#!/bin/bash # Usage: run option -h to get help PM3PATH=$(dirname "$0") FULLIMAGE="fullimage.elf" BOOTIMAGE="bootrom.elf" # try pm3 dirs in current repo workdir if [ -d "$PM3PATH/client/" ]; then CLIENT="$PM3PATH/client/proxmark3" # try install dir elif [ -x "$PM3PATH/proxmark3" ]; then CLIENT="$PM3PATH/proxmark3" else # hope it's installed somehow, still not sure where fw images are... CLIENT="proxmark3" fi function wait4proxmark_Linux { echo >&2 "[=] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear..." while true; do PM3=$(find /dev/pm3-* /dev/ttyACM* 2>/dev/null | head -1) if [[ $PM3 != "" ]]; then break fi sleep .1 done echo "$PM3" } function wait4proxmark_macOS { echo >&2 "[=] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear..." while true; do PM3=$(find /dev/pm3-* /dev/tty.usbmodem* 2>/dev/null | head -1) if [[ $PM3 != "" ]]; then break fi sleep .1 done echo "$PM3" } function wait4proxmark_Windows { echo >&2 "[=] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear..." while true; do device=$(wmic path Win32_SerialPort where "PNPDeviceID like '%VID_9AC4&PID_4B8F%'" get DeviceID,PNPDeviceID 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2') if [[ $device != "" ]]; then PM3=${device/ */} break fi sleep .1 done echo "$PM3" } function wait4proxmark_WSL { # Test presence of wmic wmic.exe computersystem get name >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[!] Cannot run wmic.exe, are you sure your WSL is authorized to run Windows processes? (cf WSL interop flag)" exit 1 fi echo >&2 "[=] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear..." while true; do device=$(wmic.exe path Win32_SerialPort where "PNPDeviceID like '%VID_9AC4&PID_4B8F%'" get DeviceID,PNPDeviceID 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR==2') if [[ $device != "" ]]; then PM3=${device/ */} PM3="/dev/ttyS${PM3#COM}" break fi sleep .1 done if [ -e "$PM3" ] && [ ! -w "$PM3" ]; then echo "[!!] We need to give current user read/write access to $PM3" sudo chmod 666 "$PM3" fi echo "$PM3" } SCRIPT=$(basename -- "$0") if [ "$SCRIPT" = "pm3" ]; then CMD() { $CLIENT "$@"; } HELP() { cat << EOF Quick helper script for proxmark3 client when working with a Proxmark device connected via USB Description: The usage is the same as for the proxmark3 client, with the following differences: * the correct port name will be automatically guessed; * the script will wait for a Proxmark to be connected (same as option -w of the client). Don't use this script if you want to work offline or with the BT addon. Usage: $SCRIPT [-f] [-c ]|[-l ]|[-s ] [-i] See "$CLIENT -h" for more details on options. EOF } elif [ "$SCRIPT" = "pm3-flash" ]; then CMD() { ARGS=("$1" "--flash") shift; while [ "$1" != "" ]; do if [ "$1" == "-b" ]; then ARGS+=("--unlock-bootloader") else ARGS+=("--image" "$1") fi shift; done $CLIENT ${ARGS[@]}; } HELP() { cat << EOF Quick helper script for flashing a Proxmark device via USB Description: The usage is similar to the old proxmark3-flasher binary, except that the correct port name will be automatically guessed. If this doesn't work, you'll have to use manually the proxmark3 client, see "$CLIENT -h". Usage: $SCRIPT [-b] image.elf [image.elf...] Options: -b Enable flashing of bootloader area (DANGEROUS) Example: $SCRIPT -b bootrom.elf fullimage.elf EOF } elif [ "$SCRIPT" = "pm3-flash-all" ]; then CMD() { $CLIENT "$1" "--flash" "--unlock-bootloader" "--image" "$BOOTIMAGE" "--image" "$FULLIMAGE"; } HELP() { cat << EOF Quick helper script for flashing a Proxmark device via USB Description: The correct port name will be automatically guessed and the stock bootloader and firmware image will be flashed. If this doesn't work, you'll have to use manually the proxmark3 client, see "$CLIENT -h". Usage: $SCRIPT EOF } elif [ "$SCRIPT" = "pm3-flash-fullimage" ]; then CMD() { $CLIENT "$1" "--flash" "--image" "$FULLIMAGE"; } HELP() { cat << EOF Quick helper script for flashing a Proxmark device via USB Description: The correct port name will be automatically guessed and the stock firmware image will be flashed. If this doesn't work, you'll have to use manually the proxmark3 client, see "$CLIENT -h". Usage: $SCRIPT EOF } elif [ "$SCRIPT" = "pm3-flash-bootrom" ]; then CMD() { $CLIENT "$1" "--flash" "--unlock-bootloader" "--image" "$BOOTIMAGE"; } HELP() { cat << EOF Quick helper script for flashing a Proxmark device via USB Description: The correct port name will be automatically guessed and the stock bootloader will be flashed. If this doesn't work, you'll have to use manually the proxmark3 client, see "$CLIENT -h". Usage: $SCRIPT EOF } else echo "[!!] Script ran under unknown name, abort: $SCRIPT" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then HELP exit 0 fi HOSTOS=$(uname | awk '{print toupper($0)}') if [ "$HOSTOS" = "LINUX" ]; then if uname -a|grep -q Microsoft; then PORT=$(wait4proxmark_WSL) else PORT=$(wait4proxmark_Linux) fi elif [ "$HOSTOS" = "DARWIN" ]; then PORT=$(wait4proxmark_macOS) elif [[ "$HOSTOS" =~ MINGW(32|64)_NT* ]]; then PORT=$(wait4proxmark_Windows) else echo "[!!] Host OS not recognized, abort: $HOSTOS" exit 1 fi if [ "$PORT" = "" ]; then echo "[!!] No port, abort" exit 1 fi CMD "$PORT" "$@" exit $?