<a id="Top"></a>
# Command Cheat Sheet

|Generic|Low Frequence 125 kHz|High Frequence 13.56 MHz|
|[Data](#Data)|[HID Prox](#HID-Prox)|[iCLASS](#iCLASS)|
|[Sim Module](#Sim-Module)|[Hitag](#Hitag)||
|[Lua Scripts](#Lua-Scripts)|||
|[Smart Card](#Smart-Card)|||
|[Wiegand convertion](#Wiegand-manipulation)|||

## Generic

Identify High Frequency cards
pm3 --> hf search

Identify Low Frequency cards
pm3 --> lf search

Measure antenna characteristics, LF/HF voltage should be around 20-45+ V
pm3 --> hw tune

Check versioning
pm3 --> hw version

Check overall status
pm3 --> hw status


Reverse permute iCLASS master key
r          reverse permuted key

pm3 --> hf iclass permute r 3F90EBF0910F7B6F

iCLASS Reader

pm3 --> hf iclass reader

Dump iCLASS card contents
k <key>      : *Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory

m3 --> hf iclass dump k 0

Read iCLASS Block
b <block>  : The block number as 2 hex symbols
k <key>    : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory

pm3 --> hf iclass rdbl b 7 k 0

Write to iCLASS Block
b <block>  : The block number as 2 hex symbols
d <data>   : Set the Data to write as 16 hex symbols
k <key>    : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory

pm3 --> hf iclass wrbl b 07 d 6ce099fe7e614fd0 k 0

Print keystore
p           : print keys loaded into memory

pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys p

Add key to keystore [0-7]
n <keynbr>    : specify the keyNbr to set in memory
k <key>       : set a key in memory

pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys n 3 k AFA785A7DAB33378

Encrypt iCLASS Block
d <block data>    : 16 bytes hex
k <transport key> : 16 bytes hex

pm3 --> hf iclass encrypt d 0000000f2aa3dba8

Decrypt iCLASS Block / file
d <encrypted blk> : 16 bytes hex
f <filename>      : filename of dump
k <transport key> : 16 bytes hex

pm3 --> hf iclass decrypt d 2AD4C8211F996871
pm3 --> hf iclass decrypt f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin

Load iCLASS dump into memory for simulation
f <filename>     : load iCLASS tag-dump filename

pm3 --> hf iclass eload f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin

Clone iCLASS Legacy Sequence
pm3 --> hf iclass rdbl b 7 k 0
pm3 --> hf iclass wrbl b 7 d 6ce099fe7e614fd0 k 0

Simulate iCLASS
0 <CSN>     simulate the given CSN
1           simulate default CSN
2           Runs online part of LOCLASS attack
3           Full simulation using emulator memory (see 'hf iclass eload')
4           Runs online part of LOCLASS attack against reader in keyroll mode

pm3 --> hf iclass sim 3

Simulate iCLASS Sequence
pm3 --> hf iclass dump k 0
pm3 --> hf iclass eload f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin
pm3 --> hf iclass sim 3

Extract custom iCLASS key (loclass attack)
f <filename>   : specify a filename to clone from
k <key>        : Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory
e              : If 'e' is specified, elite computations applied to key

pm3 --> hf iclass sim 2
pm3 --> hf iclass loclass f iclass_mac_attack.bin
pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys n 7 k <Kcus>
pm3 --> hf iclass dump k 7 e

Verify custom iCLASS key
f <filename> : Dictionary file with default iCLASS keys
u            : CSN
p            : EPURSE
m            : macs
e            : elite

pm3 --> hf iclass lookup u 010a0ffff7ff12e0 p feffffffffffffff m 66348979153c41b9 f iclass_default_keys e


Check for default keys
<*card memory> <key type (A/B/?)> [t|d|s|ss] <dic (*.dic)>
*              : all sectors
card memory    : 0 - MINI(320 bytes), 1 - 1K, 2 - 2K, 4 - 4K
d              : write keys to binary file

pm3 --> hf mf chk *1 ? d mfc_default_keys

Check for default keys from local memory
card memory   : 0 - MINI(320 bytes), 1 - 1K, 2 - 2K, 4 - 4K
m             : use dictionary from flashmemory

pm3 --> hf mf fchk 1 m

Dump MIFARE card contents
<card memory> : 0 = 320 bytes (MIFARE Mini), 1 = 1K (default), 2 = 2K, 4 = 4K
k <name>      : key filename, if no <name> given, UID will be used as filename"
f <name>      : data filename, if no <name> given, UID will be used as filename

pm3 --> hf mf dump 1
pm3 --> hf mf dump 1 k hf-mf-A29558E4-key.bin f hf-mf-A29558E4-dump.bin

