//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) Proxmark3 contributors. See AUTHORS.md for details. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // See LICENSE.txt for the text of the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // at91sam7s USB CDC device implementation // based on the "Basic USB Example" from ATMEL (doc6123.pdf) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "usb_cdc.h" #include "proxmark3_arm.h" #include "usart_defs.h" /* AT91SAM7S256 USB Device Port • Embedded 328-byte dual-port RAM for endpoints • Four endpoints – Endpoint 0: 8 bytes – Endpoint 1 and 2: 64 bytes ping-pong – Endpoint 3: 64 bytes – Ping-pong Mode (two memory banks) for bulk endpoints */ // #define AT91C_EP_CONTROL 0 #define AT91C_EP_OUT 1 // cfg bulk out #define AT91C_EP_IN 2 // cfg bulk in #define AT91C_EP_NOTIFY 3 // cfg cdc notification interrup // The endpoint size is defined in usb_cdc.h // Section: USB Descriptors #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE 0x01 // DescriptorType for a Device Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION 0x02 // DescriptorType for a Configuration Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING 0x03 // DescriptorType for a String Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE 0x04 // DescriptorType for an Interface Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT 0x05 // DescriptorType for an Endpoint Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06 // DescriptorType for a Device Qualifier. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_OTHER_SPEED 0x07 // DescriptorType for a Other Speed Configuration. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08 // DescriptorType for Interface Power. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_OTG 0x09 // DescriptorType for an OTG Descriptor. #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_IAD 0x0B // DescriptorType for a Interface Association Descriptor #define USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BO 0x0F // DescriptorType for a BOS Descriptor. /* Configuration Attributes */ #define _DEFAULT (0x01<<7) //Default Value (Bit 7 is set) #define _SELF (0x01<<6) //Self-powered (Supports if set) #define _RWU (0x01<<5) //Remote Wakeup (Supports if set) #define _HNP (0x01 << 1) //HNP (Supports if set) #define _SRP (0x01) //SRP (Supports if set) /* Endpoint Transfer Type */ #define _CTRL 0x00 //Control Transfer #define _ISO 0x01 //Isochronous Transfer #define _BULK 0x02 //Bulk Transfer #define _INTERRUPT 0x03 //Interrupt Transfer // (bit7 | 0 = OUT, 1 = IN) #define _EP_IN 0x80 #define _EP_OUT 0x00 #define _EP01_OUT 0x01 #define _EP01_IN 0x81 #define _EP02_OUT 0x02 #define _EP02_IN 0x82 #define _EP03_OUT 0x03 #define _EP03_IN 0x83 /* WCID specific Request Code */ #define MS_OS_DESCRIPTOR_INDEX 0xEE #define MS_VENDOR_CODE 0x1C #define MS_EXTENDED_COMPAT_ID 0x04 #define MS_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES 0x05 #define MS_WCID_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0 #define MS_WCID_GET_FEATURE_DESCRIPTOR 0xC1 /* USB standard request code */ #define STD_GET_STATUS_ZERO 0x0080 #define STD_GET_STATUS_INTERFACE 0x0081 #define STD_GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT 0x0082 #define STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_ZERO 0x0100 #define STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_INTERFACE 0x0101 #define STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_ENDPOINT 0x0102 #define STD_SET_FEATURE_ZERO 0x0300 #define STD_SET_FEATURE_INTERFACE 0x0301 #define STD_SET_FEATURE_ENDPOINT 0x0302 #define STD_SET_ADDRESS 0x0500 #define STD_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x0680 #define STD_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x0700 #define STD_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x0880 #define STD_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x0900 #define STD_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A81 #define STD_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B01 #define STD_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C82 /* CDC Class Specific Request Code */ #define GET_LINE_CODING 0x21A1 #define SET_LINE_CODING 0x2021 #define SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x2221 static bool isAsyncRequestFinished = false; static AT91PS_UDP pUdp = AT91C_BASE_UDP; static uint8_t btConfiguration = 0; static uint8_t btConnection = 0; static uint8_t btReceiveBank = AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0; static const char devDescriptor[] = { /* Device descriptor */ 0x12, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, // Descriptor Type (DEVICE) 0x00, 0x02, // Complies with USB Spec. Release (0200h = release 2.00) 0210 == release 2.10 2, // Device Class: Communication Device Class 0, // Device Subclass: CDC class sub code ACM [ice 0x02 = win10 virtual comport ] 0, // Device Protocol: CDC Device protocol (unused) AT91C_USB_EP_CONTROL_SIZE, // MaxPacketSize0 0xc4, 0x9a, // Vendor ID [0x9ac4 = J. Westhues] 0x8f, 0x4b, // Product ID [0x4b8f = Proxmark-3 RFID Instrument] 0x00, 0x01, // BCD Device release number (1.00) 1, // index Manufacturer 2, // index Product 3, // index SerialNumber 1 // Number of Configs }; static const char cfgDescriptor[] = { /* Configuration 1 descriptor */ // ----------------------------- 9, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, // Descriptor Type (9 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 7), 0, // Total Length 2 EP + Control 2, // Number of Interfaces 1, // Index value of this Configuration (used in SetConfiguration from Host) 0, // Configuration string index _DEFAULT, // Attributes 0xA0 0xFA, // Max Power consumption // IAD to associate the one CDC interface // -------------------------------------- /* 8, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_IAD, // IAD_DESCRIPTOR (0x0B) 0, // CDC_INT_INTERFACE NUMBER ( 2, // IAD INTERFACE COUNT (two interfaces) 2, // Function Class: CDC_CLASS 2, // Function SubClass: ACM 1, // Function Protocol: v.25term 0, // iInterface */ /* Interface 0 Descriptor */ /* CDC Communication Class Interface Descriptor Requirement for Notification*/ // ----------------------------------------------------------- 9, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // Descriptor Type 0, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting 1, // Number of Endpoints in this interface 2, // Interface Class code (Communication Interface Class) 2, // Interface Subclass code (Abstract Control Model) 1, // InterfaceProtocol (Common AT Commands, V.25term) 0, // iInterface /* Header Functional Descriptor */ 5, // Function Length 0x24, // Descriptor type: CS_INTERFACE 0, // Descriptor subtype: Header Functional Descriptor 0x10, 0x01, // bcd CDC:1.1 /* ACM Functional Descriptor */ 4, // Function Length 0x24, // Descriptor Type: CS_INTERFACE 2, // Descriptor Subtype: Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor 2, // Capabilities D1, Device supports the request combination of Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State /* Union Functional Descriptor */ 5, // Function Length 0x24, // Descriptor Type: CS_INTERFACE 6, // Descriptor Subtype: Union Functional Descriptor 0, // MasterInterface: Communication Class Interface 1, // SlaveInterface0: Data Class Interface /* Call Management Functional Descriptor */ 5, // Function Length 0x24, // Descriptor Type: CS_INTERFACE 1, // Descriptor Subtype: Call Management Functional Descriptor 0, // Capabilities: Device sends/receives call management information only over the Communication Class interface. Device does not handle call management itself 1, // Data Interface: Data Class Interface /* Protocol Functional Descriptor */ /* 6, 0x24, // Descriptor Type: CS_INTERFACE 0x0B, // Descriptor Subtype: Protocol Unit functional Descriptor 0xDD, // constant uniq ID of unit 0xFE, // protocol */ /* CDC Notification Endpoint descriptor */ // --------------------------------------- 7, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor Type _EP03_IN, // EndpointAddress: Endpoint 03 - IN _INTERRUPT, // Attributes AT91C_USB_EP_CONTROL_SIZE, 0x00, // MaxPacket Size: EP0 - 8 0xFF, // Interval polling /* Interface 1 Descriptor */ /* CDC Data Class Interface 1 Descriptor Requirement */ 9, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE, // Descriptor Type 1, // Interface Number 0, // Alternate Setting 2, // Number of Endpoints 0x0A, // Interface Class: CDC Data interface class 0, // Interface Subclass: not used 0, // Interface Protocol: No class specific protocol required (usb spec) 0, // Interface /* Endpoint descriptor */ 7, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor Type _EP01_OUT, // Endpoint Address: Endpoint 01 - OUT _BULK, // Attributes: BULK AT91C_USB_EP_OUT_SIZE, 0x00, // MaxPacket Size: 64 bytes 0, // Interval: ignored for bulk /* Endpoint descriptor */ 7, // Length USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT, // Descriptor Type _EP02_IN, // Endpoint Address: Endpoint 02 - IN _BULK, // Attribute: BULK AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE, 0x00, // MaxPacket Size: 64 bytes 0 // Interval: ignored for bulk }; // BOS descriptor static const char bosDescriptor[] = { 0x5, USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BO, 0xC, 0x0, 0x1, // 1 device capability 0x7, 0x10, // USB_DEVICE_CAPABITY_TYPE, 0x2, 0x2, // LPM capability bit set 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; // Microsoft OS Extended Configuration Compatible ID Descriptor /* static const char CompatIDFeatureDescriptor[] = { 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Descriptor Length 40bytes (0x28) 0x00, 0x01, // Version ('1.0') MS_EXTENDED_COMPAT_ID, 0x00, // Compatibility ID Descriptor Index 0x0004 0x01, // Number of sections. 