)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "PRNG data: Reply timeout."); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } // check respA if (respA.oldarg[0] != 4) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "PRNG data error: Wrong length: %"PRIu64, respA.oldarg[0]); return PM3_ESOFT; } uint32_t nonce = bytes_to_num(respA.data.asBytes, respA.oldarg[0]); return validate_prng_nonce(nonce); } /* Detect Mifare Classic NACK bug returns: 0 = error during test / aborted 1 = has nack bug 2 = has not nack bug 3 = always leak nacks (clones) */ int detect_classic_nackbug(bool verbose) { clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_NACK_DETECT, NULL, 0); PacketResponseNG resp; if (verbose) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "press pm3-button on the Proxmark3 device to abort both Proxmark3 and client.\n"); while (true) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); if (kbd_enter_pressed()) { return PM3_EOPABORTED; } if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_NACK_DETECT, &resp, 500)) { if (resp.status == PM3_EOPABORTED) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "button pressed. Aborted."); return PM3_EOPABORTED; } uint8_t ok = resp.data.asBytes[0]; uint8_t nacks = resp.data.asBytes[1]; uint16_t auths = bytes_to_num(resp.data.asBytes + 2, 2); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); if (verbose) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "num of auth requests : %u", auths); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "num of received NACK : %u", nacks); } switch (ok) { case 96 : case 98 : { if (verbose) PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "card random number generator is not predictable."); PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "detection failed"); return PM3_SUCCESS; } case 97 : { if (verbose) { PrintAndLogEx(FAILED, "card random number generator seems to be based on the well-known generating polynomial"); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "[- ]with 16 effective bits only, but shows unexpected behavior, try again."); } return PM3_SUCCESS; } case 2 : PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, _GREEN_("always leak NACK detected")); return PM3_SUCCESS; case 1 : PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, _GREEN_("NACK bug detected")); return PM3_SUCCESS; case 0 : PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "No NACK bug detected"); return PM3_SUCCESS; default : PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "errorcode from device [%i]", ok); return PM3_EUNDEF; } break; } } return PM3_SUCCESS; } /* try to see if card responses to "chinese magic backdoor" commands. */ void detect_classic_magic(void) { uint8_t isGeneration = 0; PacketResponseNG resp; clearCommandBuffer(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CIDENT, NULL, 0); if (WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_MIFARE_CIDENT, &resp, 1500)) { if (resp.status == PM3_SUCCESS) isGeneration = resp.data.asBytes[0]; } switch (isGeneration) { case MAGIC_GEN_1A: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Magic capabilities : " _GREEN_("Gen 1a")); break; case MAGIC_GEN_1B: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Magic capabilities : " _GREEN_("Gen 1b")); break; case MAGIC_GEN_2: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Magic capabilities : " _GREEN_("Gen 2 / CUID")); break; case MAGIC_GEN_UNFUSED: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Magic capabilities : " _GREEN_("Write Once / FUID")); break; default: break; } }