# RRG / Iceman repo - Proxmark3 | Releases | Linux & OSX CI | Windows CI | Coverity | | ------------------- |:-------------------:| -------------------:| -------------------:| | [![Latest release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3.svg)](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/releases/latest) | [![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3) | [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b4gwrhq3nc876cuu/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/branch/master) | [![Coverity Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/19334/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/proxmark3-rrg-iceman-repo)| # PROXMARK INSTALLATION AND OVERVIEW | FAQ's & Updates | Installation | Use of the Proxmark | | ------------------- |:-------------------:| -------------------:| |[What has changed?](#what-has-changed) | **[Setup and build for Linux](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Linux-Installation-Instructions.md)** | [Compilation Instructions](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/0_Compilation-Instructions.md)| |[Development](#development) | **[Important notes on ModemManager for Linux users](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/ModemManager-Must-Be-Discarded.md)** | [Validating proxmark client functionality](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/1_Validation.md) | |[Why didn't you base it on official Proxmark3 Master?](#why-didnt-you-base-it-on-official-proxmark3-master)| **[Homebrew (Mac OS X) & Upgrading HomeBrew Tap Formula](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Mac-OS-X-Homebrew-Installation-Instructions.md)** | [First Use and Verification](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/2_Configuration-and-Verification.md)| |[Proxmark3 GUI](#proxmark3-gui)|**[Setup and build for Windows](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Windows-Installation-Instructions.md)**|[Commands & Features](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/3_Commands-and-Features.md)| |[Issues](#issues)|[Blue shark manual](/doc/bt_manual_v10.md) || |[Donations](#Donations)|[Maintainers](/doc/md/Development/Maintainers.md)|[Command Cheat sheet](/doc/cheatsheet.md)| ||[Advanced compilation parameters](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/4_Advanced-compilation-parameters.md)|[More cheat sheets](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/wiki/More-cheat-sheets)| ||**[Troubleshooting](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Troubleshooting.md)**|[Complete client command set](/doc/commands.md)| ||**[JTAG](/doc/jtag_notes.md)**|| ## Notes / helpful documents | Notes ||| | ------------------- |:-------------------:| -------------------:| |[Notes on UART](/doc/uart_notes.md)|[Notes on Termux / Android](/doc/termux_notes.md)|[Notes on paths](/doc/path_notes.md)| |[Notes on frame format](/doc/new_frame_format.md)|[Notes on tracelog / wireshark](/doc/trace_notes.md)|[Notes on EMV](/doc/emv_notes.md)| |[Notes on external flash](/doc/ext_flash_notes.md)|[Notes on loclass](/doc/loclass_notes.md)|[Notes on Coverity Scan Config & Run](/doc/md/Development/Coverity-Scan-Config-%26-Run.md)| |[Notes on file formats used with Proxmark3](/doc/extensions_notes.md)||| |[Developing standalone mode](/armsrc/Standalone/readme.md)|[Wiki about standalone mode](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/wiki/Standalone-mode)|| ## Build for non-RDV4 Proxmark3 platforms In order to build this repo for other Proxmark3 platforms we urge you to read [Advanced compilation parameters](/doc/md/Use_of_Proxmark/4_Advanced-compilation-parameters.md) ## What has changed? On the hardware side: * added flash memory 256kb. * added smart card module * added FPC connector On the software side: quite a lot, see the [Changelog file](CHANGELOG.md). ## Development > ⚠ **Note**: This is a bleeding edge repository. The maintainers actively is working out of this repository and will be periodically re-structuring the code to make it easier to comprehend, navigate, build, test, and contribute to, so **DO expect significant changes to code layout on a regular basis**. This repo compiles nicely on - Proxspace v3.x - Windows/mingw environment with Qt5.6.1 & GCC 4.8 - Ubuntu 1604, 1804, 1904, 2004 - ParrotOS, Gentoo, Pentoo, Kali, Nethunter, Archlinux, Fedora, Debian - Rasbian Pi, Jetson Nano, - Android / Termux - Mac OS X / Homebrew - WSL, WSL2 (Windows subsystem linux) on Windows 10 - Docker container The [public roadmap](https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3/wiki/Public-Roadmap) is an excellent start to read if you are interesting in contributing. > 👉 **Remember!** If you intend to contribute to the code, please read the [coding style notes](HACKING.md) first. We usually merge your contributions fast since we do like the idea of getting a functionality in the Proxmark3 and weed out the bugs afterwards. ## Cheat sheet Thanks to Alex Dibs, you can enjoy a [command cheat sheet](/doc/cheatsheet.md) ## Maintainers ( package, distro ) To all distro, package maintainers, we tried to make your life easier. `make install` is now available and if you want to know more. - [Maintainers](/doc/md/Development/Maintainers.md) ## Why didn't you base it on official Proxmark3 Master? The separation from official Proxmark3 repo gives us a lot of freedom to create a firmware/client that suits the RDV40 features. We don't want to mess up the official Proxmark3 repo with RDV40 specific code. ## Proxmark3 GUI The official PM3-GUI from Gaucho will not work. The new universal GUI will work. [Proxmark3 Universal GUI](https://github.com/burma69/PM3UniversalGUI) Almost, change needed in order to show helptext when client isn't connected to a device. ## Issues Please see the [Proxmark Forum](http://www.proxmark.org/forum/index.php) and see if your issue is listed in the first instance Google is your friend :) Questions will be answered via the forum by Iceman and the team. Read the [Troubleshooting](/doc/md/Installation_Instructions/Troubleshooting.md) guide to weed out most known problems. ## The end - July 2018 [@herrmann1001](https://mobile.twitter.com/herrmann1001) - updated Feb 2019 [@5w0rdfish](https://mobile.twitter.com/5w0rdFish) - updated 2019 [@doegox](https://mobile.twitter.com/doegox) # Donations Nothing says thank you as much as a donation. So if you feel the love, do feel free to become a iceman patron. For some tiers it comes with rewards. https://www.patreon.com/iceman1001