#!/bin/sh # Output a version_pm3.c file that includes information about the current build # From mkversion.pl # pure sh POSIX as now even on Windows we use WSL or ProxSpace with sh available # Clear environment locale so that git will not use localized strings export LC_ALL="C" export LANG="C" SHORT=false if [ "$1" = "--short" ]; then SHORT=true shift fi # if you are making your own fork, change this line to reflect your fork-name fullgitinfo="RRG/Iceman" # GIT status 0 = dirty, 1 = clean , 2 = undecided clean=2 # Do we have acces to git command? commandGIT=$(env git) if [ "$commandGIT" != "" ]; then # now avoiding the "fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything." error by fallbacking to abbrev hash in such case gitversion=$(git describe --dirty --always) gitbranch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ "$1" != "--undecided" ]; then if [ "$gitversion" != "${gitversion%-dirty}" ]; then clean=0 else clean=1 fi fi if [ "$gitbranch" != "" ] && [ "$gitversion" != "" ]; then fullgitinfo="${fullgitinfo}/${gitbranch}/${gitversion}" ctime="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" else fullgitinfo="${fullgitinfo}/master/release (git)" fi else fullgitinfo="${fullgitinfo}/master/release (no_git)" dl_time=$(stat --printf="%y" ../README.md) # POSIX way... ctime=${dl_time%.*} fi if $SHORT; then echo "$fullgitinfo" exit 0 fi # Crop so it fits within 50 characters C string, so max 49 chars # POSIX way fullgitinfoextra="${fullgitinfo#??????????????????????????????????????????????}" if [ "$fullgitinfoextra" != "$fullgitinfo" ]; then fullgitinfo46="${fullgitinfo%"${fullgitinfoextra}"}" fullgitinfo="${fullgitinfo46}..." fi cat <