// Jonathan Westhues, Mar 2006
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Hardware and interface definitions

#ifndef __PROXMARK3_H
#define __PROXMARK3_H

#include "common.h"

// Might as well have the hardware-specific defines everywhere.
#include "at91sam7s512.h"
#include "config_gpio.h"
#include "pm3_cmd.h"

// Check bootrom.c for actual clock settings
#define MAINCK                                  16000000
#define MCK                                     (3 * MAINCK)

#define WDT_HIT()                               AT91C_BASE_WDTC->WDTC_WDCR = 0xa5000001

#define PWM_CH_MODE_PRESCALER(x)                ((x) << 0)
#define PWM_CHANNEL(x)                          (1 << (x))

#define ADC_CHAN_LF                             4
#define ADC_CHAN_HF                             5
#define ADC_CHAN_HF_RDV40                       7
#define ADC_MODE_PRESCALE(x)                    ((x) << 8)
#define ADC_MODE_STARTUP_TIME(x)                ((x) << 16)
#define ADC_MODE_SAMPLE_HOLD_TIME(x)            ((x) << 24)
#define ADC_CHANNEL(x)                          (1 << (x))
#define ADC_END_OF_CONVERSION(x)                (1 << (x))

#define SSC_CLOCK_MODE_START(x)                 ((x) << 8)
#define SSC_FRAME_MODE_WORDS_PER_TRANSFER(x)    ((x) << 8)
#define SSC_CLOCK_MODE_SELECT(x)                ((x) << 0)
#define SSC_FRAME_MODE_BITS_IN_WORD(x)          (((x)-1) << 0)

#define MC_FLASH_COMMAND_KEY                    ((0x5a) << 24)
#define MC_FLASH_MODE_FLASH_WAIT_STATES(x)      ((x) << 8)
#define MC_FLASH_MODE_MASTER_CLK_IN_MHZ(x)      (((x)+((x)/2)) << 16)
#define MC_FLASH_COMMAND_PAGEN(x)               ((x) << 8)

#define RST_CONTROL_KEY                         (0xa5 << 24)

#define PMC_MAIN_OSC_STARTUP_DELAY(x)           ((x) << 8)
#define PMC_PLL_DIVISOR(x)                      (x)
#define PMC_PLL_MULTIPLIER(x)                   (((x)-1) << 16)
#define PMC_PLL_COUNT_BEFORE_LOCK(x)            (((x) & 0x3F) << 8)        // 6bit register 0011 1111
#define PMC_PLL_FREQUENCY_RANGE(x)              (((x) & 0x3) << 14)        // 2bit register
#define PMC_PLL_USB_DIVISOR(x)                  ((x) << 28)

#define UDP_INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT(x)               (1 << (x))
#define UDP_CSR_BYTES_RECEIVED(x)               (((x) >> 16) & 0x7ff)

#define LOW(x)      AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_CODR |= (x)
#define HIGH(x)     AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_SODR |= (x)

#define GETBIT(x)   (AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_ODSR & (x)) ? 1:0
#define SETBIT(x, y) (y) ? (HIGH(x)):(LOW(x))
#define INVBIT(x)   SETBIT((x), !(GETBIT(x)))

// Setup for SPI current modes
#define SPI_FPGA_MODE   0
#define SPI_LCD_MODE    1
#define SPI_MEM_MODE    2

#ifndef COTAG_BITS
#define COTAG_BITS 264

#define LED_A_ON()        HIGH(GPIO_LED_A)
#define LED_A_OFF()       LOW(GPIO_LED_A)
#define LED_A_INV()       INVBIT(GPIO_LED_A)
#define LED_B_ON()        HIGH(GPIO_LED_B)
#define LED_B_OFF()       LOW(GPIO_LED_B)
#define LED_B_INV()       INVBIT(GPIO_LED_B)
#define LED_C_ON()        HIGH(GPIO_LED_C)
#define LED_C_OFF()       LOW(GPIO_LED_C)
#define LED_C_INV()       INVBIT(GPIO_LED_C)
#define LED_D_ON()        HIGH(GPIO_LED_D)
#define LED_D_OFF()       LOW(GPIO_LED_D)
#define LED_D_INV()       INVBIT(GPIO_LED_D)

// SPI
#define SCK_LOW           LOW(GPIO_SPCK)
#define SCK_HIGH          HIGH(GPIO_SPCK)
#define MOSI_HIGH         HIGH(GPIO_MOSI)
#define MOSI_LOW          LOW(GPIO_MOSI)

// fpga
#define NCS_0_LOW         LOW(GPIO_NCS0)
#define NCS_0_HIGH        HIGH(GPIO_NCS0)

// flash mem PA1
#define NCS_1_LOW         LOW(GPIO_NCS2)
#define NCS_1_HIGH        HIGH(GPIO_NCS2)

#define RELAY_ON()        HIGH(GPIO_RELAY)
#define RELAY_OFF()       LOW(GPIO_RELAY)

#define WAIT_BUTTON_RELEASED() { while ( BUTTON_PRESS() )  { WDT_HIT(); }; }

//NVDD goes LOW when USB is attached.

#define VERSION_INFORMATION_MAGIC 0x56334d50 // "PM3V"
struct version_information {
    int magic; /* Magic sequence to identify this as a correct version information structure. Must be VERSION_INFORMATION_MAGIC */
    char versionversion; /* Must be 1 */
    char present; /* 1 if the version information could be created at compile time, otherwise 0 and the remaining fields (except for magic) are empty */
    char clean; /* 1: Tree was clean, no local changes. 0: Tree was unclean. 2: Couldn't be determined */
    char gitversion[50]; /* String with the git revision */
    char buildtime[30]; /* string with the build time */

#define COMMON_AREA_MAGIC 0x43334d50 // "PM3C"
struct common_area {
    int magic; /* Magic sequence, to distinguish against random uninitialized memory */
    char version; /* Must be 1 */
    char command;
    struct {
        unsigned int bootrom_present: 1; /* Set when a bootrom that is capable of parsing the common area is present */
        unsigned int osimage_present: 1; /* Set when a osimage that is capable of parsing the common area is present */
        unsigned int button_pressed: 1;
    } PACKED flags;
    int arg1, arg2;
