/* poly.c * Greg Cook, 7/Feb/2017 */ /* CRC RevEng: arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 * Gregory Cook * * This file is part of CRC RevEng. * * CRC RevEng is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CRC RevEng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CRC RevEng. If not, see . */ /* 2016-06-27: pcmp() shortcut returns 0 when pointers identical * 2015-07-29: discard leading $, &, 0x from argument to strtop() * 2015-04-03: added direct mode to strtop() * 2014-01-11: added LOFS(), RNDUP() * 2013-09-16: SIZE(), IDX(), OFS() macros bitshift if BMP_POF2 * 2013-02-07: conditional non-2^n fix, pmpar() return mask constant type * 2013-01-17: fixed pfirst(), plast() for non-2^n BMP_BIT * 2012-07-16: added pident() * 2012-05-23: added pmpar() * 2012-03-03: internal lookup tables stored better * 2012-03-02: fixed full-width masking in filtop() * 2011-09-06: added prevch() * 2011-08-27: fixed zero test in piter() * 2011-01-17: fixed ANSI C warnings, uses bmp_t type * 2011-01-15: palloc() and praloc() gracefully handle lengths slightly * less than ULONG_MAX * 2011-01-15: strtop() error on invalid argument. pkchop() special case * when argument all zeroes * 2011-01-14: added pkchop() * 2011-01-04: fixed bogus final length calculation in wide pcrc() * 2011-01-02: faster, more robust prcp() * 2011-01-01: commented functions, full const declarations, all-LUT rev() * 2010-12-26: renamed CRC RevEng * 2010-12-18: removed pmods(), finished pcrc(), added piter() * 2010-12-17: roughed out pcrc(). difficult, etiam aberat musa heri :( * 2010-12-15: added psnorm(), psncmp(); optimised pnorm(); fix to praloc() * 2010-12-14: strtop() resets count between passes * 2010-12-12: added pright() * 2010-12-11: filtop won't read more than length bits * 2010-12-10: finished filtop. 26 public functions * 2010-12-05: finished strtop, pxsubs; unit tests * 2010-12-02: project started */ /* Note: WELL-FORMED poly_t objects have a valid bitmap pointer pointing * to a malloc()-ed array of at least as many bits as stated in its * length field. Any poly_t with a length of 0 is also a WELL-FORMED * poly_t (whatever value the bitmap pointer has.) * All poly_t objects passed to and from functions must be WELL-FORMED * unless otherwise stated. * * CLEAN (or CANONICAL) poly_t objects are WELL-FORMED objects in which * all spare bits in the bitmap word containing the last bit are zero. * (Any excess allocated words will not be accessed.) * * SEMI-NORMALISED poly_t objects are CLEAN objects in which the last * bit, at position (length - 1), is one. * * NORMALISED poly_t objects are SEMI-NORMALISED objects in which the * first bit is one. * * pfree() should be called on every poly_t object (including * those returned by functions) after its last use. * As always, free() should be called on every malloc()-ed string after * its last use. */ #include #include #include #include "reveng.h" static bmp_t getwrd(const poly_t poly, unsigned long iter); static bmp_t rev(bmp_t accu, int bits); static void prhex(char **spp, bmp_t bits, int flags, int bperhx); static const poly_t pzero = PZERO; /* word number (0..m-1) of var'th bit (0..n-1) */ #if BMP_POF2 >= 5 # define IDX(var) ((var) >> BMP_POF2) #else # define IDX(var) ((var) / BMP_BIT) #endif /* size of polynomial with var bits */ #if BMP_POF2 >= 5 # define SIZE(var) ((BMP_BIT - 1UL + (var)) >> BMP_POF2) #else # define SIZE(var) ((BMP_BIT - 1UL + (var)) / BMP_BIT) #endif /* polynomial length rounded up to BMP_BIT */ #ifdef BMP_POF2 # define RNDUP(var) (~(BMP_BIT - 1UL) & (BMP_BIT - 1UL + (var))) #else # define RNDUP(var) ((BMP_BIT - (var) % BMP_BIT) % BMP_BIT + (var)) #endif /* bit offset (0..BMP_BIT-1, 0 = LSB) of var'th bit (0..n-1) */ #ifdef BMP_POF2 # define OFS(var) ((int) ((BMP_BIT - 1UL) & ~(var))) #else # define OFS(var) ((int) (BMP_BIT - 1UL - (var) % BMP_BIT)) #endif /* bit offset (0..BMP_BIT-1, 0 = MSB) of var'th bit (0..n-1) */ #ifdef BMP_POF2 # define LOFS(var) ((int) ((BMP_BIT - 1UL) & (var))) #else # define LOFS(var) ((int) ((var) % BMP_BIT)) #endif poly_t filtop(FILE *input, unsigned long length, int flags, int bperhx) { /* reads binary data from input into a poly_t until EOF or until * length bits are read. Characters are read until * ceil(bperhx / CHAR_BIT) bits are collected; if P_LTLBYT is * set in flags then the first character contains the LSB, * otherwise