0x1 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Reserved (7bytes) // -----function section 1------ 0x00, // Interface Number #0 0x01, // reserved (0x1) 0x57, 0x49, 0x4E, 0x55, 0x53, 0x42, 0x00, 0x00, // Compatible ID ('WINUSB\0\0') (8bytes) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Sub-Compatible ID (8byte) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // Reserved (6bytes) }; */ // Microsoft Extended Properties Feature Descriptor /* static const char OSprop[] = { // u32 Descriptor Length (10+132+64+102 == 308 0x34, 0x01, 0, 0, // u16 Version ('1.0') 0, 1, // u16 wIndex MS_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES, 0, // u16 wCount -- three section 3, 0, // -----property section 1------ // u32 size ( 14+40+78 == 132) 132, 0, 0, 0, // u32 type 1, 0, 0, 0, // unicode string // u16 namelen (20*2 = 40) 40, 0, // name DeviceInterfaceGUID 'D',0,'e',0,'v',0,'i',0,'c',0,'e',0,'I',0,'n',0,'t',0,'e',0,'r',0,'f',0,'a',0,'c',0,'e',0,'G',0,'U',0,'I',0,'D',0,0,0, // u32 datalen (39*2 = 78) 78, 0, 0, 0, // data {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} '{',0,'4',0,'d',0,'3',0,'6',0,'e',0,'9',0,'7',0,'8',0,'-',0,'e',0,'3',0,'2',0,'5',0, '-',0,'1',0,'1',0,'c',0,'e',0,'-',0,'b',0,'f',0,'c',0,'1',0,'-',0,'0',0,'8',0,'0',0, '0',0,'2',0,'b',0,'e',0,'1',0,'0',0,'3',0,'1',0,'8',0,'}',0,0,0, // -----property section 2------ // u32 size ( 14+12+38 == 64) 64, 0, 0, 0, // u32 type 1, 0, 0, 0, // unicode string // u16 namelen (12) 12, 0, // name Label 'L',0,'a',0,'b',0,'e',0,'l',0,0,0, // u32 datalen ( 19*2 = 38 ) 38, 0, 0, 0, // data 'Awesome PM3 Device' 'A',0,'w',0,'e',0,'s',0,'o',0,'m',0,'e',0,' ',0,'P',0,'M',0,'3',0,' ',0,'D',0,'e',0,'v',0,'i',0,'c',0,'e',0,0,0, // -----property section 3------ // u32 size ( 14+12+76 == 102) 102, 0, 0, 0, // u32 type 2, 0, 0, 0, //Unicode string with environment variables // u16 namelen (12) 12, 0, // name Icons 'I',0,'c',0,'o',0,'n',0,'s',0,0,0, // u32 datalen ( 38*2 == 76) 76, 0, 0, 0, // data '%SystemRoot%\\system32\\Shell32.dll,-13' '%',0,'S',0,'y',0,'s',0,'t',0,'e',0,'m',0,'R',0,'o',0,'o',0,'t',0,'%',0, '\\',0,'s',0,'y',0,'s',0,'t',0,'e',0,'m',0,'3',0,'2',0,'\\',0, 'S',0,'h',0,'e',0,'l',0,'l',0,'3',0,'2',0,'.',0,'d',0,'l',0,'l',0,',',0, '-',0,'1',0,'3',0,0,0 }; */ static const char StrLanguageCodes[] = { 4, // Length 0x03, // Type is string 0x09, 0x04 // supported language Code 0 = 0x0409 (English) }; // Note: ModemManager (Linux) ignores Proxmark3 devices by matching the // manufacturer string "proxmark.org". Don't change this. // or use the blacklisting file. static const char StrManufacturer[] = { 26, // Length 0x03, // Type is string 'p', 0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'x', 0, 'm', 0, 'a', 0, 'r', 0, 'k', 0, '.', 0, 'o', 0, 'r', 0, 'g', 0, }; static const char StrProduct[] = { 20, // Length 0x03, // Type is string 'p', 0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'x', 0, 'm', 0, 'a', 0, 'r', 0, 'k', 0, '3', 0 }; #ifndef WITH_FLASH static const char StrSerialNumber[] = { 14, // Length 0x03, // Type is string 'i', 0, 'c', 0, 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'a', 0, 'n', 0 }; #else // WITH_FLASH is defined // Manually calculated size of descriptor with unique ID: // offset 0, lengt h 1: total length field // offset 1, length 1: descriptor type field // offset 2, length 12: 6x unicode chars (original string) // offset 14, length 4: 2x unicode chars (underscores) [[ to avoid descriptor being (size % 8) == 0, OS bug workaround ]] // offset 18, length 32: 16x unicode chars (8-byte serial as hex characters) // ============================ // total: 50 bytes #define USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH 50 char StrSerialNumber[] = { 14, // Length is initially identical to non-unique version ... The length updated at boot, if unique serial is available 0x03, // Type is string 'i', 0, 'c', 0, 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'a', 0, 'n', 0, '_', 0, '_', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, 'x', 0, }; void usb_update_serial(uint64_t newSerialNumber) { static bool configured = false; // TODO: enable by setting to false here... if (configured) { return; } // run this only once per boot... even if it fails to find serial number configured = true; // reject serial number if all-zero or all-ones if ((newSerialNumber == 0x0000000000000000) || (newSerialNumber == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) { return; } // Descriptor is, effectively, initially identical to non-unique serial // number because it reports the shorter length in the first byte. // Convert uniqueID's eight bytes to 16 unicode characters in the // descriptor and, finally, update the descriptor's length, which // causes the serial number to become visible. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // order of nibbles chosen to match display order from `hw status` uint8_t nibble1 = (newSerialNumber >> ((8 * i) + 4)) & 0xFu; // bitmasks [0xF0, 0xF000, 0xF00000, ... 0xF000000000000000] uint8_t nibble2 = (newSerialNumber >> ((8 * i) + 0)) & 0xFu; // bitmasks [0x0F, 0x0F00, 0x0F0000, ... 