//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2014 Iceman // // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // High frequency MIFARE Desfire commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "cmdhfmfdes.h" #include #include #include "commonutil.h" // ARRAYLEN #include "cmdparser.h" // command_t #include "comms.h" #include "ui.h" #include "cmdhw.h" #include "cmdhf14a.h" #include "mbedtls/des.h" #include "mbedtls/aes.h" #include "crypto/libpcrypto.h" #include "protocols.h" #include "mifare.h" // desfire raw command options #include "cmdtrace.h" #include "cliparser/cliparser.h" #include "emv/apduinfo.h" // APDU manipulation / errorcodes #include "emv/emvcore.h" // APDU logging #include "util_posix.h" // msleep #include "mifare/mifare4.h" // MIFARE Authenticate / MAC #include "mifare/desfire_crypto.h" #include "crapto1/crapto1.h" struct desfire_key defaultkey = {0}; static desfirekey_t sessionkey = &defaultkey; uint8_t key_zero_data[16] = { 0x00 }; uint8_t key_ones_data[16] = { 0x01 }; uint8_t key_defa_data[16] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f }; uint8_t key_picc_data[16] = { 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f }; typedef struct { uint8_t mode; uint8_t algo; uint8_t keyno; uint8_t keylen; uint8_t key[24]; } mfdes_authinput_t; typedef struct mfdes_auth_res { uint8_t sessionkeylen; uint8_t sessionkey[24]; } mfdes_auth_res_t; #define status(x) ( ((uint16_t)(0x91<<8)) + x ) typedef enum { UNKNOWN = 0, DESFIRE_MF3ICD40, DESFIRE_EV1, DESFIRE_EV2, DESFIRE_EV3, DESFIRE_LIGHT, PLUS_EV1, } nxp_cardtype_t; typedef struct { uint8_t aid[3]; uint8_t fid[2]; uint8_t name[16]; } dfname_t; static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd); /* The 7 MSBits (= n) code the storage size itself based on 2^n, the LSBit is set to '0' if the size is exactly 2^n and set to '1' if the storage size is between 2^n and 2^(n+1). For this version of DESFire the 7 MSBits are set to 0x0C (2^12 = 4096) and the LSBit is '0'. */ static char *getCardSizeStr(uint8_t fsize) { static char buf[40] = {0x00}; char *retStr = buf; uint16_t usize = 1 << ((fsize >> 1) + 1); uint16_t lsize = 1 << (fsize >> 1); // is LSB set? if (fsize & 1) sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("%d - %d bytes") ")", fsize, usize, lsize); else sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("%d bytes") ")", fsize, lsize); return buf; } static char *getProtocolStr(uint8_t id, bool hw) { static char buf[50] = {0x00}; char *retStr = buf; if (id == 0x04) { sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("ISO 14443-3 MIFARE, 14443-4") ")", id); } else if (id == 0x05) { if (hw) sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("ISO 14443-2, 14443-3") ")", id); else sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("ISO 14443-3, 14443-4") ")", id); } else { sprintf(retStr, "0x%02X ( " _YELLOW_("Unknown") ")", id); } return buf; } static char *getVersionStr(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) { static char buf[40] = {0x00}; char *retStr = buf; if (major == 0x00) sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("DESFire MF3ICD40") ")", major, minor); else if (major == 0x01 && minor == 0x00) sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("DESFire EV1") ")", major, minor); else if (major == 0x12 && minor == 0x00) sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("DESFire EV2") ")", major, minor); // else if (major == 0x13 && minor == 0x00) // sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("DESFire EV3") ")", major, minor); else if (major == 0x30 && minor == 0x00) sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("DESFire Light") ")", major, minor); else sprintf(retStr, "%x.%x ( " _YELLOW_("Unknown") ")", major, minor); return buf; } int DESFIRESendApdu(bool activate_field, bool leavefield_on, sAPDU apdu, uint8_t *result, int max_result_len, int *result_len, uint16_t *sw) { *result_len = 0; if (sw) *sw = 0; uint16_t isw = 0; int res = 0; if (activate_field) { DropField(); msleep(50); } // select? uint8_t data[APDU_RES_LEN] = {0}; // COMPUTE APDU int datalen = 0; //if (APDUEncodeS(&apdu, false, IncludeLe ? 0x100 : 0x00, data, &datalen)) { if (APDUEncodeS(&apdu, false, 0x100, data, &datalen)) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "APDU encoding error."); return PM3_EAPDU_ENCODEFAIL; } if (GetAPDULogging() || (g_debugMode > 1)) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, ">>>> %s", sprint_hex(data, datalen)); res = ExchangeAPDU14a(data, datalen, activate_field, leavefield_on, result, max_result_len, result_len); if (res) { return res; } if (GetAPDULogging() || (g_debugMode > 1)) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "<<<< %s", sprint_hex(result, *result_len)); if (*result_len < 2) { return PM3_SUCCESS; } *result_len -= 2; isw = (result[*result_len] << 8) + result[*result_len + 1]; if (sw) *sw = isw; if (isw != 0x9000 && isw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK) && isw != status(MFDES_S_SIGNATURE) && isw != status(MFDES_S_ADDITIONAL_FRAME) && isw != status(MFDES_S_NO_CHANGES)) { if (GetAPDULogging()) { if (isw >> 8 == 0x61) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "APDU chaining len: 0x%02x -->", isw & 0xff); } else { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "APDU(%02x%02x) ERROR: [0x%4X] %s", apdu.CLA, apdu.INS, isw, GetAPDUCodeDescription(isw >> 8, isw & 0xff)); return PM3_EAPDU_FAIL; } } return PM3_EAPDU_FAIL; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } static char *getstatus(uint16_t *sw) { if (sw == NULL) return "--> sw argument error. This should never happen !"; if (((*sw >> 8) & 0xFF) == 0x91) { switch (*sw & 0xFF) { case MFDES_E_OUT_OF_EEPROM: return "Out of Eeprom, insufficient NV-Memory to complete command"; case MFDES_E_ILLEGAL_COMMAND_CODE: return "Command code not supported"; case MFDES_E_INTEGRITY_ERROR: return "CRC or MAC does not match data / Padding bytes invalid"; case MFDES_E_NO_SUCH_KEY: return "Invalid key number specified"; case MFDES_E_LENGTH: return "Length of command string invalid"; case MFDES_E_PERMISSION_DENIED: return "Current configuration/status does not allow the requested command"; case MFDES_E_PARAMETER_ERROR: return "Value of the parameter(s) invalid"; case MFDES_E_APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND: return "Requested AID not present on PICC"; case MFDES_E_APPL_INTEGRITY: return "Application integrity error, application will be disabled"; case MFDES_E_AUTHENTIFICATION_ERROR: return "Current authentication status does not allow the requested command"; case MFDES_E_BOUNDARY: return "Attempted to read/write data from/to beyong the file's/record's limit"; case MFDES_E_PICC_INTEGRITY: return "PICC integrity error, PICC will be disabled"; case MFDES_E_COMMAND_ABORTED: return "Previous command was not fully completed / Not all Frames were requested or provided by the PCD"; case MFDES_E_PICC_DISABLED: return "PICC was disabled by an unrecoverable error"; case MFDES_E_COUNT: return "Application count is limited to 28, not addition CreateApplication possible"; case MFDES_E_DUPLICATE: return "Duplicate entry: File/Application/ISO Text does already exist"; case MFDES_E_EEPROM: return "Eeprom error due to loss of power, internal backup/rollback mechanism activated"; case MFDES_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return "Specified file number does not exist"; case MFDES_E_FILE_INTEGRITY: return "File integrity error, file will be disabled"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } return "Unknown error"; } static char *GetErrorString(int res, uint16_t *sw) { switch (res) { case PM3_EAPDU_FAIL: return getstatus(sw); case PM3_EUNDEF: return "Undefined error"; case PM3_EINVARG: return "Invalid argument(s)"; case PM3_EDEVNOTSUPP: return "Operation not supported by device"; case PM3_ETIMEOUT: return "Operation timed out"; case PM3_EOPABORTED: return "Operation aborted (by user)"; case PM3_ENOTIMPL: return "Not (yet) implemented"; case PM3_ERFTRANS: return "Error while RF transmission"; case PM3_EIO: return "Input / output error"; case PM3_EOVFLOW: return "Buffer overflow"; case PM3_ESOFT: return "Software error"; case PM3_EFLASH: return "Flash error"; case PM3_EMALLOC: return "Memory allocation error"; case PM3_EFILE: return "File error"; case PM3_ENOTTY: return "Generic TTY error"; case PM3_EINIT: return "Initialization error"; case PM3_EWRONGANSVER: return "Expected a different answer error"; case PM3_EOUTOFBOUND: return "Memory out-of-bounds error"; case PM3_ECARDEXCHANGE: return "Exchange with card error"; case PM3_EAPDU_ENCODEFAIL: return "Failed to create APDU"; case PM3_ENODATA: return "No data"; case PM3_EFATAL: return "Fatal error"; default: break; } return ""; } static int send_desfire_cmd(sAPDU *apdu, bool select, uint8_t *dest, int *recv_len, uint16_t *sw, int splitbysize, bool readalldata) { if (apdu == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "APDU=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } /*if (dest == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "DEST=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; }*/ if (sw == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "SW=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (recv_len == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "RECV_LEN=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } *sw = 0; uint8_t data[255 * 5] = {0x00}; int resplen = 0; int pos = 0; int i = 1; int res = DESFIRESendApdu(select, true, *apdu, data, sizeof(data), &resplen, sw); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "%s", GetErrorString(res, sw)); DropField(); return res; } if (dest != NULL) { memcpy(dest, data, resplen); } pos += resplen; if (!readalldata) { if (*sw == status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { *recv_len=pos; return PM3_SUCCESS; } return res; } while (*sw == status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { apdu->INS = MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME; //0xAF apdu->Lc = 0; apdu->P1 = 0; apdu->P2 = 0; res = DESFIRESendApdu(false, true, *apdu, data, sizeof(data), &resplen, sw); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "%s", GetErrorString(res, sw)); DropField(); return res; } if (dest != NULL) { if (splitbysize) { memcpy(&dest[i * splitbysize], data, resplen); i += 1; } else { memcpy(&dest[pos], data, resplen); } } pos += resplen; if (*sw != status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) break; } *recv_len = (splitbysize) ? i : pos; return PM3_SUCCESS; } static nxp_cardtype_t getCardType(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) { if (major == 0x00) return DESFIRE_MF3ICD40; if (major == 0x01 && minor == 0x00) return DESFIRE_EV1; if (major == 0x12 && minor == 0x00) return DESFIRE_EV2; // if (major == 0x13 && minor == 0x00) // return DESFIRE_EV3; if (major == 0x30 && minor == 0x00) return DESFIRE_LIGHT; if (major == 0x11 && minor == 0x00) return PLUS_EV1; return UNKNOWN; } int get_desfire_auth(mfdes_authinput_t* payload,mfdes_auth_res_t* rpayload) { // 3 different way to authenticate AUTH (CRC16) , AUTH_ISO (CRC32) , AUTH_AES (CRC32) // 4 different crypto arg1 DES, 3DES, 3K3DES, AES // 3 different communication modes, PLAIN,MAC,CRYPTO mbedtls_aes_context ctx; uint8_t keybytes[24]; // Crypt constants uint8_t IV[16] = {0x00}; uint8_t RndA[16] = {0x00}; uint8_t RndB[16] = {0x00}; uint8_t encRndB[16] = {0x00}; uint8_t rotRndB[16] = {0x00}; //RndB' uint8_t both[32+1] = {0x00}; // ek/dk_keyNo(RndA+RndB') // Generate Random Value uint32_t ng=msclock(); uint32_t value = prng_successor(ng, 32); num_to_bytes(value, 4, &RndA[0]); value = prng_successor(ng, 32); num_to_bytes(value, 4, &RndA[4]); value = prng_successor(ng, 32); num_to_bytes(value, 4, &RndA[8]); value = prng_successor(ng, 32); num_to_bytes(value, 4, &RndA[12]); // Default Keys uint8_t PICC_MASTER_KEY8[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; uint8_t PICC_MASTER_KEY16[16] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; uint8_t PICC_MASTER_KEY24[24] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; //uint8_t null_key_data16[16] = {0x00}; //uint8_t new_key_data8[8] = { 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0x77}; //uint8_t new_key_data16[16] = { 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0x77,0x88,0x99,0xAA,0xBB,0xCC,0xDD,0xEE,0xFF}; // Part 1 if (payload->key == NULL) { if (payload->algo == MFDES_AUTH_DES) { memcpy(keybytes, PICC_MASTER_KEY8, 8); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES || payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) { memcpy(keybytes, PICC_MASTER_KEY16, 16); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) { memcpy(keybytes, PICC_MASTER_KEY24, 24); } } else { memcpy(keybytes, payload->key, payload->keylen); } struct desfire_key defaultkey = {0}; desfirekey_t key = &defaultkey; if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) { mbedtls_aes_init(&ctx); Desfire_aes_key_new(keybytes, key); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) { Desfire_3des_key_new_with_version(keybytes, key); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) { Desfire_des_key_new(keybytes, key); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { Desfire_3k3des_key_new_with_version(keybytes, key); } uint8_t subcommand = MFDES_AUTHENTICATE; if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_AES) subcommand = MFDES_AUTHENTICATE_AES; else if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_ISO) subcommand = MFDES_AUTHENTICATE_ISO; int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; uint8_t recv_data[256]={0}; if (payload->mode != MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { // Let's send our auth command uint8_t data[] = {payload->keyno}; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, subcommand, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, data}; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, recv_data, &recv_len, &sw, 0, false); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Sending auth command %02X " _RED_("failed"),subcommand); return PM3_ESOFT; } } else if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { /*cmd[0] = AUTHENTICATE; cmd[1] = payload->keyno; len = DesfireAPDU(cmd, 2, resp); */ } if (!recv_len) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Card timeout."); return PM3_ESOFT; } if (sw!=status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Invalid key number."); return PM3_ESOFT; } int expectedlen = 8; if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES || payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { expectedlen = 16; } if (recv_len != expectedlen) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Length of answer %d doesn't match algo length %d.", recv_len, expectedlen); return PM3_ESOFT; } int rndlen=recv_len; // Part 2 if (payload->mode != MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { memcpy(encRndB, recv_data, rndlen); } else { memcpy(encRndB, recv_data + 2, rndlen); } // Part 3 if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) { if (mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, key->data, 128) != 0) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec failed"); return PM3_ESOFT; } mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, rndlen, IV, encRndB, RndB); } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) des_dec(RndB, encRndB, key->data); else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) tdes_nxp_receive(encRndB, RndB, rndlen, key->data, IV,2); else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { tdes_nxp_receive(encRndB, RndB, rndlen, key->data, IV,3); } if (g_debugMode>1){ PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"encRndB: %s",sprint_hex(encRndB,8)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"RndB: %s",sprint_hex(RndB,8)); } // - Rotate RndB by 8 bits memcpy(rotRndB, RndB, rndlen); rol(rotRndB, rndlen); uint8_t encRndA[16] = {0x00}; // - Encrypt our response if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_DES || payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { des_dec(encRndA, RndA, key->data); memcpy(both, encRndA, rndlen); for (int x = 0; x < rndlen; x++) { rotRndB[x] = rotRndB[x] ^ encRndA[x]; } des_dec(encRndB, rotRndB, key->data); memcpy(both + rndlen, encRndB, rndlen); } else if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_ISO) { if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) { uint8_t tmp[16] = {0x00}; memcpy(tmp, RndA, rndlen); memcpy(tmp + rndlen, rotRndB, rndlen); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "rotRndB: %s", sprint_hex(rotRndB, rndlen)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Both: %s", sprint_hex(tmp, 16)); } tdes_nxp_send(tmp, both, 16, key->data, IV,2); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "EncBoth: %s", sprint_hex(both, 16)); } } else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { uint8_t tmp[32] = {0x00}; memcpy(tmp, RndA, rndlen); memcpy(tmp + rndlen, rotRndB, rndlen); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "rotRndB: %s", sprint_hex(rotRndB, rndlen)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Both3k3: %s", sprint_hex(tmp, 32)); } tdes_nxp_send(tmp, both, 32, key->data, IV,3); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "EncBoth: %s", sprint_hex(both, 32)); } } } else if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_AES) { uint8_t tmp[32] = {0x00}; memcpy(tmp, RndA, rndlen); memcpy(tmp + rndlen, rotRndB, rndlen); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "rotRndB: %s", sprint_hex(rotRndB, rndlen)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Both3k3: %s", sprint_hex(tmp, 32)); } if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES) { if (mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc(&ctx, key->data, 128) != 0) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc failed"); return PM3_ESOFT; } mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, 32, IV, tmp, both); if (g_debugMode>1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "EncBoth: %s", sprint_hex(both, 32)); } } } int bothlen = 16; if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_AES || payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { bothlen = 32; } if (payload->mode != MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME, 0x00, 0x00, bothlen, both}; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, recv_data, &recv_len, &sw, 0, false); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Sending auth command %02X " _RED_("failed"),subcommand); return PM3_ESOFT; } } else { /*cmd[0] = ADDITIONAL_FRAME; memcpy(cmd + 1, both, 16); len = DesfireAPDU(cmd, 1 + 16, resp); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Sending auth command %02X " _RED_("failed"),subcommand); return PM3_ESOFT; }*/ } if (!recv_len) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Card timeout."); return PM3_ESOFT; } if (payload->mode != MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { if (sw!=status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed."); return PM3_ESOFT; } } else { /*if (resp[1] != 0x00) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Card timeout."); return PM3_ESOFT; }*/ } // Part 4 Desfire_session_key_new(RndA, RndB, key, sessionkey); if (payload->mode != MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { memcpy(encRndA, recv_data, rndlen); } else { memcpy(encRndA, recv_data + 2, rndlen); } if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_DES || payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_ISO || payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_PICC) { if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_DES) des_dec(encRndA, encRndA, key->data); else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3DES) tdes_nxp_receive(encRndA, encRndA, rndlen, key->data, IV,2); else if (payload->algo == MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) tdes_nxp_receive(encRndA, encRndA, rndlen, key->data, IV,3); } else if (payload->mode == MFDES_AUTH_AES) { if (mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec(&ctx, key->data, 128) != 0) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec failed"); return PM3_ESOFT; } mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, rndlen, IV, encRndA, encRndA); } rol(RndA, rndlen); for (int x = 0; x < rndlen; x++) { if (RndA[x] != encRndA[x]) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR,"Authentication failed. Cannot verify Session Key."); if (g_debugMode>1){ PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"Expected_RndA : %s", sprint_hex(RndA, rndlen)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"Generated_RndA : %s", sprint_hex(encRndA, rndlen)); } return PM3_ESOFT; } } rpayload->sessionkeylen = payload->keylen; memcpy(rpayload->sessionkey, sessionkey->data, rpayload->sessionkeylen); return PM3_SUCCESS; } // -- test if card supports 0x0A static int test_desfire_authenticate() { uint8_t data[] = {0x00}; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_AUTHENTICATE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, data}; // 0x0A, KEY 0 int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res=send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, NULL, &recv_len, &sw, 0, false); if (res==PM3_SUCCESS) if (sw==status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { DropField(); return res; } return res; } // -- test if card supports 0x1A static int test_desfire_authenticate_iso() { uint8_t data[] = {0x00}; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_AUTHENTICATE_ISO, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, data}; // 0x1A, KEY 0 int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res=send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, NULL, &recv_len, &sw, 0, false); if (res==PM3_SUCCESS) if (sw==status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { DropField(); return res; } return res; } // -- test if card supports 0xAA static int test_desfire_authenticate_aes() { uint8_t data[] = {0x00}; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_AUTHENTICATE_AES, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, data}; // 0xAA, KEY 0 int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res=send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, NULL, &recv_len, &sw, 0, false); if (res==PM3_SUCCESS) if (sw==status(MFDES_ADDITIONAL_FRAME)) { DropField(); return res; } return res; } // --- GET FREE MEM static int desfire_print_freemem(uint32_t free_mem) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Available free memory on card : " _GREEN_("%d bytes"), free_mem); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int get_desfire_freemem(uint32_t *free_mem) { if (free_mem == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_FREE_MEMORY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; // 0x6E *free_mem = 0; int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; uint8_t fmem[4] = {0}; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, fmem, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (sw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) return PM3_ESOFT; *free_mem = le24toh(fmem); return res; } // --- GET SIGNATURE static int desfire_print_signature(uint8_t *uid, uint8_t *signature, size_t signature_len, nxp_cardtype_t card_type) { if (uid == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "UID=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (signature == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "SIGNATURE=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } // DESFire Ev3 - wanted // ref: MIFARE Desfire Originality Signature Validation #define PUBLIC_DESFIRE_ECDA_KEYLEN 57 const ecdsa_publickey_t nxp_desfire_public_keys[] = { {"NTAG424DNA, DESFire EV2", "048A9B380AF2EE1B98DC417FECC263F8449C7625CECE82D9B916C992DA209D68422B81EC20B65A66B5102A61596AF3379200599316A00A1410"}, {"NTAG413DNA, DESFire EV1", "04BB5D514F7050025C7D0F397310360EEC91EAF792E96FC7E0F496CB4E669D414F877B7B27901FE67C2E3B33CD39D1C797715189AC951C2ADD"}, {"DESFire EV2", "04B304DC4C615F5326FE9383DDEC9AA892DF3A57FA7FFB3276192BC0EAA252ED45A865E3B093A3D0DCE5BE29E92F1392CE7DE321E3E5C52B3A"}, {"NTAG424DNA, NTAG424DNATT, DESFire Light EV2", "04B304DC4C615F5326FE9383DDEC9AA892DF3A57FA7FFB3276192BC0EAA252ED45A865E3B093A3D0DCE5BE29E92F1392CE7DE321E3E5C52B3B"}, {"DESFire Light", "040E98E117AAA36457F43173DC920A8757267F44CE4EC5ADD3C54075571AEBBF7B942A9774A1D94AD02572427E5AE0A2DD36591B1FB34FCF3D"}, {"Mifare Plus EV1", "044409ADC42F91A8394066BA83D872FB1D16803734E911170412DDF8BAD1A4DADFD0416291AFE1C748253925DA39A5F39A1C557FFACD34C62E"} }; uint8_t i; int res; bool is_valid = false; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(nxp_desfire_public_keys); i++) { int dl = 0; uint8_t key[PUBLIC_DESFIRE_ECDA_KEYLEN]; param_gethex_to_eol(nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].value, 0, key, PUBLIC_DESFIRE_ECDA_KEYLEN, &dl); res = ecdsa_signature_r_s_verify(MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_SECP224R1, key, uid, 7, signature, signature_len, false); is_valid = (res == 0); if (is_valid) break; } if (is_valid == false) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "Signature verification " _RED_("failed")); return PM3_ESOFT; } // PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); // PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Tag Signature")); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " IC signature public key name: " _GREEN_("%s"), nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].desc); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "IC signature public key value: %.32s", nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].value); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %.32s", nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].value + 16); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %.32s", nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].value + 32); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %.32s", nxp_desfire_public_keys[i].value + 48); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Elliptic curve parameters: NID_secp224r1"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " TAG IC Signature: %s", sprint_hex_inrow(signature, 16)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %s", sprint_hex_inrow(signature + 16, 16)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %s", sprint_hex_inrow(signature + 32, 16)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " : %s", sprint_hex_inrow(signature + 48, signature_len - 48)); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Signature verified: " _GREEN_("successful")); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int get_desfire_signature(uint8_t *signature, size_t *signature_len) { if (signature == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "SIGNATURE=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (signature_len == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "SIGNATURE_LEN=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } uint8_t c[] = {0x00}; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_READSIG, 0x00, 0x00, sizeof(c), c}; // 0x3C int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, signature, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) { if (recv_len != 56) { *signature_len = 0; res = PM3_ESOFT; } else { *signature_len = recv_len; } } DropField(); return res; } // --- KEY SETTING static int desfire_print_keysetting(uint8_t key_settings, uint8_t num_keys) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " AID Key settings : 0x%02x", key_settings); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Max number of keys in AID : %d", num_keys); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Changekey Access rights"); // Access rights. uint8_t rights = (key_settings >> 4 & 0x0F); switch (rights) { case 0x0: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " -- AMK authentication is necessary to change any key (default)"); break; case 0xE: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " -- Authentication with the key to be changed (same KeyNo) is necessary to change a key"); break; case 0xF: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " -- All keys (except AMK,see Bit0) within this application are frozen"); break; default: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " -- Authentication with the specified key is necessary to change any key.\nA change key and a PICC master key (CMK) can only be changed after authentication with the master key.\nFor keys other then the master or change key, an authentication with the same key is needed."); break; } PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x08] Configuration changeable : %s", (key_settings & (1 << 3)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x04] AMK required for create/delete : %s", (key_settings & (1 << 2)) ? "NO" : "YES"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x02] Directory list access with AMK : %s", (key_settings & (1 << 1)) ? "NO" : "YES"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x01] AMK is changeable : %s", (key_settings & (1 << 0)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int get_desfire_keysettings(uint8_t *key_settings, uint8_t *num_keys) { if (key_settings == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "KEY_SETTINGS=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (num_keys == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "NUM_KEYS=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_KEY_SETTINGS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; //0x45 int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; uint8_t data[2] = {0}; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, data, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (sw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) return PM3_ESOFT; *key_settings = data[0]; *num_keys = data[1]; return res; } // --- KEY VERSION static int desfire_print_keyversion(uint8_t key_idx, uint8_t key_version) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Key [%u] Version : %d (0x%02x)", key_idx, key_version, key_version); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int get_desfire_keyversion(uint8_t curr_key, uint8_t *num_versions) { if (num_versions == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "NUM_VERSIONS=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_KEY_VERSION, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, &curr_key}; //0x64 int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, num_versions, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (sw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) return PM3_ESOFT; return res; } // --- GET APPIDS static int get_desfire_appids(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *app_ids_len) { if (dest == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "DEST=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (app_ids_len == NULL) { PrintAndLogEx(DEBUG, "APP_IDS_LEN=NULL"); return PM3_EINVARG; } sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_APPLICATION_IDS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; //0x6a int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, dest, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (sw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) return PM3_ESOFT; *app_ids_len = (uint8_t)recv_len & 0xFF; return res; } // --- GET DF NAMES static int get_desfire_dfnames(dfname_t *dest, uint8_t *dfname_count) { if (g_debugMode > 1) { if (dest == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "DEST=NULL"); if (dfname_count == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "DFNAME_COUNT=NULL"); } if (dest == NULL || dfname_count == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_DF_NAMES, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; //0x6d int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, (uint8_t *)dest, &recv_len, &sw, sizeof(dfname_t), true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (sw != status(MFDES_S_OPERATION_OK)) return PM3_ESOFT; *dfname_count = recv_len; return res; } static int get_desfire_select_application(uint8_t *aid) { if (g_debugMode > 1) { if (aid == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "AID=NULL"); } if (aid == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_SELECT_APPLICATION, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, aid}; //0x5a int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, true, NONE, &recv_len, &sw, sizeof(dfname_t), true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't select AID 0x%X -> %s"), (aid[2] << 16) + (aid[1] << 8) + aid[0], GetErrorString(res, &sw)); DropField(); return res; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } // none, verified static int get_desfire_fileids(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *file_ids_len) { if (g_debugMode > 1) { if (dest == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "DEST=NULL"); if (file_ids_len == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "FILE_IDS_LEN=NULL"); } if (dest == NULL || file_ids_len == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_FILE_IDS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, NULL}; //0x6f int recv_len = 0; uint16_t sw = 0; *file_ids_len = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, dest, &recv_len, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't get file ids -> %s"), GetErrorString(res, &sw)); DropField(); return res; } *file_ids_len = recv_len; return res; } // none, verified static int get_desfire_filesettings(uint8_t file_id, uint8_t *dest, int *destlen) { if (g_debugMode > 1) { if (dest == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "DEST=NULL"); if (destlen == NULL) PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "DESTLEN=NULL"); } if (dest == NULL || destlen == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_GET_FILE_SETTINGS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, &file_id}; // 