the last one does. The least significant bperhx * bits are taken, reflected (if P_REFIN) and appended to the * result, then more characters are read. The maximum number of * characters read is * floor(length / bperhx) * ceil(bperhx / * CHAR_BIT). * The returned poly_t is CLEAN. */ bmp_t accu = BMP_C(0); bmp_t mask = bperhx == BMP_BIT ? ~BMP_C(0) : (BMP_C(1) << bperhx) - BMP_C(1); unsigned long iter = 0UL, idx; int cmask = (1 << CHAR_BIT) - 1, c; int count = 0, ofs; poly_t poly = PZERO; if(bperhx == 0) return(poly); length -= length % bperhx; palloc(&poly, length); /* >= 0 */ while(iter < length && (c = fgetc(input)) != EOF) { if(flags & P_LTLBYT) accu |= (bmp_t) (c & cmask) << count; else accu = (accu << CHAR_BIT) | (bmp_t) (c & cmask); count += CHAR_BIT; if(count >= bperhx) { /* the low bperhx bits of accu contain bits of the poly.*/ iter += bperhx; count = 0; if(flags & P_REFIN) accu = rev(accu, bperhx); accu &= mask; /* iter >= bperhx > 0 */ idx = IDX(iter - 1UL); ofs = OFS(iter - 1UL); poly.bitmap[idx] |= accu << ofs; if(ofs + bperhx > BMP_BIT) { poly.bitmap[idx-1] |= accu >> (BMP_BIT - ofs); } accu = BMP_C(0); /* only needed for P_LTLBYT */ } } praloc(&poly, iter); return(poly); } poly_t strtop(const char *string, int flags, int bperhx) { /* Converts a hex or character string to a poly_t. * Each character is converted to a hex nibble yielding 4 bits * unless P_DIRECT, when each character yields CHAR_BIT bits. * Nibbles and characters are accumulated left-to-right * unless P_DIRECT && P_LTLBYT, when they are accumulated * right-to-left without reflection. * As soon as at least bperhx bits are accumulated, the * rightmost bperhx bits are reflected (if P_REFIN) * and appended to the poly. When !P_DIRECT: * bperhx=8 reads hex nibbles in pairs * bperhx=7 reads hex nibbles in pairs and discards * b3 of first nibble * bperhx=4 reads hex nibbles singly * bperhx=3 reads octal * bperhx=1 reads longhand binary * in theory if !P_REFIN, bperhx can be any multiple of 4 * with equal effect * The returned poly_t is CLEAN. */ /* make two passes, one to determine the poly size * one to populate the bitmap */ unsigned long length = 1UL, idx; bmp_t accu; bmp_t mask = bperhx == BMP_BIT ? ~BMP_C(0) : (BMP_C(1) << bperhx) - BMP_C(1); int pass, count, ofs; int cmask = (1 << CHAR_BIT) - 1 , c; const char *s; poly_t poly = PZERO; if(bperhx > BMP_BIT || bperhx <= 0 || string == NULL || *string == '\0') return(poly); if(~flags & P_DIRECT) { if(*string == '$' || *string == '&') ++string; else if(*string == '0' && (string[1] == 'x' || string[1] == 'X')) string += 2; } length = (*string != '\0'); for(pass=0; pass<2 && length > 0UL; ++pass) { s = string; length = 0UL; count = 0; accu = BMP_C(0); while((c = *s++)) { if(flags & P_DIRECT) { if(flags & P_LTLBYT) accu |= (bmp_t) (c & cmask) << count; else accu = (accu << CHAR_BIT) | (bmp_t) (c & cmask); count += CHAR_BIT; } else { if(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') continue; accu <<= 4; count += 4; switch(c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': accu |= (bmp_t) c - '0'; break; case 'A': case 'a': accu |= BMP_C(0xa); break; case 'B': case 'b': accu |= BMP_C(0xb); break; case 'C': case 'c': accu |= BMP_C(0xc); break; case 'D': case 'd': accu |= BMP_C(0xd); break; case 'E': case 'e': accu |= BMP_C(0xe); break; case 'F': case 'f': accu |= BMP_C(0xf); break; default: uerror("invalid character in hexadecimal argument"); } } if(count >= bperhx) { /* the low bperhx bits of accu contain bits of the poly. * in pass 0, increment length by bperhx. * in pass 1, put the low bits of accu into the bitmap. */ length += bperhx; count = 0; if(pass == 1) { if(flags & P_REFIN) accu = rev(accu, bperhx); accu &= mask; /* length >= bperhx > 0 */ idx = IDX(length - 1); ofs = OFS(length - 1); poly.bitmap[idx] |= accu << ofs; if(ofs + bperhx > BMP_BIT) poly.bitmap[idx-1] |= accu >> (BMP_BIT - ofs); accu = BMP_C(0); /* only needed for P_LTLBYT */ } } } if(pass == 0) palloc(&poly, length); } return(poly); } char * ptostr(const poly_t poly, int flags, int bperhx) { /* Returns a malloc()-ed string containing a hexadecimal * representation of poly. See phxsubs(). */ return(pxsubs(poly, flags, bperhx, 0UL, poly.length)); } char * pxsubs(const poly_t poly, int flags, int bperhx, unsigned long start, unsigned long end) { /* Returns a malloc()-ed string containing a hexadecimal * representation of a portion of poly, from bit offset start to * (end - 1) inclusive. The output is grouped into words of * bperhx bits each. If P_RTJUST then the first word is padded * with zeroes at the MSB end to make a whole number of words, * otherwise the last word is padded at the LSB end. After * justification the bperhx bits of each word are reversed (if * P_REFOUT) and printed as a hex sequence, with words * optionally separated by spaces (P_SPACE). * If end exceeds the length of poly then zero bits are appended * to make up the difference, in which case poly must be CLEAN. */ char *string, *sptr; unsigned long size, iter; bmp_t accu; bmp_t mask = bperhx == BMP_BIT ? ~BMP_C(0) : (BMP_C(1) << bperhx) - BMP_C(1); int cperhx, part; if(bperhx <= 0 || bperhx > BMP_BIT) return(NULL); if(start > poly.length) start = poly.length; if(end > poly.length) end = poly.length; if(end < start) end = start; cperhx = (bperhx + 3) >> 2; if(flags & P_SPACE) ++cperhx; size = (end - start + bperhx - 1UL) / bperhx; size *= cperhx; if(!size || ~flags & P_SPACE) ++size; /* for trailing null */ if(!(sptr = string = (char *) malloc(size))) uerror("cannot allocate memory for string"); size = end - start; part = (int) size % bperhx; if(part && flags & P_RTJUST) { iter = start + part; accu = getwrd(poly, iter - 1UL) & ((BMP_C(1) << part) - BMP_C(1)); if(flags & P_REFOUT) /* best to reverse over bperhx rather than part, I think * e.g. converting a 7-bit poly to 8-bit little-endian hex */ accu = rev(accu, bperhx); prhex(&sptr, accu, flags, bperhx); if(flags & P_SPACE && size > iter) *sptr++ = ' '; } else { iter = start; } while((iter+=bperhx) <= end) { accu = getwrd(poly, iter - 1UL) & mask; if(flags & P_REFOUT) accu = rev(accu, bperhx); prhex(&sptr, accu, flags, bperhx); if(flags & P_SPACE && size > iter) *sptr++ = ' '; } if(part && ~flags & P_RTJUST) { accu = getwrd(poly, end - 1UL); if(flags & P_REFOUT) accu = rev(accu, part); else accu = accu << (bperhx - part) & mask; prhex(&sptr, accu, flags, bperhx); } *sptr = '\0'; return(string); } poly_t pclone(const poly_t poly) { /* Returns a freestanding copy of poly. Does not clean poly or * the result. */ poly_t clone = PZERO; pcpy(&clone, poly); return(clone); } void pcpy(poly_t *dest, const poly_t src) { /* Assigns (copies) src into dest. Does not clean src or dest. */ unsigned long iter, idx; praloc(dest, src.length); for(iter=0UL, idx=0UL; iter < src.length; iter += BMP_BIT, ++idx) dest->bitmap[idx] = src.bitmap[idx]; } void pcanon(poly_t *poly) { /* Converts poly into a CLEAN object by freeing unused bitmap words * and clearing any bits in the last word beyond the last bit. * The length field has absolute priority over the contents of the bitmap. * Canonicalisation differs from normalisation in that leading and trailing * zero terms are significant and preserved. * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ praloc(poly, poly->length); } void pnorm(poly_t *poly) { /* Converts poly into a NORMALISED object by removing leading * and trailing zeroes, so that the polynomial starts and ends * with significant terms. * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ unsigned long first; /* call pcanon() here so pfirst() and plast() return the correct * results */ pcanon(poly); first = pfirst(*poly); if(first) pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, first, plast(*poly), 0UL); else praloc(poly, plast(*poly)); } void psnorm(poly_t *poly) { /* Converts poly into a SEMI-NORMALISED object by removing * trailing zeroes, so that the polynomial ends with a * significant term. * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ /* call pcanon() here so plast() returns the correct result */ pcanon(poly); praloc(poly, plast(*poly)); } void pchop(poly_t *poly) { /* Normalise poly, then chop off the highest significant term * (produces a SEMI-NORMALISED object). poly becomes a suitable * divisor for pcrc(). * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ /* call pcanon() here so pfirst() and plast() return correct * results */ pcanon(poly); pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, pfirst(*poly) + 1UL, plast(*poly), 0UL); } void pkchop(poly_t *poly) { /* Convert poly from Koopman notation to chopped form (produces * a SEMI-NORMALISED object). poly becomes a suitable divisor * for pcrc(). * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ unsigned long first; /* call pcanon() here so pfirst() returns the correct result */ pcanon(poly); first = pfirst(*poly); if(first >= poly->length) { pfree(poly); return; } pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, first + 1UL, poly->length, 1UL); piter(poly); } unsigned long plen(const poly_t poly) { /* Return length of polynomial. * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. */ return(poly.length); } int pcmp(const poly_t *a, const poly_t *b) { /* Compares poly_t objects for identical sizes and contents. * a and b must be CLEAN. * Defines a total order relation for sorting, etc. although * mathematically, polynomials of equal degree are no greater or * less than one another. */ unsigned long iter; bmp_t *aptr, *bptr; if(!a || !b) return(!b - !a); if(a->length < b->length) return(-1); if(a->length > b->length) return(1); aptr = a->bitmap; bptr = b->bitmap; if(aptr == bptr) return(0); for(iter=0UL; iter < a->length; iter += BMP_BIT) { if(*aptr < *bptr) return(-1); if(*aptr++ > *bptr++) return(1); } return(0); } int psncmp(const poly_t *a, const poly_t *b) { /* Compares polys for identical effect, i.e. as though the * shorter poly were padded with zeroes to the length of the * longer. * a and b must still be CLEAN, therefore psncmp() is *not* * identical to pcmp() on semi-normalised polys as psnorm() * clears the slack space. */ unsigned long length, iter, idx; bmp_t aword, bword; if(!a || !b) return(!b - !a); length = (a->length > b->length) ? a->length : b->length; for(iter = 0UL, idx = 0UL; iter < length; iter += BMP_BIT, ++idx) { aword = (iter < a->length) ? a->bitmap[idx] : BMP_C(0); bword = (iter < b->length) ? b->bitmap[idx] : BMP_C(0); if(aword < bword) return(-1); if(aword > bword) return(1); } return(0); } int ptst(const poly_t poly) { /* Tests whether a polynomial equals zero. Returns 0 if equal, * a nonzero value otherwise. * poly must be CLEAN. */ unsigned long iter; bmp_t *bptr; if(!poly.bitmap) return(0); for(iter = 0UL, bptr = poly.bitmap; iter < poly.length; iter += BMP_BIT) if(*bptr++) return(1); return(0); } unsigned long pfirst(const poly_t poly) { /* Returns the index of the first nonzero term in poly. If none * is found, returns the length of poly. * poly must be CLEAN. */ unsigned long idx = 0UL, size = SIZE(poly.length); bmp_t accu = BMP_C(0); /* initialiser for Acorn C */ unsigned int probe = BMP_SUB, ofs = 0; while(idx < size && !(accu = poly.bitmap[idx])) ++idx; if(idx >= size) return(poly.length); while(probe) { #ifndef BMP_POF2 while((ofs | probe) >= (unsigned int) BMP_BIT) probe >>= 1; #endif if(accu >> (ofs | probe)) ofs |= probe; probe >>= 1; } return(BMP_BIT - 1UL - ofs + idx * BMP_BIT); } unsigned long plast(const poly_t poly) { /* Returns 1 plus the index of the last nonzero term in poly. * If none is found, returns zero. * poly must be CLEAN. */ unsigned long idx, size = SIZE(poly.length); bmp_t accu; unsigned int probe = BMP_SUB, ofs = 0; if(!poly.length) return(0UL); idx = size - 1UL; while(idx && !(accu = poly.bitmap[idx])) --idx; if(!idx && !(accu = poly.bitmap[idx])) return(0UL); /* now accu == poly.bitmap[idx] and contains last significant term */ while(probe) { #ifndef BMP_POF2 while((ofs | probe) >= (unsigned int) BMP_BIT) probe >>= 1; #endif if(accu << (ofs | probe)) ofs |= probe; probe >>= 1; } return(idx * BMP_BIT + ofs + 1UL); } poly_t psubs(const poly_t src, unsigned long head, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, unsigned long tail) { poly_t dest = PZERO; pshift(&dest, src, head, start, end, tail); return(dest); } void pright(poly_t *poly, unsigned long length) { /* Trims or extends poly to length at the left edge, prepending * zeroes if necessary. Analogous to praloc() except the * rightmost terms of poly are preserved. * On entry, poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. * On exit, poly is CLEAN. */ if(length > poly->length) pshift(poly, *poly, length - poly->length, 0UL, poly->length, 0UL); else if(length < poly->length) pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, poly->length - length, poly->length, 0UL); else praloc(poly, poly->length); } void pshift(poly_t *dest, const poly_t src, unsigned long head, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, unsigned long tail) { /* copies bits start to end-1 of src to dest, plus the number of leading and trailing zeroes given by head and tail. * end