# reveng will compile without macros, but these may be useful: # Add -DBMPMACRO to use bitmap size constant macros (edit config.h) # Add -DNOFORCE to disable the -F switch # Add -DPRESETS to compile with preset models (edit config.h) MYSRCPATHS = MYINCLUDES = -I. -I.. MYCFLAGS = -std=c99 -D_ISOC99_SOURCE MYDEFS = -DPRESETS MYSRCS = \ bmpbit.c \ cli.c \ getopt.c \ model.c \ poly.c \ preset.c \ reveng.c LIB_A = libreveng.a include ../../../Makefile.host CLEAN += bmptst $(BINDIR)/$(LIB_A): $(BINDIR)/bmptst $(BINDIR)/bmptst: bmpbit.c config.h reveng.h $(info [-] CC $<) $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DBMPTST -o $@ $< $(info [=] TEST $@) $(Q)( ./$@ && $(TOUCH) $@ ) || ( $(RM) $@ && $(FALSE) ) .PHONY: all clean