# Jooki Figurine Notes # Table of Contents - [Jooki Figurine Notes](#jooki-figurine-notes) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Jooki proxmark commands](#jooki-proxmark-commands) - [Decoding NDEF URL parameter](#decoding-ndef-url-parameter) - [Encoding NDEF record](#encoding-ndef-record) - [Simulation](#simulation) - [Cloning to a NTAG213 tag](#cloning-to-a-ntag213-tag) - [List of known figurine types](#list-of-known-figurine-types) - NTAG213 (Should be tested if other NTAG2xx work) - A single NDEF record of type URL - Physical figurines are Fox, Dragon, Knight, Ghost, Whale, Generic Flat. Than there are variations of those figures with different colors. ## Jooki proxmark commands ^[Top](#top) You can `encode`, `decode` a NDEF record, write with `clone` a record to a card or simulate with`sim`. ### Decoding NDEF URL parameter ^[Top](#top) `hf jooki decode -d g+t07s57aX1bB6tk` ### Encoding NDEF record ^[Top](#top) You can either use figurine abbreviation arguments: ``` --dragon --fox --ghost --knight --whale --blackdragon --blackfox --blackknight --blackwhale --whitedragon --whitefox --whiteknight --whitewhale ``` Or pass directly the figurine type id `--tid` and figurine id `--fid` Example encoding NDEF record for UID `04010203040506` `hf jooki encode --uid 04010203040506 --tid 1 --fid 1` or use `--dragon` parameter to achieve the same: `hf jooki encode --uid 04010203040506 --dragon` Output: ``` [=] Encoded URL.. 67 2B 74 30 37 73 35 37 61 58 31 62 ( g+t07s57aX1bB6tk ) [=] Figurine..... 01 00 - Figurine, Dragon [=] iv........... 80 77 51 [=] uid.......... 04 01 02 03 04 05 06 [=] NDEF raw..... 0103A00C340329D101255504732E6A6F6F6B692E726F636B732F732F3F733D672B743037733537615831624236746B0AFE000000 ``` Use `-r` parameter to read UID directly from tag. ### Simulation ^[Top](#top) To simulate the above figurine use the encoded URL parameter given in `encode` output and type following command into your proxmark: `hf jooki sim -b g+t07s57aX1bB6tk` If no parameter is given to the simulation command, last loaded dump is used. ### Cloning to a NTAG213 tag ^[Top](#top) ``` hf jooki clone [-h] [-b ] [-d ] [-p ] options: -h, --help This help -b, --b64 base64 url parameter -d, --data raw NDEF bytes -p, --pwd password for authentication (EV1/NTAG 4 bytes) examples/notes: hf jooki clone -d -> where hex is raw NDEFhf jooki clone --b64 7WzlgEzqLgwTnWNy --> using base64 url parameter ``` Use either the above NDEF raw output from `encode` to write a new record to a tag: `hf jooki clone -d 0103A00C340329D101255504732E6A6F6F6B692E726F636B732F732F3F733D672B743037733537615831624236746B0AFE000000` or use the base64 encoded parameter to clone: `hf jooki clone -b A5wlbrkq6QoKh9w1 Note: Jooki doesn't like more than one NDEF record, so make sure you just have one. Check with `hf mfu ndefread` ### List of known figurine types ^[Top](#top) `Value`|`Figurine Type`| |------|---------------| **01** | Stones | **02** | Generic Flat | **03** | System Commands | **04** | Tests | | `Figurine Type` | `Figurine ID` | `Figurine` | |---------------|-------------|--------------------------| | 01 | 00 | 狐狸 Fox | | 01 | 01 | 龙 Dragon | | 01 | 02 | 骑士 Knight | | 01 | 03 | 鬼 Ghost | | 01 | 04 | 鲸 Whale | | 01 | 05 | ThankYou | | 01 | 06 | Black.Fox | | 01 | 07 | Black.Dragon | | 01 | 08 | Black.Whale | | 01 | 09 | Black.Knight | | 01 | 0a | White.Fox | | 01 | 0b | White.Dragon | | 01 | 0c | White.Whale | | 01 | 0d | White.Knight | | | | | | `02` | | `Generic Flat` | | 02 | 00 | 圆盘 Generic Flat | | 02 | 01 | unknown_0201 | | | | | | `03` | | `System Commands` | | 03 | 00 | sys.record | | 03 | 01 | sys.factory_mode_on | | 03 | 02 | sys.factory_mode_off | | 03 | 03 | sys.airplane_mode_on | | 03 | 04 | sys.airplane_mode_off | | 03 | 05 | sys.toy_safe_on | | 03 | 06 | sys.toy_safe_off | | 03 | 07 | sys.wifi_on | | 03 | 08 | sys.wifi_off | | 03 | 09 | sys.bt_on | | 03 | 0a | sys.bt_off | | 03 | 0b | sys.production_finished | | | | | | `04` | | `Tests` | | 04 | 00 | Hello test.0 | | 04 | 01 | Hello test.1 | | 04 | 02 | Hello test.2 | | 04 | 03 | Hello test.3 | | 04 | 04 | Hello test.4 | | 04 | 05 | Hello test.5 | | 04 | 06 | Hello test.6 | | 04 | 07 | Hello test.7 | | 04 | 08 | Hello test.8 | | 04 | 09 | Hello test.9 | | 04 | 0a | Hello unknown_040A | | 04 | 10 | Hello test.10 | | 04 | 11 | Hello test.11 | | 04 | 12 | Hello test.12 | | 04 | 13 | Hello test.13 | | 04 | 14 | Hello test.14 | | 04 | 15 | Hello test.15 | | 04 | 16 | Hello test.16 | | 04 | 17 | Hello test.17 | | 04 | 18 | Hello test.18 | | 04 | 19 | Hello test.19 |