//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tharexde, 2021 // // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main code for EM4x50 simulator and collector aka THAREXDE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "ticks.h" #include "standalone.h" #include "proxmark3_arm.h" #include "appmain.h" #include "BigBuf.h" #include "commonutil.h" #include "fpgaloader.h" #include "util.h" #include "dbprint.h" #include "spiffs.h" #include "../em4x50.h" /* * `lf_tharexde` simulates EM4x50 dumps uploaded to flash, reads words * transmitted by EM4x50 tags in standard read mode and stores them in * internal flash. * It requires RDV4 hardware (for flash and battery). * * On entering stand-alone mode, this module will start simulating EM4x50 data. * Data is read from eml dump file uploaded to flash memory (lf_em4x50_simulate.eml). * If reader sends password different from dump file password, it is saved in * file lf_em4x50_passwords.log in flash memory. * * On switching to read/record mode by pressing pm3 button, module will start * reading EM4x50 data. Each collected data set will be written/appended to the * logfile in flash (lf_em4x50_collect.log) as a text string. * * LEDs: * - LED A: simulating * - LED A blinking: no simulation data or read error * - LED B: reading/recording * - LED D: unmounting/sync'ing flash (normally < 100ms) * * To upload input file (eml format) to flash: * - mem spiffs load f o lf_em4x50_simulate.eml * * To retrieve password file from flash: * - mem spiffs dump o lf_em4x50_passwords.log f * * To retrieve log file from flash: * - mem spiffs dump o lf_em4x50_collect.log f * * This module emits debug strings during normal operation -- so try it out in * the lab connected to PM3 client before taking it into the field. * * To delete the input file from flash: * - mem spiffs remove lf_em4x50_simulate.eml * * To delete the log file from flash: * - mem spiffs remove lf_em4x50_passwords.log * * To delete the log file from flash: * - mem spiffs remove lf_em4x50_collect.log */ #define STATE_SIM 0 #define STATE_READ 1 #define LF_EM4X50_INPUTFILE_SIM "lf_em4x50_simulate.eml" #define LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_SIM "lf_em4x50_passwords.log" #define LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_COLLECT "lf_em4x50_collect.log" #define MAX_NO_PWDS_TO_SAVE 50 uint32_t gPassword; static void LoadDataInstructions(const char *inputfile) { Dbprintf(""); Dbprintf("To load datafile to flash and display it:"); Dbprintf("1. edit input file %s", inputfile); Dbprintf("2. start proxmark3 client"); Dbprintf("3. mem spiffs load f o %s", inputfile); Dbprintf("4. start standalone mode"); } static void DownloadLogInstructions(const char *logfile) { Dbprintf(""); Dbprintf("To get the logfile from flash and display it:"); Dbprintf("1. mem spiffs dump o %s f ", logfile); Dbprintf("2. exit proxmark3 client"); Dbprintf("3. cat "); } static bool get_input_data_from_file(uint32_t *tag, char *inputfile) { size_t now = 0; if (exists_in_spiffs(inputfile)) { uint32_t size = size_in_spiffs(inputfile); uint8_t *mem = BigBuf_malloc(size); Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("found input file %s"), inputfile); rdv40_spiffs_read_as_filetype(inputfile, mem, size, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); now = size / 9; for (int i = 0; i < now; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { tag[i] |= (hex2int(mem[2 * j + 9 * i]) << 4 | hex2int(mem[2 * j + 1 + 9 * i])) << ((3 - j) * 8); } } Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("read tag data from input file")); } else { Dbprintf(_RED_("no input file %s"), inputfile); } BigBuf_free(); return ((now == EM4X50_NO_WORDS) && (tag[EM4X50_DEVICE_SERIAL] != tag[EM4X50_DEVICE_ID])); } static void append(const char *filename, uint8_t *entry, size_t entry_len) { if (exists_in_spiffs(filename)) { rdv40_spiffs_append(filename, entry, entry_len, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); } else { rdv40_spiffs_write(filename, entry, entry_len, RDV40_SPIFFS_SAFETY_SAFE); } } static void save_pwds(uint32_t *pwdlist, size_t