may exceed the length of src in which case more zeroes are appended. * dest may point to src, in which case the poly is edited in place. * src must be CLEAN. * On exit, dest is CLEAN. */ unsigned long length, fulllength, size, fullsize, iter, idx, datidx; /* condition inputs; end, head and tail may be any value */ if(end < start) end = start; length = end - start + head; fulllength = length + tail; if(fulllength > src.length) praloc(dest, fulllength); else praloc(dest, src.length); /* number of words in new poly */ size = SIZE(length); fullsize = SIZE(fulllength); /* array index of first word ending up with source material */ datidx = IDX(head); if(head > start && end > start) { /* shifting right, size > 0 */ /* index of the source bit ending up in the LSB of the last word * size * BMP_BIT >= length > head > 0 */ iter = size * BMP_BIT - head - 1UL; for(idx = size - 1UL; idx > datidx; iter -= BMP_BIT, --idx) dest->bitmap[idx] = getwrd(src, iter); dest->bitmap[idx] = getwrd(src, iter); /* iter == size * BMP_BIT - head - 1 - BMP_BIT * (size - 1 - datidx) * == BMP_BIT * (size - size + 1 + datidx) - head - 1 * == BMP_BIT * (1 + head / BMP_BIT) - head - 1 * == BMP_BIT + head - head % BMP_BIT - head - 1 * == BMP_BIT - head % BMP_BIT - 1 * >= 0 */ } else if(head <= start) { /* shifting left or copying */ /* index of the source bit ending up in the LSB of bitmap[idx] */ iter = start - head + BMP_BIT - 1UL; for(idx = datidx; idx < size; iter += BMP_BIT, ++idx) dest->bitmap[idx] = getwrd(src, iter); } /* clear head */ for(idx = 0UL; idx < datidx; ++idx) dest->bitmap[idx] = BMP_C(0); if(size) dest->bitmap[datidx] &= ~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(head); /* clear tail */ if(LOFS(length)) dest->bitmap[size - 1UL] &= ~(~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(length)); for(idx = size; idx < fullsize; ++idx) dest->bitmap[idx] = BMP_C(0); /* call praloc to shrink poly if required */ if(dest->length > fulllength) praloc(dest, fulllength); } void ppaste(poly_t *dest, const poly_t src, unsigned long skip, unsigned long seek, unsigned long end, unsigned long fulllength) { /* pastes terms of src, starting from skip, to positions seek to end-1 of dest * then sets length of dest to fulllength (>= end) * to paste n terms of src, give end = seek + n * to truncate dest at end of paste, set fulllength = end * to avoid truncating, set fulllength = plen(*dest) * dest may point to src, in which case the poly is edited in place. * src must be CLEAN in the case that the end is overrun. * On exit, dest is CLEAN. */ bmp_t mask; unsigned long seekidx, endidx, iter; int seekofs; if(end < seek) end = seek; if(fulllength < end) fulllength = end; /* expand dest if necessary. don't shrink as dest may be src */ if(fulllength > dest->length) praloc(dest, fulllength); seekidx = IDX(seek); endidx = IDX(end); seekofs = OFS(seek); /* index of the source bit ending up in the LSB of the first modified word */ iter = skip + seekofs; if(seekidx == endidx) { /* paste affects one word (traps end = seek case) */ mask = ((BMP_C(1) << seekofs) - (BMP_C(1) << OFS(end))) << 1; dest->bitmap[seekidx] = (dest->bitmap[seekidx] & ~mask) | (getwrd(src, iter) & mask); } else if(seek > skip) { /* shifting right */ /* index of the source bit ending up in the LSB of the last modified word */ iter += (endidx - seekidx) * BMP_BIT; mask = ~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(end); dest->bitmap[endidx] = (dest->bitmap[endidx] & mask) | (getwrd(src, iter) & ~mask); for(iter -= BMP_BIT, --endidx; endidx > seekidx; iter -= BMP_BIT, --endidx) dest->bitmap[endidx] = getwrd(src, iter); mask = ~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(seek); dest->bitmap[endidx] = (dest->bitmap[endidx] & ~mask) | (getwrd(src, iter) & mask); /* iter == skip + seekofs + (endidx - seekidx) * BMP_BIT - BMP_BIT * (endidx - seekidx) * == skip + seekofs + BMP_BIT * (endidx - seekidx - endidx + seekidx) * == skip + seekofs * >= 0 */ } else { /* shifting left or copying */ mask = ~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(seek); dest->bitmap[seekidx] = (dest->bitmap[seekidx] & ~mask) | (getwrd(src, iter) & mask); for(iter += BMP_BIT, ++seekidx; seekidx < endidx; iter += BMP_BIT, ++seekidx) dest->bitmap[seekidx] = getwrd(src, iter); mask = ~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(end); dest->bitmap[seekidx] = (dest->bitmap[seekidx] & mask) | (getwrd(src, iter) & ~mask); } /* shrink