//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Borrowed initially from https://github.com/pellepl/spiffs // Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Peter Andersson (pelleplutt1976 at gmail.com) // Copyright (C) Proxmark3 contributors. See AUTHORS.md for details. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // See LICENSE.txt for the text of the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPIFFS api for RDV40 Integration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SPIFFS_CFG_PHYS_SZ (1024 * 192) #define SPIFFS_CFG_PHYS_ERASE_SZ (4 * 1024) #define SPIFFS_CFG_PHYS_ADDR (0) #define SPIFFS_CFG_LOG_PAGE_SZ (256) #define SPIFFS_CFG_LOG_BLOCK_SZ (4 * 1024) #define LOG_PAGE_SIZE 256 #define RDV40_SPIFFS_WORKBUF_SZ (LOG_PAGE_SIZE * 2) // Experimental : 4 full pages(LOG_PAGE_SIZE + file descript size) of cache for // Reading and writing if reading cache is stable, writing cache may need more // testing regarding power loss, page consistency checks, Garbage collector // Flushing handling... in doubt, use maximal safetylevel as, in most of the // case, will ensure a flush by rollbacking to previous Unmounted state #define RDV40_SPIFFS_CACHE_SZ ((LOG_PAGE_SIZE + 32) * 4) #define SPIFFS_FD_SIZE (32) #define RDV40_SPIFFS_MAX_FD (3) #define RDV40_SPIFFS_FDBUF_SZ (SPIFFS_FD_SIZE * RDV40_SPIFFS_MAX_FD) #define RDV40_LLERASE_BLOCKSIZE (64*1024) #define RDV40_SPIFFS_LAZY_HEADER \ int changed = 0; \ if ((level == RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_LAZY) || (level == RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE)) { \ changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); \ } #define RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FOOTER \ if (level == RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE) { \ changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(changed); \ } \ return changed; #define RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION(RDV40_SPIFFS_LLFUNCT) \ RDV40_SPIFFS_LAZY_HEADER \ RDV40_SPIFFS_LLFUNCT \ RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FOOTER #include "spiffs.h" #include "BigBuf.h" #include "dbprint.h" ///// FLASH LEVEL R/W/E operations for feeding SPIFFS Driver///////////////// static s32_t rdv40_spiffs_llread(u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *dst) { if (!Flash_ReadData(addr, dst, size)) { return 128; } return SPIFFS_OK; } static s32_t rdv40_spiffs_llwrite(u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *src) { if (FlashInit() == false) { return 129; } Flash_Write(addr, src, size); return SPIFFS_OK; } static s32_t rdv40_spiffs_llerase(u32_t addr, u32_t size) { if (FlashInit() == false) { return 130; } if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("LLERASEDBG : Orig addr : %d\n", addr); uint8_t block, sector = 0; block = addr / RDV40_LLERASE_BLOCKSIZE; if (block) { addr = addr - (block * RDV40_LLERASE_BLOCKSIZE); } if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("LLERASEDBG : Result addr : %d\n", addr); sector = addr / SPIFFS_CFG_LOG_BLOCK_SZ; Flash_CheckBusy(BUSY_TIMEOUT); Flash_WriteEnable(); if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("LLERASEDBG : block : %d, sector : %d \n", block, sector); uint8_t erased = Flash_Erase4k(block, sector); Flash_CheckBusy(BUSY_TIMEOUT); FlashStop(); // iceman: SPIFFS_OK expands to 0, erased is bool from Flash_Erase4k, which returns TRUE if ok. // so this return logic looks wrong. return (SPIFFS_OK == erased); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// SPIFFS LOW LEVEL OPERATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////// static u8_t spiffs_work_buf[RDV40_SPIFFS_WORKBUF_SZ] __attribute__((aligned)); static u8_t spiffs_fds[RDV40_SPIFFS_FDBUF_SZ] __attribute__((aligned)); static u8_t spiffs_cache_buf[RDV40_SPIFFS_CACHE_SZ] __attribute__((aligned)); static spiffs fs; static enum spiffs_mount_status { RDV40_SPIFFS_UNMOUNTED, RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNTED, RDV40_SPIFFS_UNKNOWN } RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNT_STATUS; static int rdv40_spiffs_mounted(void) { int ret = 0; switch (RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNT_STATUS) { case RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNTED: ret = 1; break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_UNMOUNTED: case RDV40_SPIFFS_UNKNOWN: default: ret = 0; } return ret; } int rdv40_spiffs_mount(void) { if (rdv40_spiffs_mounted()) { Dbprintf("ERR: SPIFFS already mounted !"); return SPIFFS_ERR_MOUNTED; } spiffs_config cfg; cfg.hal_read_f = rdv40_spiffs_llread; cfg.hal_write_f = rdv40_spiffs_llwrite; cfg.hal_erase_f = rdv40_spiffs_llerase; // uncached version // int ret = SPIFFS_mount(&fs, &cfg, spiffs_work_buf, spiffs_fds, // sizeof(spiffs_fds), 0, 0, 0); cached version, experimental int ret = SPIFFS_mount( &fs, &cfg, spiffs_work_buf, spiffs_fds, sizeof(spiffs_fds), spiffs_cache_buf, sizeof(spiffs_cache_buf), 0 ); if (ret == SPIFFS_OK) { RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNT_STATUS = RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNTED; } return ret; } int rdv40_spiffs_unmount(void) { if (!rdv40_spiffs_mounted()) { Dbprintf("ERR: SPIFFS not mounted !"); return SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED; } SPIFFS_clearerr(&fs); SPIFFS_unmount(&fs); int ret = SPIFFS_errno(&fs); if (ret == SPIFFS_OK) { RDV40_SPIFFS_MOUNT_STATUS = RDV40_SPIFFS_UNMOUNTED; } return ret; } int rdv40_spiffs_check(void) { rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); SPIFFS_check(&fs); SPIFFS_gc_quick(&fs, 0); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_unmount(); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); return SPIFFS_gc(&fs, 8192) == SPIFFS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Base RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_NORMAL operations//////////////////////////////// void write_to_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size) { spiffs_file fd = SPIFFS_open(&fs, filename, SPIFFS_CREAT | SPIFFS_TRUNC | SPIFFS_RDWR, 0); if (SPIFFS_write(&fs, fd, src, size) < 0) { Dbprintf("wr errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } SPIFFS_close(&fs, fd); } void append_to_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size) { spiffs_file fd = SPIFFS_open(&fs, filename, SPIFFS_APPEND | SPIFFS_RDWR, 0); if (SPIFFS_write(&fs, fd, src, size) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } SPIFFS_close(&fs, fd); } void read_from_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size) { spiffs_file fd = SPIFFS_open(&fs, filename, SPIFFS_RDWR, 0); if (SPIFFS_read(&fs, fd, dst, size) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } SPIFFS_close(&fs, fd); } static void rename_in_spiffs(const char *old_filename, const char *new_filename) { if (SPIFFS_rename(&fs, old_filename, new_filename) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } } static void remove_from_spiffs(const char *filename) { if (SPIFFS_remove(&fs, filename) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } } uint32_t size_in_spiffs(const char *filename) { spiffs_stat s; if (SPIFFS_stat(&fs, filename, &s) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); return 0; } return s.size; } static rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo info_of_spiffs(void) { rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo fsinfo; fsinfo.blockSize = SPIFFS_CFG_LOG_BLOCK_SZ; fsinfo.pageSize = LOG_PAGE_SIZE; fsinfo.maxOpenFiles = RDV40_SPIFFS_MAX_FD; fsinfo.maxPathLength = SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN; if (SPIFFS_info(&fs, &fsinfo.totalBytes, &fsinfo.usedBytes) < 0) { Dbprintf("errno %i\n", SPIFFS_errno(&fs)); } fsinfo.freeBytes = fsinfo.totalBytes - fsinfo.usedBytes; // Rounding without float may be improved fsinfo.usedPercent = ((100 * fsinfo.usedBytes) + (fsinfo.totalBytes / 2)) / fsinfo.totalBytes; fsinfo.freePercent = (100 - fsinfo.usedPercent); return fsinfo; } int exists_in_spiffs(const char *filename) { spiffs_stat stat; int rc = SPIFFS_stat(&fs, filename, &stat); return (rc == SPIFFS_OK); } static RDV40SpiFFSFileType filetype_in_spiffs(const char *filename) { RDV40SpiFFSFileType filetype = RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN; char symlinked[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(symlinked, "%s.lnk", filename); if (exists_in_spiffs(filename)) { filetype = RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_REAL; } if (exists_in_spiffs(symlinked)) { if (filetype != RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN) { filetype = RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_BOTH; } else { filetype = RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK; } } if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) { switch (filetype) { case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_REAL: Dbprintf("Filetype is " _YELLOW_("RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_REAL")); break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK: Dbprintf("Filetype is " _YELLOW_("RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK")); break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_BOTH: Dbprintf("Filetype is " _YELLOW_("RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_BOTH")); break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN: Dbprintf("Filetype is " _YELLOW_("RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN")); break; } } return filetype; } /* static int is_valid_filename(const char *filename) { if (filename == NULL) { return false; } uint32_t len = strlen(filename); return len > 0 && len < SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN; } */ static void copy_in_spiffs(const char *src, const char *dst) { uint32_t size = size_in_spiffs((char *)src); uint8_t *mem = BigBuf_malloc(size); read_from_spiffs((char *)src, (uint8_t *)mem, size); write_to_spiffs((char *)dst, (uint8_t *)mem, size); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Abstract Operations for base Safetyness ///////////////////////////////// // // mount if not already // As an "hint" to the behavior one should adopt after his or her laziness // it will return 0 if the call was a noop, either because it did not need to // change OR because it wasn't ABLE to change :) // 1 if the mount status actually changed // so you know what to do IN CASE you wished to set things "back to previous // state" int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(void) { int changed = 0; if (!rdv40_spiffs_mounted()) { changed = rdv40_spiffs_mount(); /* if changed = 0 = SPIFFS_OK then all went well then the change * actually occurred :)*/ changed = !changed; } return changed; } // unmount if not already