//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Low frequency T55xx commands //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "proxmark3.h" #include "ui.h" #include "graph.h" #include "cmdmain.h" #include "cmdparser.h" #include "cmddata.h" #include "cmdlf.h" #include "cmdlft55xx.h" #include "util.h" #include "data.h" #include "lfdemod.h" #define LF_TRACE_BUFF_SIZE 20000 // 32 x 32 x 10 (32 bit times numofblock (7), times clock skip..) #define LF_BITSSTREAM_LEN 1000 // more then 1000 bits shouldn't happend.. 8block * 4 bytes * 8bits = int usage_t55xx_read(){ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx read "); PrintAndLog(" , block number to read. Between 0-7"); PrintAndLog(" , OPTIONAL password (8 hex characters)"); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog(" sample: lf t55xx read 0 = try reading data from block 0"); PrintAndLog(" : lf t55xx read 0 feedbeef = try reading data from block 0 using password"); PrintAndLog(""); return 0; } int usage_t55xx_write(){ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx wr [password]"); PrintAndLog(" , block number to read. Between 0-7"); PrintAndLog(" , 4 bytes of data to write (8 hex characters)"); PrintAndLog(" [password], OPTIONAL password 4bytes (8 hex characters)"); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog(" sample: lf t55xx wd 3 11223344 = try writing data 11223344 to block 3"); PrintAndLog(" : lf t55xx wd 3 11223344 feedbeef = try writing data 11223344 to block 3 using password feedbeef"); PrintAndLog(""); return 0; } int usage_t55xx_trace() { PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx trace [graph buffer data]"); PrintAndLog(" [graph buffer data], if set, use Graphbuffer otherwise read data from tag."); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog(" sample: lf t55xx trace"); PrintAndLog(" : lf t55xx trace 1"); PrintAndLog(""); return 0; } int usage_t55xx_info() { PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx info [graph buffer data]"); PrintAndLog(" [graph buffer data], if set, use Graphbuffer otherwise read data from tag."); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog(" sample: lf t55xx info"); PrintAndLog(" : lf t55xx info 1"); PrintAndLog(""); return 0; } int usage_t55xx_dump(){ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf t55xx dump "); PrintAndLog(" , OPTIONAL password 4bytes (8 hex characters)"); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog(" sample: lf t55xx dump"); PrintAndLog(" : lf t55xx dump feedbeef"); PrintAndLog(""); return 0; } static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd); int CmdReadBlk(const char *Cmd) { int i = 0; int block = -1; int password = 0xFFFFFFFF; //default to blank Block 7 size_t bitlen = 0; uint32_t blockData = 0; uint8_t bits[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN] = {0x00}; char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0); if (cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') { usage_t55xx_read(); return 0; } int res = sscanf(Cmd, "%d %x", &block, &password); if ( res < 1 || res > 2 ){ usage_t55xx_read(); return 1; } if ((block < 0) | (block > 7)) { PrintAndLog("Block must be between 0 and 7"); return 1; } UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_READ_BLOCK, {0, block, 0}}; c.d.asBytes[0] = 0x0; //Password mode if ( res == 2 ) { c.arg[2] = password; c.d.asBytes[0] = 0x1; } SendCommand(&c); if ( !WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK,NULL,2500) ) { PrintAndLog("command execution time out"); return 2; } uint8_t got[12000]; GetFromBigBuf(got,sizeof(got),0); WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK,NULL); setGraphBuf(got, 12000); bitlen = getFromGraphBuf(bits); int ans = 0; ans = CmdFSKrawdemod(""); ans = CmdFSKrawdemod("1"); //invert? ans = Cmdaskmandemod(""); ans = Cmdaskrawdemod(""); ans = CmdNRZrawDemod(""); ans = CmdPSK1rawDemod(""); ans = CmdPSK2rawDemod(""); // if ( !tryDemod(bits, bitlen) ) // return 3; // //move bits back to DemodBuffer // setDemodBuf(bits, bitlen, 0); // printBitStream(bits, bitlen); if ( !DemodBufferLen) return 0; for (;i> 8) & 0xFF; fclow = fcs & 0xFF; } //get bit clock length rflen = detectFSKClk(bits, bitlen, fchigh, fclow); rflen = (rflen == 0) ? 