/* * spiffs.h * * Created on: May 26, 2013 * Author: petera */ #ifndef SPIFFS_H_ #define SPIFFS_H_ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #include "spiffs_config.h" typedef enum spiffs_safety_level { RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_NORMAL, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_LAZY, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE } RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel; typedef enum spiffs_file_type { RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_REAL, RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK, RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_BOTH, RDV40_SPIFFS_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN } RDV40SpiFFSFileType; typedef struct rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo { uint32_t blockSize; uint32_t pageSize; uint32_t maxOpenFiles; uint32_t maxPathLength; uint32_t totalBytes, usedBytes, freeBytes; uint32_t usedPercent, freePercent; } rdv40_spiffs_fsinfo; int rdv40_spiffs_read_as_filetype(char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_unmount(); int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); int rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount_rollback(int changed); int rdv40_spiffs_write(char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_read(char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_rename(char *old_filename, char *new_filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_remove(char *filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_read_as_symlink(char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); void write_to_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size); void read_from_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *dst, uint32_t size); void test_spiffs(); void rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_tree(uint8_t banner); int rdv40_spiffs_unmount(); int rdv40_spiffs_mount(); int rdv40_spiffs_is_symlink(const char *s); void rdv40_spiffs_safe_print_fsinfo(); int rdv40_spiffs_make_symlink(char *linkdest, char *filename, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); void append_to_spiffs(const char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size); int rdv40_spiffs_copy(char *src, char *dst, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_append(char *filename, uint8_t *src, uint32_t size, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); int rdv40_spiffs_stat(char *filename, uint32_t *buf, RDV40SpiFFSSafetyLevel level); uint32_t size_in_spiffs(const char *filename); #define SPIFFS_OK 0 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED -10000 #define SPIFFS_ERR_FULL -10001 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND -10002 #define SPIFFS_ERR_END_OF_OBJECT -10003 #define SPIFFS_ERR_DELETED -10004 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_FINALIZED -10005 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_INDEX -10006 #define SPIFFS_ERR_OUT_OF_FILE_DESCS -10007 #define SPIFFS_ERR_FILE_CLOSED -10008 #define SPIFFS_ERR_FILE_DELETED -10009 #define SPIFFS_ERR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR -10010 #define SPIFFS_ERR_IS_INDEX -10011 #define SPIFFS_ERR_IS_FREE -10012 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_SPAN_MISMATCH -10013 #define SPIFFS_ERR_DATA_SPAN_MISMATCH -10014 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_REF_FREE -10015 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_REF_LU -10016 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_REF_INVALID -10017 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_FREE -10018 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_LU -10019 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INDEX_INVALID -10020 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_WRITABLE -10021 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_READABLE -10022 #define SPIFFS_ERR_CONFLICTING_NAME -10023 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_CONFIGURED -10024 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FS -10025 #define SPIFFS_ERR_MOUNTED -10026 #define SPIFFS_ERR_ERASE_FAIL -10027 #define SPIFFS_ERR_MAGIC_NOT_POSSIBLE -10028 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NO_DELETED_BLOCKS -10029 #define SPIFFS_ERR_FILE_EXISTS -10030 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE -10031 #define SPIFFS_ERR_RO_NOT_IMPL -10032 #define SPIFFS_ERR_RO_ABORTED_OPERATION -10033 #define SPIFFS_ERR_PROBE_TOO_FEW_BLOCKS -10034 #define SPIFFS_ERR_PROBE_NOT_A_FS -10035 #define SPIFFS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG -10036 #define SPIFFS_ERR_IX_MAP_UNMAPPED -10037 #define SPIFFS_ERR_IX_MAP_MAPPED -10038 #define SPIFFS_ERR_IX_MAP_BAD_RANGE -10039 #define SPIFFS_ERR_SEEK_BOUNDS -10040 #define SPIFFS_ERR_INTERNAL -10050 #define SPIFFS_ERR_TEST -10100 // spiffs file descriptor index type. must be signed typedef s16_t spiffs_file; // spiffs file descriptor flags typedef u16_t spiffs_flags; // spiffs file mode typedef u16_t spiffs_mode; // object type typedef u8_t spiffs_obj_type; struct spiffs_t; #if SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA /* spi read call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_read)(struct spiffs_t *fs, u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *dst); /* spi write call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_write)(struct spiffs_t *fs, u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *src); /* spi erase call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_erase)(struct spiffs_t *fs, u32_t addr, u32_t size); #else // SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA /* spi read call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_read)(u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *dst); /* spi write call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_write)(u32_t addr, u32_t size, u8_t *src); /* spi erase call function type */ typedef s32_t (*spiffs_erase)(u32_t addr, u32_t size); #endif // SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA /* file system check callback report operation */ typedef enum { SPIFFS_CHECK_LOOKUP = 0, SPIFFS_CHECK_INDEX, SPIFFS_CHECK_PAGE } spiffs_check_type; /* file system check callback report type */ typedef enum { SPIFFS_CHECK_PROGRESS = 0, SPIFFS_CHECK_ERROR, SPIFFS_CHECK_FIX_INDEX, SPIFFS_CHECK_FIX_LOOKUP, SPIFFS_CHECK_DELETE_ORPHANED_INDEX, SPIFFS_CHECK_DELETE_PAGE, SPIFFS_CHECK_DELETE_BAD_FILE } spiffs_check_report; /* file system check callback function */ #if SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA typedef void (*spiffs_check_callback)(struct spiffs_t *fs, spiffs_check_type type, spiffs_check_report report, u32_t arg1, u32_t arg2); #else // SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA typedef void (*spiffs_check_callback)(spiffs_check_type type, spiffs_check_report report, u32_t arg1, u32_t arg2); #endif // SPIFFS_HAL_CALLBACK_EXTRA /* file system listener callback operation */ typedef enum { /* the file has been created */ SPIFFS_CB_CREATED = 0, /* the file has been updated or moved to another page */ SPIFFS_CB_UPDATED, /* the file has been deleted */ SPIFFS_CB_DELETED } spiffs_fileop_type; /* file system listener callback function */ typedef void (*spiffs_file_callback)(struct spiffs_t *fs, spiffs_fileop_type op, spiffs_obj_id obj_id, spiffs_page_ix pix); #ifndef SPIFFS_DBG #define SPIFFS_DBG(...) \ printf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif #ifndef SPIFFS_GC_DBG #define SPIFFS_GC_DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif #ifndef SPIFFS_CACHE_DBG #define SPIFFS_CACHE_DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif #ifndef SPIFFS_CHECK_DBG #define SPIFFS_CHECK_DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif /* Any write to the filehandle is appended to end of the file */ #define SPIFFS_APPEND (1<<0) #define SPIFFS_O_APPEND SPIFFS_APPEND /* If the opened file exists, it will be truncated to zero length before opened */ #define SPIFFS_TRUNC (1<<1) #define SPIFFS_O_TRUNC SPIFFS_TRUNC /* If the opened file does not exist, it will be created before opened */ #define SPIFFS_CREAT (1<<2) #define SPIFFS_O_CREAT SPIFFS_CREAT /* The opened file may only be read */ #define SPIFFS_RDONLY (1<<3) #define SPIFFS_O_RDONLY SPIFFS_RDONLY /* The opened file may only be written */ #define SPIFFS_WRONLY (1<<4) #define SPIFFS_O_WRONLY SPIFFS_WRONLY /* The opened file may be both read and written */ #define SPIFFS_RDWR (SPIFFS_RDONLY | SPIFFS_WRONLY) #define SPIFFS_O_RDWR SPIFFS_RDWR /* Any writes to the filehandle will never be cached but flushed directly */ #define SPIFFS_DIRECT (1<<5) #define SPIFFS_O_DIRECT SPIFFS_DIRECT /* If SPIFFS_O_CREAT and SPIFFS_O_EXCL are set, SPIFFS_open() shall fail if the file exists */ #define SPIFFS_EXCL (1<<6) #define SPIFFS_O_EXCL SPIFFS_EXCL #define SPIFFS_SEEK_SET (0) #define SPIFFS_SEEK_CUR (1) #define SPIFFS_SEEK_END (2) #define SPIFFS_TYPE_FILE (1) #define SPIFFS_TYPE_DIR (2) #define SPIFFS_TYPE_HARD_LINK (3) #define SPIFFS_TYPE_SOFT_LINK (4) #ifndef SPIFFS_LOCK #define SPIFFS_LOCK(fs) #endif #ifndef SPIFFS_UNLOCK #define SPIFFS_UNLOCK(fs) #endif // phys structs // spiffs spi configuration struct typedef struct { // physical read function spiffs_read hal_read_f; // physical write function spiffs_write hal_write_f; // physical erase function spiffs_erase hal_erase_f; #if SPIFFS_SINGLETON == 0 // physical size of the spi flash u32_t phys_size; // physical offset in spi flash used for spiffs, // must be on block boundary u32_t phys_addr; // physical size when erasing a block u32_t phys_erase_block; // logical size of a block, must be on physical // block size boundary and must never be less than // a physical block u32_t log_block_size; // logical size of a page, must be at least // log_block_size / 8 u32_t log_page_size; #endif #if SPIFFS_FILEHDL_OFFSET // an integer offset added to each file handle u16_t fh_ix_offset; #endif } spiffs_config; typedef struct spiffs_t { // file system configuration spiffs_config