//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Merlok, May 2011, 2012 // Many authors, whom made it possible // // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Work with mifare cards. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "proxmark3.h" #include "apps.h" #include "util.h" #include "string.h" #include "iso14443crc.h" #include "iso14443a.h" #include "crapto1.h" #include "mifareutil.h" int MF_DBGLEVEL = MF_DBG_ALL; // memory management uint8_t* mifare_get_bigbufptr(void) { return (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + MIFARE_BUFF_OFFSET); // was 3560 - tied to other size changes } uint8_t* eml_get_bigbufptr_sendbuf(void) { return (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + RECV_CMD_OFFSET); } uint8_t* eml_get_bigbufptr_recbuf(void) { return (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + MIFARE_BUFF_OFFSET); } uint8_t* eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(void) { return (((uint8_t *)BigBuf) + CARD_MEMORY); } // crypto1 helpers void mf_crypto1_decrypt(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t *data, int len){ uint8_t bt = 0; int i; if (len != 1) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) data[i] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ data[i]; } else { bt = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, 0) ^ BIT(data[0], i)) << i; data[0] = bt; } return; } void mf_crypto1_encrypt(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t *data, int len, uint32_t *par) { uint8_t bt = 0; int i; uint32_t mltpl = 1 << (len - 1); // for len=18 it=0x20000 *par = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { bt = data[i]; data[i] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ data[i]; *par = (*par >> 1) | ( ((filter(pcs->odd) ^ oddparity(bt)) & 0x01) * mltpl ); } return; } uint8_t mf_crypto1_encrypt4bit(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t data) { uint8_t bt = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) bt |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, 0) ^ BIT(data, i)) << i; return bt; } // send commands int mifare_sendcmd_short(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t crypted, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data, uint8_t* answer, uint32_t *timing) { return mifare_sendcmd_shortex(pcs, crypted, cmd, data, answer, NULL, timing); } int mifare_sendcmd_short_special(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t crypted, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* answer, uint8_t *timing) { uint8_t dcmd[8];//, ecmd[4]; //uint32_t par=0; dcmd[0] = cmd; dcmd[1] = data[0]; dcmd[2] = data[1]; dcmd[3] = data[2]; dcmd[4] = data[3]; dcmd[5] = data[4]; AppendCrc14443a(dcmd, 6); //Dbprintf("Data command: %02x", dcmd[0]); //Dbprintf("Data R: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", dcmd[1],dcmd[2],dcmd[3],dcmd[4],dcmd[5],dcmd[6],dcmd[7]); //memcpy(ecmd, dcmd, sizeof(dcmd)); ReaderTransmit(dcmd, sizeof(dcmd), NULL); int len = ReaderReceive(answer); if(!len) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Authentication failed. Card timeout."); return 2; } return len; } int mifare_sendcmd_shortex(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint8_t crypted, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data, uint8_t* answer, uint32_t * parptr, uint32_t *timing) { uint8_t dcmd[4], ecmd[4]; uint32_t pos, par, res; dcmd[0] = cmd; dcmd[1] = data; AppendCrc14443a(dcmd, 2); memcpy(ecmd, dcmd, sizeof(dcmd)); if (crypted) { par = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) { ecmd[pos] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ dcmd[pos]; par = (par >> 1) | ( ((filter(pcs->odd) ^ oddparity(dcmd[pos])) & 0x01) * 0x08 ); } ReaderTransmitPar(ecmd, sizeof(ecmd), par, timing); } else { ReaderTransmit(dcmd, sizeof(dcmd), timing); } int len = ReaderReceivePar(answer, &par); if (parptr) *parptr = par; if (crypted == CRYPT_ALL) { if (len == 1) { res = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) res |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, 0) ^ BIT(answer[0], pos)) << pos; answer[0] = res; } else { for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) { answer[pos] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ answer[pos]; } } } return len; } // mifare commands int mifare_classic_auth(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint64_t ui64Key, uint64_t isNested) { return mifare_classic_authex(pcs, uid, blockNo, keyType, ui64Key, isNested, NULL, NULL); } int mifare_classic_authex(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t keyType, uint64_t ui64Key, uint64_t isNested, uint32_t * ntptr, uint32_t *timing) { // variables int len; uint32_t pos; uint8_t tmp4[4]; byte_t par = 0; byte_t ar[4]; uint32_t nt, ntpp; // Supplied tag nonce uint8_t mf_nr_ar[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // Transmit MIFARE_CLASSIC_AUTH len = mifare_sendcmd_short(pcs, isNested, 0x60 + (keyType & 0x01), blockNo, receivedAnswer, timing); if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 4) Dbprintf("rand nonce len: %x", len); if (len != 4) return 1; ar[0] = 0x55; ar[1] = 0x41; ar[2] = 0x49; ar[3] = 0x92; // Save the tag nonce (nt) nt = bytes_to_num(receivedAnswer, 4); // ----------------------------- crypto1 create if (isNested) crypto1_destroy(pcs); // Init cipher with key crypto1_create(pcs, ui64Key); if (isNested == AUTH_NESTED) { // decrypt nt with help of new key nt = crypto1_word(pcs, nt ^ uid, 1) ^ nt; } else { // Load (plain) uid^nt into the cipher crypto1_word(pcs, nt ^ uid, 0); } // some statistic if (!ntptr && (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 3)) Dbprintf("auth uid: %08x nt: %08x", uid, nt); // save Nt if (ntptr) *ntptr = nt; par = 0; // Generate (encrypted) nr+parity by loading it into the cipher (Nr) for (pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) { mf_nr_ar[pos] = crypto1_byte(pcs, ar[pos], 0) ^ ar[pos]; par = (par >> 1) | ( ((filter(pcs->odd) ^ oddparity(ar[pos])) & 0x01) * 0x80 ); } // Skip 32 bits in pseudo random generator nt = prng_successor(nt,32); // ar+parity for (pos = 4; pos < 8; pos++) { nt = prng_successor(nt,8); mf_nr_ar[pos] = crypto1_byte(pcs,0x00,0) ^ (nt & 0xff); par = (par >> 1)| ( ((filter(pcs->odd) ^ oddparity(nt & 0xff)) & 0x01) * 0x80 ); } // Transmit reader nonce and reader answer ReaderTransmitPar(mf_nr_ar, sizeof(mf_nr_ar), par, NULL); // Receive 4 bit answer len = ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer); if (!len) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Authentication failed. Card timeout."); return 2; } memcpy(tmp4, receivedAnswer, 4); ntpp = prng_successor(nt, 32) ^ crypto1_word(pcs, 0,0); if (ntpp != bytes_to_num(tmp4, 4)) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Authentication failed. Error card response."); return 3; } return 0; } int mifare_classic_readblock(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *blockData) { // variables int len; uint8_t bt[2]; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // command MIFARE_CLASSIC_READBLOCK len = mifare_sendcmd_short(pcs, 1, 0x30, blockNo, receivedAnswer, NULL); if (len == 1) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Error: %02x", receivedAnswer[0]); return 1; } if (len != 18) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Error: card timeout. len: %x", len); return 2; } memcpy(bt, receivedAnswer + 16, 2); AppendCrc14443a(receivedAnswer, 16); if (bt[0] != receivedAnswer[16] || bt[1] != receivedAnswer[17]) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd CRC response error."); return 3; } memcpy(blockData, receivedAnswer, 16); return 0; } int mifare_ultra_readblock(uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *blockData) { // variables int len; uint8_t bt[2]; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // command MIFARE_CLASSIC_READBLOCK len = mifare_sendcmd_short(NULL, 1, 0x30, blockNo, receivedAnswer,NULL); if (len == 1) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Error: %02x", receivedAnswer[0]); return 1; } if (len != 18) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Error: card timeout. len: %x", len); return 2; } memcpy(bt, receivedAnswer + 16, 2); AppendCrc14443a(receivedAnswer, 16); if (bt[0] != receivedAnswer[16] || bt[1] != receivedAnswer[17]) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd CRC response error."); return 3; } memcpy(blockData, receivedAnswer, 14); return 0; } int mifare_classic_writeblock(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *blockData) { // variables int len, i; uint32_t pos; uint32_t par = 0; byte_t res; uint8_t d_block[18], d_block_enc[18]; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // command MIFARE_CLASSIC_WRITEBLOCK len = mifare_sendcmd_short(pcs, 1, 0xA0, blockNo, receivedAnswer, NULL); if ((len != 1) || (receivedAnswer[0] != 0x0A)) { // 0x0a - ACK if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Error: %02x", receivedAnswer[0]); return 1; } memcpy(d_block, blockData, 16); AppendCrc14443a(d_block, 16); // crypto par = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < 18; pos++) { d_block_enc[pos] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ d_block[pos]; par = (par >> 1) | ( ((filter(pcs->odd) ^ oddparity(d_block[pos])) & 0x01) * 0x20000 ); } ReaderTransmitPar(d_block_enc, sizeof(d_block_enc), par, NULL); // Receive the response len = ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer); res = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) res |= (crypto1_bit(pcs, 0, 0) ^ BIT(receivedAnswer[0], i)) << i; if ((len != 1) || (res != 0x0A)) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd send data2 Error: %02x", res); return 2; } return 0; } int mifare_ultra_writeblock(uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *blockData) { // variables