local utils = require('utils') local getopt = require('getopt') local read14a = require('read14a') --[[ ---Suggestions of improvement: --- Add support another types of dumps: BIN, JSON --- Maybe it will be not only as `mfc_gen3_writer`, like a universal dump manager. --- Add undependence from the operation system. At the moment code not working in Linux. --- Add more chinesse backdoors RAW commands for UID changing (find RAW for the 4 byte familiar chinese card, from native it soft: http://bit.ly/39VIDsU) --- Hide system messages when you writing a dumps, replace it to some of like [#####----------] 40% -- iceman notes: -- doesn't take consideration filepaths for dump files. -- doesn't allow A keys for authenticating when writing -- doesn't verify that card is magic gen3. -- doesn't take several versions of same dump ( -1, -2, -3 ) styles. --]] copyright = '' author = 'Winds' version = 'v1.0.0' desc = [[ The script gives you a easy way to write your *.eml dumps onto normal MFC and magic Gen3 cards. Works with both 4 and 7 bytes NXP MIFARE Classic 1K cards. The script also has the possibility to change UID and permanent lock uid on magic Gen3 cards. It supports the following functionality. 1. Write it to the same of current card UID. 2. Write it to magic Gen3 card. 3. Change uid to match dump on magic Gen3 card. 4. Permanent lock UID on magic Gen3 card. 5. Erase all data at the card and set the FF FF FF FF FF FF keys, and Access Conditions to 78778800. Script works in a wizard styled way. ]] example = [[ 1. script run mfc_gen3_writer ]] usage = [[ Select your *.eml dump from list to write to the card. ]] -- Some globals local DEBUG = false -- the debug flag ------------------------------- -- Some utilities ------------------------------- --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if not DEBUG then return end if type(args) == 'table' then local i = 1 while args[i] do dbg(args[i]) i = i+1 end else print('###', args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print('ERROR:', err) core.clearCommandBuffer() return nil, err end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(copyright) print(author) print(version) print(desc) print('Example usage') print(example) print(usage) end --- -- GetUID local function GetUID() return read14a.read(true, true).uid end --- -- local function dropfield() read14a.disconnect() core.clearCommandBuffer() end --- -- Wait for tag (MFC) local function wait() read14a.waitFor14443a() end --- -- local function main(args) -- Arguments for the script for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hd') do if o == 'h' then return help() end if o == 'd' then DEBUG = true end end local files = {} -- Array for eml files local b_keys = {} -- Array for B keys local eml = {} -- Array for data in block 32 local num_dumps = 0 -- num of found eml dump files local tab = string.rep('-', 64) -- wait() print(tab) local length = 25 local e = 16 -- Detect 7 byte card if string.len(GetUID()) == 14 then length = 31 e = 22 end dropfield() ---List all EML files in /client local dumpEML = "find '.' -iname '*dump.eml' -type f" local p = assert(io.popen(dumpEML)) for _ in p:lines() do -- The length of eml file if string.len(_) == length then num_dumps = num_dumps + 1 -- cut UID from eml file files[num_dumps] = string.sub(_, 9, e) print(' '..num_dumps..' | '..files[num_dumps]) end end p.close() if num_dumps == 0 then return oops("Didn't find any dump files") end print(tab) print(' Your card has UID '..GetUID()) print('') print(' Select which dump to write (1 until '..num_dumps..')') print(tab) io.write(' --> ') local no = tonumber(io.read()) print(tab) print(' You have been selected card dump ' .. no .. ', with UID : '..files[no]) --- Load eml file local dumpfile = assert(io.open('./hf-mf-' .. files[no] .. '-dump.eml', 'r')) for _ in dumpfile:lines() do table.insert(eml, _); end dumpfile.close() --- Extract B key from EML file local b = 0 for i = 1, #eml do if (i % 4 == 0) then repeat b = b + 1 -- Cut key from block b_keys[b] = string.sub(eml[i], (#eml[i] - 11), #eml[i]) until b % 4 == 0 end end print(tab) dbg(b_keys) dbg(eml) --- Change UID on certain version of magic Gen3 card. if (utils.confirm(' Change UID ?') == true) then wait() --core.console('hf 14a raw -s -c -t 2000 90f0cccc10'..tostring(eml[1])) print('hf 14a raw -s -c -t 2000 90f0cccc10'..tostring(eml[1])) print(tab) print(' The new card UID : ' .. GetUID()) end print(tab) --- Lock UID if (utils.confirm(' Permanent lock UID ? (card can never change uid again) ') == true) then wait() core.console('hf 14a raw -s -c -t 2000 90fd111100') end print(tab) --- Writing blocks local default_key = 'FFFFFFFFFFFF' local default_key_blk = 'FFFFFFFFFFFF78778800FFFFFFFFFFFF' local empty = string.rep('0', 32) local cmd_wrbl = 'hf mf wrbl %d B %s %s' if (utils.confirm(' Are you using a empty card with default key?') == true) then wait() for i = 1, #eml do core.console(string.format(cmd_wrbl, (i-1), default_key, eml[i])) end else print(tab) if (utils.confirm(' Delete ALL data and write all keys to 0x'..default_key..' ?') == true) then wait() for i = 1, #eml do if (i % 4 == 0) then core.console(string.format(cmd_wrbl, (i-1), b_keys[i], default_key_blk)) else core.console(string.format(cmd_wrbl, (i-1), b_keys[i], empty)) end end else print(tab) print('Writing to card') wait() for i = 1, #eml do core.console(string.format(cmd_wrbl, (i-1), b_keys[i], eml[i])) end end end dropfield() print(tab) print('Done') end main(args)