#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crapto1/crapto1.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "iso14443crc.h" #include "util_posix.h" #define AEND "\x1b[0m" #define _RED_(s) "\x1b[31m" s AEND #define _GREEN_(s) "\x1b[32m" s AEND #define _YELLOW_(s) "\x1b[33m" s AEND #define _CYAN_(s) "\x1b[36m" s AEND #define odd_parity(i) (( (i) ^ (i)>>1 ^ (i)>>2 ^ (i)>>3 ^ (i)>>4 ^ (i)>>5 ^ (i)>>6 ^ (i)>>7 ^ 1) & 0x01) #define ARRAYLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) // a global mutex to prevent interlaced printing from different threads pthread_mutex_t print_lock; //--------------------- define options here uint32_t uid = 0; // serial number uint32_t nt_enc = 0; // Encrypted tag nonce uint32_t nr_enc = 0; // encrypted reader challenge uint32_t ar_enc = 0; // encrypted reader response uint32_t at_enc = 0; // encrypted tag response uint32_t cmd_enc = 0; // next encrypted command to sector uint32_t nt_par_err = 0; uint32_t ar_par_err = 0; uint32_t at_par_err = 0; typedef struct thread_args { uint16_t xored; int thread; int idx; bool ev1; } targs; #define ENC_LEN (200) typedef struct thread_key_args { int thread; int idx; uint32_t uid; uint32_t part_key; uint32_t nt_enc; uint32_t nr_enc; uint16_t enc_len; uint8_t enc[ENC_LEN]; // next encrypted command + a full read/write } targs_key; //------------------------------------------------------------------ uint8_t cmds[8][2] = { {ISO14443A_CMD_READBLOCK, 18}, {ISO14443A_CMD_WRITEBLOCK, 18}, {MIFARE_AUTH_KEYA, 0}, {MIFARE_AUTH_KEYB, 0}, {MIFARE_CMD_INC, 6}, {MIFARE_CMD_DEC, 6}, {MIFARE_CMD_RESTORE, 6}, {MIFARE_CMD_TRANSFER, 0} }; static const uint64_t g_mifare_default_keys[] = { 0xffffffffffff, // Default key (first key used by program if no user defined key) 0xa0a1a2a3a4a5, // NFCForum MAD key 0xd3f7d3f7d3f7, // NDEF public key 0x4b791bea7bcc, // MFC EV1 Signature 17 B 0x5C8FF9990DA2, // MFC EV1 Signature 16 A 0xD01AFEEB890A, // MFC EV1 Signature 16 B 0x75CCB59C9BED, // MFC EV1 Signature 17 A 0xfc00018778f7, // Public Transport 0x6471a5ef2d1a, // SimonsVoss 0x4E3552426B32, // ID06 0x6A1987C40A21, // Salto 0xef1232ab18a0, // Schlage 0x3B7E4FD575AD, // 0xb7bf0c13066e, // Gallagher 0x135b88a94b8b, // Saflok 0x2A2C13CC242A, // Dorma Kaba 0x5a7a52d5e20d, // Bosch 0x314B49474956, // VIGIK1 A 0x564c505f4d41, // VIGIK1 B 0x021209197591, // BTCINO 0x484558414354, // Intratone 0xEC0A9B1A9E06, // Vingcard 0x66b31e64ca4b, // Vingcard 0x97F5DA640B18, // Bangkok metro key 0xA8844B0BCA06, // Metro Valencia key 0xE4410EF8ED2D, // Armenian metro 0x857464D3AAD1, // HTC Eindhoven key 0x08B386463229, // troika 0xe00000000000, // icopy 0x199404281970, // NSP A 0x199404281998, // NSP B 0x6A1987C40A21, // SALTO 0x7F33625BC129, // SALTO 0x484944204953, // HID 0x204752454154, // HID 0x3B7E4FD575AD, // HID 0x11496F97752A, // HID 0x3E65E4FB65B3, // Gym 0x000000000000, // Blank key 0xb0b1b2b3b4b5, 0xaabbccddeeff, 0x1a2b3c4d5e6f, 0x123456789abc, 0x010203040506, 0x123456abcdef, 0xabcdef123456, 0x4d3a99c351dd, 0x1a982c7e459a, 0x714c5c886e97, 0x587ee5f9350f, 0xa0478cc39091, 0x533cb6c723f6, 0x8fd0a4f256e9, 0x0000014b5c31, 0xb578f38a5c61, 0x96a301bce267, }; //static int global_counter = 0; static int global_found = 0; static int global_found_candidate = 0; static uint64_t global_candidate_key = 0; static int thread_count = 2; static int param_getptr(const char *line, int *bg, int *en, int paramnum) { int i; int len = strlen(line); *bg = 0; *en = 0; // skip spaces while (line[*bg] == ' ' || line[*bg] == '\t')(*bg)++; if (*bg >= len) { return 1; } for (i = 0; i < paramnum; i++) { while (line[*bg] != ' ' && line[*bg] != '\t' && line[*bg] != '\0')(*bg)++; while (line[*bg] == ' ' || line[*bg] == '\t')(*bg)++; if (line[*bg] == '\0') return 1; } *en = *bg; while (line[*en] != ' ' && line[*en] != '\t' && line[*en] != '\0')(*en)++; (*en)--; return 0; } static int param_gethex_to_eol(const char *line, int paramnum, uint8_t *data, int maxdatalen, int *datalen) { int bg, en; uint32_t temp; char buf[5] = {0}; if (param_getptr(line, &bg, &en, paramnum)) return 1; *datalen = 0; int indx = bg; while (line[indx]) { if (line[indx] == '\t' || line[indx] == ' ') { indx++; continue; } if (isxdigit(line[indx])) { buf[strlen(buf) + 1] = 0x00; buf[strlen(buf)] = line[indx]; } else { // if we have symbols other than spaces and hex return 1; } if (*datalen >= maxdatalen) { // if we don't have space in buffer and have symbols to translate return 2; } if (strlen(buf) >= 2) { sscanf(buf, "%x", &temp); data[*datalen] = (uint8_t)(temp & 0xff); *buf = 0; (*datalen)++; } indx++; } if (strlen(buf) > 0) //error when not completed hex bytes return 3; return 0; } static void hex_to_buffer(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *hex_data, const size_t hex_len, const size_t hex_max_len, const size_t min_str_len, const size_t spaces_between, bool uppercase) { if (buf == NULL) return; char *tmp_base = (char *)buf; char *tmp = tmp_base; size_t i; size_t max_len = (hex_len > hex_max_len) ? hex_max_len : hex_len; for (i = 0; i < max_len; ++i, tmp += 2 + spaces_between) { snprintf(tmp, hex_max_len - (tmp - tmp_base), (uppercase) ? "%02X" : "%02x", (unsigned int) hex_data[i]); for (size_t j = 0; j < spaces_between; j++) snprintf(tmp + 2 + j, hex_max_len - (2 + j + (tmp - tmp_base)), " "); } i *= (2 + spaces_between); size_t mlen = min_str_len > i ? min_str_len : 0; if (mlen > hex_max_len) mlen = hex_max_len; for (; i < mlen; i++, tmp += 1) snprintf(tmp, hex_max_len - (tmp - tmp_base), " "); // remove last space *tmp = '\0'; } static char *sprint_hex_inrow_ex(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, const size_t min_str_len) { static char buf[100] = {0}; hex_to_buffer((uint8_t *)buf, data, len, sizeof(buf) - 1, min_str_len, 0, true); return buf; } static uint16_t parity_from_err(uint32_t data, uint16_t par_err) { uint16_t par = 0; par |= odd_parity((data >> 24) & 0xFF) ^ ((par_err >> 12) & 1); par <<= 4; par |= odd_parity((data >> 16) & 0xFF) ^ ((par_err >> 8) & 1); par <<= 4; par |= odd_parity((data >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ ((par_err >> 4) & 1); par <<= 4; par |= odd_parity(data & 0xFF) ^ (par_err & 1); return par; } static uint16_t xored_bits(uint16_t nt_par, uint32_t ntenc, uint16_t ar_par, uint32_t arenc, uint16_t at_par, uint32_t atenc) { uint16_t xored = 0; uint8_t par; //1st (1st nt) par = (nt_par >> 12) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((ntenc >> 16) & 1); xored <<= 1; //2nd (2nd nt) par = (nt_par >> 8) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((ntenc >> 8) & 1); xored <<= 1; //3rd (3rd nt) par = (nt_par >> 4) & 1; xored |= par ^ (ntenc & 1); xored <<= 1; //4th (1st ar) par = (ar_par >> 12) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((arenc >> 16) & 1); xored <<= 1; //5th (2nd ar) par = (ar_par >> 8) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((arenc >> 8) & 1); xored <<= 1; //6th (3rd ar) par = (ar_par >> 4) & 1; xored |= par ^ (arenc & 1); xored <<= 1; //7th (4th ar) par = ar_par & 1; xored |= par ^ ((atenc >> 24) & 1); xored <<= 1; //8th (1st at) par = (at_par >> 12) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((atenc >> 16) & 1); xored <<= 1; //9th (2nd at) par = (at_par >> 8) & 1; xored |= par ^ ((atenc >> 8) & 1); xored <<= 1; //10th (3rd at) par = (at_par >> 4) & 1; xored |= par ^ (atenc & 1); return xored; } static bool candidate_nonce(uint32_t xored, uint32_t nt, bool ev1) { uint8_t byte; if (!ev1) { // 1st (1st nt) byte = (nt >> 24) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((nt >> 16) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 9) & 1)) { return false; } // 2nd (2nd nt) byte = (nt >> 16) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((nt >> 8) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 8) & 1)) { return false; } } // 3rd (3rd nt) byte = (nt >> 8) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ (nt & 1) ^ ((xored >> 7) & 1)) { return false; } uint32_t ar = prng_successor(nt, 64); // 4th (1st ar) byte = (ar >> 24) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((ar >> 16) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 6) & 1)) { return false; } // 5th (2nd ar) byte = (ar >> 16) & 0x0FF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((ar >> 8) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 5) & 1)) { return false; } // 6th (3rd ar) byte = (ar >> 8) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ (ar & 1) ^ ((xored >> 4) & 1)) { return false; } uint32_t at = prng_successor(nt, 96); // 7th (4th ar) byte = ar & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((at >> 24) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 3) & 1)) { return false; } // 8th (1st at) byte = (at >> 24) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((at >> 16) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 2) & 1)) { return false; } // 9th (2nd at) byte = (at >> 16) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ ((at >> 8) & 1) ^ ((xored >> 1) & 1)) { return false; } // 10th (3rd at) byte = (at >> 8) & 0xFF; if (odd_parity(byte) ^ (at & 1) ^ (xored & 1)) { return false; } return true; } static bool checkValidCmd(uint32_t decrypted) { uint8_t cmd = (decrypted >> 24) & 0xFF; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (cmd == cmds[i][0]) { return true; } } return false; } static bool checkValidCmdByte(uint8_t *cmd, uint16_t n) { // if we don't have enough data then this might be a false positive if (cmd == NULL) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (cmd[0] == cmds[i][0]) { int res = 0; if (n >= 4) { res = CheckCrc14443(CRC_14443_A, cmd, 4); } if (res == 0 && cmds[i][1] > 0 && n >= cmds[i][1]) { res = CheckCrc14443(CRC_14443_A, cmd, cmds[i][1]); } if (res) { return true; } } } return false; } static bool checkCRC(uint32_t decrypted) { uint8_t data[] = { (decrypted >> 24) & 0xFF, (decrypted >> 16) & 0xFF, (decrypted >> 8) & 0xFF, decrypted & 0xFF }; return CheckCrc14443(CRC_14443_A, data, sizeof(data)); } static void *check_default_keys(void *arguments) { struct thread_key_args *args = (struct thread_key_args *) arguments; uint8_t local_enc[args->enc_len]; memcpy(local_enc, args->enc, args->enc_len); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(g_mifare_default_keys); i++) { uint64_t key = g_mifare_default_keys[i]; // Init cipher with key struct Crypto1State *pcs = crypto1_create(key); // NESTED decrypt nt with help of new key crypto1_word(pcs, args->nt_enc ^ args->uid, 1); crypto1_word(pcs, args->nr_enc, 1); crypto1_word(pcs, 0, 0); crypto1_word(pcs, 0, 0); // decrypt bytes uint8_t dec[args->enc_len]; for (int j = 0; j < args->enc_len; j++) { dec[j] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ local_enc[j]; } crypto1_destroy(pcs); // check if cmd exists bool res = checkValidCmdByte(dec, args->enc_len); if (args->enc_len > 4) { res |= checkValidCmdByte(dec + 4, args->enc_len - 4); } if (res == false) { continue; } __sync_fetch_and_add(&global_found, 1); pthread_mutex_lock(&print_lock); printf("\nFound a default key!