 This code is licensed to you under the ter 
ms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
 at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
 the license.
 Common linker script

/* AT91SAM7S256 has 256k Flash and 64k RAM */
/* AT91SAM7S512 has 512k Flash and 64k RAM */
/* boot space = 8192bytes (0x2000) */
/* osimage space =   (512k - 0x2000 == 524288 - 8192 == 516096bytes == 0x7E000 ) */
    bootphase1 : ORIGIN = 0x00100000, LENGTH = 0x200             /* Phase 1 bootloader: Copies real bootloader to RAM */
    bootphase2 : ORIGIN = 0x00100200, LENGTH = 0x2000 - 0x200    /* Main bootloader code, stored in Flash, executed from RAM */
    osimage    : ORIGIN = 0x00102000, LENGTH = 512K - 0x2000     /* Place where the main OS will end up */
    ram        : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 64K - 0x20        /* RAM, minus small common area */
    commonarea : ORIGIN = 0x00200000 + 64K - 0x20, LENGTH = 0x20 /* Communication between bootloader and main OS */

/* Export some information that can be used from within the firmware */
_bootphase1_version_pointer = ORIGIN(bootphase1) + LENGTH(bootphase1) - 0x4;
_osimage_entry = ORIGIN(osimage);
_bootrom_start = ORIGIN(bootphase1);
_bootrom_end = ORIGIN(bootphase2) + LENGTH(bootphase2);
_flash_start = ORIGIN(bootphase1);
_flash_end = ORIGIN(osimage) + LENGTH(osimage);
_stack_end = ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram) - 8;