50 : rflen; size = fskdemod(bits, bitlen, rflen, invert, fchigh, fclow); if ( analyseDemod(size, bitlen, clk, invert) ) return true; // PSK demod return false; } bool analyseDemod( int errCnt, size_t bitlen, uint8_t clock, uint8_t invert){ if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("ErrorCount: %d, Bits Found: %d, Clock: %d, invert: %d", errCnt, bitlen, clock, invert); //PrintAndLog("Args invert: %d - Clock:%d - fchigh:%d - fclow: %d",invert,rfLen,fchigh, fclow); //throw away static - allow 1 and -1 (in case of threshold command first) if ( errCnt == -1 || bitlen < 32 ){ PrintAndLog("no success demod"); return false; } return true; } int CmdWriteBlk(const char *Cmd) { int block = 8; //default to invalid block int data = 0xFFFFFFFF; //default to blank Block int password = 0xFFFFFFFF; //default to blank Block 7 char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0); if (cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') { usage_t55xx_write(); return 0; } int res = sscanf(Cmd, "%d %x %x",&block, &data, &password); if ( res < 2 || res > 3) { usage_t55xx_write(); return 1; } if (block > 7) { PrintAndLog("Block must be between 0 and 7"); return 1; } UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_WRITE_BLOCK, {data, block, 0}}; c.d.asBytes[0] = 0x0; PrintAndLog("Writing to T55x7"); PrintAndLog("block : %d", block); PrintAndLog("data : 0x%08X", data); //Password mode if (res == 3) { c.arg[2] = password; c.d.asBytes[0] = 0x1; PrintAndLog("pwd : 0x%08X", password); } SendCommand(&c); return 0; } int CmdReadTrace(const char *Cmd) { size_t bitlen; uint8_t bits[MAX_GRAPH_TRACE_LEN] = {0x00}; char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0); if (strlen(Cmd) > 1 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') { usage_t55xx_trace(); return 0; } if ( strlen(Cmd)==0){ UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_READ_TRACE, {0, 0, 0}}; SendCommand(&c); if ( !WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK,NULL,2500) ) { PrintAndLog("command execution time out"); return 1; } //darn //CmdSamples("12000"); } bitlen = getFromGraphBuf(bits); RepaintGraphWindow(); uint8_t si = 5; uint32_t bl0 = PackBits(si, 32, bits); uint32_t bl1 = PackBits(si+32, 32, bits); uint32_t acl = PackBits(si, 8, bits); si += 8; uint32_t mfc = PackBits(si, 8, bits); si += 8; uint32_t cid = PackBits(si, 5, bits); si += 5; uint32_t icr = PackBits(si, 3, bits); si += 3; uint32_t year = PackBits(si, 4, bits); si += 4; uint32_t quarter = PackBits(si, 2, bits); si += 2; uint32_t lotid = PackBits(si, 12, bits); si += 12; uint32_t wafer = PackBits(si, 5, bits); si += 5; uint32_t dw = PackBits(si, 15, bits); PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog("-- T55xx Trace Information ----------------------------------"); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLog(" ACL Allocation class (ISO/IEC 15963-1) : 0x%02X (%d)", acl, acl); PrintAndLog(" MFC Manufacturer ID (ISO/IEC 7816-6) : 0x%02X (%d)", mfc, mfc); PrintAndLog(" CID : 0x%02X (%d)", cid, cid); PrintAndLog(" ICR IC Revision : %d",icr ); PrintAndLog(" Manufactured"); PrintAndLog(" Year/Quarter : %d/%d",2000+year, quarter ); PrintAndLog(" Lot ID : %d", lotid ); PrintAndLog(" Wafer number : %d", wafer); PrintAndLog(" Die