Convert .bin to .eml
i <file>     : Specifies the dump-file (input). If omitted, 'dumpdata.bin' is used

pm3 --> script run data_mf_bin2eml -i dumpdata.bin

Write to MIFARE block
<block number> <key A/B> <key (12 hex symbols)> <block data (32 hex symbols)>

pm3 --> hf mf wrbl 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF d3a2859f6b880400c801002000000016

Run autopwn, to backup a MIFARE tag

pm3 --> hf mf autopwn

Run hardnested attack
<block number> <key A|B> <key (12 hex symbols)> <target block number> <target key A|B> [known target key (12 hex symbols)] [w] [s]
w          : Acquire nonces and write them to binary file nonces.bin

pm3 --> hf mf hardnested 0 A 8829da9daf76 0 A w

Load MIFARE emul dump file into memory for simulation
<card memory> <file name w/o `.eml`>
[card memory]: 0 = 320 bytes (MIFARE Mini), 1 = 1K (default), 2 = 2K, 4 = 4K, u = UL

pm3 --> hf mf eload hf-mf-353C2AA6
pm3 --> hf mf eload 1 hf-mf-353C2AA6

Simulate MIFARE
u     : (Optional) UID 4,7 or 10 bytes. If not specified, the UID 4B from emulator memory will be used

pm3 --> hf mf sim u 353c2aa6

Simulate MIFARE Sequence
pm3 --> hf mf chk *1 ? d mfc_default_keys
pm3 --> hf mf dump 1
pm3 --> script run data_mf_bin2eml -i dumpdata.bin
pm3 --> hf mf eload 353C2AA6
pm3 --> hf mf sim u 353c2aa6

Clone MIFARE 1K Sequence
pm3 --> hf mf chk *1 ? d mfc_default_keys
pm3 --> hf mf dump
pm3 --> hf mf restore 1 u 4A6CE843 k hf-mf-A29558E4-key.bin f hf-mf-A29558E4-dump.bin

Read MIFARE Ultralight EV1
pm3 --> hf mfu info

Clone MIFARE Ultralight EV1 Sequence
pm3 --> hf mfu dump k FFFFFFFF
pm3 --> script run hf_mfu_dumptoemulator -i hf-mfu-XXXX-dump.bin -o hf-mfu-XXXX-dump.eml
pm3 --> hf mfu eload u hf-mfu-XXXX-dump.eml
pm3 --> hf mfu sim t 7 u hf-mfu-XXXX-dump.eml

Bruteforce MIFARE Classic card numbers from 11223344 to 11223346
pm3 --> script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344 -e 0x11223346 -t 1000 -x mfc

Bruteforce MIFARE Ultralight EV1 card numbers from 11223344556677 to 11223344556679
pm3 --> script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344556677 -e 0x11223344556679 -t 1000 -x mfu

## Wiegand manipulation

List all available weigand formats in client
pm3 --> wiegand list

Convert Site & Facility code to Wiegand raw hex
w <format> o <OEM> f <FC> c <CN> i <issuelevel>
w            : wiegand format to use
o            : OEM number / site code
f            : facility code
c            : card number
i            : issue level

pm3 --> wiegand encode 0 56 150

Convert Site & Facility code from Wiegand raw hex to numbers
p            : ignore parity errors

pm3 --> wiegand decode 2006f623ae

## HID Prox

Read HID Prox card
pm3 --> lf hid read

Demodulate HID Prox card
pm3 --> lf hid demod

Simulate Prox card

pm3 --> lf hid sim 200670012d

Clone Prox to T5577 card
pm3 --> lf hid clone 200670012d

Brute force HID reader
a <format>        :  26|33|34|35|37|40|44|84
f <facility-code> :  8-bit value HID facility code
c <cardnumber>    :  (optional) cardnumber to start with, max 65535
d <delay>         :  delay betweens attempts in ms. Default 1000ms
v                 :  verbose logging, show all tries

pm3 --> lf hid brute a 26 f 224
pm3 --> lf hid brute v a 26 f 21 c 200 d 2000

## Indala

Read Indala card
pm3 --> lf indala read

Demodulate Indala card
pm3 --> lf indala demod

Simulate Indala card
<uid> :  64/224 UID

pm3 --> lf indala sim a0000000c2c436c1

Clone to T55x7 card
<uid> :  64/224 UID

pm3 --> lf indala clone a0000000c2c436c1

## Hitag

Read Hitag information
pm3 --> lf hitag info

Act as Hitag reader
01 <nr> <ar>    : Read all pages, challenge mode
02 <key>        : Read all pages, crypto mode. Set key=0 for no auth

