/* * Hitag2 emulation * * Contains state and functions for an emulated Hitag2 tag. Offers an entry * point to handle commands, needs a callback to send response. * * (c) 2009 Henryk Plötz */ #include "proxmark3.h" #include "apps.h" #include "util.h" #include "hitag2.h" struct hitag2_cipher_state { uint64_t state; }; struct hitag2_tag { uint32_t uid; enum { TAG_STATE_RESET, // Just powered up, awaiting GetSnr TAG_STATE_ACTIVATING, // In activation phase (password mode), sent UID, awaiting reader password TAG_STATE_AUTHENTICATING, // In activation phase (crypto mode), awaiting reader authentication TAG_STATE_ACTIVATED, // Activation complete, awaiting read/write commands TAG_STATE_WRITING, // In write command, awaiting sector contents to be written } state; unsigned int active_sector; char crypto_active; struct hitag2_cipher_state cs; char sectors[8][4]; }; static void hitag2_cipher_reset(struct hitag2_tag *tag, const char *challenge); static int hitag2_cipher_authenticate(struct hitag2_cipher_state *cs, const char *authenticator); static int hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(struct hitag2_cipher_state *cs, char *data, unsigned int bytes, unsigned int bits); static struct hitag2_tag tag; static const struct hitag2_tag resetdata = { .state = TAG_STATE_RESET, .sectors = { // Password mode: | Crypto mode: [0] = { 0x35, 0x33, 0x70, 0x11}, // UID | UID [1] = { 0x4d, 0x49, 0x4b, 0x52}, // Password RWD | 32 bit LSB key [2] = { 0x20, 0xf0, 0x4f, 0x4e}, // Reserved | 16 bit MSB key, 16 bit reserved [3] = { 0x0e, 0xaa, 'H', 'T'}, // Configuration, password TAG | Configuration, password TAG }, }; int hitag2_reset(void) { tag.state = TAG_STATE_RESET; tag.crypto_active = 0; return 0; } int hitag2_init(void) { memcpy(&tag, &resetdata, sizeof(tag)); hitag2_reset(); return 0; } int hitag2_handle_command(const char* data, const int length, hitag2_response_callback_t cb, void *cb_cookie) { (void)data; (void)length; (void)cb; (void)cb_cookie; int retry = 0, done = 0, result=0; char temp[10]; if(tag.crypto_active && length < sizeof(temp)*8) { /* Decrypt command */ memcpy(temp, data, (length+7)/8); hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(&(tag.cs), temp, length/8, length%8); data = temp; } handle_command_retry: switch(tag.state) { case TAG_STATE_RESET: if(length == 5 && data[0] == 0xC0) { /* Received 11000 from the reader, request for UID, send UID */ result=cb(tag.sectors[0], sizeof(tag.sectors[0])*8, 208, cb_cookie); done=1; if(tag.sectors[3][0] & 0x08) { tag.state=TAG_STATE_AUTHENTICATING; } else { tag.state=TAG_STATE_ACTIVATING; } } break; case TAG_STATE_ACTIVATING: if(length == 0x20) { /* Received RWD password, respond with configuration and our password */ result=cb(tag.sectors[3], sizeof(tag.sectors[3])*8, 208, cb_cookie); done=1; tag.state=TAG_STATE_ACTIVATED; } break; case TAG_STATE_AUTHENTICATING: if(length == 0x40) { /* Received initialisation vector || authentication token, fire up cipher, send our password */ hitag2_cipher_reset(&tag, data); if(hitag2_cipher_authenticate(&(tag.cs), data+4)) { char response_enc[4]; memcpy(response_enc, tag.sectors[3], 4); hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(&(tag.cs), response_enc, 4, 0); result=cb(response_enc, 4*8, 208, cb_cookie); done=1; tag.crypto_active = 1; tag.state = TAG_STATE_ACTIVATED; } else { /* The reader failed to authenticate, do nothing */ DbpString("Reader authentication failed"); } } break; case TAG_STATE_ACTIVATED: if(length == 10) { if( ((data[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) && ((data[0] & 0x06) == 0) ) { /* Read command: 11xx x00y yy with yyy == ~xxx, xxx is sector number */ unsigned int sector = (~( ((data[0]<<2)&0x04) | ((data[1]>>6)&0x03) ) & 0x07); if(sector == ( (data[0]>>3)&0x07 ) ) { memcpy(temp, tag.sectors[sector], 4); if(tag.crypto_active) { hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(&(tag.cs), temp, 4, 0); } /* Respond with contents of sector sector */ result = cb(temp, 4*8, 208, cb_cookie); done=1; } else { /* transmission error */ DbpString("Transmission error (read) in activated state"); } } else if( ((data[0] & 0xC0) == 0x80) && ((data[0] & 0x06) == 2) ) { /* Write command: 10xx x01y yy with yyy == ~xxx, xxx is sector number */ unsigned int sector = (~( ((data[0]<<2)&0x04) | ((data[1]>>6)&0x03) ) & 0x07); if(sector == ( (data[0]>>3)&0x07 ) ) { /* Prepare write, acknowledge by repeating command */ if(tag.crypto_active) { hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(&(tag.cs), temp, length/8, length%8); } result = cb(data, length, 208, cb_cookie); done=1; tag.active_sector = sector; tag.state=TAG_STATE_WRITING; } else { /* transmission error */ DbpString("Transmission error (write) in activated state"); } } } case TAG_STATE_WRITING: if(length == 32) { /* These are the sector contents to be written. We don't have to do anything else. */ memcpy(tag.sectors[tag.active_sector], data, length/8); tag.state=TAG_STATE_ACTIVATED; done=1; } } if(!done && !retry) { /* We didn't respond, maybe our state is faulty. Reset and try again. */ retry=1; if(tag.crypto_active) { /* Restore undeciphered data */ memcpy(temp, data, (length+7)/8); } hitag2_reset(); goto handle_command_retry; } return result; } /* Following is a modified version of cryptolib.com/ciphers/hitag2/ */ // Software optimized 48-bit Philips/NXP Mifare Hitag2 PCF7936/46/47/52 stream cipher algorithm by I.C. Wiener 2006-2007. // For educational purposes only. // No warranties or guarantees of any kind. // This code is released into the public domain by its author. // Basic macros: #define u8 uint8_t #define u32 uint32_t #define u64 uint64_t #define rev8(x) ((((x)>>7)&1)+((((x)>>6)&1)<<1)+((((x)>>5)&1)<<2)+((((x)>>4)&1)<<3)+((((x)>>3)&1)<<4)+((((x)>>2)&1)<<5)+((((x)>>1)&1)<<6)+(((x)&1)<<7)) #define rev16(x) (rev8 (x)+(rev8 (x>> 8)<< 8)) #define rev32(x) (rev16(x)+(rev16(x>>16)<<16)) #define rev64(x) (rev32(x)+(rev32(x>>32)<<32)) #define bit(x,n) (((x)>>(n))&1) #define bit32(x,n) ((((x)[(n)>>5])>>((n)))&1) #define inv32(x,i,n) ((x)[(i)>>5]^=((u32)(n))<<((i)&31)) #define rotl64(x, n) ((((u64)(x))<<((n)&63))+(((u64)(x))>>((0-(n))&63))) // Single bit Hitag2 functions: #define i4(x,a,b,c,d) ((u32)((((x)>>(a))&1)+(((x)>>(b))&1)*2+(((x)>>(c))&1)*4+(((x)>>(d))&1)*8)) static const u32 ht2_f4a = 0x2C79; // 0010 1100 0111 1001 static const u32 ht2_f4b = 0x6671; // 0110 0110 0111 0001 static const u32 ht2_f5c = 0x7907287B; // 0111 1001 0000 0111 0010 1000 0111 1011 static u32 _f20 (const u64 x) { u32 i5; i5 = ((ht2_f4a >> i4 (x, 1, 2, 4, 5)) & 1)* 1 + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x, 7,11,13,14)) & 1)* 2 + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x,16,20,22,25)) & 1)* 4 + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x,27,28,30,32)) & 1)* 8 + ((ht2_f4a >> i4 (x,33,42,43,45)) & 1)*16; return (ht2_f5c >> i5) & 1; } static u64 _hitag2_init (const u64 key, const u32 serial, const u32 IV) { u32 i; u64 x = ((key & 0xFFFF) << 32) + serial; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { x >>= 1; x += (u64) (_f20 (x) ^ (((IV >> i) ^ (key >> (i+16))) & 1)) << 47; } return x; } static u64 _hitag2_round (u64 *state) { u64 x = *state; x = (x >> 1) + ((((x >> 0) ^ (x >> 2) ^ (x >> 3) ^ (x >> 6) ^ (x >> 7) ^ (x >> 8) ^ (x >> 16) ^ (x >> 22) ^ (x >> 23) ^ (x >> 26) ^ (x >> 30) ^ (x >> 41) ^ (x >> 42) ^ (x >> 43) ^ (x >> 46) ^ (x >> 47)) & 1) << 47); *state = x; return _f20 (x); } static u32 _hitag2_byte (u64 * x) { u32 i, c; for (i = 0, c = 0; i < 8; i++) c += (u32) _hitag2_round (x) << (i^7); return c; } /* Cipher/tag glue code: */ static void hitag2_cipher_reset(struct hitag2_tag *tag, const char *iv) { uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[2][2]) | ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[2][3] << 8) | ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[1][0] << 16) | ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[1][1] << 24) | ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[1][2] << 32) | ((uint64_t)tag->sectors[1][3] << 40); uint32_t uid = ((uint32_t)tag->sectors[0][0]) | ((uint32_t)tag->sectors[0][1] << 8) | ((uint32_t)tag->sectors[0][2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)tag->sectors[0][3] << 24); uint32_t iv_ = (((uint32_t)(iv[0]))) | (((uint32_t)(iv[1])) << 8) | (((uint32_t)(iv[2])) << 16) | (((uint32_t)(iv[3])) << 24); tag->cs.state = _hitag2_init(rev64(key), rev32(uid), rev32(iv_)); } static int hitag2_cipher_authenticate(struct hitag2_cipher_state *cs, const char *authenticator_is) { char authenticator_should[4]; authenticator_should[0] = ~_hitag2_byte(&(cs->state)); authenticator_should[1] = ~_hitag2_byte(&(cs->state)); authenticator_should[2] = ~_hitag2_byte(&(cs->state)); authenticator_should[3] = ~_hitag2_byte(&(cs->state)); return memcmp(authenticator_should, authenticator_is, 4) == 0; } static int hitag2_cipher_transcrypt(struct hitag2_cipher_state *cs, char *data, unsigned int bytes, unsigned int bits) { int i; for(i=0; istate)); for(i=0; istate)) << (7-i); return 0; }