0xF5 uint16_t sw = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, dest, destlen, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't get file settings -> %s"), GetErrorString(res, &sw)); DropField(); return res; } return res; } typedef struct { uint8_t aid[3]; uint8_t keysetting1; uint8_t keysetting2; uint8_t fid[2]; uint8_t name[16]; } aidhdr_t; static int get_desfire_createapp(aidhdr_t *aidhdr) { if (aidhdr == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_CREATE_APPLICATION, 0x00, 0x00, sizeof(aidhdr_t), (uint8_t *)aidhdr}; // 0xCA uint16_t sw = 0; int recvlen = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, NULL, &recvlen, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't create aid -> %s"), GetErrorString(res, &sw)); DropField(); return res; } return res; } static int get_desfire_deleteapp(uint8_t *aid) { if (aid == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; sAPDU apdu = {0x90, MFDES_DELETE_APPLICATION, 0x00, 0x00, 3, aid}; // 0xDA uint16_t sw = 0; int recvlen = 0; int res = send_desfire_cmd(&apdu, false, NULL, &recvlen, &sw, 0, true); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't delete aid -> %s"), GetErrorString(res, &sw)); DropField(); return res; } return res; } int getKeySettings(uint8_t *aid) { if (aid == NULL) return PM3_EINVARG; int res = 0; if (memcmp(aid, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) == 0) { // CARD MASTER KEY //PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("CMK - PICC, Card Master Key settings")); res = get_desfire_select_application(aid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; // KEY Settings - AMK uint8_t num_keys = 0; uint8_t key_setting = 0; res = get_desfire_keysettings(&key_setting, &num_keys); if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) { // number of Master keys (0x01) PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Number of Masterkeys : " _YELLOW_("%u"), (num_keys & 0x3F)); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x08] Configuration changeable : %s", (key_setting & (1 << 3)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x04] CMK required for create/delete : %s", (key_setting & (1 << 2)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x02] Directory list access with CMK : %s", (key_setting & (1 << 1)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x01] CMK is changeable : %s", (key_setting & (1 << 0)) ? _GREEN_("YES") : "NO"); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't read Application Master key settings")); } const char *str = " Operation of PICC master key : " _YELLOW_("%s"); // 2 MSB denotes switch (num_keys >> 6) { case 0: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, str, "(3)DES"); break; case 1: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, str, "3K3DES"); break; case 2: PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, str, "AES"); break; default: break; } uint8_t cmk_num_versions = 0; if (get_desfire_keyversion(0, &cmk_num_versions) == PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " PICC Master key Version : " _YELLOW_("%d (0x%02x)"), cmk_num_versions, cmk_num_versions); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " ----------------------------------------------------------"); } // Authentication tests int res = test_desfire_authenticate(); if (res == PM3_ETIMEOUT) return res; PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x0A] Authenticate : %s", (res == PM3_SUCCESS) ? _YELLOW_("YES") : "NO"); res = test_desfire_authenticate_iso(); if (res == PM3_ETIMEOUT) return res; PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0x1A] Authenticate ISO : %s", (res == PM3_SUCCESS) ? _YELLOW_("YES") : "NO"); res = test_desfire_authenticate_aes(); if (res == PM3_ETIMEOUT) return res; PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " [0xAA] Authenticate AES : %s", (res == PM3_SUCCESS) ? _YELLOW_("YES") : "NO"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); } else { // AID - APPLICATION MASTER KEYS //PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "--- " _CYAN_("AMK - Application Master Key settings")); res = get_desfire_select_application(aid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; // KEY Settings - AMK uint8_t num_keys = 0; uint8_t key_setting = 0; res = get_desfire_keysettings(&key_setting, &num_keys); if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) { desfire_print_keysetting(key_setting, num_keys); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't read Application Master key settings")); } // KEY VERSION - AMK uint8_t num_version = 0; if (get_desfire_keyversion(0, &num_version) == PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Application keys"); desfire_print_keyversion(0, num_version); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, " Can't read AID master key version. Trying all keys"); } // From 0x01 to numOfKeys. We already got 0x00. (AMK) num_keys &= 0x3F; if (num_keys > 1) { for (uint8_t i = 0x01; i < num_keys; ++i) { if (get_desfire_keyversion(i, &num_version) == PM3_SUCCESS) { desfire_print_keyversion(i, num_version); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, " Can't read key %d (0x%02x) version", i, i); } } } } DropField(); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static void swap24(uint8_t *data) { if (data == NULL) return; uint8_t tmp = data[0]; data[0] = data[2]; data[2] = tmp; }; static void swap16(uint8_t *data) { if (data == NULL) return; uint8_t tmp = data[0]; data[0] = data[1]; data[1] = tmp; }; static int CmdHF14ADesCreateApp(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserInit("hf mfdes createaid", "Create Application ID", "Usage:\n\thf mfdes createaid -a 123456 -f 1122 -k 0F -l 2E -n AppName\n" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_strx0("aA", "aid", "", "App ID to create as hex bytes ("), arg_strx0("fF", "fid", "", "File ID to create"), arg_strx0("kK", "keysetting1", "", "Key Setting 1 (Application Master Key Settings)"), arg_strx0("lL", "keysetting2", "", "Key Setting 2"), arg_str0("nN", "name", "", "App ISO-4 Name"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(Cmd, argtable, false); /* KeySetting 1 (AMK Setting): 0: Allow change master key 1: Free Directory list access without master key 0: AMK auth needed for GetFileSettings and GetKeySettings 1: No AMK auth needed for GetFileIDs, GetISOFileIDs, GetFileSettings, GetKeySettings 2: Free create/delete without master key 0: CreateFile/DeleteFile only with AMK auth 1: CreateFile/DeleteFile always 3: Configuration changable 0: Configuration frozen 1: Configuration changable if authenticated with AMK (default) 4-7: ChangeKey Access Rights 0: Application master key needed (default) 0x1..0xD: Auth with specific key needed to change any key 0xE: Auth with the key to be changed (same KeyNo) is necessary to change a key 0xF: All Keys within this application are frozen */ /* KeySetting 2: 0..3: Number of keys stored within the application (max. 14 keys 4: RFU 5: Use of 2 byte ISO FID, 0: No, 1: Yes 6..7: Crypto Method 00: DES/3DES, 01: 3K3DES, 10: AES Example: 2E = FID, DES, 14 keys 6E = FID, 3K3DES, 14 keys AE = FID, AES, 14 keys */ int aidlength = 3; int fidlength = 2; uint8_t aid[3] = {0}; uint8_t fid[2] = {0}; uint8_t name[16] = {0}; uint8_t keysetting1 = 0; uint8_t keysetting2 = 0; int keylen1 = 1; int keylen2 = 1; int namelen = 16; CLIGetHexWithReturn(1, aid, &aidlength); swap24(aid); CLIGetHexWithReturn(2, fid, &fidlength); swap16(fid); CLIGetHexWithReturn(3, &keysetting1, &keylen1); CLIGetHexWithReturn(4, &keysetting2, &keylen2); CLIGetStrWithReturn(5, name, &namelen); CLIParserFree(); if (aidlength < 3) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "AID must have 3 bytes length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (fidlength < 2) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "FID must have 2 bytes length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (keylen1 < 1) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Keysetting1 must have 1 byte length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (keylen1 < 1) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Keysetting2 must have 1 byte length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (namelen > 16) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Name has a max. of 16 bytes length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } //90 ca 00 00 0e 3cb849 09 22 10e1 d27600 00850101 00 /*char name[]="Test"; uint8_t