local cmds = require('commands') local getopt = require('getopt') local lib14a = require('read14a') local utils = require('utils') copyright = '' author = 'Iceman' version = 'v1.0.1' desc = [[ This is a script that reads AZTEK ISO14443a tags. It starts from block 0 and ends at default block 20. Use 'b' to say different endblock. xor: the first three block (0,1,2) is not XORED. The rest seems to be xored. ]] example = [[ -- default script run ufodump -- stop at block 10 script run ufodump -b 10 ]] usage = [[ script run ufudump -h -b Arguments: h this helptext b endblock in decimal (1-255, default 20) ]] -- Some globals local DEBUG = false -- the debug flag --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if not DEBUG then return end if type(args) == 'table' then local i = 1 while args[i] do dbg(args[i]) i = i+1 end else print('###', args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print('ERROR:', err) core.clearCommandBuffer() return nil, err end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(copyright) print(author) print(version) print(desc) print('Example usage') print(example) print(usage) end -- --- Picks out and displays the data read from a tag -- Specifically, takes a usb packet, converts to a Command -- (as in commands.lua), takes the data-array and -- reads the number of bytes specified in arg1 (arg0 in c-struct) -- and displays the data -- @blockno just to print which block the data belong to -- @param usbpacket the data received from the device function showdata(blockno, data) local xorkey = '55AA55AA55AA55AA6262' local s = data.." | " local dex = '' local rs for i = 1, 20-4, 4 do local item = string.sub(data, i, i+3) local xor = string.sub(xorkey, i, i+3) if blockno > 2 then rs = bit32.bxor(tonumber(item,16) , tonumber(xor,16)) else rs = tonumber(item, 16) end dex = (dex..'%04X'):format(rs) end s = s..dex.." | " print( (" %02d | %s"):format(blockno,s)) end -- -- Send a "raw" iso14443a package, ie "hf 14a raw" command function sendRaw(rawdata, options) local flags = lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_NO_DISCONNECT + lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_RAW + lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_APPEND_CRC + lib14a.ISO14A_COMMAND.ISO14A_NO_RATS local command = Command:newMIX{cmd = cmds.CMD_HF_ISO14443A_READER, arg1 = flags, -- Send raw -- arg2 contains the length, which is half the length -- of the ASCII-string rawdata arg2 = string.len(rawdata)/2, data = rawdata} return command:sendMIX(options.ignore_response) end --- -- The main entry point function main(args) local ignore_response = false local endblock = 20 -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hb:') do if o == 'h' then return help() end if o == 'b' then endblock = a end end endblock = endblock or 20 -- First of all, connect info, err = lib14a.read(true, true) if err then lib14a.disconnect() return oops(err) end core.clearCommandBuffer() local blockData = {} -- Show tag info print(('\nFound Card UID [%s]\n'):format(info.uid)) print('blk | data | xored') print('----+------------------+-------------------') for block = 00, endblock do local cmd = string.format('10%02x00', block) res, err = sendRaw(cmd , {ignore_response = ignore_response}) if err then lib14a.disconnect() return oops(err) end local cmd_response = Command.parse(res) local len = tonumber(cmd_response.arg1) * 2 local data = string.sub(tostring(cmd_response.data), 0, len-4) showdata(block, data) table.insert(blockData, data) end print("----+------------------+-------------------") lib14a.disconnect() local filename, err = utils.WriteDumpFile(info.uid, blockData) if err then return oops(err) end print(string.format('\nDumped data into %s', filename)) end ------------------------- -- Testing ------------------------- function selftest() DEBUG = true dbg('Performing test') main() dbg('Tests done') end -- Flip the switch here to perform a sanity check. -- It read a nonce in two different ways, as specified in the usage-section if '--test' == args then selftest() else -- Call the main main(args) end