int len; uint32_t par = 0; uint8_t d_block[18]; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // command MIFARE_CLASSIC_WRITEBLOCK len = mifare_sendcmd_short(NULL, 1, 0xA0, blockNo, receivedAnswer,NULL); if ((len != 1) || (receivedAnswer[0] != 0x0A)) { // 0x0a - ACK if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Addr Error: %02x", receivedAnswer[0]); return 1; } memset(d_block,'\0',18); memcpy(d_block, blockData, 16); AppendCrc14443a(d_block, 16); ReaderTransmitPar(d_block, sizeof(d_block), par, NULL); // Receive the response len = ReaderReceive(receivedAnswer); if ((len != 1) || (receivedAnswer[0] != 0x0A)) { // 0x0a - ACK if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Data Error: %02x %d", receivedAnswer[0],len); return 2; } return 0; } int mifare_ultra_special_writeblock(uint32_t uid, uint8_t blockNo, uint8_t *blockData) { // variables int len; //uint32_t par = 0; uint8_t d_block[8]; uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); // command MIFARE_CLASSIC_WRITEBLOCK memset(d_block,'\0',8); d_block[0]= blockNo; memcpy(d_block+1,blockData,4); AppendCrc14443a(d_block, 6); //i know the data send here is correct len = mifare_sendcmd_short_special(NULL, 1, 0xA2, d_block, receivedAnswer,NULL); if (receivedAnswer[0] != 0x0A) { // 0x0a - ACK if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("Cmd Send Error: %02x %d", receivedAnswer[0],len); return 1; } return 0; } int mifare_classic_halt(struct Crypto1State *pcs, uint32_t uid) { // variables int len; // Mifare HALT uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); len = mifare_sendcmd_short(pcs, pcs == NULL ? 0:1, 0x50, 0x00, receivedAnswer, NULL); if (len != 0) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("halt error. response len: %x", len); return 1; } return 0; } int mifare_ultra_halt(uint32_t uid) { // variables int len; // Mifare HALT uint8_t* receivedAnswer = mifare_get_bigbufptr(); len = mifare_sendcmd_short(NULL, 1, 0x50, 0x00, receivedAnswer, NULL); if (len != 0) { if (MF_DBGLEVEL >= 1) Dbprintf("halt error. response len: %x", len); return 1; } return 0; } // Mifare Memory Structure: up to 32 Sectors with 4 blocks each (1k and 2k cards), // plus evtl. 8 sectors with 16 blocks each (4k cards) uint8_t NumBlocksPerSector(uint8_t sectorNo) { if (sectorNo < 32) return 4; else return 16; } uint8_t FirstBlockOfSector(uint8_t sectorNo) { if (sectorNo < 32) return sectorNo * 4; else return 32*4 + (sectorNo - 32) * 16; } // work with emulator memory void emlSetMem(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); memcpy(emCARD + blockNum * 16, data, blocksCount * 16); } void emlGetMem(uint8_t *data, int blockNum, int blocksCount) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); memcpy(data, emCARD + blockNum * 16, blocksCount * 16); } void emlGetMemBt(uint8_t *data, int bytePtr, int byteCount) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); memcpy(data, emCARD + bytePtr, byteCount); } int emlCheckValBl(int blockNum) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); uint8_t* data = emCARD + blockNum * 16; if ((data[0] != (data[4] ^ 0xff)) || (data[0] != data[8]) || (data[1] != (data[5] ^ 0xff)) || (data[1] != data[9]) || (data[2] != (data[6] ^ 0xff)) || (data[2] != data[10]) || (data[3] != (data[7] ^ 0xff)) || (data[3] != data[11]) || (data[12] != (data[13] ^ 0xff)) || (data[12] != data[14]) || (data[12] != (data[15] ^ 0xff)) ) return 1; return 0; } int emlGetValBl(uint32_t *blReg, uint8_t *blBlock, int blockNum) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); uint8_t* data = emCARD + blockNum * 16; if (emlCheckValBl(blockNum)) { return 1; } memcpy(blReg, data, 4); *blBlock = data[12]; return 0; } int emlSetValBl(uint32_t blReg, uint8_t blBlock, int blockNum) { uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); uint8_t* data = emCARD + blockNum * 16; memcpy(data + 0, &blReg, 4); memcpy(data + 8, &blReg, 4); blReg = blReg ^ 0xffffffff; memcpy(data + 4, &blReg, 4); data[12] = blBlock; data[13] = blBlock ^ 0xff; data[14] = blBlock; data[15] = blBlock ^ 0xff; return 0; } uint64_t emlGetKey(int sectorNum, int keyType) { uint8_t key[6]; uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); memcpy(key, emCARD + 16 * (FirstBlockOfSector(sectorNum) + NumBlocksPerSector(sectorNum) - 1) + keyType * 10, 6); return bytes_to_num(key, 6); } void emlClearMem(void) { int b; const uint8_t trailer[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x07, 0x80, 0x69, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; const uint8_t uid[] = {0xe6, 0x84, 0x87, 0xf3, 0x16, 0x88, 0x04, 0x00, 0x46, 0x8e, 0x45, 0x55, 0x4d, 0x70, 0x41, 0x04}; uint8_t* emCARD = eml_get_bigbufptr_cardmem(); memset(emCARD, 0, CARD_MEMORY_LEN); // fill sectors trailer data for(b = 3; b < 256; b<127?(b+=4):(b+=16)) { emlSetMem((uint8_t *)trailer, b , 1); } // uid emlSetMem((uint8_t *)uid, 0, 1); return; }