#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ PM3 Help 2 JSON This script takes the full text help output from the PM3 client and converts it to JSON. Authors / Maintainers: - Samuel Windall Note: This file is used during the pm3 client build any changes to the call script parameters should be reflected in the makefile """ import re import json import datetime import argparse import logging ############################################################################## # Script version data: (Please increment when making updates) APP_NAME = 'PM3Help2JSON' VERSION_MAJOR = 1 VERSION_MINOR = 0 ############################################################################## # Main Application Code: def main(): """The main function for the script""" args = build_arg_parser().parse_args() logging_format = '%(message)s' if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=logging_format) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN, format=logging_format) logging.info(f'{get_version()} starting...') help_text = args.input_file.read() command_data = parse_all_command_data(help_text) meta_data = build_metadata(args.meta, command_data) output_data = { 'metadata': meta_data, 'commands': command_data, } json.dump(output_data, args.output_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) logging.info(f'{get_version()} completed!') def build_arg_parser(): """Build the argument parser for reading the program arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('input_file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='Source of full text help from the PM3 client.') parser.add_argument('output_file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='Destination for JSON output.') parser.add_argument('--meta', action='append', help='Additional metadata to be included.', metavar='key:value') parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='version', version=get_version(), help='Version data about this app.') parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='Log debug messages.') return parser def build_help_regex(): """The regex uses to parse the full text output of help data from the pm3 client.""" # Reads the divider followed by the command itself re_command = r'-{87}\n(?P<command>.+)\n' # Reads if the command is available offline re_offline = r'available offline: (?P<offline>yes|no)\n+' # Reads the description lines re_description = r'(?P<description>(?:.+\n)+)\n+' # Reads the usage string re_usage = r'(?:usage:\n(?P<usage>(?:.+\n)+)\n+)?' # Reads the options and there individual descriptions re_options = r'(?:options:\n(?P<options>(?:.+\n)+)\n+)?' # Reads the notes and examples re_notes = r'(?:examples\/notes:\n(?P<notes>(?:.+\n)+)\n+)?' # Combine them into a single regex object re_full = re.compile(re_command+re_offline+re_description+re_usage+re_options+re_notes, re.MULTILINE); return re_full def parse_all_command_data(help_text): """Turns the full text output of help data from the pm3 client into a list of dictionaries""" command_dicts = {} # Strip out ANSI escape sequences help_text = remove_ansi_escape_codes(help_text) # Find all commands in the full text help output matches = build_help_regex().finditer(help_text) for match in matches: # Turn a match into a dictionary with keys for the extracted fields command_object = parse_command_data(match) # Store this command against its name for easy lookup command_dicts[command_object['command']] = command_object return command_dicts def parse_command_data(match): """Turns a regex match of a command in the help text and converts it into a dictionary""" logging.info('Parsing new command...') # Get and clean the command string command = remove_extra_whitespace(match.group('command')) logging.info(f' Command: {command}') # Get the online status as a boolean. Note: the regex only picks up 'yes' or 'no' so this check is safe. offline = (match.group('offline') == 'yes') logging.debug(f' Offline: {offline}') # Get and clean the description paragraph description = text_to_oneliner(match.group('description')) logging.debug(f' Description: {description}') # Get and clen the usage string usage = text_to_oneliner(match.group('usage')) logging.debug(f' Usage: {usage}') # Get and clean the list of options options = text_to_list(match.group('options')) logging.debug(f' Options: {options}') # Get and clean the list of examples and notes notes = text_to_list(match.group('notes')) logging.debug(f' Notes: {notes}') # Construct the command dictionary command_data = { 'command': command, 'offline': offline, 'description': description, 'usage': usage, 'options': options, 'notes': notes } logging.info('Completed parsing command!') return command_data def build_metadata(extra_data, command_data): """Turns the full text output of help data from the pm3 client into a list of dictionaries.""" logging.info('Building metadata...') metadata = { 'extracted_by': get_version(), 'extracted_on': datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(), 'commands_extracted': len(command_data) } for key, value in metadata.items(): logging.debug(f' {key} - {value}') if extra_data: for extra in extra_data: parts = extra.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: metadata[parts[0]] = parts[1] logging.debug(f' {parts[0]} - {parts[1]}') else: logging.warning(f'Error building metadata. ' f'Skipped "{extra}". ' f'Extra metadata must be in the format "key:value".') logging.info('Completed building metadata!') return metadata ############################################################################## # Helper Functions: def get_version(): """Get the version string for this script""" return f'{APP_NAME} v{VERSION_MAJOR}.{VERSION_MINOR:02}' def remove_ansi_escape_codes(text): """Remove ANSI escape sequences that may be left in the text.""" re_ansi_escape = re.compile(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') return re_ansi_escape.sub('', str(text)) def remove_extra_whitespace(text): """Removes extra whitespace that may be in the text.""" # Ensure input is a string text = str(text) # Remove whitespace from the start and end of the text text = text.strip() # Deduplicate spaces in the string text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', text) return text def text_to_oneliner(text): """Converts a multi line string into a single line string and removes extra whitespace""" if text is None: return "" # Ensure input is a string text = str(text) # Replace newlines with spaces text = re.sub(r'\n+', ' ', text) # Remove the extra whitespace text = remove_extra_whitespace(text) return text def text_to_list(text): """Converts a multi line string into a list of lines and removes extra whitespace""" if text is None: return [] # Ensure input is a string text = str(text) # Get all the lines lines = text.strip().split('\n') # For each line clean up any extra whitespace return [remove_extra_whitespace(line) for line in lines] ############################################################################## # Application entrypoint: if __name__ == '__main__': main()