Number : %d", dw); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLog(" Raw Data - Page 1"); PrintAndLog(" Block 0 : 0x%08X %s", bl0, sprint_bin(bits+5,32) ); PrintAndLog(" Block 0 : 0x%08X %s", bl1, sprint_bin(bits+37,32) ); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); /* TRACE - BLOCK O Bits Definition HEX 1-8 ACL Allocation class (ISO/IEC 15963-1) 0xE0 9-16 MFC Manufacturer ID (ISO/IEC 7816-6) 0x15 Atmel Corporation 17-21 CID 0x1 = Atmel ATA5577M1 0x2 = Atmel ATA5577M2 22-24 ICR IC revision 25-28 YEAR (BCD encoded) 9 (= 2009) 29-30 QUARTER 1,2,3,4 31-32 LOT ID TRACE - BLOCK 1 1-12 LOT ID 13-17 Wafer number 18-32 DW, die number sequential */ return 0; } int CmdInfo(const char *Cmd){ /* Page 0 Block 0 Configuration data. Normal mode Extended mode */ char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0); if (strlen(Cmd) > 1 || cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') { usage_t55xx_info(); return 0; } else { CmdReadBlk("0"); } uint8_t bits[LF_BITSSTREAM_LEN] = {0x00}; manchester_decode(GraphBuffer, LF_TRACE_BUFF_SIZE, bits, LF_BITSSTREAM_LEN); uint8_t si = 5; uint32_t bl0 = PackBits(si, 32, bits); uint32_t safer = PackBits(si, 4, bits); si += 4; uint32_t resv = PackBits(si, 7, bits); si += 7; uint32_t dbr = PackBits(si, 3, bits); si += 3; uint32_t extend = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t datamodulation = PackBits(si, 5, bits); si += 5; uint32_t pskcf = PackBits(si, 2, bits); si += 2; uint32_t aor = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t otp = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t maxblk = PackBits(si, 3, bits); si += 3; uint32_t pwd = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t sst = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t fw = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t inv = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; uint32_t por = PackBits(si, 1, bits); si += 1; PrintAndLog(""); PrintAndLog("-- T55xx Configuration & Tag Information --------------------"); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLog(" Safer key : %s", GetSaferStr(safer)); PrintAndLog(" reserved : %d", resv); PrintAndLog(" Data bit rate : %s", GetBitRateStr(dbr)); PrintAndLog(" eXtended mode : %s", (extend) ? "Yes - Warning":"No"); PrintAndLog(" Modulation : %s", GetModulationStr(datamodulation) ); PrintAndLog(" PSK clock freq : %d", pskcf); PrintAndLog(" AOR - Answer on Request : %s", (aor) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog(" OTP - One Time Pad : %s", (otp) ? "Yes - Warning":"No" ); PrintAndLog(" Max block : %d", maxblk); PrintAndLog(" Password mode : %s", (pwd) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog(" Sequence Start Terminator : %s", (sst) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog(" Fast Write : %s", (fw) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog(" Inverse data : %s", (inv) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog(" POR-Delay : %s", (por) ? "Yes":"No"); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); PrintAndLog(" Raw Data - Page 0"); PrintAndLog(" Block 0 : 0x%08X %s", bl0, sprint_bin(bits+5,32) ); PrintAndLog("-------------------------------------------------------------"); return 0; } int CmdDump(const char *Cmd){ char s[20] = {0x00}; uint8_t pwd[4] = {0x00}; char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0); if ( cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') { usage_t55xx_dump(); return 0; } bool hasPwd = ( strlen(Cmd) > 0); if ( hasPwd ){ if (param_gethex(Cmd, 0, pwd, 8)) { PrintAndLog("password must include 8 HEX symbols"); return 1; } } for ( int i = 0; i <8; ++i){ memset(s,0,sizeof(s)); if ( hasPwd ) { sprintf(s,"%d %02x%02x%02x%02x", i, pwd[0],pwd[1],pwd[2],pwd[3]); } else { sprintf(s,"%d", i); } CmdReadBlk(s); } return 0; } int CmdIceFsk(const char *Cmd){ if (!HasGraphData()) return 0; iceFsk3(GraphBuffer, LF_TRACE_BUFF_SIZE); RepaintGraphWindow(); return 0; } int CmdIceManchester(const char *Cmd){ ManchesterDemod( -1); return 0; } int ManchesterDemod(int blockNum){ if (!HasGraphData()) return 0; uint8_t sizebyte = 32; // the value 5 was selected during empirical studies of the decoded data. Some signal noise to skip. uint8_t offset = 5; uint32_t blockData; uint8_t bits[LF_BITSSTREAM_LEN] = {0x00}; uint8_t * bitstream = bits; manchester_decode(GraphBuffer, LF_TRACE_BUFF_SIZE, bits, LF_BITSSTREAM_LEN); blockData = PackBits(offset, sizebyte, bits); if ( blockNum < 0) PrintAndLog(" Decoded : 0x%08X %s", blockData, sprint_bin(bitstream+offset,sizebyte) ); else PrintAndLog(" Block %d : 0x%08X %s", blockNum, blockData, sprint_bin(bitstream+offset,sizebyte) ); return 0; } char * GetBitRateStr(uint32_t id){ static char buf[40]; char *retStr = buf; switch (id){ case 0: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/8",id); break; case 1: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/16",id); break; case 2: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/32",id); break; case 3: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/40",id); break; case 4: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/50",id); break; case 5: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/64",id); break; case 6: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/100",id); break; case 7: sprintf(retStr,"%d - RF/128",id); break; default: sprintf(retStr,"%d - (Unknown)",id); break; } return buf; } char * GetSaferStr(uint32_t id){ static char buf[40]; char *retStr = buf; sprintf(retStr,"%d",id); if (id == 6) { sprintf(retStr,"%d - pasdwd",id); } if (id == 9 ){ sprintf(retStr,"%d - testmode ",id); } return buf; } char * GetModulationStr( uint32_t id){ static char buf[40]; char *retStr = buf; switch (id){ case 0: sprintf(retStr,"%d - DIRECT (ASK/NRZ)",id); break; case 1: sprintf(retStr,"%d - PSK 1 phase change when input changes",id); break; case 2: sprintf(retStr,"%d - PSK 2 phase change on bitclk if input high",id); break; case 3: sprintf(retStr,"%d - PSK 3 phase change on rising edge of input",id); break; case 4: sprintf(retStr,"%d - FSK 1 RF/8 RF/5",id); break; case 5: sprintf(retStr,"%d - FSK 2 RF/8 RF/10",id); break; case 6: sprintf(retStr,"%d - FSK 1a RF/5 RF/8",id); break; case 7: sprintf(retStr,"%d - FSK 2a RF/10 RF/8",id); break; case 8: sprintf(retStr,"%d - Manschester",id); break; case 16: sprintf(retStr,"%d - Biphase",id); break; case 17: sprintf(retStr,"%d - Reserved",id); break; default: sprintf(retStr,"0x%02X (Unknown)",id); break; } return buf; } uint32_t PackBits(uint8_t start, uint8_t len, uint8_t* bits){ int i = start; int j = len-1; if (len > 32) { return 0; } uint32_t tmp = 0; for (; j >= 0; --j, ++i){ tmp |= bits[i] << j; } return tmp; } static command_t CommandTable[] = { {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"}, {"read", CmdReadBlk, 0, " [password] -- Read T55xx block data (page 0) [optional password]"}, {"write", CmdWriteBlk, 0, " [password] -- Write T55xx block data (page 0) [optional password]"}, {"trace", CmdReadTrace, 0, "[1] Read T55xx traceability data (page 1/ blk 0-1)"}, {"info", CmdInfo, 0, "[1] Read T55xx configuration data (page 0/ blk 0)"}, {"dump", CmdDump, 0, "[password] Dump T55xx card block 0-7. [optional password]"}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; int CmdLFT55XX(const char *Cmd) { CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd); return 0; } int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) { CmdsHelp(CommandTable); return 0; }