# Notes to install latest gcc and arm-none-eabi-gcc ``` cat << EOF |sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf [testing] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist [community-testing] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist [staging] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist EOF sudo pacman -Syu # search available versions pacman -Ss '^arm-none-eabi-gcc$' pacman -Ss '^gcc$' # depending on where the latest bleeding edge is: sudo pacman -S community-testing/arm-none-eabi-gcc sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc sudo pacman -S staging/gcc sudo pacman -S testing/gcc sudo pacman -S gcc ``` # Notes on run_tests.sh script This script does both setup the mirrors and pip install and then run a bunch of different builds with make and cmake together with the different combos of RDV4, GENERIC, BTADDON combos. If all tests OK, the script will finish. # Notes to run tests Add first the mirrors, see above, if needed. The release test build script is to be run in proxmark root folder inside the docker env. ``` docker/archlinux/run_tests.sh; ``` Or if you want to run single test, ``` make clean; make -j tools/pm3_tests.sh --long ```