0x0F00000000000000] char c1 = nibble1 < 10 ? '0' + nibble1 : 'A' + (nibble1 - 10); char c2 = nibble2 < 10 ? '0' + nibble2 : 'A' + (nibble2 - 10); StrSerialNumber[18 + (4 * i) + 0] = c1; // [ 18, 22, .., 42, 46 ] StrSerialNumber[18 + (4 * i) + 2] = c2; // [ 20, 24, .., 44, 48 ] } StrSerialNumber[0] = USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH; } #endif // size includes their own field. static const char StrMS_OSDescriptor[] = { 18, // length 0x12 0x03, // Type is string 'M', 0, 'S', 0, 'F', 0, 'T', 0, '1', 0, '0', 0, '0', 0, MS_VENDOR_CODE, 0 }; static const char *getStringDescriptor(uint8_t idx) { switch (idx) { case 0: return StrLanguageCodes; case 1: return StrManufacturer; case 2: return StrProduct; case 3: return StrSerialNumber; case MS_OS_DESCRIPTOR_INDEX: return StrMS_OSDescriptor; default: return (NULL); } } // Bitmap for all status bits in CSR which must be written as 1 to cause no effect #define REG_NO_EFFECT_1_ALL AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0 | AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1 \ |AT91C_UDP_STALLSENT | AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP \ |AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP // Clear flags in the UDP_CSR register and waits for synchronization #define UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(endpoint, flags) { \ volatile unsigned int reg; \ reg = pUdp->UDP_CSR[(endpoint)]; \ reg |= REG_NO_EFFECT_1_ALL; \ reg &= ~(flags); \ pUdp->UDP_CSR[(endpoint)] = reg; \ } // reset flags in the UDP_CSR register and waits for synchronization #define UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(endpoint, flags) { \ volatile unsigned int reg; \ reg = pUdp->UDP_CSR[(endpoint)]; \ reg |= REG_NO_EFFECT_1_ALL; \ reg |= (flags); \ pUdp->UDP_CSR[(endpoint)] = reg; \ } typedef struct { uint32_t BitRate; uint8_t Format; uint8_t ParityType; uint8_t DataBits; } AT91S_CDC_LINE_CODING, *AT91PS_CDC_LINE_CODING; static AT91S_CDC_LINE_CODING line = { // purely informative, actual values don't matter USART_BAUD_RATE, // baudrate 0, // 1 Stop Bit 0, // None Parity 8 // 8 Data bits }; // timer counts in 21.3us increments (1024/48MHz), rounding applies // WARNING: timer can't measure more than 1.39s (21.3us * 0xffff) static void SpinDelayUs(int us) { int ticks = ((MCK / 1000000) * us + 512) >> 10; // Borrow a PWM unit for my real-time clock AT91C_BASE_PWMC->PWMC_ENA = PWM_CHANNEL(0); // 48 MHz / 1024 gives 46.875 kHz AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0->PWMC_CMR = PWM_CH_MODE_PRESCALER(10); // Channel Mode Register AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0->PWMC_CDTYR = 0; // Channel Duty Cycle Register AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0->PWMC_CPRDR = 0xffff; // Channel Period Register uint16_t start = AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0->PWMC_CCNTR; for (;;) { uint16_t now = AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0->PWMC_CCNTR; if (now == (uint16_t)(start + ticks)) return; WDT_HIT(); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn usb_disable * \brief This function deactivates the USB device *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void usb_disable(void) { // Disconnect the USB device AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_ODR = GPIO_USB_PU; // Clear all lingering interrupts if (pUdp->UDP_ISR & AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES) { pUdp->UDP_ICR = AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES; } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn usb_enable * \brief This function Activates the USB device *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void usb_enable(void) { // Set the PLL USB Divider AT91C_BASE_CKGR->CKGR_PLLR |= AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_1 ; // Specific Chip USB Initialisation // Enables the 48MHz USB clock UDPCK and System Peripheral USB Clock AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SCER |= AT91C_PMC_UDP; AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_PCER = (1 << AT91C_ID_UDP); AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_FADDR = 0; AT91C_BASE_UDP->UDP_GLBSTATE = 0; // Enable UDP PullUp (USB_DP_PUP) : enable & Clear of the corresponding PIO // Set in PIO mode and Configure in Output AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_PER = GPIO_USB_PU; // Set in PIO mode AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_OER = GPIO_USB_PU; // Configure as Output // Clear for set the Pullup resistor AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_CODR = GPIO_USB_PU; // Disconnect and reconnect USB controller for 100ms usb_disable(); SpinDelayUs(100 * 1000); // Wait for a short while //for (volatile size_t i=0; i<0x100000; i++) {}; // Reconnect USB reconnect AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_SODR = GPIO_USB_PU; AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_OER = GPIO_USB_PU; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn usb_check * \brief Test if the device is configured and handle enumeration *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int usb_reconnect = 0; static int