# Hide full compilation line: ifneq ($(V),1) Q?=@ endif # To see full command lines, use make V=1 CP = cp -a GZIP=gzip MKDIR = mkdir -p RM = rm -f RMDIR = rm -rf -include Makefile.platform -include .Makefile.options.cache include common_arm/Makefile.hal # preserve relative DESTDIR path for subdir makes ifneq (,$(DESTDIR)) # realpath needs the directory to exist $(shell $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)) MYDESTDIR:=$(realpath $(DESTDIR)) ifeq (,$(MYDESTDIR)) $(error Can't create $(DESTDIR)) endif endif all clean install uninstall: %: client/% bootrom/% armsrc/% recovery/% mfkey/% nonce2key/% fpga_compress/% mfkey/%: FORCE $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C tools/mfkey $(patsubst mfkey/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) nonce2key/%: FORCE $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C tools/nonce2key $(patsubst nonce2key/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) fpga_compress/%: FORCE $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C tools/fpga_compress $(patsubst fpga_compress/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) bootrom/%: FORCE cleanifplatformchanged $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C bootrom $(patsubst bootrom/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) armsrc/%: FORCE cleanifplatformchanged fpga_compress/% $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C armsrc $(patsubst armsrc/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) client/%: FORCE $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C client $(patsubst client/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) recovery/%: FORCE cleanifplatformchanged bootrom/% armsrc/% $(info [*] MAKE $@) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C recovery $(patsubst recovery/%,%,$@) DESTDIR=$(MYDESTDIR) FORCE: # Dummy target to force remake in the subdirectories, even if files exist (this Makefile doesn't know about the prerequisites) .PHONY: all clean install uninstall help _test bootrom fullimage recovery client mfkey nonce2key style checks FORCE udev accessrights cleanifplatformchanged help: @echo "Multi-OS Makefile" @echo @echo "Possible targets:" @echo "+ all - Make all targets: bootrom, fullimage and OS-specific host tools" @echo "+ clean - Clean in all targets" @echo "+ .../clean - Clean in specified target and its deps, e.g. bootrom/clean" @echo @echo "+ bootrom - Make bootrom" @echo "+ fullimage - Make armsrc fullimage (includes fpga)" @echo "+ recovery - Make bootrom and fullimage files for JTAG flashing" @echo @echo "+ client - Make only the OS-specific host client" @echo "+ mfkey - Make tools/mfkey" @echo "+ nonce2key - Make tools/nonce2key" @echo "+ fpga_compress - Make tools/fpga_compress" @echo @echo "+ style - Apply some automated source code formatting rules" @echo "+ checks - Detect various encoding issues in source code" @echo @echo "Possible platforms: try \"make PLATFORM=\" for more info, default is PM3RDV4" @echo "To activate verbose mode, use make V=1" client: client/all bootrom: bootrom/all fullimage: armsrc/all fullimage/clean: armsrc/clean recovery: recovery/all mfkey: mfkey/all nonce2key: nonce2key/all fpga_compress: fpga_compress/all newtarbin: $(RM) proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar.gz @touch proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar tarbin: newtarbin client/tarbin armsrc/tarbin bootrom/tarbin $(info GEN proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar) $(Q)$(GZIP) proxmark3-$(platform)-bin.tar # detect if there were changes in the platform definitions, requiring a clean cleanifplatformchanged: ifeq ($(PLATFORM_CHANGED), true) $(info [!] Platform definitions changed, cleaning bootrom/armsrc/recovery first...) $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C bootrom clean $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C armsrc clean $(Q)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C recovery clean $(Q)echo CACHED_PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM) > .Makefile.options.cache $(Q)echo CACHED_PLATFORM_EXTRAS=$(PLATFORM_EXTRAS) >> .Makefile.options.cache $(Q)echo CACHED_PLATFORM_DEFS=$(PLATFORM_DEFS) >> .Makefile.options.cache endif # configure system to ignore PM3 device as a modem (ModemManager blacklist, effective *only* if ModemManager is not using _strict_ policy) # Read doc/md/ModemManager-Must-Be-Discarded.md for more info udev: sudo cp -rf driver/77-pm3-usb-device-blacklist.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/77-pm3-usb-device-blacklist.rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules # configure system to add user to the dialout group # you need to logout, relogin to get this access right correct. # Finally, you might need to run the proxmark3 client under SUDO on some systems accessrights: ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/arch-release),) #If user is running ArchLinux sudo usermod -aG uucp $(USER) #Use specific command and group else sudo adduser $(USER) dialout endif # easy printing of MAKE VARIABLES print-%: ; @echo $* = $($*) style: # Make sure astyle is installed @which astyle >/dev/null || ( echo "Please install 'astyle' package first" ; exit 1 ) # Remove spaces & tabs at EOL, add LF at EOF if needed on *.c, *.h, *.cpp. *.lua, *.py, *.pl, Makefile find . \( -name "*.[ch]" -or \( -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name "*.moc.cpp" \) -or -name "*.lua" -or -name "*.py" -or -name "*.pl" -or -name "Makefile" -or -name "*.v" \) \ -exec perl -pi -e 's/[ \t]+$$//' {} \; \ -exec sh -c "tail -c1 {} | xxd -p | tail -1 | grep -q -v 0a$$" \; \ -exec sh -c "echo >> {}" \; # Apply astyle on *.c, *.h, *.cpp find . \( -name "*.[ch]" -or \( -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name "*.moc.cpp" \) \) -exec astyle --formatted --mode=c --suffix=none \ --indent=spaces=4 --indent-switches \ --keep-one-line-blocks --max-instatement-indent=60 \ --style=google --pad-oper --unpad-paren --pad-header \ --align-pointer=name {} \; # Detecting weird codepages and tabs. checks: @echo "Files with suspicious chars:" @find . \( -name "*.[ch]" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.lua" -or -name "*.py" -or -name "*.pl" -or -name "Makefile" -or -name "*.v" \) \ -exec sh -c "cat {} |recode utf8.. >/dev/null || echo {}" \; @echo "Files with tabs:" # to remove tabs within lines, one can try with: vi $file -c ':set tabstop=4' -c ':set et|retab' -c ':wq' @find . \( -name "*.[ch]" -or \( -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name "*.moc.cpp" \) -or -name "*.lua" -or -name "*.py" -or -name "*.pl" -or -name "*.md" -or -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.awk" -or -name "*.v" \) \ -exec grep -lP '\t' {} \; # @echo "Files with printf \\\\t:" # @find . \( -name "*.[ch]" -or \( -name "*.cpp" -and -not -name "*.moc.cpp" \) -or -name "*.lua" -or -name "*.py" -or -name "*.pl" -or -name "*.md" -or -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.awk" -or -name "*.v" \) \ # -exec grep -lP '\\t' {} \; # Dummy target to test for GNU make availability _test: