# Travis-CI Build for RfidResearchGroup/Proxmark3 language: c #default linux build env is: xenial compiler: gcc os: - linux - osx dist: xenial osx_image: xcode11 # move some env variables to homebrew env env: global: - HOMEBREW_TRAVIS_BRANCH=$TRAVIS_BRANCH - HOMEBREW_TRAVIS_COMMIT=$TRAVIS_COMMIT jobs: - TO_TEST=MAKEFILE MAKE_PARAMS='PLATFORM_EXTRAS=' - TO_TEST=MAKEFILE MAKE_PARAMS='PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON' - TO_TEST=CMAKE addons: apt: packages: - gcc-arm-none-eabi - libnewlib-dev - libbluetooth-dev - python3-dev - libbz2-dev homebrew: packages: - readline - qt5 - RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/arm-none-eabi-gcc taps: RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3 # update trick to fix https://travis-ci.community/t/macos-build-fails-because-of-homebrew-bundle-unknown-command/7296/14 update: true before_install: # bug? # homebrew update replaced python2.7 by python3.7 but # python3 link failed while python@2 still present, so let's do it again: if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then brew link --overwrite python; fi install: if ! arm-none-eabi-gcc -v; then echo "arm-none-eabi-gcc [ERROR]"; travis_terminate 1; fi script: - if [ "$TO_TEST" = "MAKEFILE" ]; then make clean && make V=1 "$MAKE_PARAMS"; make check; fi - if [ "$TO_TEST" = "CMAKE" ]; then mkdir -p client/build && ( cd client/build && cmake .. && make VERBOSE=1 ); make client/check CHECKARGS="--clientbin ./client/build/proxmark3"; fi