poly if required */ if(dest->length > fulllength) praloc(dest, fulllength); } void pdiff(poly_t *dest, const poly_t src, unsigned long ofs) { /* Subtract src from dest (modulo 2) at offset ofs. * In modulo 2 arithmetic, subtraction is equivalent to addition * We include an alias for those who wish to retain the distinction * src and dest must be CLEAN. */ psum(dest, src, ofs); } void psum(poly_t *dest, const poly_t src, unsigned long ofs) { /* Adds src to dest (modulo 2) at offset ofs. * When ofs == dest->length, catenates src on to dest. * src and dest must be CLEAN. */ unsigned long fulllength, idx, iter, end; fulllength = ofs + src.length; if(fulllength > dest->length) praloc(dest, fulllength); /* array index of first word in dest to be modified */ idx = IDX(ofs); /* index of bit in src to be added to LSB of dest->bitmap[idx] */ iter = OFS(ofs); /* stop value for iter */ end = BMP_BIT - 1UL + src.length; for(; iter < end; iter += BMP_BIT, ++idx) dest->bitmap[idx] ^= getwrd(src, iter); } void prev(poly_t *poly) { /* Reverse or reciprocate a polynomial. * On exit, poly is CLEAN. */ unsigned long leftidx = 0UL, rightidx = SIZE(poly->length); unsigned long ofs = LOFS(BMP_BIT - LOFS(poly->length)); unsigned long fulllength = poly->length + ofs; bmp_t accu; if(ofs) { /* removable optimisation */ if(poly->length < (unsigned long) BMP_BIT) { *poly->bitmap = rev(*poly->bitmap >> ofs, (int) poly->length) << ofs; return; } } /* claim remaining bits of last word (as we use public function pshift()) */ poly->length = fulllength; /* reverse and swap words in the array, leaving it right-justified */ while(leftidx < rightidx) { /* rightidx > 0 */ accu = rev(poly->bitmap[--rightidx], BMP_BIT); poly->bitmap[rightidx] = rev(poly->bitmap[leftidx], BMP_BIT); poly->bitmap[leftidx++] = accu; } /* shift polynomial to left edge if required */ if(ofs) pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, ofs, fulllength, 0UL); } void prevch(poly_t *poly, int bperhx) { /* Reverse each group of bperhx bits in a polynomial. * Does not clean poly. */ unsigned long iter = 0, idx, ofs; bmp_t mask, accu; if(bperhx < 2 || bperhx > BMP_BIT) return; if(poly->length % bperhx) praloc(poly, bperhx - (poly->length % bperhx) + poly->length); mask = ~BMP_C(0) >> (BMP_BIT - bperhx); for(iter = (unsigned long) (bperhx - 1); iter < poly->length; iter += bperhx) { accu = getwrd(*poly, iter) & mask; accu ^= rev(accu, bperhx); idx = IDX(iter); ofs = OFS(iter); poly->bitmap[idx] ^= accu << ofs; if(ofs + bperhx > (unsigned int) BMP_BIT) /* (BMP_BIT - 1UL - (iter) % BMP_BIT) + bperhx > BMP_BIT * (-1UL - (iter) % BMP_BIT) + bperhx > 0 * (- (iter % BMP_BIT)) + bperhx > 1 * - (iter % BMP_BIT) > 1 - bperhx * iter % BMP_BIT < bperhx - 1, iter >= bperhx - 1 * iter >= BMP_BIT * idx >= 1 */ poly->bitmap[idx-1] ^= accu >> (BMP_BIT - ofs); } } void prcp(poly_t *poly) { /* Reciprocate a chopped polynomial. Use prev() on whole * polynomials. * On exit, poly is SEMI-NORMALISED. */ unsigned long first; praloc(poly, RNDUP(poly->length)); prev(poly); first = pfirst(*poly); if(first >= poly->length) { pfree(poly); return; } pshift(poly, *poly, 0UL, first + 1UL, poly->length, 1UL); piter(poly); } void pinv(poly_t *poly) { /* Invert a polynomial, i.e. add 1 (modulo 2) to the coefficient of each term * on exit, poly is CLEAN. */ unsigned long idx, size = SIZE(poly->length); for(idx = 0UL; idxbitmap[idx] = ~poly->bitmap[idx]; if(LOFS(poly->length)) poly->bitmap[size - 1UL] &= ~(~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(poly->length)); } poly_t pmod(const poly_t dividend, const poly_t divisor) { /* Divide dividend by normalised divisor and return the remainder * This function generates a temporary 'chopped' divisor for pcrc() * If calling repeatedly with a constant divisor, produce a chopped copy * with pchop() and call pcrc() directly for higher efficiency. * dividend and divisor must be CLEAN. */ /* perhaps generate an error if divisor is zero */ poly_t subdivisor = psubs(divisor, 0UL, pfirst(divisor) + 1UL, plast(divisor), 0UL); poly_t result = pcrc(dividend, subdivisor, pzero, pzero, 0); pfree(&subdivisor); return(result); } poly_t pcrc(const poly_t message, const poly_t divisor, const poly_t init, const poly_t xorout, int flags) { /* Divide message by divisor and return the remainder. * init