#!/usr/bin/env bash PM3PATH="$(dirname "$0")/.." cd "$PM3PATH" || exit 1 SLOWTESTS=false TESTALL=true TESTMFKEY=false TESTNONCE2KEY=false TESTMFNONCEBRUTE=false TESTFPGACOMPRESS=false TESTBOOTROM=false TESTARMSRC=false TESTCLIENT=false TESTRECOVERY=false TESTCOMMON=false # https://medium.com/@Drew_Stokes/bash-argument-parsing-54f3b81a6a8f PARAMS="" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h|--help) echo """ Usage: $0 [--long] [--clientbin /path/to/proxmark3] [mfkey|nonce2key|mf_nonce_brute|fpga_compress|bootrom|armsrc|client|recovery|common] --long: Enable slow tests --clientbin ...: Specify path to proxmark3 binary to test If no target given, all targets will be tested """ exit 0 ;; -l|--long) SLOWTESTS=true shift ;; --clientbin) if [ -n "$2" ] && [ ${2:0:1} != "-" ]; then CLIENTBIN=$2 shift 2 else echo "Error: Argument for $1 is missing" >&2 exit 1 fi ;; mfkey) TESTALL=false TESTMFKEY=true shift ;; nonce2key) TESTALL=false TESTNONCE2KEY=true shift ;; mf_nonce_brute) TESTALL=false TESTMFNONCEBRUTE=true shift ;; fpga_compress) TESTALL=false TESTFPGACOMPRESS=true shift ;; bootrom) TESTALL=false TESTBOOTROM=true shift ;; armsrc) TESTALL=false TESTARMSRC=true shift ;; client) TESTALL=false TESTCLIENT=true shift ;; recovery) TESTALL=false TESTRECOVERY=true shift ;; common) TESTALL=false TESTCOMMON=true shift ;; -*|--*=) # unsupported flags echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # preserve positional arguments PARAMS="$PARAMS $1" shift ;; esac done # set positional arguments in their proper place eval set -- "$PARAMS" C_RED='\033[0;31m' C_GREEN='\033[0;32m' C_YELLOW='\033[0;33m' C_BLUE='\033[0;34m' C_NC='\033[0m' # No Color # title, file name or file wildcard to check function CheckFileExist() { if [ -f "$2" ]; then echo -e "$1 ${C_GREEN}[OK]${C_NC}" return 0 fi if ls "$2" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "$1 ${C_GREEN}[OK]${C_NC}" return 0 fi echo -e "$1 ${C_RED}[Fail]${C_NC}" return 1 } # title, command line, check result, repeat several times if failed, ignore if fail function CheckExecute() { if [ "$1" == "slow" ]; then SLOWTEST=true shift else SLOWTEST=false fi if [ "$4" ]; then local RETRY="1 2 3 e" else local RETRY="e" fi if $SLOWTEST && ! $SLOWTESTS; then echo -e "$1 ${C_YELLOW}[SKIPPED]${C_NC} (slow)\n" return 0 fi for I in $RETRY do RES=$(eval "$2") if echo "$RES" | grep -q "$3"; then echo -e "$1 ${C_GREEN}[OK]${C_NC}" return 0 fi if [ ! $I == "e" ]; then echo "retry $I"; fi done if [ "$5" ]; then echo -e "$1 ${C_YELLOW}[Ignored]${C_NC}" return 0 fi echo -e "$1 ${C_RED}[Fail]${C_NC}" echo -e "Execution trace:\n$RES" return 1 } echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}RRG/Iceman Proxmark3 test tool ${C_NC}\n" echo -n "work directory: " pwd if [ "$TRAVIS_COMMIT" ]; then if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then echo "Travis branch: $TRAVIS_BRANCH slug: $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG commit: $TRAVIS_COMMIT" else echo "Travis pull request: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST branch: $TRAVIS_BRANCH slug: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG commit: $TRAVIS_COMMIT" fi fi echo -n "git branch: " git describe --all echo -n "git sha: " git rev-parse HEAD echo "" while true; do if $TESTALL || $TESTCOMMON; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing common:${C_NC}" if ! CheckFileExist "hardnested tables exists" "./client/resources/hardnested_tables/bitflip_0_001_states.bin.z"; then break; fi if ! CheckFileExist "simmodule fw file exists" "./tools/simmodule/sim011.bin"; then break; fi echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing tools:${C_NC}" if ! CheckExecute "xorcheck test" "tools/xorcheck.py 04 00 80 64 ba" "final LRC XOR byte value: 5A"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "findbits test" "tools/findbits.py 73 0110010101110011" "Match at bit 9: 011001010"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "findbits_test test" "tools/findbits_test.py 2>&1" "OK"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "pm3_eml_mfd test" "tools/pm3_eml_mfd_test.py 2>&1" "OK"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTBOOTROM; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing bootrom:${C_NC}" if ! CheckFileExist "bootrom exists" "./bootrom/obj/bootrom.elf"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTARMSRC; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing armsrc:${C_NC}" if ! CheckFileExist "arm image exists" "./armsrc/obj/fullimage.elf"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTRECOVERY; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing recovery:${C_NC}" if ! CheckFileExist "recovery image exists" "./recovery/proxmark3_recovery.bin"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTFPGACOMPRESS; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing fpgacompress:${C_NC} ${FPGACPMPRESSBIN:=./tools/fpga_compress/fpga_compress}" if ! CheckFileExist "fpgacompress exists" "$FPGACPMPRESSBIN"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTMFKEY; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing mfkey:${C_NC} ${MFKEY32V2BIN:=./tools/mfkey/mfkey32v2} ${MFKEY64BIN:=./tools/mfkey/mfkey64}" if ! CheckFileExist "mfkey32v2 exists" "$MFKEY32V2BIN"; then break; fi if ! CheckFileExist "mfkey64 exists" "$MFKEY64BIN"; then break; fi # Need a decent example for mfkey32... if ! CheckExecute "mfkey32v2 test" "$MFKEY32V2BIN 12345678 1AD8DF2B 1D316024 620EF048 30D6CB07 C52077E2 837AC61A" "Found Key: \[a0a1a2a3a4a5\]"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "mfkey64 test" "$MFKEY64BIN 9c599b32 82a4166c a1e458ce 6eea41e0 5cadf439" "Found Key: \[ffffffffffff\]"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "mfkey64 long trace test" "$MFKEY64BIN 14579f69 ce844261 f8049ccb 0525c84f 9431cc40 7093df99 9972428ce2e8523f456b99c831e769dced09 8ca6827b ab797fd369e8b93a86776b40dae3ef686efd c3c381ba 49e2c9def4868d1777670e584c27230286f4 fbdcd7c1 4abd964b07d3563aa066ed0a2eac7f6312bf 9f9149ea" "Found Key: \[091e639cb715\]"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTNONCE2KEY; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing nonce2key:${C_NC} ${NONCE2KEYBIN:=./tools/nonce2key/nonce2key}" if ! CheckFileExist "nonce2key exists" "$NONCE2KEYBIN"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "nonce2key test" "$NONCE2KEYBIN e9cadd9c a8bf4a12 a020a8285858b090 050f010607060e07 5693be6c00000000" "key recovered: fc00018778f7"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTMFNONCEBRUTE; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing mf_nonce_brute:${C_NC} ${MFNONCEBRUTEBIN:=./tools/mf_nonce_brute/mf_nonce_brute}" if ! CheckFileExist "mf_nonce_brute exists" "$MFNONCEBRUTEBIN"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute slow "mf_nonce_brute test" "$MFNONCEBRUTEBIN 9c599b32 5a920d85 1011 98d76b77 d6c6e870 0000 ca7e0b63 0111 3e709c8a" "Key.