usb_configured = 0; void SetUSBreconnect(int value) { usb_reconnect = value; } int GetUSBreconnect(void) { return usb_reconnect; } void SetUSBconfigured(int value) { usb_configured = value; } int GetUSBconfigured(void) { return usb_configured; } bool usb_check(void) { /* // reconnected ONCE and if ( !USB_ATTACHED() ){ usb_reconnect = 1; return false; } // only one time after USB been disengaged and re-engaged if ( USB_ATTACHED() && usb_reconnect == 1 ) { if ( usb_configured == 0) { usb_disable(); usb_enable(); AT91F_CDC_Enumerate(); usb_configured = 1; return false; } } */ // interrupt status register AT91_REG isr = pUdp->UDP_ISR; // end of bus reset if (isr & AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES) { pUdp->UDP_ICR = AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES; // reset all endpoints pUdp->UDP_RSTEP = (unsigned int) - 1; pUdp->UDP_RSTEP = 0; // Enable the function pUdp->UDP_FADDR = AT91C_UDP_FEN; // Configure endpoint 0 (enable control endpoint) pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] = (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_CTRL); } else if (isr & AT91C_UDP_EPINT0) { pUdp->UDP_ICR = AT91C_UDP_EPINT0; AT91F_CDC_Enumerate(); } /* else if (isr & AT91C_UDP_EPINT3 ) { pUdp->UDP_ICR = AT91C_UDP_EPINT3; AT91F_CDC_Enumerate(); //pUdp->UDP_ICR |= AT91C_UDP_EPINT3; } */ return (btConfiguration) ? true : false; } bool usb_poll(void) { if (!usb_check()) return false; return (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & btReceiveBank); } inline uint16_t usb_available_length(void) { return ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT) >> 16); } /** In github PR #129, some users appears to get a false positive from usb_poll, which returns true, but the usb_read operation still returns 0. This check is basically the same as above, but also checks that the length available to read is non-zero, thus hopefully fixes the bug. **/ bool usb_poll_validate_length(void) { if (!usb_check()) return false; if (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & btReceiveBank)) return false; return ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT) >> 16) > 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn usb_read * \brief Read available data from Endpoint 1 OUT (host to device) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint32_t usb_read(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if (len == 0) return 0; uint8_t bank = btReceiveBank; uint32_t packetSize, nbBytesRcv = 0; uint32_t time_out = 0; while (len) { if (!usb_check()) break; if (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & bank) { packetSize = ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT) >> 16); packetSize = MIN(packetSize, len); len -= packetSize; while (packetSize--) data[nbBytesRcv++] = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_OUT]; // flip bank UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_OUT, bank) if (bank == AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) bank = AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1; else bank = AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0; } if (time_out++ == 0x1fff) break; } btReceiveBank = bank; return nbBytesRcv; } static uint8_t usb_read_ng_buffer[64]; static size_t usb_read_ng_bufoff = 0; static size_t usb_read_ng_buflen = 0; uint32_t usb_read_ng(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if (len == 0) return 0; uint8_t bank = btReceiveBank; uint32_t packetSize, nbBytesRcv = 0; uint32_t time_out = 0; // take first from local buffer if (len <= usb_read_ng_buflen) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) data[nbBytesRcv++] = usb_read_ng_buffer[usb_read_ng_bufoff + i]; usb_read_ng_buflen -= len; if (usb_read_ng_buflen == 0) usb_read_ng_bufoff = 0; else usb_read_ng_bufoff += len; return nbBytesRcv; } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < usb_read_ng_buflen; i++) data[nbBytesRcv++] = usb_read_ng_buffer[usb_read_ng_bufoff + i]; len -= usb_read_ng_buflen; usb_read_ng_buflen = 0; usb_read_ng_bufoff = 0; } while (len) { if (!usb_check()) break; if ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & bank)) { uint32_t available = ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] & AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT) >> 16); packetSize = MIN(available, len); available -= packetSize; len -= packetSize; while (packetSize--) data[nbBytesRcv++] = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_OUT]; // fill the local buffer with the remaining bytes for (uint32_t i = 0; i < available; i++) usb_read_ng_buffer[i] = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_OUT]; usb_read_ng_buflen = available; // flip bank UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_OUT, bank) if (bank == AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) bank = AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1; else bank = AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0; } if (time_out++ == 0x1fff) break; } btReceiveBank = bank; return