\n"); printf("enc: %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(local_enc, args->enc_len, 0)); printf("dec: %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(dec, args->enc_len, 0)); printf("\nValid Key found [ " _GREEN_("%012" PRIx64) " ]\n\n", key); pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock); break; } free(args); return NULL; } static void *brute_thread(void *arguments) { struct thread_args *args = (struct thread_args *) arguments; struct Crypto1State *revstate = NULL; uint64_t key; // recovered key candidate uint32_t ks2; // keystream used to encrypt reader response uint32_t ks3; // keystream used to encrypt tag response uint32_t ks4; // keystream used to encrypt next command uint32_t nt; // current tag nonce uint32_t p64 = 0; // TC == 4 ( // threads calls 0 ev1 == false // threads calls 0,1,2 ev1 == true for (uint32_t count = args->idx; count <= 0xFFFF; count += thread_count) { if (__atomic_load_n(&global_found, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) == 1) { break; } nt = count << 16 | prng_successor(count, 16); if (candidate_nonce(args->xored, nt, args->ev1) == false) { continue; } p64 = prng_successor(nt, 64); ks2 = ar_enc ^ p64; ks3 = at_enc ^ prng_successor(p64, 32); revstate = lfsr_recovery64(ks2, ks3); ks4 = crypto1_word(revstate, 0, 0); if (ks4 == 0) { free(revstate); continue; } // lock this section to avoid interlacing prints from different threats pthread_mutex_lock(&print_lock); if (args->ev1) { printf("\n---> " _YELLOW_(" Possible key candidate")" <---\n"); } #if 0 printf("thread #%d idx %d %s\n", args->thread, args->idx, (args->ev1) ? "(Ev1)" : ""); printf("current nt(%08x) ar_enc(%08x) at_enc(%08x)\n", nt, ar_enc, at_enc); printf("ks2:%08x\n", ks2); printf("ks3:%08x\n", ks3); printf("ks4:%08x\n", ks4); #endif if (cmd_enc) { uint32_t decrypted = ks4 ^ cmd_enc; printf("CMD enc( %08x )\n", cmd_enc); printf(" dec( %08x ) ", decrypted); // check if cmd exists uint8_t isOK = checkValidCmd(decrypted); if (isOK == false) { printf(_RED_("<-- not a valid cmd\n")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock); free(revstate); continue; } // Add a crc-check. isOK = checkCRC(decrypted); if (isOK == false) { printf(_RED_("<-- not a valid crc\n")); pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock); free(revstate); continue; } else { printf("<-- " _GREEN_("valid cmd") "\n"); } } lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, 0, 0); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, nr_enc, 1); lfsr_rollback_word(revstate, uid ^ nt, 0); crypto1_get_lfsr(revstate, &key); free(revstate); if (args->ev1) { // if it was EV1, we know for sure xxxAAAAAAAA recovery printf("\nKey candidate [ " _YELLOW_("....%08" PRIx64)" ]\n\n", key & 0xFFFFFFFF); __sync_fetch_and_add(&global_found_candidate, 1); } else { printf("\nKey candidate [ " _GREEN_("....%08" PRIx64) " ]", key & 0xFFFFFFFF); printf("\nKey candidate [ " _GREEN_("%12" PRIx64) " ]\n\n", key); __sync_fetch_and_add(&global_found, 1); } // release lock pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock); __sync_fetch_and_add(&global_candidate_key, key); break; } free(args); return NULL; } static void *brute_key_thread(void *arguments) { struct thread_key_args *args = (struct thread_key_args *) arguments; uint64_t key; uint8_t local_enc[args->enc_len]; memcpy(local_enc, args->enc, args->enc_len); for (uint64_t count = args->idx; count <= 0xFFFF; count += thread_count) { if (__atomic_load_n(&global_found, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) == 1) { break; } key = args->part_key | (count << 32); // Init cipher with key struct Crypto1State *pcs = crypto1_create(key); // NESTED decrypt nt with help of new key crypto1_word(pcs, args->nt_enc ^ args->uid, 1); crypto1_word(pcs, args->nr_enc, 1); crypto1_word(pcs, 0, 0); crypto1_word(pcs, 0, 0); // decrypt 22 bytes uint8_t dec[args->enc_len]; for (int i = 0; i < args->enc_len; i++) { dec[i] = crypto1_byte(pcs, 0x00, 0) ^ local_enc[i]; } crypto1_destroy(pcs); // check if cmd exists if (checkValidCmdByte(dec, args->enc_len) == false) { continue; } __sync_fetch_and_add(&global_found, 1); // lock this section to avoid interlacing prints from different threats pthread_mutex_lock(&print_lock); printf("\nenc: %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(local_enc, args->enc_len, 0)); printf("dec: %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(dec, args->enc_len, 0)); printf("\nValid Key found [ " _GREEN_("%012" PRIx64) " ]\n\n", key); pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock); break; } free(args); return NULL; } static int usage(void) { printf("\n"); printf("syntax: mf_nonce_brute []\n\n"); printf("how to convert trace data to needed input:\n"); printf(" nt in trace = 8c! 42 e6! 4e!\n"); printf(" nt = 8c42e64e\n"); printf(" nt_par_err = 1011\n\n"); printf("samples:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" ./mf_nonce_brute fa247164 fb47c594 0000 71909d28 0c254817 1000 0dc7cfbd 1110\n"); printf("\n"); printf("**** Possible key candidate ****\n"); printf("Key candidate: [....ffffffff]\n"); printf("Too few next cmd bytes, skipping phase 2\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" ./mf_nonce_brute 96519578 d7e3c6ac 0011 cd311951 9da49e49 0010 2bb22e00 0100 a4f7f398ebdb4e484d1cb2b174b939d18b469f3fa5d9caab\n"); printf("\n"); printf("enc: A4F7F398EBDB4E484D1CB2B174B939D18B469F3FA5D9CAABBFA018EC7E0CC5721DE2E590F64BD0A5B4EFCE71\n"); printf("dec: 30084A24302F8102F44CA5020500A60881010104763930084A24302F8102F44CA5020500A608810101047639\n"); printf("Valid Key found: [3b7e4fd575ad]\n\n"); return 1; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { printf("\nMifare classic nested auth key recovery\n\n"); if (argc < 9) return usage(); sscanf(argv[1], "%x", &uid); sscanf(argv[2], "%x", &nt_enc); sscanf(argv[3], "%x", &nt_par_err); sscanf(argv[4], "%x", &nr_enc); sscanf(argv[5], "%x", &ar_enc); sscanf(argv[6], "%x", &ar_par_err); sscanf(argv[7], "%x", &at_enc); sscanf(argv[8], "%x", &at_par_err); // next encrypted command + a full read/write int enc_len = 0; uint8_t enc[ENC_LEN] = {0}; if (argc > 9) { param_gethex_to_eol(argv[9], 0, enc, sizeof(enc), &enc_len); cmd_enc = (enc[0] << 24 | enc[1] << 16 | enc[2] << 8 | enc[3]); } printf("----------- " _CYAN_("information") " ------------------------\n"); printf("uid.................. %08x\n", uid); printf("nt encrypted......... %08x\n", nt_enc); printf("nt parity err........ %04x\n", nt_par_err); printf("nr encrypted......... %08x\n", nr_enc); printf("ar encrypted......... %08x\n", ar_enc); printf("ar parity err........ %04x\n", ar_par_err); printf("at encrypted......... %08x\n", at_enc); printf("at parity err........ %04x\n", at_par_err); if (argc > 9) { printf("next encrypted cmd... %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(enc, enc_len, 0)); } uint64_t t1 = msclock(); uint16_t nt_par = parity_from_err(nt_enc, nt_par_err); uint16_t ar_par = parity_from_err(ar_enc, ar_par_err); uint16_t at_par = parity_from_err(at_enc, at_par_err); // calc (parity XOR corresponding nonce bit encoded with the same keystream bit) uint16_t xored = xored_bits(nt_par, nt_enc, ar_par, ar_enc, at_par, at_enc); #if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(__WIN32__) thread_count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); if (thread_count < 2) thread_count = 2; #endif /* _WIN32 */ printf("\nBruteforce using " _YELLOW_("%d") " threads\n\n", thread_count); pthread_t threads[thread_count]; // create a mutex to avoid interlacing print commands from our different threads pthread_mutex_init(&print_lock, NULL); // if we have 4 or more bytes, look for a default key if (enc_len > 3) { printf("----------- " _CYAN_("Phase 1 pre-processing") " ------------------------\n"); printf("Testing default keys using NESTED authentication...\n"); struct thread_key_args *def = calloc(1, sizeof(struct thread_key_args)); def->thread = 0; def->idx = 0; def->uid = uid; def->nt_enc = nt_enc; def->nr_enc = nr_enc; def->enc_len = enc_len; memcpy(def->enc, enc, enc_len); pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, check_default_keys, (void *)def); pthread_join(threads[0], NULL); if (global_found) { goto out; } } printf("\n----------- " _CYAN_("Phase 2 examine") " -------------------------------\n"); printf("Looking for the last bytes of the encrypted tagnonce\n"); printf("\nTarget old MFC...\n"); // the rest of available threads to EV1 scenario for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { struct thread_args *a = calloc(1, sizeof(struct thread_args)); a->xored = xored; a->thread = i; a->idx = i; a->ev1 = false; pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, brute_thread, (void *)a); } // wait for threads to terminate: for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } t1 = msclock() - t1; printf("execution time " _YELLOW_("%.2f") " sec\n", (float)t1 / 1000.0); if (!global_found && !global_found_candidate) { printf("\nTarget MFC Ev1...\n"); t1 = msclock(); // the rest of available threads to EV1 scenario for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { struct thread_args *a = calloc(1, sizeof(struct thread_args)); a->xored = xored; a->thread = i; a->idx = i; a->ev1 = true; pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, brute_thread, (void *)a); } // wait for threads to terminate: for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } t1 = msclock() - t1; printf("execution time " _YELLOW_("%.2f") " sec\n", (float)t1 / 1000.0); if (!global_found && !global_found_candidate) { printf("\nFailed to find a key\n\n"); goto out; } } if (enc_len < 4) { printf("Too few next cmd bytes, skipping phase 2\n"); goto out; } // reset thread signals global_found = 0; global_found_candidate = 0; printf("\n----------- " _CYAN_("Phase 3 validating") " ----------------------------\n"); printf("uid.................. %08x\n", uid); printf("partial key.......... %08x\n", (uint32_t)(global_candidate_key & 0xFFFFFFFF)); printf("nt enc............... %08x\n", nt_enc); printf("nr enc............... %08x\n", nr_enc); printf("next encrypted cmd... %s\n", sprint_hex_inrow_ex(enc, enc_len, 0)); printf("\nLooking for the upper 16 bits of the key\n"); fflush(stdout); // threads for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { struct thread_key_args *b = calloc(1, sizeof(struct thread_key_args)); b->thread = i; b->idx = i; b->uid = uid; b->part_key = (uint32_t)(global_candidate_key & 0xFFFFFFFF); b->nt_enc = nt_enc; b->nr_enc = nr_enc; b->enc_len = enc_len; memcpy(b->enc, enc, enc_len); pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, brute_key_thread, (void *)b); } // wait for threads to terminate: for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } if (!global_found && !global_found_candidate) { printf("\nfailed to find a key\n\n"); } out: // clean up mutex pthread_mutex_destroy(&print_lock); return 0; }