aid[]={0x12,0x34,0x56}; uint8_t fid[]={0x11,0x22}; uint8_t keysetting1=0xEE; uint8_t keysetting2=0xEE;*/ if (memcmp(aid, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Creating root aid 000000 is forbidden.")); return PM3_ESOFT; } aidhdr_t aidhdr; memcpy(aidhdr.aid, aid, sizeof(aid)); aidhdr.keysetting1 = keysetting1; aidhdr.keysetting2 = keysetting2; memcpy(aidhdr.fid, fid, sizeof(fid)); memcpy(aidhdr.name, name, sizeof(name)); uint8_t rootaid[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; int res = get_desfire_select_application(rootaid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; return get_desfire_createapp(&aidhdr); } static int CmdHF14ADesDeleteApp(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserInit("hf mfdes deleteaid", "Delete Application ID", "Usage:\n\t-a aid (3 bytes)\n\n" "Example:\n\thf mfdes deleteaid -a 123456\n" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_strx0("aA", "aid", "", "App ID to delete"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(Cmd, argtable, false); int aidlength = 3; uint8_t aid[3] = {0}; CLIGetHexWithReturn(1, aid, &aidlength); CLIParserFree(); swap24(aid); if (aidlength < 3) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "AID must have 3 bytes length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (memcmp(aid, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Deleting root aid 000000 is forbidden.")); return PM3_ESOFT; } uint8_t rootaid[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; int res = get_desfire_select_application(rootaid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; return get_desfire_deleteapp(aid); } static int CmdHF14ADesFormatPICC(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserInit("hf mfdes formatpicc", "Formats MIFARE DESFire PICC to factory state", "Usage:\n\t-k PICC key (8 bytes)\n\n" "Example:\n\thf mfdes formatpicc -k 0000000000000000\n" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_str0("kK", "key", "", "Key for checking (HEX 16 bytes)"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(Cmd, argtable, false); uint8_t key[8] = {0}; int keylen = 8; CLIGetHexWithReturn(1, key, &keylen); CLIParserFree(); if ((keylen < 8) || (keylen > 8)) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Specified key must have 8 bytes length."); return PM3_EINVARG; } DropField(); uint8_t aid[3] = {0}; int res = get_desfire_select_application(aid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; mfdes_authinput_t payload; payload.keylen = keylen; memcpy(payload.key, key, keylen); payload.mode = MFDES_AUTH_PICC; payload.algo = MFDES_ALGO_DES; payload.keyno = 0; SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_AUTH1, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); PacketResponseNG resp; if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_AUTH1, &resp, 3000)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Client command execute timeout"); DropField(); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } uint8_t isOK = (resp.status == PM3_SUCCESS); if (isOK) { struct { uint8_t flags; uint8_t datalen; uint8_t datain[FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; } PACKED payload; payload.datain[0] = 0xFC; payload.flags = NONE; payload.datalen = 1; SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_COMMAND, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_COMMAND, &resp, 3000)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Client reset command execute timeout"); DropField(); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } if (resp.status == PM3_SUCCESS) { /*struct r { uint8_t len; uint8_t data[RECEIVE_SIZE]; } PACKED; struct r *rpayload = (struct r *)&resp.data.asBytes;*/ PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Card successfully reset"); return PM3_SUCCESS; } } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_("Auth command failed.")); } return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdHF14ADesInfo(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far DropField(); SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_INFO, NULL, 0); PacketResponseNG resp; if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_INFO, &resp, 1500)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Command execute timeout"); DropField(); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } struct p { uint8_t isOK; uint8_t uid[7]; uint8_t versionHW[7]; uint8_t versionSW[7]; uint8_t details[14]; } PACKED; struct p *package = (struct p *) resp.data.asBytes; if (resp.status != PM3_SUCCESS) { switch (package->isOK) { case 1: PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Can't select card"); break; case 2: PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Card is most likely not DESFire. Wrong size UID"); break; case 3: default: PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_("Command unsuccessful")); break; } return PM3_ESOFT; } nxp_cardtype_t cardtype = getCardType(package->versionHW[3], package->versionHW[4]); if (cardtype == PLUS_EV1) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Card seems to be MIFARE Plus EV1. Try " _YELLOW_("`hf mfp info`")); return PM3_SUCCESS; } PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Tag Information") "---------------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " UID: " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(package->uid, sizeof(package->uid))); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Batch number: " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(package->details + 7, 5)); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Production date: week " _GREEN_("%02x") "/ " _GREEN_("20%02x"), package->details[12], package->details[13]); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Hardware Information")); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Vendor Id: " _YELLOW_("%s"), getTagInfo(package->versionHW[0])); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Type: " _YELLOW_("0x%02X"), package->versionHW[1]); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Subtype: " _YELLOW_("0x%02X"), package->versionHW[2]); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Version: %s", getVersionStr(package->versionHW[3], package->versionHW[4])); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Storage size: %s", getCardSizeStr(package->versionHW[5])); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Protocol: %s", getProtocolStr(package->versionHW[6], true)); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Software Information")); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Vendor Id: " _YELLOW_("%s"), getTagInfo(package->versionSW[0])); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Type: " _YELLOW_("0x%02X"), package->versionSW[1]); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Subtype: " _YELLOW_("0x%02X"), package->versionSW[2]); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Version: " _YELLOW_("%d.%d"), package->versionSW[3], package->versionSW[4]); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Storage size: %s", getCardSizeStr(package->versionSW[5])); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Protocol: %s", getProtocolStr(package->versionSW[6], false)); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Card capabilities")); uint8_t major = package->versionSW[3]; uint8_t minor = package->versionSW[4]; if (major == 0 && minor == 4) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t0.4 - DESFire MF3ICD40, No support for APDU (only native commands)"); if (major == 0 && minor == 5) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t0.5 - DESFire MF3ICD40, Support for wrapping commands inside ISO 7816 style APDUs"); if (major == 0 && minor == 6) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t0.6 - DESFire MF3ICD40, Add ISO/IEC 7816 command set compatibility"); if (major == 1 && minor == 3) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t1.3 - DESFire Ev1 MF3ICD21/41/81, Support extended APDU commands, EAL4+"); if (major == 1 && minor == 4) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t1.4 - DESFire Ev1 MF3ICD21/41/81, EAL4+, N/A (report to iceman!)"); if (major == 2 && minor == 0) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t2.0 - DESFire Ev2, Originality check, proximity check, EAL5"); // if (major == 3 && minor == 0) // PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t3.0 - DESFire Ev3, Originality check, proximity check, badass EAL5"); if (major == 0 && minor == 2) PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "\t0.2 - DESFire Light, Originality check, "); if (cardtype == DESFIRE_EV2 || cardtype == DESFIRE_LIGHT || cardtype == DESFIRE_EV3) { // Signature originality check uint8_t signature[56] = {0}; size_t signature_len = 0; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Tag Signature")); if (get_desfire_signature(signature, &signature_len) == PM3_SUCCESS) { desfire_print_signature(package->uid, signature, signature_len, cardtype); } else { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "--- Card doesn't support GetSignature cmd"); } } // Master Key settings uint8_t master_aid[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; getKeySettings(master_aid); if (cardtype != DESFIRE_LIGHT) { // Free memory on card PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("Free memory")); uint32_t free_mem = 0; if (get_desfire_freemem(&free_mem) == PM3_SUCCESS) { desfire_print_freemem(free_mem); } else { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Card doesn't support 'free mem' cmd"); } PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); } /* Card Master key (CMK) 0x00 AID = 00 00 00 (card level) Application Master Key (AMK) 0x00 AID != 00 00 00 Application keys (APK) 0x01-0x0D Application free 0x0E Application never 0x0F ACCESS RIGHTS: keys 0,1,2,3 C keys 4,5,6,7 RW keys 8,9,10,11 W keys 12,13,14,15 R */ DropField(); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static void DecodeFileType(uint8_t filetype) { switch (filetype) { case 0x00: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X -> Standard Data File", filetype); break; case 0x01: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X -> Backup Data File", filetype); break; case 0x02: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X -> Value Files with Backup", filetype); break; case 0x03: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X -> Linear Record Files with Backup", filetype); break; case 0x04: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X -> Cyclic Record Files with Backup", filetype); break; default: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " File Type: 0x%02X", filetype); break; } } static void DecodeComSet(uint8_t comset) { switch (comset) { case 0x00: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Com.Setting: 0x%02X -> Plain", comset); break; case 0x01: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Com.Setting: 0x%02X -> Plain + MAC", comset); break; case 0x03: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Com.Setting: 0x%02X -> Enciphered", comset); break; default: PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Com.Setting: 0x%02X", comset); break; } } static char *DecodeAccessValue(uint8_t value) { char *car = (char *)calloc(255, sizeof(char)); if (car == NULL) return NULL; switch (value) { case 0xE: strcat(car, "(Free Access)"); break; case 0xF: strcat(car, "(Denied Access)"); break; default: sprintf(car, "(Access Key: %d)", value); break; } return car; } static void DecodeAccessRights(uint16_t accrights) { int change_access_rights = accrights & 0xF; int read_write_access = (accrights >> 4) & 0xF; int write_access = (accrights >> 8) & 0xF; int read_access = (accrights >> 12) & 0xF; char *car = DecodeAccessValue(change_access_rights); if (car == NULL) return; char *rwa = DecodeAccessValue(read_write_access); if (rwa == NULL) return; char *wa = DecodeAccessValue(write_access); if (wa == NULL) return; char *ra = DecodeAccessValue(read_access); if (ra == NULL) return; PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Access Rights: 0x%04X - Change %s - RW %s - W %s - R %s", accrights, car, rwa, wa, ra); free(car); free(rwa); free(wa); free(ra); } static int DecodeFileSettings(uint8_t *src, int src_len, int maclen) { uint8_t filetype = src[0]; uint8_t comset = src[1]; uint16_t accrights = (src[4] << 8) + src[3]; if (src_len == 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + maclen) { int filesize = (src[7] << 16) + (src[6] << 8) + src[5]; DecodeFileType(filetype); DecodeComSet(comset); DecodeAccessRights(accrights); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Filesize: %d", filesize); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else if (src_len == 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + maclen) { int lowerlimit = (src[8] << 24) + (src[7] << 16) + (src[6] << 8) + src[5]; int upperlimit = (src[12] << 24) + (src[11] << 16) + (src[10] << 8) + src[9]; int limitcredvalue = (src[16] << 24) + (src[15] << 16) + (src[14] << 8) + src[13]; uint8_t limited_credit_enabled = src[17]; DecodeFileType(filetype); DecodeComSet(comset); DecodeAccessRights(accrights); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Lower limit: %d - Upper limit: %d - limited credit value: %d - limited credit enabled: %d", lowerlimit, upperlimit, limitcredvalue, limited_credit_enabled); return PM3_SUCCESS; } else if (src_len == 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + maclen) { int recordsize = (src[7] << 16) + (src[6] << 8) + src[5]; int maxrecords = (src[10] << 16) + (src[9] << 8) + src[8]; int currentrecord = (src[13] << 16) + (src[12] << 8) + src[11]; DecodeFileType(filetype); DecodeComSet(comset); DecodeAccessRights(accrights); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Record size: %d - MaxNumberRecords: %d - Current Number Records: %d", recordsize, maxrecords, currentrecord); return PM3_SUCCESS; } return PM3_ESOFT; } static int CmdHF14ADesEnumApplications(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far DropField(); // uint8_t isOK = 0x00; uint8_t aid[3] = {0}; uint8_t app_ids[78] = {0}; uint8_t app_ids_len = 0; uint8_t file_ids[33] = {0}; uint8_t file_ids_len = 0; dfname_t dfnames[255]; uint8_t dfname_count = 0; int res = 0; if (get_desfire_appids(app_ids, &app_ids_len) != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Can't get list of applications on tag"); DropField(); return PM3_ESOFT; } if (get_desfire_dfnames(dfnames, &dfname_count) != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_("Can't get DF Names")); DropField(); return PM3_ESOFT; } PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-- Mifare DESFire Enumerate applications --------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Tag report " _GREEN_("%d") "application%c", app_ids_len / 3, (app_ids_len == 3) ? ' ' : 's'); for (int i = 0; i < app_ids_len; i += 3) { aid[0] = app_ids[i]; aid[1] = app_ids[i + 1]; aid[2] = app_ids[i + 2]; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, ""); if (memcmp(aid, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) == 0) { // CARD MASTER KEY PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--- " _CYAN_("CMK - PICC, Card Master Key settings")); } else { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, "--- " _CYAN_("AMK - Application Master Key settings")); } PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " AID : " _GREEN_("%02X%02X%02X"), aid[2], aid[1], aid[0]); for (int m = 0; m < dfname_count; m++) { if (dfnames[m].aid[0] == aid[0] && dfnames[m].aid[1] == aid[1] && dfnames[m].aid[2] == aid[2]) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " - DF " _YELLOW_("%02X%02X") " Name : " _YELLOW_("%s"), dfnames[m].fid[1], dfnames[m].fid[0], dfnames[m].name); } } res = getKeySettings(aid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; res = get_desfire_select_application(aid); // Get File IDs if (get_desfire_fileids(file_ids, &file_ids_len) == PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Tag report " _GREEN_("%d") "file%c", file_ids_len, (file_ids_len == 1) ? ' ' : 's'); for (int j = 0; j < file_ids_len; ++j) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Fileid %d (0x%02x)", file_ids[j], file_ids[j]); uint8_t filesettings[20] = {0}; int fileset_len = 0; int res = get_desfire_filesettings(file_ids[j], filesettings, &fileset_len); int maclen = 0; // To be implemented if (res == PM3_SUCCESS) { if (DecodeFileSettings(filesettings, fileset_len, maclen) != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, " Settings [%u] %s", fileset_len, sprint_hex(filesettings, fileset_len)); } } } } /* // Get ISO File IDs { uint8_t data[] = {GET_ISOFILE_IDS, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; // 0x61 SendCommandMIX(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_COMMAND, DISCONNECT, sizeof(data), 0, data, sizeof(data)); } if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &respFiles, 1500)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Timed-out")); continue; } else { isOK = respFiles.data.asBytes[2] & 0xff; if (!isOK) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, _RED_(" Can't get ISO file ids")); } else { int respfileLen = resp.oldarg[1] - 3 - 2; for (int j = 0; j < respfileLen; ++j) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " ISO Fileid %d :", resp.data.asBytes[j + 3]); } } } */ } PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); DropField(); return PM3_SUCCESS; } // MIAFRE DESFire Authentication // #define BUFSIZE 256 static int CmdHF14ADesAuth(const char *Cmd) { int res = 0; DropField(); // NR DESC KEYLENGHT // ------------------------ // 1 = DES 8 // 2 = 3DES 16 // 3 = 3K 3DES 24 // 4 = AES 16 uint8_t keylength = 8; CLIParserInit("hf mfdes auth", "Authenticates Mifare DESFire using Key", "Usage:\n\t-m Auth type (1=normal, 2=iso, 3=aes)\n\t-t Crypt algo (1=DES, 2=3DES(2K2DES), 3=3K3DES, 5=AES)\n\t-a aid (3 bytes)\n\t-n keyno\n\t-k key (8-24 bytes)\n\n" "Example:\n\thf mfdes auth -m 3 -t 4 -a 808301 -n 0 -k 00000000000000000000000000000000 (AES)" "\n\thf mfdes auth -m 2 -t 2 -a 000000 -n 0 -k 00000000000000000000000000000000 (3DES)" "\n\thf mfdes auth -m 1 -t 1 -a 000000 -n 0 -k 0000000000000000 (DES)" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_int0("mM", "type", "Auth type (1=normal, 2=iso, 3=aes, 4=picc)", NULL), arg_int0("tT", "algo", "Crypt algo (1=DES, 2=3DES(2K2DES), 4=3K3DES, 5=AES)", NULL), arg_strx0("aA", "aid", "", "AID used for authentification (HEX 3 bytes)"), arg_int0("nN", "keyno", "Key number used for authentification", NULL), arg_str0("kK", "key", "", "Key for checking (HEX 16 bytes)"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(Cmd, argtable, false); uint8_t cmdAuthMode = arg_get_int_def(1, 0); uint8_t cmdAuthAlgo = arg_get_int_def(2, 0); int aidlength = 3; uint8_t aid[3] = {0}; CLIGetHexWithReturn(3, aid, &aidlength); swap24(aid); uint8_t cmdKeyNo = arg_get_int_def(4, 0); uint8_t key[24] = {0}; int keylen = 0; CLIGetHexWithReturn(5, key, &keylen); CLIParserFree(); if ((keylen < 8) || (keylen > 24)) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Specified key must have %d bytes length.", keylen); return PM3_EINVARG; } // AID if (aidlength != 3) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "aid must include %d HEX symbols", 3); return PM3_EINVARG; } switch (cmdAuthMode) { case MFDES_AUTH_DES: if (cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_ALGO_DES && cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_ALGO_3DES) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Crypto algo not valid for the auth des mode"); return PM3_EINVARG; } break; case MFDES_AUTH_ISO: if (cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_ALGO_3DES && cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Crypto algo not valid for the auth iso mode"); return PM3_EINVARG; } break; case MFDES_AUTH_AES: if (cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_ALGO_AES) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Crypto algo not valid for the auth aes mode"); return PM3_EINVARG; } break; case MFDES_AUTH_PICC: if (cmdAuthAlgo != MFDES_AUTH_DES) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "Crypto algo not valid for the auth picc mode"); return PM3_EINVARG; } break; default: PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Wrong Auth mode (%d) -> (1=normal, 2=iso, 3=aes)", cmdAuthMode); return PM3_EINVARG; } switch (cmdAuthAlgo) { case MFDES_ALGO_3DES: keylength = 16; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "2 key 3DES selected"); break; case MFDES_ALGO_3K3DES: keylength = 24; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "3 key 3DES selected"); break; case MFDES_ALGO_AES: keylength = 16; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "AES selected"); break; default: cmdAuthAlgo = MFDES_ALGO_DES; keylength = 8; PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "DES selected"); break; } // KEY if (keylen != keylength) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Key must include %d HEX symbols", keylength); return PM3_EINVARG; } res = get_desfire_select_application(aid); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; if (memcmp(aid, "\x00\x00\x00", 3) != 0) { uint8_t file_ids[33] = {0}; uint8_t file_ids_len = 0; res = get_desfire_fileids(file_ids, &file_ids_len); if (res != PM3_SUCCESS) return res; } mfdes_authinput_t payload; payload.keylen = keylength; memcpy(payload.key, key, keylength); payload.mode = cmdAuthMode; payload.algo = cmdAuthAlgo; payload.keyno = cmdKeyNo; /*SendCommandNG(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_AUTH1, (uint8_t *)&payload, sizeof(payload)); PacketResponseNG resp; if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_HF_DESFIRE_AUTH1, &resp, 3000)) { PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Client command execute timeout"); DropField(); return PM3_ETIMEOUT; } */ mfdes_auth_res_t rpayload; if (get_desfire_auth(&payload,&rpayload)==PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Key : " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(key, keylength)); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " SESSION : " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(rpayload.sessionkey, keylength)); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); } else { return PM3_ESOFT; } PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "-------------------------------------------------------------"); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdHF14ADesList(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far return CmdTraceList("des"); } static int CmdTest(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far uint8_t IV[8]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; uint8_t key[16]={0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; /*[=] encRndB: 1A BE 10 8D 09 E0 18 13 [=] RndB: 57 9B 94 21 40 2C C6 D7 [=] 3keyenc: 6E 6A EB 86 6E 6A EB 86 9B 94 21 40 2C C6 D7 00 6E 6A EB 86 6E 6A EB 86 9B 94 21 40 2C C6 D7 57 [=] Both: 32 B2 E4 1A 14 CF 8B 34 B4 F9 30 43 5B 68 A3 FD [=] RndA: 6E 6A EB 86 6E 6A EB 86 */ uint8_t encRndB[8]={0x1A,0xBE,0x10,0x8D,0x09,0xE0,0x18,0x13}; /* * RndB_enc: DE 50 F9 23 10 CA F5 A5 * RndB: 4C 64 7E 56 72 E2 A6 51 * RndB_rot: 64 7E 56 72 E2 A6 51 4C * RndA: C9 6C E3 5E 4D 60 87 F2 * RndAB: C9 6C E3 5E 4D 60 87 F2 64 7E 56 72 E2 A6 51 4C * RndAB_enc: E0 06 16 66 87 04 D5 54 9C 8D 6A 13 A0 F8 FC ED */ uint8_t RndB[8]={0}; uint8_t RndA[8]={0x6E,0x6A,0xEB,0x86,0x6E,0x6A,0xEB,0x86}; tdes_nxp_receive(encRndB, RndB, 8, key, IV,2); uint8_t rotRndB[8]={0}; memcpy(rotRndB, RndB, 8); rol(rotRndB, 8); uint8_t tmp[16] = {0x00}; uint8_t both[16] = {0x00}; memcpy(tmp, RndA, 8); memcpy(tmp + 8, rotRndB, 8); PrintAndLogEx(INFO,"3keyenc: %s",sprint_hex(tmp,16)); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Res : " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(IV,8)); tdes_nxp_send(tmp, both, 16, key, IV,2); PrintAndLogEx(SUCCESS, " Res : " _GREEN_("%s"), sprint_hex(both,16)); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static command_t CommandTable[] = { {"help", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help"}, {"test", CmdTest, AlwaysAvailable, "Test"}, {"info", CmdHF14ADesInfo, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Tag information"}, {"list", CmdHF14ADesList, AlwaysAvailable, "List DESFire (ISO 14443A) history"}, {"enum", CmdHF14ADesEnumApplications, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Tries enumerate all applications"}, {"auth", CmdHF14ADesAuth, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Tries a MIFARE DesFire Authentication"}, {"createaid", CmdHF14ADesCreateApp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Create Application ID"}, {"deleteaid", CmdHF14ADesDeleteApp, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Delete Application ID"}, {"formatpicc", CmdHF14ADesFormatPICC, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Format PICC"}, // {"rdbl", CmdHF14ADesRb, IfPm3Iso14443a, "Read MIFARE DesFire block"}, // {"wrbl", CmdHF14ADesWb, IfPm3Iso14443a, "write MIFARE DesFire block"}, /* ISO/IEC 7816 Cmds 'A4' Select 'B0' Read Binary 'D6' Update Binary 'B2' Read Records 'E2' Append Records '84' Get Challenge '88' Internal Authenticate '82' External Authenticate */ {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far CmdsHelp(CommandTable); return PM3_SUCCESS; } int CmdHFMFDes(const char *Cmd) { clearCommandBuffer(); return CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd); }