#!/bin/bash ############################### # Linux # # Uncomment to override # ############################### #export SerialPort="/dev/ttyACM0" #export DebuggerPath="/usr/bin/gdb" #export JLinkServerPath="/opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe" ############################### # WSL # # Uncomment to override # ############################### #export SerialPort="/dev/ttyS4" #export DebuggerPath="/usr/bin/gdb" #export JLinkServerPath="/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" ############################### # ProxSpace # # Uncomment to override # ############################### #export SerialPort="COM5" #export JLinkServerPath="C:/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" #Debugging on 256KB systems is not recommended #This option does not override PLATFORM_SIZE export DeviceMem="512" VSCODEPATH=$(dirname "$0") function print_config { echo "Updating with following configuration:" echo "SerialPort: $SerialPort" echo "DebuggerPath: $DebuggerPath" echo "JLinkServerPath: $JLinkServerPath" } function setup_serial_port { if [ -z "$SerialPort" ]; then pm3list=$($VSCODEPATH/../pm3 --list 2>/dev/null) #Use first port listed export SerialPort=$(echo $pm3list | head -n 1 | cut -c 4-) if [ -z "$SerialPort" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] No serial port found, please set SerialPort manually" exit 1 fi fi } function setup_gdb_linux { if [ -z "$DebuggerPath" ]; then export DebuggerPath="/usr/bin/gdb" fi if [ ! -x "$DebuggerPath" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] gdb not found, please set DebuggerPath manually" exit 1 fi } function setup_jlink_linux { if [ -z "$JLinkServerPath" ]; then export JLinkServerPath="/opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe" fi if [ ! -x "$JLinkServerPath" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] JLinkGDBServerCLExe not found, please set JLinkServerPath manually" exit 1 fi } function setup_jlink_wsl { if [ -z "$JLinkServerPath" ]; then export JLinkServerPath="/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" fi if [ ! -x "$JLinkServerPath" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] JLinkGDBServerCL.exe not found, please set JLinkServerPath manually" exit 1 fi } function setup_jlink_ps { if [ -z "$JLinkServerPath" ]; then export JLinkServerPath="c:/Program Files (x86)/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCL.exe" fi jlinkpath=$(cygpath "$JLinkServerPath") if [ ! -x "$jlinkpath" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] JLinkGDBServerCL.exe not found, please set JLinkServerPath manually" exit 1 fi } function setup_wsl { setup_serial_port setup_gdb_linux setup_jlink_wsl print_config envsubst '${SerialPort} ${DebuggerPath} ${JLinkServerPath} ${DeviceMem}' <"$VSCODEPATH/templates/launch_wsl.json" > "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json" } function setup_linux { setup_serial_port setup_gdb_linux setup_jlink_linux print_config envsubst '${SerialPort} ${DebuggerPath} ${JLinkServerPath} ${DeviceMem}' <"$VSCODEPATH/templates/launch_linux.json" > "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json" } function setup_ps { setup_serial_port setup_jlink_ps export DebuggerPath="Using ProxSpace gbd" print_config envsubst '${SerialPort} ${JLinkServerPath} ${DeviceMem}' <"$VSCODEPATH/templates/launch_ps.json" > "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json" } if [ -f "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json" ]; then read -p "Existing configuration found, do you want to override it? " -n 1 -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then rm "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json.bak" 2> /dev/null mv "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json" "$VSCODEPATH/launch.json.bak" 2> /dev/null else echo >&2 "[!!] user abort" exit 1 fi fi HOSTOS=$(uname | awk '{print toupper($0)}') if [ "$HOSTOS" = "LINUX" ]; then if uname -a|grep -q Microsoft; then setup_wsl else setup_linux fi elif [ "$HOSTOS" = "DARWIN" ]; then echo >&2 "[!!] MacOS not supported, sorry!" exit 1 elif [[ "$HOSTOS" =~ MINGW(32|64)_NT* ]]; then setup_ps else echo >&2 "[!!] Host OS not recognized, abort: $HOSTOS" exit 1 fi