21 <password>   : Read all pages, password mode. Default: 4D494B52 ("MIKR")
22 <nr> <ar>    : Read all pages, challenge mode
23 <key>        : Read all pages, crypto mode. Key format: ISK high + ISK low. Default: 4F4E4D494B52 ("ONMIKR")
25              : Test recorded authentications
26              : Just read UID

pm3 --> lf hitag 26
pm3 --> lf hitag 21 4D494B52

Sniff Hitag traffic
pm3 --> lf hitag sniff
pm3 --> lf hitag list

Simulate Hitag
pm3 --> lf hitag sim c378181c_a8f7.ht2

Write to Hitag block
03 <nr,ar> <page> <byte0...byte3>     : Write page, challenge mode
04 <key> <page> <byte0...byte3>       : Write page, crypto mode. Set key=0 for no auth

24  <key> <page> <byte0...byte3>      : Write page, crypto mode. Key format: ISK high + ISK low.
27  <password> <page> <byte0...byte3> : Write page, password mode. Default: 4D494B52 ("MIKR")

pm3 --> lf hitag writer 24 499602D2 1 00000000

Simulate Hitag2 sequence
pm3 --> lf hitag reader 21 56713368
pm3 --> lf hitag sim c378181c_a8f7.ht2

## T55XX

Detect T55XX card
pm3 --> lf t55xx detect

Configure modulation
<FSK|FSK1|FSK1a|FSK2|FSK2a|ASK|PSK1|PSK2|NRZ|BI|BIa>  : Set modulation
HID Prox is FSK
Indala is PSK

pm3 --> lf t55xx config FSK

Set timings to default
p            : persist to flashmemory
z            : Set default t55x7 timings (use p to save if required)

pm3 --> lf t55xx deviceconfig z p

Write to T55xx block
b <block>    : block number to write. Between 0-7
d <data>     : 4 bytes of data to write (8 hex characters)

pm3 --> lf t55xx wr b 0 d 00081040

Wipe a T55xx tag and set defaults
pm3 --> lf t55xx wipe

## Data

Get raw samples [512-40000]
pm3 --> data samples <size>

Save samples to file
pm3 --> data save <filename>

Load samples from file
pm3 --> data load <filename>

## Lua Scripts

List lua Scripts

pm3 --> script list

View lua helptext

pm3 --> script run  <nameofscript> -h

Convert .bin to .eml
-i <file>       Specifies the dump-file (input). If omitted, 'dumpdata.bin' is used
-o <filename>   Specifies the output file. If omitted, <uid>.eml is used

pm3 --> script run data_mf_bin2eml -i xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin

Convert .eml to .bin
-i <filename>   Specifies the dump-file (input). If omitted, 'dumpdata.eml' is used
-o <filename>   Specifies the output file. If omitted, <currdate>.bin is used

pm3 --> script run data_mf_eml2bin -i myfile.eml -o myfile.bin

Format Mifare card
-k <key>        The current six byte key with write access
-n <key>        The new key that will be written to the card
-a <access>     The new access bytes that will be written to the card
-x              Execute the commands aswell

pm3 --> script run hf_mf_format -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -n FFFFFFFFFFFF -x

## Memory

Load default keys into flash memory (RDV4 only)
o <offset>         : offset in memory
f <filename>       : file name
m                  : upload 6 bytes keys (mifare key dictionary)
i                  : upload 8 bytes keys (iClass key dictionary)
t                  : upload 4 bytes keys (pwd dictionary)

pm3 --> mem load f mfc_default_keys m
pm3 --> mem load f t55xx_default_pwds t
pm3 --> mem load f iclass_default_keys i

## Sim Module

Upgrade Sim Module firmware
pm3 --> smart upgrade f ../tools/simmodule/sim011.bin

## Smart Card

Get Smart Card Information
pm3 --> smart info

Act like an IS07816 reader
pm3 --> smart reader

Set clock speed
c <speed>       : clockspeed (0 = 16MHz, 1=8MHz, 2=4MHz)

pm3 --> smart setclock c 2

Send raw hex data
r           : do not read response
a           : active smartcard without select (reset smart module)
s           : active smartcard with select (get ATR)
t           : executes TLV decoder if it possible
0           : use protocol T=0
d <bytes>   : bytes to send

pm3 --> smart raw s 0 d 00a404000e315041592e5359532e4444463031 : 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 PPSE directory with get ATR
pm3 --> smart raw 0 d 00a404000e325041592e5359532e4444463031   : 2PAY.SYS.DDF01 PPSE directory
pm3 --> smart raw 0 t d 00a4040007a0000000041010               : Mastercard
pm3 --> smart raw 0 t d 00a4040007a0000000031010               : Visa

Bruteforce SPI
t          : executes TLV decoder if it possible

pm3 --> smart brute
pm3 --> smart brute t