local getopt = require('getopt') copyright = '' author = "Neuromancer" version = 'v1.0.0' desc = [[ This script tries to decode Mifare Classic Access bytes ]] example = 'script run mifare_access -a 7F0F0869' usage = [[ script run mifare_access -h -a <access bytes> Arguments: -h : this help -a <access bytes> : 4 bytes ACCESS CONDITIONS ]] local DEBUG = true local bxor = bit32.bxor local band = bit32.band local rshift = bit32.rshift --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if not DEBUG then return end if type(args) == "table" then local i = 1 while args[i] do dbg(args[i]) i = i+1 end else print("###", args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) return nil, err end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(copyright) print(author) print(version) print(desc) print('Example usage') print(example) end local access_condition_sector_trailer = {} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x0] = {'never','key A','key A','never','key A','key A'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x2] = {'never','never','key A','never','key A','never'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x4] = {'never','key B','key A|B','never','never','key B'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x6] = {'never','never','key A|B','never','never','never'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x1] = {'never','key A','key A','key A','key A','key A'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x3] = {'never','key B','key A|B','key B','never','key B'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x5] = {'never','never','key A|B','key B','never','never'} access_condition_sector_trailer[0x7] = {'never','never','key A|B','never','never','never'} local access_condition_data_block = {} access_condition_data_block[0x0] = {'key A|B','key A|B','key A|B','key A|B'} access_condition_data_block[0x2] = {'key A|B','never','never','never'} access_condition_data_block[0x4] = {'key A|B','key B','never','never'} access_condition_data_block[0x6] = {'key A|B','key B','key B','key A|B'} access_condition_data_block[0x1] = {'key A|B','never','never','key A|B'} access_condition_data_block[0x3] = {'key B','key B','never','never'} access_condition_data_block[0x5] = {'key B','never','never','never'} access_condition_data_block[0x7] = {'never','never','never','never'} local function main(args) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print( string.rep('--',20) ) print() local access = '' -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'ha:') do if o == "h" then return help() end if o == "a" then access = a end end if access == nil then return oops('empty ACCESS CONDITIONS') end if #access == 0 then return oops('empty ACCESS CONDITIONS') end if #access ~= 8 then return oops("Wrong length. Should be 4 hex bytes ACCESS CONDITIONS (e.g. 7F0F0869)") end local c2_b = tonumber(string.sub(access, 1, 1), 16) local c1_b = tonumber(string.sub(access, 2, 2), 16) local c1 = tonumber(string.sub(access, 3, 3), 16) local c3_b = tonumber(string.sub(access, 4, 4), 16) local c3 = tonumber(string.sub(access, 5, 5), 16) local c2 = tonumber(string.sub(access, 6, 6), 16) local gpb = string.sub(access, 7, 8) if bxor(c1, c1_b) ~= 0xF then print("!!! bitflip in c1") end if bxor(c2, c2_b) ~= 0xF then print("!!! bitflip in c2") end if bxor(c3, c3_b) ~= 0xF then print("!!! bitflip in c3") end local ab = c1 * 256 + c2 * 16 + c3 for block = 0,3 do print("--> block "..block) -- mask bits for block local abi = band(rshift(ab, block), 0x111) -- compress bits abi = band(abi + rshift(abi, 3) + rshift(abi, 6),7) -- print(abi) if block == 3 then print(" KEYSECXA read: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][1]) print(" KEYSECXA write: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][2]) print(" ACCESS COND. read: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][3]) print("ACCESS COND. write: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][4]) print(" KEYSECXB read: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][5]) print(" KEYSECXB write: "..access_condition_sector_trailer[abi][6]) else print(" read: "..access_condition_data_block[abi][1]) print(" write: "..access_condition_data_block[abi][2]) print(" inc: "..access_condition_data_block[abi][3]) print("decr, transfer, restore: "..access_condition_data_block[abi][4]) end end print("GPB: "..gpb) end main(args)