cfg; // number of logical blocks u32_t block_count; // cursor for free blocks, block index spiffs_block_ix free_cursor_block_ix; // cursor for free blocks, entry index int free_cursor_obj_lu_entry; // cursor when searching, block index spiffs_block_ix cursor_block_ix; // cursor when searching, entry index int cursor_obj_lu_entry; // primary work buffer, size of a logical page u8_t *lu_work; // secondary work buffer, size of a logical page u8_t *work; // file descriptor memory area u8_t *fd_space; // available file descriptors u32_t fd_count; // last error s32_t err_code; // current number of free blocks u32_t free_blocks; // current number of busy pages u32_t stats_p_allocated; // current number of deleted pages u32_t stats_p_deleted; // flag indicating that garbage collector is cleaning u8_t cleaning; // max erase count amongst all blocks spiffs_obj_id max_erase_count; #if SPIFFS_GC_STATS u32_t stats_gc_runs; #endif #if SPIFFS_CACHE // cache memory void *cache; // cache size u32_t cache_size; #if SPIFFS_CACHE_STATS u32_t cache_hits; u32_t cache_misses; #endif #endif // check callback function spiffs_check_callback check_cb_f; // file callback function spiffs_file_callback file_cb_f; // mounted flag u8_t mounted; // user data void *user_data; // config magic u32_t config_magic; } spiffs; /* spiffs file status struct */ typedef struct { spiffs_obj_id obj_id; u32_t size; spiffs_obj_type type; spiffs_page_ix pix; u8_t name[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; #if SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN u8_t meta[SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN]; #endif } spiffs_stat; struct spiffs_dirent { spiffs_obj_id obj_id; u8_t name[SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN]; spiffs_obj_type type; u32_t size; spiffs_page_ix pix; #if SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN u8_t meta[SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN]; #endif }; typedef struct { spiffs *fs; spiffs_block_ix block; int entry; } spiffs_DIR; #if SPIFFS_IX_MAP typedef struct { // buffer with looked up data pixes spiffs_page_ix *map_buf; // precise file byte offset u32_t offset; // start data span index of lookup buffer spiffs_span_ix start_spix; // end data span index of lookup buffer spiffs_span_ix end_spix; } spiffs_ix_map; #endif // functions #if SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC && SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC_LENGTH && SPIFFS_SINGLETON==0 /** * Special function. This takes a spiffs config struct and returns the number * of blocks this file system was formatted with. This function relies on * that following info is set correctly in given config struct: * * phys_addr, log_page_size, and log_block_size. * * Also, hal_read_f must be set in the config struct. * * One must be sure of the correct page size and that the physical address is * correct in the probed file system when calling this function. It is not * checked if the phys_addr actually points to the start of the file system, * so one might get a false positive if entering a phys_addr somewhere in the * middle of the file system at block boundary. In addition, it is not checked * if the page size is actually correct. If it is not, weird file system sizes * will be returned. * * If this function detects a file system it returns the assumed file system * size, which can be used to set the phys_size. * * Otherwise, it returns an error indicating why it is not regarded as a file * system. * * Note: this function is not protected with SPIFFS_LOCK and SPIFFS_UNLOCK * macros. It returns the error code directly, instead of as read by * SPIFFS_errno. * * @param config essential parts of the physical and logical * configuration of the file system. */ s32_t SPIFFS_probe_fs(spiffs_config *config); #endif // SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC && SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC_LENGTH && SPIFFS_SINGLETON==0 /** * Initializes the file system dynamic parameters and mounts the filesystem. * If SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC is enabled the mounting may fail with SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FS * if the flash does not contain a recognizable file system. * In this case, SPIFFS_format must be called prior to remounting. * @param fs the file system struct * @param config the physical and logical configuration of the file system * @param work a memory work buffer comprising 2*config->log_page_size * bytes used throughout all file system operations * @param fd_space memory for file descriptors * @param fd_space_size memory size of file descriptors * @param cache memory for cache, may be null * @param cache_size memory size of cache * @param check_cb_f callback function for reporting during consistency checks */ s32_t SPIFFS_mount(spiffs *fs, spiffs_config *config, u8_t *work, u8_t *fd_space, u32_t fd_space_size, void *cache, u32_t cache_size, spiffs_check_callback check_cb_f); /** * Unmounts the file system. All