no_pwd) { uint8_t entry[10] = {0}; if (no_pwd > 0) { Dbprintf(""); for (int i = 0; i < no_pwd; i++) { sprintf((char *)entry, "%08"PRIx32"\n", pwdlist[i]); append(LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_SIM, entry, strlen((char *)entry)); Dbprintf("received password: %08"PRIx32"", pwdlist[i]); } } } void ModInfo(void) { DbpString(_YELLOW_(" LF EM4x50 sim/collector mode") " - a.k.a tharexde"); } void RunMod(void) { bool state_change = true, read_ok = false; int no_words = 0, command = 0, no_pwd = 0; uint8_t entry[400], state = STATE_SIM; uint32_t tag[EM4X50_NO_WORDS] = {0x0}, pwdlist[MAX_NO_PWDS_TO_SAVE]; rdv40_spiffs_lazy_mount(); StandAloneMode(); Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("Standalone mode THAREXDE started")); for (;;) { WDT_HIT(); if (data_available()) { break; } // press button - toggle between SIM and READ // hold button - exit int button_pressed = BUTTON_CLICKED(1000); if (button_pressed == BUTTON_SINGLE_CLICK) { switch (state) { case STATE_SIM: // save and display passwords save_pwds(pwdlist, no_pwd); state = STATE_READ; break; case STATE_READ: state = STATE_SIM; break; default: break; } state_change = true; } else if (button_pressed == BUTTON_HOLD) { break; } if (state == STATE_SIM) { if (state_change) { // initialize simulation mode LEDsoff(); LED_A_ON(); Dbprintf(""); Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("switched to EM4x50 simulating mode")); read_ok = get_input_data_from_file(tag, LF_EM4X50_INPUTFILE_SIM); if (read_ok) { Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("tag data ok")); } else { Dbprintf(_RED_("error in tag data")); LoadDataInstructions(LF_EM4X50_INPUTFILE_SIM); } LED_D_OFF(); gLogin = false; gPassword = reflect32(tag[0]); gWritePasswordProcess = false; command = EM4X50_COMMAND_STANDARD_READ; no_pwd = 0; memset(pwdlist, 0, sizeof(pwdlist)); em4x50_setup_sim(); state_change = false; } // if no data or read error -> blink if (read_ok == false) { LED(LED_A, 200); SpinDelay(200); } em4x50_handle_commands(&command, tag); // check if new password was found if (gPassword != reflect32(tag[EM4X50_DEVICE_PASSWORD])) { if (no_pwd < MAX_NO_PWDS_TO_SAVE) { pwdlist[no_pwd] = gPassword; no_pwd++; } gPassword = reflect32(tag[EM4X50_DEVICE_PASSWORD]); } // if timeout (e.g. no reader field) continue with standard read // mode and reset former authentication if (command == PM3_ETIMEOUT) { command = EM4X50_COMMAND_STANDARD_READ; gLogin = false; LED_D_OFF(); } } else if (state == STATE_READ) { if (state_change) { // initialize read mode LEDsoff(); LED_B_ON(); Dbprintf(""); Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("switched to EM4x50 reading mode")); em4x50_setup_read(); state_change = false; } no_words = 0; memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag)); standard_read(&no_words, tag); if (no_words > 0) { memset(entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); sprintf((char *)entry, "found EM4x50 tag:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < no_words; i++) { sprintf((char *)entry + strlen((char *)entry), "%08"PRIx32"\n", tag[i]); } Dbprintf("%s", entry); sprintf((char *)entry + strlen((char *)entry), "\n"); append(LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_COLLECT, entry, strlen((char *)entry)); } } // reset timer AT91C_BASE_TC1->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; // re-enable timer and wait for TC0 AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_RC = 0; // set TIOA (carry bit) on overflow, return to zero AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_RA = 1; // clear carry bit on next clock cycle AT91C_BASE_TC0->TC_CCR = AT91C_TC_CLKEN | AT91C_TC_SWTRG; // reset and re-enable timer } if (state == STATE_READ) { DownloadLogInstructions(LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_COLLECT); } else { // save and display passwords save_pwds(pwdlist, no_pwd); DownloadLogInstructions(LF_EM4X50_LOGFILE_SIM); } LED_D_ON(); rdv40_spiffs_lazy_unmount(); LED_D_OFF(); FpgaWriteConfWord(FPGA_MAJOR_MODE_OFF); LEDsoff(); Dbprintf(""); Dbprintf(_YELLOW_("[=] Standalone mode THAREXDE stopped")); }