*: \[ffffffffffff\]"; then break; fi fi if $TESTALL || $TESTCLIENT; then echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing client:${C_NC} ${CLIENTBIN:=./client/proxmark3}" if ! CheckFileExist "proxmark3 exists" "$CLIENTBIN"; then break; fi echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing basic help:${C_NC}" if ! CheckExecute "proxmark help" "$CLIENTBIN -h" "wait"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "proxmark help text ISO7816" "$CLIENTBIN -t 2>&1" "ISO7816"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "proxmark help text hardnested" "$CLIENTBIN -t 2>&1" "hardnested"; then break; fi echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing data manipulation:${C_NC}" if ! CheckExecute "reveng readline test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'reveng -h;reveng -D'" "CRC-64/GO-ISO"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "reveng -g test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'reveng -g abda202c'" "CRC-16/ISO-IEC-14443-3-A"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "reveng -w test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'reveng -w 8 -s 01020304e3 010204039d'" "CRC-8/SMBUS"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "mfu pwdgen test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf mfu pwdgen t'" "Selftest OK"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "trace load/list 14a" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'trace load traces/hf_mfu.trace; trace list 1;'" "READBLOCK(8)"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "trace load/list x" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'trace load traces/hf_mfu.trace; trace list x 1;'" "0.0101840425"; then break; fi echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing LF:${C_NC}" if ! CheckExecute "lf EM4x05 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/em4x05.pm3;lf search 1'" "FDX-B ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf EM410x test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/EM4102-1.pm3;lf search 1'" "EM410x ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf VISA2000 test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/visa2000.pm3;lf search 1'" "Visa2000 ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf AWID test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/AWID-15-259.pm3;lf search 1'" "AWID ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf SECURAKEY test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/securakey-64169.pm3;lf search 1 '" "Securakey ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf NEXWATCH test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/quadrakey-521512301.pm3;lf search 1 '" "NexWatch ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf KERI test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/keri.pm3;lf search 1'" "Pyramid ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf HID Prox test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/hid-proxCardII-05512-11432784-1.pm3;lf search 1'" "HID Prox ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf PARADOX test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/Paradox-96_40426-APJN08.pm3;lf search 1'" "Paradox ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf PAC test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/pac-8E4C058E.pm3;lf search 1'" "PAC/Stanley ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf VIKING test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/Transit999-best.pm3;lf search 1'" "Viking ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf FDX-B test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/homeagain1600.pm3;lf search 1'" "FDX-B ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf INDALA test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/indala-504278295.pm3;lf search 1'" "Indala ID found"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "lf FDX/BioThermo test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'data load traces/lf_fdx_biothermo.pm3; lf fdx demo'" "95.2 F / 35.1 C"; then break; fi echo -e "\n${C_BLUE}Testing HF:${C_NC}" if ! CheckExecute "hf mf offline text" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf mf'" "at_enc"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute slow "hf mf hardnested long test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf mf hardnested t 1 000000000000'" "found:" "repeat" "ignore"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute slow "hf iclass long test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf iclass loclass t l'" "verified ok"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute slow "emv long test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'emv test -l'" "Test(s) \[ OK"; then break; fi if ! $SLOWTESTS; then if ! CheckExecute "hf iclass test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'hf iclass loclass t'" "key diversification (ok)"; then break; fi if ! CheckExecute "emv test" "$CLIENTBIN -c 'emv test'" "Test(s) \[ OK"; then break; fi fi fi echo -e "\n${C_GREEN}Tests [OK]${C_NC}\n" exit 0 done echo -e "\n${C_RED}Tests [FAIL]${C_NC}\n" exit 1