/* * Generic uart / rs232/ serial port library * * Copyright (c) 2013, Roel Verdult * Copyright (c) 2018 Google * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file uart_posix.c * * This version of the library has functionality removed which was not used by * proxmark3 project. */ // Test if we are dealing with posix operating systems #ifndef _WIN32 #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "uart.h" #include <termios.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> typedef struct termios term_info; typedef struct { int fd; // Serial port file descriptor term_info tiOld; // Terminal info before using the port term_info tiNew; // Terminal info during the transaction } serial_port_unix; // Set time-out on 30 miliseconds const struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec = 0, // 0 second .tv_usec = 300000 // 300 000 micro seconds }; serial_port uart_open(const char* pcPortName) { serial_port_unix* sp = malloc(sizeof(serial_port_unix)); if (sp == 0) return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; if (memcmp(pcPortName, "tcp:", 4) == 0) { struct addrinfo *addr, *rp; char *addrstr = strdup(pcPortName + 4); if (addrstr == NULL) { printf("Error: strdup\n"); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } char *colon = strrchr(addrstr, ':'); char *portstr; if (colon) { portstr = colon + 1; *colon = '\0'; } else { portstr = "7901"; } int s = getaddrinfo(addrstr, portstr, NULL, &addr); if (s != 0) { printf("Error: getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(s)); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } int sfd; for (rp = addr; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { sfd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); if (sfd == -1) continue; if (connect(sfd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) break; close(sfd); } if (rp == NULL) { /* No address succeeded */ printf("Error: Could not connect\n"); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } freeaddrinfo(addr); free(addrstr); sp->fd = sfd; int one = 1; setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one)); return sp; } sp->fd = open(pcPortName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK); if(sp->fd == -1) { uart_close(sp); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } // Finally figured out a way to claim a serial port interface under unix // We just try to set a (advisory) lock on the file descriptor struct flock fl; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; fl.l_pid = getpid(); // Does the system allows us to place a lock on this file descriptor if (fcntl(sp->fd, F_SETLK, &fl) == -1) { // A conflicting lock is held by another process free(sp); return CLAIMED_SERIAL_PORT; } // Try to retrieve the old (current) terminal info struct if(tcgetattr(sp->fd,&sp->tiOld) == -1) { uart_close(sp); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } // Duplicate the (old) terminal info struct sp->tiNew = sp->tiOld; // Configure the serial port sp->tiNew.c_cflag = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; sp->tiNew.c_iflag = IGNPAR; sp->tiNew.c_oflag = 0; sp->tiNew.c_lflag = 0; // Block until n bytes are received sp->tiNew.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // Block until a timer expires (n * 100 mSec.) sp->tiNew.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // Try to set the new terminal info struct if(tcsetattr(sp->fd, TCSANOW, &sp->tiNew) == -1) { uart_close(sp); return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT; } // Flush all lingering data that may exist tcflush(sp->fd, TCIOFLUSH); #ifdef WITH_FPC if ( uart_set_speed(sp, 115200) ) { printf("[=] UART Setting serial baudrate 115200 [FPC enabled]\n"); } else { uart_set_speed(sp, 9600); printf("[=] UART Setting serial baudrate 9600 [FPC enabled]\n"); } #else // set speed, works for UBUNTU 14.04 bool success = uart_set_speed(sp, 460800); if (success) { printf("[=] UART Setting serial baudrate 460800\n"); } else { uart_set_speed(sp, 115200); printf("[=] UART Setting serial baudrate 115200\n"); } #endif return sp; } void uart_close(const serial_port sp) { serial_port_unix* spu = (serial_port_unix*)sp; tcflush(spu->fd, TCIOFLUSH); tcsetattr(spu->fd, TCSANOW, &(spu->tiOld)); struct flock fl; fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; fl.l_pid = getpid(); // Does the system allows us to place a lock on this file descriptor int err = fcntl(spu->fd, F_SETLK, &fl); if ( err == -1) { //perror("fcntl"); } close(spu->fd); free(sp); } bool uart_receive(const