/* * libopenemv - a library to work with EMV family of smart cards * Copyright (C) 2012, 2015 Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* For asprintf */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include "emv_pk.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "proxmark3.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #define BCD(c) (((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') ? ((c) - '0') : \ -1) #define HEX(c) (((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') ? ((c) - '0') : \ ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F') ? ((c) - 'A' + 10) : \ ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') ? ((c) - 'a' + 10) : \ -1) #define TOHEX(v) ((v) < 10 ? (v) + '0' : (v) - 10 + 'a') static ssize_t emv_pk_read_bin(char *buf, unsigned char *bin, size_t size, size_t *read) { if (buf == NULL) return 0; size_t left = size; char *p = buf; while (*p == ' ') p++; while (left > 0) { int c1, c2; c1 = HEX(*p); if (c1 == -1) return -(p - buf); p++; c2 = HEX(*p); if (c2 == -1) return -(p - buf); p++; *bin = (c1 * 16 + c2); bin ++; left --; if (*p == ':') p++; else if (read) { *read = (size - left); break; } else if (left == 0) break; else return -(p - buf); } while (*p == ' ') p++; p--; return (p - buf); } static ssize_t emv_pk_read_ymv(char *buf, unsigned *ymv) { if (buf == NULL) return 0; int i; unsigned char temp[3]; char *p = buf; *ymv = 0; while (*p == ' ') p++; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int c1, c2; c1 = BCD(*p); if (c1 == -1) return -(p - buf); p++; c2 = BCD(*p); if (c2 == -1) return -(p - buf); p++; temp[i] = (c1 * 16 + c2); } while (*p == ' ') p++; p--; if (temp[1] > 0x12 || temp[2] > 0x31) return -(p - buf); *ymv = (temp[0] * 0x10000 + temp[1] * 0x100 + temp[2]); return (p - buf); } static ssize_t emv_pk_read_string(char *buf, char *str, size_t size) { if (buf == NULL) return 0; char *p = buf; while (*p == ' ') p++; while (size > 1) { if (*p == ' ') break; else if (*p < 0x20 || *p >= 0x7f) return -(p - buf); *str = *p; p++; str ++; size --; } *str = 0; while (*p == ' ') p++; p--; return (p - buf); } struct emv_pk *emv_pk_parse_pk(char *buf) { struct emv_pk *r = calloc(1, sizeof(*r)); ssize_t l; char temp[10]; l = emv_pk_read_bin(buf, r->rid, 5, NULL); if (l <= 0) goto out; buf += l; l = emv_pk_read_bin(buf, &r->index, 1, NULL); if (l <= 0) goto out; buf += l; l = emv_pk_read_ymv(buf, &r->expire); if (l <= 0) goto out; buf += l; l = emv_pk_read_string(buf, temp, sizeof(temp)); if (l <= 0) goto out; buf += l; if (!strcmp(temp, "rsa")) r->pk_algo = PK_RSA; else goto out; l = emv_pk_read_bin(buf, r->exp, sizeof(r->exp), &r->elen); if (l <= 0) goto out; buf += l; r->modulus = malloc(2048 / 8); l = emv_pk_read_bin(buf, r->modulus, 2048 / 8, &r->mlen); if (l <= 0) goto out2; buf += l; l = emv_pk_read_string(buf, temp, sizeof(temp)); if (l <= 0) goto out2; buf += l; if (!strcmp(temp, "sha1")) r->hash_algo = HASH_SHA_1; else goto out2; l = emv_pk_read_bin(buf, r->hash, 20, NULL); if (l <= 0) goto out2; return r; out2: free(r->modulus); out: free(r); return NULL; } static size_t emv_pk_write_bin(char *out, size_t outlen, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; size_t pos = 0; if (len == 0) return 0; if (outlen < len * 3) return 0; out[pos++] = TOHEX(buf[0] >> 4); out[pos++] = TOHEX(buf[0] & 0xf); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { out[pos++] = ':'; out[pos++] = TOHEX(buf[i] >> 4); out[pos++] = TOHEX(buf[i] & 0xf); } out[pos++] = ' '; return pos; } static size_t emv_pk_write_str(char *out, size_t outlen, const char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str); if (len == 0) return 0; if (outlen < len) return 0; memcpy(out, str, len); return len; } char *emv_pk_dump_pk(const struct emv_pk *pk) { size_t outsize = 1024; /* should be enough */ char *out = malloc(outsize); /* should be enough */ size_t outpos = 0; size_t rc; if (!out) return NULL; rc = emv_pk_write_bin(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, pk->rid, 5); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; rc = emv_pk_write_bin(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, &pk->index, 1); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; if (outpos + 7 > outsize) goto err; out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 20) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 16) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 12) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 8) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 4) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = TOHEX((pk->expire >> 0) & 0xf); out[outpos++] = ' '; if (pk->pk_algo == PK_RSA) { rc = emv_pk_write_str(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, "rsa"); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; out[outpos++] = ' '; } else { if (outpos + 4 > outsize) goto err; out[outpos++] = '?'; out[outpos++] = '?'; out[outpos++] = TOHEX(pk->pk_algo >> 4); out[outpos++] = TOHEX(pk->pk_algo & 0xf); } rc = emv_pk_write_bin(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, pk->exp, pk->elen); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; rc = emv_pk_write_bin(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, pk->modulus, pk->mlen); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; if (pk->hash_algo == HASH_SHA_1) { rc = emv_pk_write_str(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, "sha1"); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; out[outpos++] = ' '; } else { if (outpos + 4 > outsize) goto err; out[outpos++] = '?'; out[outpos++] = '?'; out[outpos++] = TOHEX(pk->pk_algo >> 4); out[outpos++] = TOHEX(pk->pk_algo & 0xf); } rc = emv_pk_write_bin(out + outpos, outsize - outpos, pk->hash, 20); if (rc == 0) goto err; outpos += rc; out[outpos - 1] = '\0'; return out; err: free(out); return NULL; } bool emv_pk_verify(const struct emv_pk *pk) { struct crypto_hash *ch = crypto_hash_open(pk->hash_algo); if (!ch) return false; crypto_hash_write(ch, pk->rid, sizeof(pk->rid)); crypto_hash_write(ch, &pk->index, 1); crypto_hash_write(ch, pk->modulus, pk->mlen); crypto_hash_write(ch, pk->exp, pk->elen); unsigned char *h = crypto_hash_read(ch); if (!h) { crypto_hash_close(ch); return false; } size_t hsize = crypto_hash_get_size(ch); bool r = hsize && !memcmp(h, pk->hash, hsize) ? true : false; crypto_hash_close(ch); return r; } struct emv_pk *emv_pk_new(size_t modlen, size_t explen) { struct emv_pk *pk; /* Not supported ATM */ if (explen > 3) return NULL; pk = calloc(1, sizeof(*pk)); if (!pk) return NULL; pk->mlen = modlen; pk->elen = explen; pk->modulus = calloc(modlen, 1); if (!pk->modulus) { free(pk); pk = NULL; } return pk; } void emv_pk_free(struct emv_pk *pk) { if (!pk) return; free(pk->modulus); free(pk); } static struct emv_pk *emv_pk_get_ca_pk_from_file(const char *fname, const unsigned char *rid, unsigned char idx) { if (!fname) return NULL; FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!f) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Error: can't open file %s.", fname); return NULL; } while (!feof(f)) { char buf[2048]; if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) == NULL) break; struct emv_pk *pk = emv_pk_parse_pk(buf); if (!pk) continue; if (memcmp(pk->rid, rid, 5) || pk->index != idx) { emv_pk_free(pk); continue; } fclose(f); return pk; } fclose(f); return NULL; } char *emv_pk_get_ca_pk_file(const char *dirname, const unsigned char *rid, unsigned char idx) { if (!dirname) dirname = ".";//openemv_config_get_str("capk.dir", NULL); char *filename; int ret = asprintf(&filename, "%s/%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx_%02hhx.0", dirname, rid[0], rid[1], rid[2], rid[3], rid[4], idx); if (ret <= 0) return NULL; return filename; } char *emv_pk_get_ca_pk_rid_file(const char *dirname, const unsigned char *rid) { if (!dirname) dirname = "."; //openemv_config_get_str("capk.dir", NULL); char *filename; int ret = asprintf(&filename, "%s/%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx.pks", dirname, rid[0], rid[1], rid[2], rid[3], rid[4]); if (ret <= 0) return NULL; return filename; } struct emv_pk *emv_pk_get_ca_pk(const unsigned char *rid, unsigned char idx) { struct emv_pk *pk = NULL; /* if (!pk) { char *fname = emv_pk_get_ca_pk_file(NULL, rid, idx); if (fname) { pk = emv_pk_get_ca_pk_from_file(fname, rid, idx); free(fname); } } if (!pk) { char *fname = emv_pk_get_ca_pk_rid_file(NULL, rid); if (fname) { pk = emv_pk_get_ca_pk_from_file(fname, rid, idx); free(fname); } } */ const char *relfname = "emv/capk.txt"; char fname[strlen(get_my_executable_directory()) + strlen(relfname) + 1]; strcpy(fname, get_my_executable_directory()); strcat(fname, relfname); pk = emv_pk_get_ca_pk_from_file(fname, rid, idx); if (!pk) return NULL; printf("Verifying CA PK for %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx IDX %02hhx %zu bits...", pk->rid[0], pk->rid[1], pk->rid[2], pk->rid[3], pk->rid[4], pk->index, pk->mlen * 8); if (emv_pk_verify(pk)) { printf("OK\n"); return pk; } printf("Failed!\n"); emv_pk_free(pk); return NULL; }