#!/usr/bin/env bash # Iceman 2022 # # This script is to be run from proxmark root folder inside the docker env # cd proxmark; # docker/archlinux/run_tests.sh; # # Script contains two phases. # # -- Init / setup phase # Script to be run inside docker env. First install some dependencies for docker image. # # -- Build phase begins # make builds # cmake client builds # of the different possible PLATFORM (PM3RDV4 / PM3GENERIC) and BTADDON combos cat << EOF |sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf [testing] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist [community-testing] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist [staging] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist EOF sudo pacman -Syu # search available versions pacman -Ss '^arm-none-eabi-gcc$' pacman -Ss '^gcc$' # depending on where the latest bleeding edge is: # sudo pacman -S community-testing/arm-none-eabi-gcc # sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc # sudo pacman -S staging/gcc # sudo pacman -S testing/gcc # sudo pacman -S gcc # replace egrep to silence warning sed -i 's/egrep/grep -E/g' tools/pm3_tests.sh # Makefile build tests make clean; make -j PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC; tools/pm3_tests.sh --long || exit 1 make clean; make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4; tools/pm3_tests.sh --long || exit 1 make clean; make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON; tools/pm3_tests.sh --long || exit 1 # sudo make install; pushd /tmp; proxmark3 -c 'data load -f lf_EM4x05.pm3;lf search -1'; popd; sudo make uninstall # cmake client build test #( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake ..;make -j ); PM3BIN=./client/build/proxmark3 tools/pm3_tests.sh client --long || exit 1 ( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake ..;make -j PLATFORM=PM3GENERIC ); PM3BIN=./client/build/proxmark3 tools/pm3_tests.sh client --long || exit 1 ( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake ..;make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 ); PM3BIN=./client/build/proxmark3 tools/pm3_tests.sh client --long || exit 1 ( cd client; rm -rf build; mkdir build;cd build;cmake ..;make -j PLATFORM=PM3RDV4 PLATFORM_EXTRAS=BTADDON ); PM3BIN=./client/build/proxmark3 tools/pm3_tests.sh client || exit 1