serial_port sp, uint8_t* pbtRx, size_t pszMaxRxLen, size_t* pszRxLen) { int res; int byteCount; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; // Reset the output count *pszRxLen = 0; do { // Reset file descriptor FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd, &rfds); tv = timeout; res = select(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); // Read error if (res < 0) { return false; } // Read time-out if (res == 0) { if (*pszRxLen == 0) { // Error, we received no data return false; } else { // We received some data, but nothing more is available return true; } } // Retrieve the count of the incoming bytes res = ioctl(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd, FIONREAD, &byteCount); if (res < 0) return false; // Cap the number of bytes, so we don't overrun the buffer if (pszMaxRxLen - (*pszRxLen) < byteCount) { byteCount = pszMaxRxLen - (*pszRxLen); } // There is something available, read the data res = read(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd, pbtRx + (*pszRxLen), byteCount); // Stop if the OS has some troubles reading the data if (res <= 0) return false; *pszRxLen += res; if (*pszRxLen == pszMaxRxLen) { // We have all the data we wanted. return true; } } while (byteCount); return true; } bool uart_send(const serial_port sp, const uint8_t* pbtTx, const size_t len) { int32_t res; size_t pos = 0; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; while (pos < len) { // Reset file descriptor FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd, &rfds); tv = timeout; res = select(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd+1, NULL, &rfds, NULL, &tv); // Write error if (res < 0) { printf("UART:: write error (%d)\n", res); return false; } // Write time-out if (res == 0) { printf("UART:: write time-out\n"); return false; } // Send away the bytes res = write(((serial_port_unix*)sp)->fd, pbtTx + pos, len - pos); // Stop if the OS has some troubles sending the data if (res <= 0) return false; pos += res; } return true; } bool uart_set_speed(serial_port sp, const uint32_t uiPortSpeed) { const serial_port_unix* spu = (serial_port_unix*)sp; speed_t stPortSpeed; switch (uiPortSpeed) { case 0: stPortSpeed = B0; break; case 50: stPortSpeed = B50; break; case 75: stPortSpeed = B75; break; case 110: stPortSpeed = B110; break; case 134: stPortSpeed = B134; break; case 150: stPortSpeed = B150; break; case 300: stPortSpeed = B300; break; case 600: stPortSpeed = B600; break; case 1200: stPortSpeed = B1200; break; case 1800: stPortSpeed = B1800; break; case 2400: stPortSpeed = B2400; break; case 4800: stPortSpeed = B4800; break; case 9600: stPortSpeed = B9600; break; case 19200: stPortSpeed = B19200; break; case 38400: stPortSpeed = B38400; break; # ifdef B57600 case 57600: stPortSpeed = B57600; break; # endif # ifdef B115200 case 115200: stPortSpeed = B115200; break; # endif # ifdef B230400 case 230400: stPortSpeed = B230400; break; # endif # ifdef B460800 case 460800: stPortSpeed = B460800; break; # endif # ifdef B921600 case 921600: stPortSpeed = B921600; break; # endif default: return false; }; struct termios ti; if (tcgetattr(spu->fd,&ti) == -1) return false; // Set port speed (Input and Output) cfsetispeed(&ti, stPortSpeed); cfsetospeed(&ti, stPortSpeed); return (tcsetattr(spu->fd, TCSANOW, &ti) != -1); } uint32_t uart_get_speed(const serial_port sp) { struct termios ti; uint32_t uiPortSpeed; const serial_port_unix* spu = (serial_port_unix*)sp; if (tcgetattr(spu->fd, &ti) == -1) return 0; // Set port speed (Input) speed_t stPortSpeed = cfgetispeed(&ti); switch (stPortSpeed) { case B0: uiPortSpeed = 0; break; case B50: uiPortSpeed = 50; break; case B75: uiPortSpeed = 75; break; case B110: uiPortSpeed = 110; break; case B134: uiPortSpeed = 134; break; case B150: uiPortSpeed = 150; break; case B300: uiPortSpeed = 300; break; case B600: uiPortSpeed = 600; break; case B1200: uiPortSpeed = 1200; break; case B1800: uiPortSpeed = 1800; break; case B2400: uiPortSpeed = 2400; break; case B4800: uiPortSpeed = 4800; break; case B9600: uiPortSpeed = 9600; break; case B19200: uiPortSpeed = 19200; break; case B38400: uiPortSpeed = 38400; break; # ifdef B57600 case B57600: uiPortSpeed = 57600; break; # endif # ifdef B115200 case B115200: uiPortSpeed = 115200; break; # endif # ifdef B230400 case B230400: uiPortSpeed = 230400; break; # endif # ifdef B460800 case B460800: uiPortSpeed = 460800; break; # endif # ifdef B921600 case B921600: uiPortSpeed = 921600; break; # endif default: return 0; }; return uiPortSpeed; } #endif