file handles will be flushed of any * cached writes and closed. * @param fs the file system struct */ void SPIFFS_unmount(spiffs *fs); /** * Creates a new file. * @param fs the file system struct * @param path the path of the new file * @param mode ignored, for posix compliance */ s32_t SPIFFS_creat(spiffs *fs, const char *path, spiffs_mode mode); /** * Opens/creates a file. * @param fs the file system struct * @param path the path of the new file * @param flags the flags for the open command, can be combinations of * SPIFFS_O_APPEND, SPIFFS_O_TRUNC, SPIFFS_O_CREAT, SPIFFS_O_RDONLY, * SPIFFS_O_WRONLY, SPIFFS_O_RDWR, SPIFFS_O_DIRECT, SPIFFS_O_EXCL * @param mode ignored, for posix compliance */ spiffs_file SPIFFS_open(spiffs *fs, const char *path, spiffs_flags flags, spiffs_mode mode); /** * Opens a file by given dir entry. * Optimization purposes, when traversing a file system with SPIFFS_readdir * a normal SPIFFS_open would need to traverse the filesystem again to find * the file, whilst SPIFFS_open_by_dirent already knows where the file resides. * @param fs the file system struct * @param e the dir entry to the file * @param flags the flags for the open command, can be combinations of * SPIFFS_APPEND, SPIFFS_TRUNC, SPIFFS_CREAT, SPIFFS_RD_ONLY, * SPIFFS_WR_ONLY, SPIFFS_RDWR, SPIFFS_DIRECT. * SPIFFS_CREAT will have no effect in this case. * @param mode ignored, for posix compliance */ spiffs_file SPIFFS_open_by_dirent(spiffs *fs, struct spiffs_dirent *e, spiffs_flags flags, spiffs_mode mode); /** * Opens a file by given page index. * Optimization purposes, opens a file by directly pointing to the page * index in the spi flash. * If the page index does not point to a file header SPIFFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE * is returned. * @param fs the file system struct * @param page_ix the page index * @param flags the flags for the open command, can be combinations of * SPIFFS_APPEND, SPIFFS_TRUNC, SPIFFS_CREAT, SPIFFS_RD_ONLY, * SPIFFS_WR_ONLY, SPIFFS_RDWR, SPIFFS_DIRECT. * SPIFFS_CREAT will have no effect in this case. * @param mode ignored, for posix compliance */ spiffs_file SPIFFS_open_by_page(spiffs *fs, spiffs_page_ix page_ix, spiffs_flags flags, spiffs_mode mode); /** * Reads from given filehandle. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle * @param buf where to put read data * @param len how much to read * @returns number of bytes read, or -1 if error */ s32_t SPIFFS_read(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, void *buf, s32_t len); /** * Writes to given filehandle. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle * @param buf the data to write * @param len how much to write * @returns number of bytes written, or -1 if error */ s32_t SPIFFS_write(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, void *buf, s32_t len); /** * Moves the read/write file offset. Resulting offset is returned or negative if error. * lseek(fs, fd, 0, SPIFFS_SEEK_CUR) will thus return current offset. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle * @param offs how much/where to move the offset * @param whence if SPIFFS_SEEK_SET, the file offset shall be set to offset bytes * if SPIFFS_SEEK_CUR, the file offset shall be set to its current location plus offset * if SPIFFS_SEEK_END, the file offset shall be set to the size of the file plus offse, which should be negative */ s32_t SPIFFS_lseek(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, s32_t offs, int whence); /** * Removes a file by path * @param fs the file system struct * @param path the path of the file to remove */ s32_t SPIFFS_remove(spiffs *fs, const char *path); /** * Removes a file by filehandle * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to remove */ s32_t SPIFFS_fremove(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Gets file status by path * @param fs the file system struct * @param path the path of the file to stat * @param s the stat struct to populate */ s32_t SPIFFS_stat(spiffs *fs, const char *path, spiffs_stat *s); /** * Gets file status by filehandle * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to stat * @param s the stat struct to populate */ s32_t SPIFFS_fstat(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, spiffs_stat *s); /** * Flushes all pending write operations from cache for given file * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to flush */ s32_t SPIFFS_fflush(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Closes a filehandle. If there are pending write operations, these are finalized before closing. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to close */ s32_t SPIFFS_close(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Renames a file * @param fs the file system struct * @param old path of file to rename * @param newPath new path of file */ s32_t SPIFFS_rename(spiffs *fs, const char *old, const char *newPath); #if SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN /** * Updates file's metadata * @param fs the file system struct * @param path path to the file * @param meta new metadata. must be SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN bytes long. */ s32_t SPIFFS_update_meta(spiffs *fs, const char *name, const void *meta); /** * Updates file's metadata * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh file handle of the file * @param meta new metadata. must be SPIFFS_OBJ_META_LEN bytes long. */ s32_t SPIFFS_fupdate_meta(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, const void *meta); #endif /** * Returns last error of last file operation. * @param fs the file system struct */ s32_t SPIFFS_errno(spiffs *fs); /** * Clears last error. * @param fs the file system struct */ void SPIFFS_clearerr(spiffs *fs); /** * Opens a directory stream corresponding to the given name. * The stream is positioned at the first entry in the directory. * On hydrogen builds the name argument is ignored as hydrogen builds always correspond * to a flat file structure - no directories. * @param fs the file system struct * @param name the name of the directory * @param d pointer the directory stream to be populated */ spiffs_DIR *SPIFFS_opendir(spiffs *fs, const char *name, spiffs_DIR *d); /** * Closes a directory stream * @param d the directory stream to close */ s32_t SPIFFS_closedir(spiffs_DIR *d); /** * Reads a directory into given spifs_dirent struct. * @param d pointer to the directory stream * @param e the dirent struct to be populated * @returns null if error or end of stream, else given dirent is returned */ struct spiffs_dirent *SPIFFS_readdir(spiffs_DIR *d, struct spiffs_dirent *e); /** * Runs a consistency check on given filesystem. * @param fs the file system struct */ s32_t SPIFFS_check(spiffs *fs); /** * Returns number of total bytes available and number of used bytes. * This is an estimation, and depends on if there a many files with little * data or few files with much data. * NB: If used number of bytes exceeds total bytes, a SPIFFS_check should * run. This indicates a power loss in midst of things. In worst case * (repeated powerlosses in mending or gc) you might have to delete some files. * * @param fs the file system struct * @param total total number of bytes in filesystem * @param used used number of bytes in filesystem */ s32_t SPIFFS_info(spiffs *fs, u32_t *total, u32_t *used); /** * Formats the entire file system. All data will be lost. * The filesystem must not be mounted when calling this. * * NB: formatting is awkward. Due to backwards compatibility, SPIFFS_mount * MUST be called prior to formatting in order to configure the filesystem. * If SPIFFS_mount succeeds, SPIFFS_unmount must be called before calling * SPIFFS_format. * If SPIFFS_mount fails, SPIFFS_format can be called directly without calling * SPIFFS_unmount first. * * @param fs the file system struct */ s32_t SPIFFS_format(spiffs *fs); /** * Returns nonzero if spiffs is mounted, or zero if unmounted. * @param fs the file system struct */ u8_t SPIFFS_mounted(spiffs *fs); /** * Tries to find a block where most or all pages are deleted, and erase that * block if found. Does not care for wear levelling. Will not move pages * around. * If parameter max_free_pages are set to 0, only blocks with only deleted * pages will be selected. * * NB: the garbage collector is automatically called when spiffs needs free * pages. The reason for this function is to give possibility to do background * tidying when user knows the system is idle. * * Use with care. * * Setting max_free_pages to anything larger than zero will eventually wear * flash more as a block containing free pages can be erased. * * Will set err_no to SPIFFS_OK if a block was found and erased, * SPIFFS_ERR_NO_DELETED_BLOCK if no matching block was found, * or other error. * * @param fs the file system struct * @param max_free_pages maximum number allowed free pages in block */ s32_t SPIFFS_gc_quick(spiffs *fs, u16_t max_free_pages); /** * Will try to make room for given amount of bytes in the filesystem by moving * pages and erasing blocks. * If it is physically impossible, err_no will be set to SPIFFS_ERR_FULL. If * there already is this amount (or more) of free space, SPIFFS_gc will * silently return. It is recommended to call SPIFFS_info before invoking * this method in order to determine what amount of bytes to give. * * NB: the garbage collector is automatically called when spiffs needs free * pages. The reason for this function is to give possibility to do background * tidying when user knows the system is idle. * * Use with care. * * @param fs the file system struct * @param size amount of bytes that should be freed */ s32_t SPIFFS_gc(spiffs *fs, u32_t size); /** * Check if EOF reached. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to check */ s32_t SPIFFS_eof(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Get position in file. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the filehandle of the file to check */ s32_t SPIFFS_tell(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Registers a callback function that keeps track on operations on file * headers. Do note, that this callback is called from within internal spiffs * mechanisms. Any operations on the actual file system being callbacked from * in this callback will mess things up for sure - do not do this. * This can be used to track where files are and move around during garbage * collection, which in turn can be used to build location tables in ram. * Used in conjuction with SPIFFS_open_by_page this may improve performance * when opening a lot of files. * Must be invoked after mount. * * @param fs the file system struct * @param cb_func the callback on file operations */ s32_t SPIFFS_set_file_callback_func(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file_callback cb_func); #if SPIFFS_IX_MAP /** * Maps the first level index lookup to a given memory map. * This will make reading big files faster, as the memory map will be used for * looking up data pages instead of searching for the indices on the physical * medium. When mapping, all affected indicies are found and the information is * copied to the array. * Whole file or only parts of it may be mapped. The index map will cover file * contents from argument offset until and including arguments (offset+len). * It is valid to map a longer range than the current file size. The map will * then be populated when the file grows. * On garbage collections and file data page movements, the map array will be * automatically updated. Do not tamper with the map array, as this contains * the references to the data pages. Modifying it from outside will corrupt any * future readings using this file descriptor. * The map will no longer be used when the file descriptor closed or the file * is unmapped. * This can be useful to get faster and more deterministic timing when reading * large files, or when seeking and reading a lot within a file. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the file handle of the file to map * @param map a spiffs_ix_map struct, describing the index map * @param offset absolute file offset where to start the index map * @param len length of the mapping in actual file bytes * @param map_buf the array buffer for the look up data - number of required * elements in the array can be derived from function * SPIFFS_bytes_to_ix_map_entries given the length */ s32_t SPIFFS_ix_map(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, spiffs_ix_map *map, u32_t offset, u32_t len, spiffs_page_ix *map_buf); /** * Unmaps the index lookup from this filehandle. All future readings will * proceed as normal, requiring reading of the first level indices from * physical media. * The map and map buffer given in function SPIFFS_ix_map will no longer be * referenced by spiffs. * It is not strictly necessary to unmap a file before closing it, as closing * a file will automatically unmap it. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the file handle of the file to unmap */ s32_t SPIFFS_ix_unmap(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh); /** * Moves the offset for the index map given in function SPIFFS_ix_map. Parts or * all of the map buffer will repopulated. * @param fs the file system struct * @param fh the mapped file handle of the file to remap * @param offset new absolute file offset where to start the index map */ s32_t SPIFFS_ix_remap(spiffs *fs, spiffs_file fh, u32_t offs); /** * Utility function to get number of spiffs_page_ix entries a map buffer must * contain on order to map given amount of file data in bytes. * See function SPIFFS_ix_map and SPIFFS_ix_map_entries_to_bytes. * @param fs the file system struct * @param bytes number of file data bytes to map * @return needed number of elements in a spiffs_page_ix array needed to * map given amount of bytes in a file */ s32_t SPIFFS_bytes_to_ix_map_entries(spiffs *fs, u32_t bytes); /** * Utility function to amount of file data bytes that can be mapped when * mapping a file with buffer having given number of spiffs_page_ix entries. * See function SPIFFS_ix_map and SPIFFS_bytes_to_ix_map_entries. * @param fs the file system struct * @param map_page_ix_entries number of entries in a spiffs_page_ix array * @return amount of file data in bytes that can be mapped given a map * buffer having given amount of spiffs_page_ix entries */ s32_t SPIFFS_ix_map_entries_to_bytes(spiffs *fs, u32_t map_page_ix_entries); #endif // SPIFFS_IX_MAP #if SPIFFS_TEST_VISUALISATION /** * Prints out a visualization of the filesystem. * @param fs the file system struct */ s32_t SPIFFS_vis(spiffs *fs); #endif #if SPIFFS_BUFFER_HELP /** * Returns number of bytes needed for the filedescriptor buffer given * amount of file descriptors. */ u32_t SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_filedescs(spiffs *fs, u32_t num_descs); #if SPIFFS_CACHE /** * Returns number of bytes needed for the cache buffer given * amount of cache pages. */ u32_t SPIFFS_buffer_bytes_for_cache(spiffs *fs, u32_t num_pages); #endif #endif #if SPIFFS_CACHE #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* SPIFFS_H_ */