int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_unmount(void) { int changed = 0; if (rdv40_spiffs_mounted()) { changed = rdv40_spiffs_unmount(); changed = !changed; } return changed; } // Before further Reading, it is required to have in mind that UNMOUTING is // important in some ways Because it is the ONLY operation which ensure that // -> all Caches and writings are flushed to the FS // -> all FD are properly closed // -> Every best effort has been done to ensure consistency and integrity of the // state reputated to be the actual state of the Filesystem. //--- // This will "toggle" mount status // on "changement" conditional // so it is for the former lazy_ mounting function to actually rollback or not // depending on the result of the previous This is super lazy implementation as // it is either a toggle to previous state or again a noop as everything was a // nonevent If you have a function which NEEDS mounting but you want to exit // this function in the very state mounting was before your intervention all // things can now be transparent like /* void my_lazy_spiffs_act(){ uint8_t changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); [..] Do what you have to do with spiffs rdv40_spiffs_lazy_rollback(changed) } */ // The exact same goes for needed unmouting with eventual rollback, you just // have to use lazy_unmount insted of lazy mount This way, you can ensure // consistency in operation even with complex chain of mounting and unmounting // Lets's say you are in a function which needs to mount if not already, and in // the middle of itself calls function which indeed will need to unmount if not // already. Well you better use safe or wrapped function which are made to // rollback to previous state, so you can continue right after to do your // things. // // As an extreme example: let's imagine that we have a function which is made // to FORMAT the whole SPIFFS if a SPECIFIC content is written in the 4 first // byte of that file. Also in such a case it should quickly create a bunch of // skkeleton to get itself back to a known and wanted state. This behavior has // to be done at every "manual" (not a lazy or internal event) mounting, just // like an action upon boot. /* void my_spiffs_boot(){ uint8_t resetret[4]; // this lazy_mount since needed and can also report back the change on state implied by eventual mount, if needed rdv40_spiffs_lazy_read((const char *)".SHOULDRESET",(uint8_t *)resetret,4); if( resetret == "YESS" ) { uint8_t changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_format(void); // this will imply change only if we where already mounted beforehand, was the case after our reading without further rollback rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(changed); // so if we were mounted just get back to this state. If not, just don't. [...] } [...] } */ // Again : This will "toggle" spiffs mount status only if a "change" occurred // (and should be fed by the result of a spiffs_lazy* function) If everything // went well, it will return SPIFFS_OK if everything went well, and a report // back the chain a SPI_ERRNO if not. int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(int changed) { if (!changed) { return SPIFFS_OK; } if (rdv40_spiffs_mounted()) { return rdv40_spiffs_unmount(); } return rdv40_spiffs_mount(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // High level functions with SafetyLevel // Beware that different safety level makes different return behavior // // RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_NORMAL : will operate withtout further change on mount // status RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_LAZY : will ensure mount status already being in // correct state before ops, // will return !false if mount state had to change // RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE : will do same as RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_LAZY // will also safely rollback to previous state IF // mount state had to change will return SPIFFS_OK / // 0 / false if everything went well // TODO : this functions are common enough to be unified with a switchcase // statement or some function taking function parameters // TODO : forbid writing to a filename which already exists as lnk ! // TODO : forbid writing to a filename.lnk which already exists without lnk ! // Note: Writing in SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE (8192) byte chucks helps to ensure "free space" has been erased by GC (Garbage collection) int rdv40_spiffs_write(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( uint32_t idx; if (size <= SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE) { // write small file write_to_spiffs(filename, src, size); size = 0; } else { // // write first SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE bytes // need to write the first chuck of data, then append write_to_spiffs(filename, src, SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); } // append remaing SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE byte chuncks for (idx = 1; idx < (size / SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); idx++) { append_to_spiffs(filename, &src[SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx], SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); } // append remaing bytes if (((int64_t)size - (SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx)) > 0) { append_to_spiffs(filename, &src[SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx], size - (SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx)); } ) } int rdv40_spiffs_append(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( uint32_t idx; // Append any SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE byte chunks for (idx = 0; idx < (size/SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); idx++) { append_to_spiffs(filename, &src[SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx], SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); } // Append remain bytes if (((int64_t)size - (SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx)) > 0) { append_to_spiffs(filename, &src[SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx], size - (SPIFFS_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE * idx)); } ) } // todo integrate reading symlinks transparently int rdv40_spiffs_read(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( read_from_spiffs(filename, dst, size); ) } // TODO : forbid writing to a filename which already exists as lnk ! // TODO : forbid writing to a filename.lnk which already exists without lnk ! int rdv40_spiffs_rename(char *old_filename, char *new_filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( // rename_in_spiffs(old_filename, new_filename); // ) } int rdv40_spiffs_remove(char *filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( // remove_from_spiffs(filename); // ) } int rdv40_spiffs_copy(char *src, char *dst, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( // copy_in_spiffs(src, dst); // ) } int rdv40_spiffs_stat(char *filename, uint32_t *buf, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( // *buf = size_in_spiffs(filename); // ) } static int rdv40_spiffs_getfsinfo(rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo *fsinfo, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( // *fsinfo = info_of_spiffs(); // ) } // test for symlink from filename int rdv40_spiffs_is_symlink(const char *s) { int ret = 0; if (s != NULL) { size_t size = strlen(s); if (size >= 4 && s[size - 4] == '.' && s[size - 3] == 'l' && s[size - 2] == 'n' && s[size - 1] == 'k') { ret = 1; } } return ret; } // since FILENAME can't be longer than 32Bytes as of hard configuration, we're // safe with Such maximum. So the "size" variable is actually the known/intended // size of DESTINATION file, may it be known (may we provide a "stat from // symlink ?") // ATTENTION : you must NOT provide the whole filename (so please do not include the .lnk extension) // TODO : integrate in read_function int rdv40_spiffs_read_as_symlink(char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( char linkdest[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; char linkfilename[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(linkfilename, "%s.lnk", filename); if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("Linkk real filename is " _YELLOW_("%s"), linkfilename); read_from_spiffs((char *)linkfilename, (uint8_t *)linkdest, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN); if (g_dbglevel >= DBG_DEBUG) Dbprintf("Symlink destination is " _YELLOW_("%s"), linkdest); read_from_spiffs((char *)linkdest, (uint8_t *)dst, size); ) } // BEWARE ! This function is DESTRUCTIVE as it will UPDATE an existing symlink // Since it creates a .lnk extension file it may be minor to mistake the order of arguments // Still please use this function with care. // Also, remind that it will NOT check if destination filename actually exists // As a mnenotechnic, think about the "ln" unix command, which order is the same as "cp" unix command // in regard of arguments orders. // Eg : // rdv40_spiffs_make_symlink((uint8_t *)"hello", (uint8_t *)"world", RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE) // will generate a file named "world.lnk" with the path to file "hello" written in // which you can then read back with : // rdv40_spiffs_read_as_symlink((uint8_t *)"world",(uint8_t *) buffer, orig_file_size, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); // TODO : FORBID creating a symlink with a basename (before.lnk) which already exists as a file ! int rdv40_spiffs_make_symlink(char *linkdest, char *filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( char linkfilename[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; sprintf(linkfilename, "%s.lnk", filename); write_to_spiffs((char *)linkfilename, (uint8_t *)linkdest, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN); ) } // filename and filename.lnk will both the existence-checked // if filename exists, read will be used, if filename.lnk exists, read_as_symlink will be used // Both existence is not handled right now and should not happen or create a default fallback behavior // Still, this case won't happen when the write(s) functions will check for both symlink and real file // preexistence, avoiding a link being created if filename exists, or avoiding a file being created if // symlink exists with same name int rdv40_spiffs_read_as_filetype(char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level) { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFE_FUNCTION( RDV40SpiFFSFileType filetype = filetype_in_spiffs((char *)filename); switch (filetype) { case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_REAL: rdv40_spiffs_read((char *)filename, (uint8_t *)dst, size, level); break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK: rdv40_spiffs_read_as_symlink(filename, (uint8_t *)dst, size, level); break; case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_BOTH: case RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN: default: ; } ) } // TODO regarding reads/write and symlinks : // Provide a higher level readFile function which // - don't need a size to be provided, getting it from STAT call and using bigbuff malloc // - send back the whole read file as return Result // Maybe a good think to implement a VFS api here. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// MISC HIGH LEVEL FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////// #define SPIFFS_BANNER DbpString(_CYAN_("Flash Memory FileSystem tree (SPIFFS)")); void rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_fsinfo(void) { rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo fsinfo; rdv40_spiffs_getfsinfo(&fsinfo, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); Dbprintf(" Logical block size... " _YELLOW_("%d")" bytes", fsinfo.blockSize); Dbprintf(" Logical page size.... " _YELLOW_("%d")" bytes", fsinfo.pageSize); Dbprintf(" Max open files....... " _YELLOW_("%d")" file descriptors", fsinfo.maxOpenFiles); Dbprintf(" Max path length...... " _YELLOW_("%d")" chars", fsinfo.maxPathLength); DbpString(""); Dbprintf(" Filesystem size used available use% mounted"); DbpString("------------------------------------------------------------------"); Dbprintf(" spiffs %6d B %6d B %6d B " _YELLOW_("%2d%")" /" , fsinfo.totalBytes , fsinfo.usedBytes , fsinfo.freeBytes , fsinfo.usedPercent ); DbpString(""); } // this function is safe and WILL rollback since it is only a PRINTING function, // not a function intended to give any sort of struct to manipulate the FS // objects // TODO : Fake the Directory availability by splitting strings , buffering, // maintaining prefix list sorting, unique_checking, THEN outputting precomputed // tree Other solution would be to add directory support to SPIFFS, but that we // don't want, as prefix are way easier and lighter in every aspect. void rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_tree(void) { int changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); spiffs_DIR d; struct spiffs_dirent e; struct spiffs_dirent *pe = &e; SPIFFS_opendir(&fs, "/", &d); while ((pe = SPIFFS_readdir(&d, pe))) { char resolvedlink[11 + SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; if (rdv40_spiffs_is_symlink((const char *)pe->name)) { char linkdest[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; read_from_spiffs((char *)pe->name, (uint8_t *)linkdest, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN); sprintf(resolvedlink, "(.lnk) --> %s", linkdest); // Kind of stripping the .lnk extension strtok((char *)pe->name, "."); } else { memset(resolvedlink, 0, sizeof(resolvedlink)); } Dbprintf("[%04x]\t " _YELLOW_("%i") " B |-- %s%s", pe->obj_id, pe->size, pe->name, resolvedlink); } SPIFFS_closedir(&d); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(changed); } void rdv40_spiffs_safe_wipe(void) { int changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); spiffs_DIR d; struct spiffs_dirent e; struct spiffs_dirent *pe = &e; SPIFFS_opendir(&fs, "/", &d); while ((pe = SPIFFS_readdir(&d, pe))) { if (rdv40_spiffs_is_symlink((const char *)pe->name)) { char linkdest[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; read_from_spiffs((char *)pe->name, (uint8_t *)linkdest, SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN); remove_from_spiffs(linkdest); Dbprintf(".lnk removed %s", pe->name); remove_from_spiffs((char *)pe->name); Dbprintf("removed %s", linkdest); } else { remove_from_spiffs((char *)pe->name); Dbprintf("removed %s", pe->name); } } SPIFFS_closedir(&d); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(changed); } // Selftest function void test_spiffs(void) { Dbprintf("----------------------------------------------"); Dbprintf("Testing SPIFFS operations"); Dbprintf("----------------------------------------------"); Dbprintf("-- all test are made using lazy safetylevel"); Dbprintf(" Mounting filesystem (lazy)......."); int changed = rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); Dbprintf(" Printing tree.............."); rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_tree(); Dbprintf(" Writing 'I love Proxmark3 RDV4' in a testspiffs.txt"); // Since We lazy_mounted manually before hand, the write safety level will // just imply noops rdv40_spiffs_write((char *)"testspiffs.txt", (uint8_t *)"I love Proxmark3 RDV4", 21, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); Dbprintf(" Printing tree again......."); rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_tree(); Dbprintf(" Making a symlink to testspiffs.txt"); rdv40_spiffs_make_symlink((char *)"testspiffs.txt", (char *)"linktotestspiffs.txt", RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); Dbprintf(" Printing tree again......."); rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_tree(); // TODO READBACK, rename,print tree read back, remove, print tree; Dbprintf(" Rollbacking The mount status IF things have changed"); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(changed); Dbprintf(_GREEN_("All done")); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////