nbBytesRcv; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn usb_write * \brief Send through endpoint 2 (device to host) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int usb_write(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len) { if (!len) return PM3_EINVARG; if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; // can we write? if ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY) != 0) return PM3_EIO; size_t length = len; uint32_t cpt = 0; // send first chunk cpt = MIN(length, AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE); length -= cpt; while (cpt--) { pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_IN] = *data++; } UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY)) {}; while (length) { // Send next chunk cpt = MIN(length, AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE); length -= cpt; while (cpt--) { pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_IN] = *data++; } // Wait for previous chunk to be sent // (iceman) when is the bankswapping done? while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; } UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY)) {}; } // Wait for the end of transfer while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; } UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; if (len % AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE == 0) { // like AT91F_USB_SendZlp(), in non ping-pong mode UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) {}; UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn async_usb_write_start * \brief Start async write process * \return PM3_EIO if USB is invalid, PM3_SUCCESS if it is ready for write * * This function checks if the USB is connected, and wait until the FIFO * is ready to be filled. * * Warning: usb_write() should not be called between * async_usb_write_start() and async_usb_write_stop(). *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int async_usb_write_start(void) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; } isAsyncRequestFinished = false; return PM3_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn async_usb_write_pushByte * \brief Push one byte to the FIFO of IN endpoint (time-critical) * * This function simply push a byte to the FIFO of IN endpoint. * The FIFO size is AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE. Make sure this function is not called * over AT91C_USB_EP_IN_SIZE times between each async_usb_write_requestWrite(). *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ inline void async_usb_write_pushByte(uint8_t data) { pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_IN] = data; isAsyncRequestFinished = false; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn async_usb_write_requestWrite * \brief Request a write operation (time-critical) * \return false if the last write request is not finished, true if success * * This function requests a write operation from FIFO to the USB bus, * and switch the internal banks of FIFO. It doesn't wait for the end of * transmission from FIFO to the USB bus. * * Note: This function doesn't check if the usb is valid, as it is * time-critical. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ inline bool async_usb_write_requestWrite(void) { // check if last request is finished if (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY) { return false; } // clear transmission completed flag UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; // start of transmission UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); // hack: no need to wait if UDP_CSR and UDP_FDR are not used immediately. // while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY)) {}; isAsyncRequestFinished = true; return true; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn async_usb_write_stop * \brief Stop async write process * \return PM3_EIO if USB is invalid, PM3_SUCCESS if data is written * * This function makes sure the data left in the FIFO is written to the * USB bus. * * Warning: usb_write() should not be called between * async_usb_write_start() and async_usb_write_stop(). *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int async_usb_write_stop(void) { // Wait for the end of transfer while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; } // clear transmission completed flag UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; // FIFO is not empty, request a write in non-ping-pong mode if (isAsyncRequestFinished == false) { UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) { if (!usb_check()) return PM3_EIO; } UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; } return PM3_SUCCESS; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * \fn AT91F_USB_SendData * \brief Send Data through the control endpoint *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void AT91F_USB_SendData(AT91PS_UDP pudp, const char *pData, uint32_t length) { AT91_REG csr; do { uint32_t cpt = MIN(length, AT91C_USB_EP_CONTROL_SIZE); length -= cpt; while (cpt--) pudp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] = *pData++; if (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) { UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); } UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); do { csr = pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL]; // Data IN stage has been stopped by a status OUT if (csr & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) { UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0) return; } } while (!