/* model.c
* Greg Cook, 23/Feb/2019
/* CRC RevEng: arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder
* Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
* 2019 Gregory Cook
* This file is part of CRC RevEng.
* CRC RevEng is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* CRC RevEng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CRC RevEng. If not, see .
/* 2018-12-17: mnovel() clears class flags
* 2017-02-19: revised residue calculation for crossed-endian models
* 2017-02-05: added magic field
* 2016-02-22: split off preset.c
* 2012-03-03: single-line Williams model string conversion
* 2011-09-03: added mrev(), mnovel()
* 2011-01-17: fixed ANSI C warnings (except preset models)
* 2010-12-26: renamed CRC RevEng
* 2010-12-18: minor change to mtostr() output format
* 2010-12-15: added mcmp()
* 2010-12-14: finished mtostr()
* 2010-12-12: started models.c
#include "reveng.h"
/* Private declarations */
static const poly_t pzero = PZERO;
/* Definitions */
void mcpy(model_t *dest, const model_t *src) {
/* Copies the parameters of src to dest.
* dest must be an initialised model.
if (!dest || !src) return;
pcpy(&dest->spoly, src->spoly);
pcpy(&dest->init, src->init);
pcpy(&dest->xorout, src->xorout);
pcpy(&dest->check, src->check);
pcpy(&dest->magic, src->magic);
dest->flags = src->flags;
/* link to the name as it is static */
dest->name = src->name;
void mfree(model_t *model) {
/* Frees the parameters of model. */
if (!model) return;
/* not name as it is static */
/* not model either, it might point to an array! */
int mcmp(const model_t *a, const model_t *b) {
/* Compares a and b for identical effect, i.e. disregarding
* trailing zeroes in parameter polys.
* Intended for bsearch().
int result;
if (!a || !b) return (!b - !a);
if ((result = psncmp(&a->spoly, &b->spoly))) return (result);
if ((result = psncmp(&a->init, &b->init))) return (result);
if ((a->flags & P_REFIN) && (~b->flags & P_REFIN)) return (1);
if ((~a->flags & P_REFIN) && (b->flags & P_REFIN)) return (-1);
if ((a->flags & P_REFOUT) && (~b->flags & P_REFOUT)) return (1);
if ((~a->flags & P_REFOUT) && (b->flags & P_REFOUT)) return (-1);
return (psncmp(&a->xorout, &b->xorout));
char *mtostr(const model_t *model) {
/* Returns a malloc()-ed string containing a Williams model
* record representing the input model.
* mcanon() should be called on the argument before printing.
size_t size;
char *polystr, *initstr, *xorotstr, *checkstr, *magicstr,
strbuf[512], *string = NULL;
if (!model) return (NULL);
polystr = ptostr(model->spoly, P_RTJUST, 4);
initstr = ptostr(model->init, P_RTJUST, 4);
xorotstr = ptostr(model->xorout, P_RTJUST, 4);
checkstr = ptostr(model->check, P_RTJUST, 4);
magicstr = ptostr(model->magic, P_RTJUST, 4);
sprintf(strbuf, "%lu", plen(model->spoly));
size =
+ strlen(strbuf)
+ (polystr && *polystr ? strlen(polystr) : 6)
+ (initstr && *initstr ? strlen(initstr) : 6)
+ (model->flags & P_REFIN ? 4 : 5)
+ (model->flags & P_REFOUT ? 4 : 5)
+ (xorotstr && *xorotstr ? strlen(xorotstr) : 6)
+ (checkstr && *checkstr ? strlen(checkstr) : 6)
+ (magicstr && *magicstr ? strlen(magicstr) : 6)
+ (model->name && *model->name ? 2 + strlen(model->name) : 6);
if ((string = calloc(size, sizeof(uint8_t)))) {
sprintf(strbuf, "\"%s\"", model->name);
"width=%lu "
"poly=0x%s "
"init=0x%s "
"refin=%s "
"refout=%s "
"xorout=0x%s "
"check=0x%s "
"residue=0x%s "
polystr && *polystr ? polystr : "(none)",
initstr && *initstr ? initstr : "(none)",
(model->flags & P_REFIN) ? "true" : "false",
(model->flags & P_REFOUT) ? "true" : "false",
xorotstr && *xorotstr ? xorotstr : "(none)",
checkstr && *checkstr ? checkstr : "(none)",
magicstr && *magicstr ? magicstr : "(none)",
(model->name && *model->name) ? strbuf : "(none)");
if (!string)
uerror("cannot allocate memory for model description");
return (string);
void mcanon(model_t *model) {
/* canonicalise a model */
unsigned long dlen;
if (!model) return;
/* extending on the right here. This preserves the functionality
* of a presumed working model.
dlen = plen(model->spoly);
praloc(&model->init, dlen);
praloc(&model->xorout, dlen);
/* only calculate Check if missing. Relying on all functions
* changing parameters to call mnovel(). This is to ensure that
* the Check value stored in the preset table is printed when
* the model is dumped. If something goes wrong with the
* calculator then the discrepancy with the stored Check value
* might be noticed. Storing the Check value with each preset
* is highly preferred.
if (!(plen(model->check) && plen(model->magic)))
void mcheck(model_t *model) {
/* calculate a check for the model */
poly_t checkstr, check, xorout, magic;
/* erase existing check and magic. Models with these
* fields recalculated should have no name.
/* generate the check string with the correct bit order */
checkstr = strtop("313233343536373839", model->flags, 8);
check = pcrc(checkstr, model->spoly, model->init, pzero, model->flags);
if (model->flags & P_REFOUT)
psum(&check, model->xorout, 0UL);
model->check = check;
/* calculate residue by emulating receipt of error-free message
* The residue of a crossed-endian model is calculated assuming
* that the characters of the received CRC are specially
* reflected before submitting the codeword.
xorout = pclone(model->xorout);
if (model->flags & P_REFOUT)
magic = pcrc(xorout, model->spoly, pzero, pzero, model->flags);
if (model->flags & P_REFIN)
model->magic = magic;
void mrev(model_t *model) {
/* reverse the model to calculate reversed CRCs */
/* Here we invert RefIn and RefOut so that the user need only
* reverse the order of characters in the arguments, not the
* characters themselves. If RefOut=True, the mirror image of
* Init seen through RefOut becomes XorOut, and as RefOut
* becomes false, the XorOut value moved to Init stays upright.
* If RefOut=False, Init transfers to XorOut without reflection
* but the new Init must be reflected to present the same image,
* as RefOut becomes true.
poly_t temp;
if (model->flags & P_REFOUT)
/* exchange init and xorout */
temp = model->init;
model->init = model->xorout;
model->xorout = temp;
/* invert refin and refout */
model->flags ^= P_REFIN | P_REFOUT;
void mnovel(model_t *model) {
/* remove name and check string from modified model */
/* previous classification no longer applies */
model->name = NULL;
model->flags &= ~P_CLMASK;