local getopt = require('getopt') example = "script run remagic" author = "Iceman" desc = [[ This is a script that tries to bring back a chinese magic card (1k generation1) from the dead when it's block 0 has been written with bad values. or mifare Ultralight magic card which answers to chinese backdoor commands Arguments: -h this help -u remagic a Ultralight tag w 7 bytes UID. ]] --- -- A debug printout-function local function dbg(args) if DEBUG then print('###', args) end end --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print('ERROR: ',err) end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(desc) print('Example usage') print(example) end local function cmdUltralight() return { --[[ --]] [0] = "hf 14a raw -p -a -b 7 40", [1] = "hf 14a raw -p -a 43", [2] = "hf 14a raw -c -a A2005380712A", [3] = "hf 14a raw -p -a -b 7 40", [4] = "hf 14a raw -p -a 43", [5] = "hf 14a raw -c -a A2010200D980", [6] = "hf 14a raw -p -a -b 7 40", [7] = "hf 14a raw -p -a 43", [8] = "hf 14a raw -c -a A2025B480000", [9] = "hf 14a raw -c -a 5000", } end local function cmdClassic() return { --[[ --]] [0] = "hf 14a raw -p -a -b 7 40", [1] = "hf 14a raw -p -a 43", [2] = "hf 14a raw -c -p -a A000", [3] = "hf 14a raw -c -p -a 01020304049802000000000000001001", [4] = "hf 14a raw -c -a 5000", } end local function cmdRestoreST() local arr = {} for i = 0, 15 do local blk = 3 + (4*i) arr[i] = "hf mf csetbl "..blk.." FFFFFFFFFFFFFF078000FFFFFFFFFFFF" end return arr end local function sendCmds( cmds ) for i = 0, #cmds do if cmds[i] then print ( cmds[i] ) core.console( cmds[i] ) core.clearCommandBuffer() end end end --- -- The main entry point function main(args) local i local cmds = {} local isUltralight = false -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hu') do if o == "h" then return help() end if o == "u" then isUltralight = true end end core.clearCommandBuffer() if isUltralight then sendCmds ( cmdUltralight() ) else sendCmds( cmdClassic() ) sendCmds( cmdRestoreST() ) end end main(args)