# This Makefile might have been called from various subdirs, trying to find our Makefile.defs ifeq ($(DEFSBEENHERE),) -include Makefile.defs endif ifeq ($(DEFSBEENHERE),) -include ../Makefile.defs endif ifeq ($(DEFSBEENHERE),) -include ../../Makefile.defs endif ifeq ($(DEFSBEENHERE),) -include ../../../Makefile.defs endif ifeq ($(DEFSBEENHERE),) $(error Can't find Makefile.defs) endif CFLAGS ?= -Wall -Werror -O3 CFLAGS += $(MYDEFS) $(MYCFLAGS) $(MYINCLUDES) vpath %.c $(MYSRCPATHS) # Flags to generate temporary dependency files DEPFLAGS = -MT $@ -MMD -MP -MF $(OBJDIR)/$*.Td # make temporary to final dependency files after successful compilation POSTCOMPILE = $(MV) -f $(OBJDIR)/$*.Td $(OBJDIR)/$*.d && $(TOUCH) $@ BINDIR := . OBJDIR := obj MYOBJS ?= $(MYSRCS:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.o) CLEAN = $(foreach bin,$(MYLIBS) $(BINS) $(LIB_A),$(BINDIR)/$(bin)) all: $(foreach bin,$(MYLIBS) $(BINS) $(LIB_A),$(BINDIR)/$(bin)) clean: $(Q)$(RM) $(CLEAN) $(Q)$(RMDIR) $(OBJDIR) install: all ifneq (,$(INSTALLTOOLS)) $(info [@] Installing $(BINS) to $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)...) $(Q)$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)$(PATHSEP)$(INSTALLTOOLSRELPATH) $(Q)$(CP) $(INSTALLTOOLS) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)$(PATHSEP)$(INSTALLTOOLSRELPATH) endif @true uninstall: ifneq (,$(INSTALLTOOLS)) $(info [@] Uninstalling $(BINS) from $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)...) $(Q)$(RM) $(foreach tool,$(INSTALLTOOLS),$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)$(PATHSEP)$(INSTALLTOOLSRELPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(notdir $(tool))) endif @true .PHONY: all clean install uninstall $(BINDIR)/$(LIB_A): $(MYOBJS) $(info [=] AR $(notdir $@)) $(Q)$(AR) $@ $(MYOBJS) $(Q)$(RANLIB) $@ $(BINDIR)/% : $(OBJDIR)/%.o $(MYOBJS) $(MYLIBS) $(info [=] LD $(notdir $@)) $(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(MYOBJS) $< -o $@ $(MYLIBS) $(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c | $(OBJDIR) $(info [-] CC $<) $(Q)$(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(Q)$(POSTCOMPILE) $(OBJDIR): $(Q)$(MKDIR) $(OBJDIR) DEPENDENCY_FILES = $(MYOBJS:%.o=%.d) $(BINS:%=$(OBJDIR)/%.d) $(DEPENDENCY_FILES): ; .PRECIOUS: $(DEPENDENCY_FILES) -include $(DEPENDENCY_FILES)