local cmds = require('commands') local getopt = require('getopt') local bin = require('bin') local lib14a = require('read14a') local utils = require('utils') copyright = '' author = 'Iceman' version = 'v1.0.1' desc = [[ This script will generate 'hf mf wrbl' commands for each block to format a Mifare card. Alla datablocks gets 0x00 As default the script sets the keys A/B to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF and the access bytes will become 0x78,0x77,0x88 The GDB will become 0x00 The script will skip the manufactoring block 0. ]] example = [[ -- generate commands 1. script run formatMifare -- generate command, replacing key with new key. 2. script run formatMifare -k aabbccddeeff -n 112233445566 -a FF0780 -- generate commands and execute them against card. 3. script run formatMifare -x ]] usage = [[ script run formatMifare -k <key> -n <key> -a <access> -x Arguments: -h - this help -k <key> - the current six byte key with write access -n <key> - the new key that will be written to the card -a <access> - the new access bytes that will be written to the card -x - execute the commands aswell. ]] local TIMEOUT = 2000 -- Shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds local DEBUG = true -- the debug flag local CmdString = 'hf mf wrbl %d B %s %s' local numBlocks = 64 local numSectors = 16 --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if not DEBUG then return end if type(args) == 'table' then local i = 1 while args[i] do dbg(args[i]) i = i+1 end else print('###', args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print('ERROR:', err) core.clearCommandBuffer() return nil, err end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(copyright) print(author) print(version) print(desc) print('Example usage') print(example) print(usage) end -- -- Exit message local function ExitMsg(msg) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print(msg) print() end -- -- Read information from a card function GetCardInfo() result, err = lib14a.read(false, true) if not result then print(err) return end print(('Found: %s'):format(result.name)) core.clearCommandBuffer() if 0x18 == result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE Classic 4k | Plus 4k -- IFARE Classic 4K offers 4096 bytes split into forty sectors, -- of which 32 are same size as in the 1K with eight more that are quadruple size sectors. numSectors = 40 elseif 0x08 == result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE CLASSIC 1k | Plus 2k -- 1K offers 1024 bytes of data storage, split into 16 sector numSectors = 16 elseif 0x09 == result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE Mini 0.3k -- MIFARE Classic mini offers 320 bytes split into five sectors. numSectors = 5 elseif 0x10 == result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE Plus 2k numSectors = 32 elseif 0x01 == result.sak then -- NXP MIFARE TNP3xxx 1K numSectors = 16 else print("I don't know how many sectors there are on this type of card, defaulting to 16") end --[[ The mifare Classic 1k card has 16 sectors of 4 data blocks each. The first 32 sectors of a mifare Classic 4k card consists of 4 data blocks and the remaining 8 sectors consist of 16 data blocks. --]] -- Defaults to 16 * 4 = 64 - 1 = 63 numBlocks = numSectors * 4 - 1 if numSectors > 32 then numBlocks = 32*4+ (numSectors-32)*16 -1 end end local function main(args) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print() local OldKey, NewKey, Accessbytes local x = false -- Arguments for the script for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hk:n:a:x') do if o == 'h' then return help() end if o == 'k' then OldKey = a end if o == 'n' then NewKey = a end if o == 'a' then Accessbytes = a end if o == 'x' then x = true end end -- validate input args. OldKey = OldKey or 'FFFFFFFFFFFF' if #(OldKey) ~= 12 then return oops( string.format('Wrong length of write key (was %d) expected 12', #OldKey)) end NewKey = NewKey or 'FFFFFFFFFFFF' if #(NewKey) ~= 12 then return oops( string.format('Wrong length of new key (was %d) expected 12', #NewKey)) end --Accessbytes = Accessbytes or '787788' Accessbytes = Accessbytes or 'FF0780' if #(Accessbytes) ~= 6 then return oops( string.format('Wrong length of accessbytes (was %d) expected 12', #Accessbytes)) end GetCardInfo() -- Show info print( string.format('Estimating number of blocks: %d', numBlocks)) print( string.format('Old key: %s', OldKey)) print( string.format('New key: %s', NewKey)) print( string.format('New Access: %s', Accessbytes)) print( string.rep('--', 20) ) -- Set new block data local EMPTY_BL = string.rep('00', 16) local EMPTY_SECTORTRAIL = string.format('%s%s%s%s', NewKey, Accessbytes, '00', NewKey) dbg( string.format('New sector-trailer : %s', EMPTY_SECTORTRAIL)) dbg( string.format('New emptyblock: %s', EMPTY_BL)) dbg('') if x then print('[Warning] you have used the EXECUTE parameter, which means this will run these commands against card.') end -- Ask local dialogResult = utils.confirm('Do you want to erase this card') if dialogResult == false then return ExitMsg('Quiting it is then. Your wish is my command...') end print( string.rep('--', 20) ) -- main loop for block = 0, numBlocks, 1 do local reminder = (block+1) % 4 local cmd if reminder == 0 then cmd = CmdString:format(block, OldKey , EMPTY_SECTORTRAIL) else cmd = CmdString:format(block, OldKey , EMPTY_BL) end if block ~= 0 then print(cmd) if x then core.console(cmd) end end if core.kbd_enter_pressed() then print('aborted by user') break end end end main(args)