(csr & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)); } while (length); if (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) { UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); } } //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //* \fn AT91F_USB_SendZlp //* \brief Send zero length packet through the control endpoint //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AT91F_USB_SendZlp(AT91PS_UDP pudp) { UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY); // for non ping-pong operation, wait until the FIFO is released // the flag for FIFO released is AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP rather than AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY while (!(pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP)) {}; UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP); while (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP) {}; } //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //* \fn AT91F_USB_SendStall //* \brief Stall the control endpoint //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AT91F_USB_SendStall(AT91PS_UDP pudp) { UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL); while (!(pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR)) {}; UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, (AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL | AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR)); while (pudp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & (AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL | AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR)) {}; } //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //* \fn AT91F_CDC_Enumerate //* \brief This function is a callback invoked when a SETUP packet is received //* problem: //* 1. this is for USB endpoint0. the control endpoint. //* 2. mixed with CDC ACM endpoint3 , interrupt, control endpoint //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AT91F_CDC_Enumerate(void) { uint8_t bmRequestType, bRequest; uint16_t wValue, wIndex, wLength, wStatus; if (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP)) return; bmRequestType = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL]; bRequest = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL]; wValue = (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & 0xFF); wValue |= (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] << 8); wIndex = (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & 0xFF); wIndex |= (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] << 8); wLength = (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & 0xFF); wLength |= (pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] << 8); if (bmRequestType & 0x80) { // Data Phase Transfer Direction Device to Host UDP_SET_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_DIR); while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_DIR)) {}; } UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP); while ((pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP)) {}; /* if ( bRequest == MS_VENDOR_CODE) { if ( bmRequestType == MS_WCID_GET_DESCRIPTOR ) { // C0 if ( wIndex == MS_EXTENDED_COMPAT_ID ) { // 4 //AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, CompatIDFeatureDescriptor, MIN(sizeof(CompatIDFeatureDescriptor), wLength)); //return; } } if ( bmRequestType == MS_WCID_GET_FEATURE_DESCRIPTOR ) { //C1 // if ( wIndex == MS_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES ) { // 5 - winusb bug with wIndex == interface index, so I just send it always) //AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, OSprop, MIN(sizeof(OSprop), wLength)); //return; // } } } */ // Handle supported standard device request Cf Table 9-3 in USB specification Rev 1.1 switch ((bRequest << 8) | bmRequestType) { case STD_GET_DESCRIPTOR: { if (wValue == 0x100) // Return Device Descriptor AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, devDescriptor, MIN(sizeof(devDescriptor), wLength)); else if (wValue == 0x200) // Return Configuration Descriptor AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, cfgDescriptor, MIN(sizeof(cfgDescriptor), wLength)); else if ((wValue & 0xF00) == 0xF00) // Return BOS Descriptor AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, bosDescriptor, MIN(sizeof(bosDescriptor), wLength)); else if ((wValue & 0x300) == 0x300) { // Return String Descriptor const char *strDescriptor = getStringDescriptor(wValue & 0xff); if (strDescriptor != NULL) { AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, strDescriptor, MIN(strDescriptor[0], wLength)); } else { AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); } } else { AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); } } break; case STD_SET_ADDRESS: AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); pUdp->UDP_FADDR = (AT91C_UDP_FEN | (wValue & 0x7F)); pUdp->UDP_GLBSTATE = (wValue) ? AT91C_UDP_FADDEN : 0; break; case STD_SET_CONFIGURATION: /* * Set or clear the device "configured" state. * The LSB of wValue is the "Configuration Number". If this value is non-zero, * it should be the same number as defined in the Configuration Descriptor; * otherwise an error must have occurred. * This device has only one configuration and its Config Number is CONF_NB (= 1). */ AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); btConfiguration = wValue; pUdp->UDP_GLBSTATE = (wValue) ? AT91C_UDP_CONFG : AT91C_UDP_FADDEN; // make sure we are not stalled /* UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_OUT , AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL); UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_IN , AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL); UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_NOTIFY, AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL); */ // enable endpoints pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] = (wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT) : 0; pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] = (wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN) : 0; pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_NOTIFY] = (wValue) ? (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN) : 0; break; case STD_GET_CONFIGURATION: AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) & (btConfiguration), sizeof(btConfiguration)); break; case STD_GET_STATUS_ZERO: wStatus = 0; // Device is Bus powered, remote wakeup disabled AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) &wStatus, sizeof(wStatus)); break; case STD_GET_STATUS_INTERFACE: wStatus = 0; // reserved for future use AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) &wStatus, sizeof(wStatus)); break; case STD_GET_STATUS_ENDPOINT: wStatus = 0; wIndex &= 0x0F; if ((pUdp->UDP_GLBSTATE & AT91C_UDP_CONFG) && (wIndex <= AT91C_EP_NOTIFY)) { wStatus = (pUdp->UDP_CSR[wIndex] & AT91C_UDP_EPEDS) ? 0 : 1; AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) &wStatus, sizeof(wStatus)); } else if ((pUdp->UDP_GLBSTATE & AT91C_UDP_FADDEN) && (wIndex == AT91C_EP_CONTROL)) { wStatus = (pUdp->UDP_CSR[wIndex] & AT91C_UDP_EPEDS) ? 0 : 1; AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) &wStatus, sizeof(wStatus)); } else { AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); } break; case STD_SET_FEATURE_ZERO: AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); break; case STD_SET_FEATURE_INTERFACE: AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); break; case STD_SET_FEATURE_ENDPOINT: wIndex &= 0x0F; if ((wValue == 0) && (wIndex >= AT91C_EP_OUT) && (wIndex <= AT91C_EP_NOTIFY)) { pUdp->UDP_CSR[wIndex] = 0; AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); } else { AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); } break; case STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_ZERO: AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); break; case STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_INTERFACE: AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); break; case STD_CLEAR_FEATURE_ENDPOINT: wIndex &= 0x0F; if ((wValue == 0) && (wIndex >= AT91C_EP_OUT) && (wIndex <= AT91C_EP_NOTIFY)) { if (wIndex == AT91C_EP_OUT) pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_OUT] = (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT); else if (wIndex == AT91C_EP_IN) pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_IN] = (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN); else if (wIndex == AT91C_EP_NOTIFY) pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_NOTIFY] = (AT91C_UDP_EPEDS | AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN); AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); } else { AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); } break; // handle CDC class requests case SET_LINE_CODING: { /* uint8_t i; for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ ) { ((uint8_t*)&line)[i] = pUdp->UDP_FDR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL]; } */ // ignore SET_LINE_CODING... while (!(pUdp->UDP_CSR[AT91C_EP_CONTROL] & AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0)) {}; UDP_CLEAR_EP_FLAGS(AT91C_EP_CONTROL, AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0); AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); break; } case GET_LINE_CODING: AT91F_USB_SendData(pUdp, (char *) &line, MIN(sizeof(line), wLength)); break; case SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: btConnection = wValue; AT91F_USB_SendZlp(pUdp); break; default: AT91F_USB_SendStall(pUdp); break; } }