is added to divisor, highest terms aligned, before * division. * xorout is added to the remainder, highest terms aligned. * If P_MULXN is set in flags, message is multiplied by x^n * (i.e. trailing zeroes equal to the CRC width are appended) * before adding init and division. Set P_MULXN for most CRC * calculations. * All inputs must be CLEAN. * If all inputs are CLEAN, the returned poly_t will be CLEAN. */ unsigned long max = 0UL, iter, ofs, resiter; bmp_t probe, rem, dvsr, *rptr, *sptr; const bmp_t *bptr, *eptr; poly_t result = PZERO; if(flags & P_MULXN) max = message.length; else if(message.length > divisor.length) max = message.length - divisor.length; bptr=message.bitmap; eptr=message.bitmap+SIZE(message.length); probe=~(~BMP_C(0) >> 1); if(divisor.length <= (unsigned long) BMP_BIT && init.length <= (unsigned long) BMP_BIT) { rem = init.length ? *init.bitmap : BMP_C(0); dvsr = divisor.length ? *divisor.bitmap : BMP_C(0); for(iter = 0UL, ofs = 0UL; iter < max; ++iter, --ofs) { if(!ofs) { ofs = BMP_BIT; rem ^= *bptr++; } if(rem & probe) rem = (rem << 1) ^ dvsr; else rem <<= 1; } if(bptr < eptr) /* max < message.length */ rem ^= *bptr >> OFS(BMP_BIT - 1UL + max); if(init.length > max && init.length - max > divisor.length) { palloc(&result, init.length - max); *result.bitmap = rem; } else if(divisor.length) { palloc(&result, divisor.length); *result.bitmap = rem; } } else { /* allocate maximum size plus one word for shifted divisors and one word containing zero. * This also ensures that result[1] exists */ palloc(&result, (init.length > divisor.length ? init.length : divisor.length) + (unsigned long) (BMP_BIT << 1)); /*if there is content in init, there will be an extra word in result to clear it */ psum(&result, init, 0UL); if(max) *result.bitmap ^= *bptr++; for(iter = 0UL, ofs = 0UL; iter < max; ++iter, probe >>= 1) { if(!probe) { probe = ~(~BMP_C(0) >> 1); ofs = 0UL; sptr = rptr = result.bitmap; ++sptr; /* iter < max <= message.length, so bptr is valid * shift result one word to the left, splicing in a message word * and clearing the last active word */ *rptr++ = *sptr++ ^ *bptr++; for(resiter = (unsigned long) (BMP_BIT << 1); resiter < result.length; resiter += BMP_BIT) *rptr++ = *sptr++; } ++ofs; if(*result.bitmap & probe) psum(&result, divisor, ofs); } rptr = result.bitmap; ++rptr; while(bptr < eptr) *rptr++ ^= *bptr++; /* 0 <= ofs <= BMP_BIT, location of the first bit of the result */ pshift(&result, result, 0UL, ofs, (init.length > max + divisor.length ? init.length - max - divisor.length : 0UL) + divisor.length + ofs, 0UL); } psum(&result, xorout, 0UL); return(result); } int piter(poly_t *poly) { /* Replace poly with the 'next' polynomial of equal length. * Returns zero if the next polynomial is all zeroes, a nonzero * value otherwise. * Does not clean poly. */ bmp_t *bptr; if(!poly->length) return(0); bptr = poly->bitmap + IDX(poly->length - 1UL); *bptr += BMP_C(1) << OFS(poly->length - 1UL); while(bptr != poly->bitmap && !*bptr) ++(*--bptr); return(*bptr != BMP_C(0)); } void palloc(poly_t *poly, unsigned long length) { /* Replaces poly with a CLEAN object of the specified length, * consisting of all zeroes. * It is safe to call with length = 0, in which case the object * is freed. * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. * On exit, poly is CLEAN. */ unsigned long size = SIZE(length); poly->length = 0UL; free(poly->bitmap); poly->bitmap = NULL; if(!length) return; if(!size) size = IDX(length) + 1UL; poly->bitmap = (bmp_t *) calloc(size, sizeof(bmp_t)); if(poly->bitmap) { poly->length = length; } else uerror("cannot allocate memory for poly"); } void pfree(poly_t *poly) { /* Frees poly's bitmap storage and sets poly equal to the empty * polynomial (PZERO). * poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. * On exit, poly is CLEAN. */ /* palloc(poly, 0UL); */ poly->length = 0UL; free(poly->bitmap); poly->bitmap = NULL; } void praloc(poly_t *poly, unsigned long length) { /* Trims or extends poly to length at the right edge, appending * zeroes if necessary. * On entry, poly may or may not be WELL-FORMED. * On exit, poly is CLEAN. */ unsigned long oldsize, size = SIZE(length); if(!poly) return; if(!length) { poly->length = 0UL; free(poly->bitmap); poly->bitmap = NULL; return; } if(!size) size = IDX(length) + 1UL; if(!poly->bitmap) poly->length = 0UL; oldsize = SIZE(poly->length); if(oldsize != size) /* reallocate if array pointer is null or array resized */ poly->bitmap = (bmp_t *) realloc((void *)poly->bitmap, size * sizeof(bmp_t)); if(poly->bitmap) { if(poly->length < length) { /* poly->length >= 0, length > 0, size > 0. * poly expanded. clear old last word and all new words */ if(LOFS(poly->length)) poly->bitmap[oldsize - 1UL] &= ~(~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(poly->length)); while(oldsize < size) poly->bitmap[oldsize++] = BMP_C(0); } else if(LOFS(length)) /* poly->length >= length > 0. * poly shrunk. clear new last word */ poly->bitmap[size - 1UL] &= ~(~BMP_C(0) >> LOFS(length)); poly->length = length; } else uerror("cannot reallocate memory for poly"); } int pmpar(const poly_t poly, const poly_t mask) { /* Return even parity of poly masked with mask. * Poly and mask must be CLEAN. */ bmp_t res = BMP_C(0); int i = BMP_SUB; const bmp_t *pptr = poly.bitmap, *mptr = mask.bitmap; const bmp_t *const pend = poly.bitmap + SIZE(poly.length); const bmp_t *const mend = mask.bitmap + SIZE(mask.length); while(pptr < pend && mptr < mend) res ^= *pptr++ & *mptr++; do res ^= res >> i; while(i >>= 1); return((int) (res & BMP_C(1))); } int pident(const poly_t a, const poly_t b) { /* Return nonzero if a and b have the same length * and point to the same bitmap. * a and b need not be CLEAN. */ return(a.length == b.length && a.bitmap == b.bitmap); } /* Private functions */ static bmp_t getwrd(const poly_t poly, unsigned long iter) { /* Fetch unaligned word from poly where LSB of result is * bit iter of the bitmap (counting from zero). If iter exceeds * the length of poly then zeroes are appended as necessary. * Factored from ptostr(). * poly must be CLEAN. */ bmp_t accu = BMP_C(0); unsigned long idx, size; int ofs; idx = IDX(iter); ofs = OFS(iter); size = SIZE(poly.length); if(idx < size) accu |= poly.bitmap[idx] >> ofs; if(idx && idx <= size && ofs > 0) accu |= poly.bitmap[idx - 1UL] << (BMP_BIT - ofs); return(accu); } static bmp_t rev(bmp_t accu, int bits) { /* Returns the bitmap word argument with the given number of * least significant bits reversed and the rest cleared. */ static const unsigned char revtab[256] = { 0x00,0x80,0x40,0xc0,0x20,0xa0,0x60,0xe0, 0x10,0x90,0x50,0xd0,0x30,0xb0,0x70,0xf0, 0x08,0x88,0x48,0xc8,0x28,0xa8,0x68,0xe8, 0x18,0x98,0x58,0xd8,0x38,0xb8,0x78,0xf8, 0x04,0x84,0x44,0xc4,0x24,0xa4,0x64,0xe4, 0x14,0x94,0x54,0xd4,0x34,0xb4,0x74,0xf4, 0x0c,0x8c,0x4c,0xcc,0x2c,0xac,0x6c,0xec, 0x1c,0x9c,0x5c,0xdc,0x3c,0xbc,0x7c,0xfc, 0x02,0x82,0x42,0xc2,0x22,0xa2,0x62,0xe2, 0x12,0x92,0x52,0xd2,0x32,0xb2,0x72,0xf2, 0x0a,0x8a,0x4a,0xca,0x2a,0xaa,0x6a,0xea, 0x1a,0x9a,0x5a,0xda,0x3a,0xba,0x7a,0xfa, 0x06,0x86,0x46,0xc6,0x26,0xa6,0x66,0xe6, 0x16,0x96,0x56,0xd6,0x36,0xb6,0x76,0xf6, 0x0e,0x8e,0x4e,0xce,0x2e,0xae,0x6e,0xee, 0x1e,0x9e,0x5e,0xde,0x3e,0xbe,0x7e,0xfe, 0x01,0x81,0x41,0xc1,0x21,0xa1,0x61,0xe1, 0x11,0x91,0x51,0xd1,0x31,0xb1,0x71,0xf1, 0x09,0x89,0x49,0xc9,0x29,0xa9,0x69,0xe9, 0x19,0x99,0x59,0xd9,0x39,0xb9,0x79,0xf9, 0x05,0x85,0x45,0xc5,0x25,0xa5,0x65,0xe5, 0x15,0x95,0x55,0xd5,0x35,0xb5,0x75,0xf5, 0x0d,0x8d,0x4d,0xcd,0x2d,0xad,0x6d,0xed, 0x1d,0x9d,0x5d,0xdd,0x3d,0xbd,0x7d,0xfd, 0x03,0x83,0x43,0xc3,0x23,0xa3,0x63,0xe3, 0x13,0x93,0x53,0xd3,0x33,0xb3,0x73,0xf3, 0x0b,0x8b,0x4b,0xcb,0x2b,0xab,0x6b,0xeb, 0x1b,0x9b,0x5b,0xdb,0x3b,0xbb,0x7b,0xfb, 0x07,0x87,0x47,0xc7,0x27,0xa7,0x67,0xe7, 0x17,0x97,0x57,0xd7,0x37,0xb7,0x77,0xf7, 0x0f,0x8f,0x4f,0xcf,0x2f,0xaf,0x6f,0xef, 0x1f,0x9f,0x5f,0xdf,0x3f,0xbf,0x7f,0xff }; bmp_t result = BMP_C(0); while(bits > 8) { bits -= 8; result = result << 8 | revtab[accu & 0xff]; accu >>= 8; } result = result << bits | (bmp_t) (revtab[accu & 0xff] >> (8 - bits)); return(result); } static void prhex(char **spp, bmp_t bits, int flags, int bperhx) { /* Appends a hexadecimal string representing the bperhx least * significant bits of bits to an external string. * spp points to a character pointer that in turn points to the * end of a hex string being built. prhex() advances this * second pointer by the number of characters written. * The unused MSBs of bits MUST be cleared. * Set P_UPPER in flags to write A-F in uppercase. */ static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF"; const int upper = (flags & P_UPPER ? 0x10 : 0); while(bperhx > 0) { bperhx -= ((bperhx + 3) & 3) + 1; *(*spp)++ = hex[(bits >> bperhx & BMP_C(0xf)) | upper]; } }