%module pm3 %{ /* Include the header in the wrapper code */ #include "pm3.h" #include "comms.h" %} /* Strip "pm3_" from API functions for SWIG */ %rename("%(strip:[pm3_])s") ""; %feature("immutable","1") pm3_current_dev; typedef struct { %extend { pm3() { // printf("SWIG pm3 constructor, get current pm3\n"); pm3_device_t * p = pm3_get_current_dev(); p->script_embedded = 1; return p; } pm3(char *port) { // printf("SWIG pm3 constructor with port, open pm3\n"); pm3_device_t * p = pm3_open(port); p->script_embedded = 0; return p; } ~pm3() { if ($self->script_embedded) { // printf("SWIG pm3 destructor, nothing to do\n"); } else { // printf("SWIG pm3 destructor, close pm3\n"); pm3_close($self); } } int console(char *cmd); char const * const name; } } pm3; //%nodefaultctor device; //%nodefaultdtor device; /* Parse the header file to generate wrappers */